Cutting-Edge Technology Behind Military Capabilities

At four years, he was playing computer
games and was exploring Microsoft Disc
Operating commands. ‘I guess these early
interactions with the computer might have
sparked my interest for computing,’ chuckled
Alvin, who is currently studying for a Master’s
degree in Computer Science at Georgia Institute of Technology.
Alvin was drawn to the DSTA Scholarship
because he came to appreciate the importance of defence technology to Singapore’s
peace and progress through his time in
National Service. ‘Defence technology allows our military forces to stay competitive
despite our limited resources,’ he explained.
‘If I can contribute to that, I will.’
DSTA Scholarship
Alvin Khong Farn
Age: 25
Now: Pursuing Master’s in
Computer Science, jointly offered
by NTU and Georgia Institute of
From: Nanyang Polytechnic
Cutting-Edge Technology
Behind Military Capabilities
Alvin was an officer in the army and was
involved in designing and implementing
software to improve his unit’s work processes
– a role which brought him into regular
contact with DSTA engineers who were
developing the software. He found that their
work in science and engineering is what
he is passionate about. It was from these
experiences, that Alvin was encouraged to
take up the DSTA Scholarship.
A World Of Opportunities
As a DSTA scholar, Alvin has had many
opportunities to learn beyond his tertiary
studies. He had an internship with DSTA’s
InfoComm Infrastructure Programme Centre
where he had hands-on opportunities to develop cyber defence tools and software.
‘The work I was exposed to covered
many advanced computing topics not
covered in school. The biggest takeaway
was realising how much more there was
to learn and being able to learn from
experienced engineers in the department,’
Alvin said.
In addition, Alvin took part in DSTA’s
Global Internship Programme, which offers
DSTA scholars the unique and rewarding
internship opportunity to learn and work
alongside engineers in top multinational
companies. He worked at Rolls-Royce’s
Advanced Technology Centre in Singapore,
dealing with big data analytics. ‘I got
to apply machine learning techniques
acquired in school on actual real-world
problems,’ he said.
“Alvin took part in
DSTA’s Global Internship
Programme, which offers
unique and rewarding
internship opportunities
in top multinational
Besides laying the foundation for
technical skills, the DSTA Scholarship has
also enriched Alvin with life skills and
memorable adventures. ‘I remember celebrating Thanksgiving with friends from
Georgia Tech. We hiked up a mountain in
the middle of an unexpectedly cold winter
night to catch the sunrise from the peak of
the mountain,’ Alvin recalled fondly. ‘Experiencing the different cultures, I learnt that
we need to keep an open mind and not be
afraid to admit our mistakes and ignorance.’
Alvin is eager to begin work at DSTA after his graduation in May 2015 because of
the many exciting projects DSTA oversees.
His personal to-do list is extensive. Amongst
other goals, he hopes to apply big data in
the battlefield and wants to see Brain Computer Interface systems integrated within
our military systems.
‘In this era of technology, I believe that it
is not about size. It is about the fast beating
the slow,’ he explained. ‘The advancement
in computer science has the potential to
help a small country like Singapore achieve
a global competitive edge.’
He is also keen to build his skills in managing engineering projects. ‘To me, project
management is both an art and a science
that requires a wide spectrum of qualities.
As a project manager, one gets to affect
every aspect of a project,’ Alvin said.
Alvin hopes to bring
the use of big data and
Brain Computer Interface
systems into our defence.
Working Hard
Before he entered Nanyang Polytechnic, Alvin’s mother was hospitalised by
thyroid disease and his family of five became dependant on his father. “During
this difficult period, I worked at a restaurant to supplement the family income,” he
said. Alvin had not paid much attention
to his studies in his earlier years, but these
events made him realise how vulnerable
he was and how important further education is. He started to study diligently and
his hard work earned him the Lee Kuan
Yew Award for Mathematics and Science in
2008, following his outstanding academic
achievements in polytechnic.
‘I believe that achieving success is a
combination of hard work, talent and luck.
As we don’t have a say in either luck or
talent, we should work