Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria


Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria

Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria

Table of Criteria


Evaluation Criteria


Multiple Contracts

Technical Criteria

Economic Criteria

Margin of Preference

Qualification Criteria

Financial Criteria

Experience Criteria

Supply Capacity

Litigation History

“Bidding Document for the Procurement of Goods for Transformer”

Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 3-2

Evaluation Criteria


Minor Omissions or Missing items


The cost of minor omissions or missing items in the scope of supply, services, etc. shall be added to the Bid Price to allow for Bid comparison on an equal basis. Pursuant to Sub-Clause 31.3 of the Instructions to Bidders, the cost of all quantifiable nonmaterial nonconformities or omissions from the contractual and commercial conditions shall be evaluated. The Purchaser will make the price adjustment of the cost of any nonmaterial nonconformities and omission equal to the highest price quoted for the same item by the other Bidders for the purpose of ensuring fair comparison of bids .

Bidders are required to include the costs for local handling and inla nd transportation, insurance, and other incidental costs for delivery of the goods from the EXW premises, or port of entry, or border point to Project Site as defined in Section VI, Schedule of Supply, shall be quoted in the price schedule for related services to be offered from outside and within the purchaser’s country provided in Section IV, Bidding Forms. These costs will be taken into account during bid evaluation. If a Bidder fails to include such costs in their Bid, then these costs will be estimated by the Purchaser on the maximum price quoted for the same, by the other bidders for the purpose of ensuring fair comparison of bids and add to bid price.


Multiple Contracts

Goods are grouped in lots and pursuant to sub. Clause 36.6 of the instruction to bidders, the purchaser will evaluate and compare bids on the basis of a lot or a combination of lots, or as a total of lots in order to arrive at the least cost combination for the purchaser by taking into account, discounts offered by the bidders in case of award of multiple contracts.

If a bidder submits successful bids for multiple lots (lowest evaluated substantially responsive bids), the evaluation will also include a n assessment of such bidder’s capacity to meet the aggregated qualifying requireme nts relating to Average Annual Turnover, Production Capacity, and financial



Technical Criteria

The minimum technical level for the Goods and Related Services shall be as per Volume-II, technical specifications and section VI, s chedule of supply of volume-I.

Deviation from the technical specification as specified in Volume II shall not be permitted. Bids deviating from the required technical specification will be rejected.

“Bidding Document for the Procurement of Goods for Transformer”

Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 3-3


Economic Criteria

: a) Adjustment for deviation from the terms of payme nt : b) c)

Deviation from the terms of payment as specified in special condition of contract shall not be permitted. Bids deviating from the required terms of payment will be rejected.

Adjustment for deviation in the delivery and completion schedule :

Deviation from the delivery and completion schedule as specified in section VI, schedule of supply shall not be permitted. No credit will be given for earlier completion. Bids deviating from the required delivery and completion schedule will be rejected.

Spares parts, Special Tools, Special Maintenance equipments , major assemblies and selected components

The list of items and quantities of Spares parts, Special Tools, Special

Maintenance equipments , major assemblies and selected components, likely to b e required during initial period (for at least three years) of operation as per schedule A in Section VI(Schedule of

Supply). The total cost of these items for each lot are inclusive in the cost of Goods, no additional cost paid for this spares.

Supplier recommended spare parts, special maintenance equipments and tools for a specified operating requirement shall not be considered in bid evaluation.


Capitalization of Transformer Losses:

The transformers are to be designed with minimum permissible loss es as specified in the Volume-II, technical specifications .

5.1 The quoted losses shall be considered as maximum, without any positive tolerance. The bidders are, however, at liberty to quote the guaranteed losses. The evaluation of the offer shall be done on basis of maximum guaranteed loss (offered by the bidder) .

In case of any order, if the figure/s of losses during test are found, higher than the figures guaranteed for maximum losses without any positive tolerance on individual components of losses, the transformer will, at the option of the purchaser / owner be rejected, or accepted with the reduction in prices as under. The measurement of losses shall be carried out with 3 (Three) Watt meter method only and CTs, PTs and meters used for these measurement s shall be of class of accuracy of 0.2.

“Bidding Document for the Procurement of Goods for Transformer”

Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 3-4

However, no weight age shall be given for supply of transformer, with losses (measured during routine tests) less than the guaranteed losses.

5.2 For the purpose of evaluation of bids, the quoted losses shall be compare d for all the bidders of particular tender.

For the purpose of comparison of bids, the best parameter of loss quoted for

Transformer / Shunt Reactor by any bidder, shall be taken as basis and the quoted prices of other bidders shall be brought at par by l oading for the losses at the rate of Rs.50,000(Fifty Thousand) /K.W. loss differential for shunt reactor and for transformer as per the formula mentioned below . Any change in the figures assigned to Transformer / reactor losses will not be permitted after opening of the bids and bid evaluation will be carried out on the basis of information made available at the time of bid opening.

The following formula adopted by the Purchaser for working out comparable costs with difference in prices and losses is:

Capitalized cost of transformer = IC + 1,60,000 Wi + 70,000 Wc + 60,000 Wp

Where, IC = Cost of Transformer; Wi = Iron losses in KW; Wc= Copper losses in KW; Wp = Auxiliary loss in KW.

5.3 Penalty for higher losses :

If the transformer losses measured during routine tests are found to be higher than the declared guaranteed losses, the option shall be solely at the discretion of the purchaser, either to reject or to accept with the reduction in price as under

For Iron loss = Rs. 1,60,000 (Hundred and Sixty Thousa nd)/- per KW

For Copper loss = Rs. 70,000 (Seventy Thousand)/- per KW

For Auxiliary loss = Rs. 60,000 (Sixty Thousand)/- per kW

However, no additional payment shall be given for losses measured less than the declared guaranteed losses during routine tests.


Type Test & Special Test:

The bidder shall submit the required type test report as per Vol. II Technical

Specification and specified in IS: 2026 (amended up to date) or equivalent

International standards like IEC,IEEE etc shall be submitted for the offered type rating of transformer, invariably with the technical bid. Bid without type test reports will not be considered for evaluation. The type test reports shall not be older than FIVE years and shall be valid up to expiry of validity of offer.

However, the type test report for higher class/rating can be accepted for scrutiny of technical bid but the same test/s shall have to be carried out on the

“Bidding Document for the Procurement of Goods for Transformer”

Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 3-5 offered class/rating transformer. Bidder shall invariably confi rm to carry out the required type test/s, special tests, before commencement of supply, without affecting delivery schedule, free of cost, at any government approved laboratory / reputed laboratory in bidders home country in presence of purchaser’s representative, in the event of contract award.

For any change in design / type already type tested / tested for special test and the design / type offered against this bid, the purchaser reserve the right to demand repetition of some or all type test and specia l test (as per requirement in technical specification Vol. II ) without any extra cost on the first or any one unit of any rating.


Erection, Testing and Commissioning of Transformer and


It is desired that for each transformer the cost of Erection, testing and commissioning related service should not be included in the offered EXW/CIF cost of transformer and the same should be offered separately as per format of price schedule of related service in Section IV, Bidding forms.

It has to be noted by bidder that for the purpose of proper erection of equipment and successful commissioning, it is essential that service for

Erection, Testing and commissioning are made available. In case these services are not offered, the bid will be treated as non responsive.

“Bidding Document for the Procurement of Goods for Transformer”

Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 3-6

Qualification Criteria

When any bidder quotes for more than one LOT, then qualification criteria should be sum of each lot quoted by bidder.

1. Financial criteria


The bidder shall submit Statements of Accounts for the last three years, duly certified by independent / appropriate authority in the Bidders country.

The bidder shall include data and information in its bid showing that the bidder:

For LOT I:

The bidder shall have average annual turnover Rs. 19,77,12,000/-

(197.71 Million) or equivalent amount in US$ over last three years preceding to the deadline for bid submission.


The bidder shall have average annual turnover Rs. 19,77,12,000/-

(197.71 Million) or equivalent amount in US$ over last three yea rs preceding to the deadline for bid submission.


The bidder shall have average annual turnover Rs. 24,18,72,000/-

(241.87 Million) or equivalent amount in US$ over last three years preceding to the deadline for bid submission.


The bidder shall have average annual turnover Rs. 8,04,48,000/- (80.45

Million) or equivalent amount in US$ over last three years preceding to the deadline for bid submission

Note: a. The rate should be the rate of exchange prevailing at the end of each year. The source of exchange rate shall be Telegraphic

Transfer Selling Rate of State Bank of India, India.

b. In the case of a joint venture Bidder, all partner combined must meet the required amount, one partner must meet 40% of the required amount, and al l other partner(s) must meet 25% of the required amount.

“Bidding Document for the Procurement of Goods for Transformer”

Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 3-7


Cash Flow Capacity:

The Bidder shall submit the certificate , which demonstrates availability of financial resources such as liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and othe r financial means to meet the following cash flow requirement. This certificate will be of Charted Accountant for Bidder’s within Purchaser country and appropriate authority for Bidder’s outside the

Purchaser’s Country .

Lot I: Rs. 16,50,00,000/- (165 million) or equivalent amount in US Dollars

Lot II: Rs. 16,50,00,000/- (165 million) or equivalent amount in US Dollars

Lot III: Rs. 20,00,00,000/- (200 million) or equivalent amount in US Dollars

Lot IV: Rs. 6,70,00,000/- (67 million) or equivalent amount in US Dollars


1. The applicable exchange rate on date of date 28 days prior to date set for the deadline for bid submission as indicated in the ITB 24.1

of BDS. The source of exchange rate shall be Telegraphic Transfer

Selling Rate of State Bank o f India, India.

2. In the case of a Joint Venture Bidder, all partners combined must meet the required amount, one partner must meet 40% of the required amount, and all other partner(s) must meet 25% of the required amount.

2. Contractual Experience

The Bidder must have successfully completed a main supplier within the last five years at least two contracts for the supply of similar Goods, with each of the two contracts with a value of at least Rs. 16,50,00,000.00 (165 million) for Lot I, Rs. 16,50,00,000.00 (165 Million) for Lot II, Rs. 20,00,00,000.00

(200 Million) for Lot III and Rs. 6,70,00,000.00 (67 Million) for Lot IV.

In the case of a joint venture Bidder, lead partner must meet the requirement.

In case the bidder is not manufacturer, but onl y a duly authorized representative of the manufacturer, the experience requirement as indicated above must be complied by the manufacturer being duly represented.

Otherwise, bid will reject.

The above details are to be submitted in following format ,












“Bidding Document for the Procurement of Goods for Transformer”

Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria

TO No. &








1. The applicable exchange rate on date of date 28 days prior to date set for the deadline for bid subm ission as indicated in the ITB 24.1

of BDS. The source of exchange rate shall be Telegraphic Transfer

Selling Rate of State Bank of India, India.

3. Production Capacity

The manufacturer of the Goods offered to be supplied by the Bidder must have the following manufacturing capacity,

Lot No.

Particulars Total Bid

Quantity (Nos.)

Minimum manufacturing capacity


20 Lot I

Lot II


Lot IV

220 / 66 KV, 100 MVA Power


220 / 66 KV, 100 MVA Power


400 / 220 KV, 315 MVA Auto


400 KV, 125 MVAR Bus reactor








The bidder should submit the documentary evidence indicating the manufacturing capacity of the Goods offered. This Document should be a

Certificate of Manufacturing capacity issued by the a ppropriate authority in the

Manufacturer’s Country.

In case the bidder is not manufacturer, but only a duly authorized representative of the manufacturer, the supply capacity criteria as provided above must be complied with by the manufacturer being duly represented. Otherwise, the bid will be rejected.

In the case of a joint venture Bidder, all partner combined must meet the required amount, one partner must meet 40% of the required amount, and all other partner(s) must meet 25% of the required amount.

4. Erection, Testing and Commissioning of Transformer and


“Bidding Document for the Procurement of Goods for Transformer”

Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 3-9

Qualification requirement, Tools, tackles, and process as specified in Appendix

–B of Technical Specification Vol. -II.

5. Pending Litigation

All pending claims, arbitration or other lit igation against the bidder shall represent not more than fifty percent (50%) of the Bidder’s net worth (net worth is the difference between total assets and total liabilities.)

“Bidding Document for the Procurement of Goods for Transformer”
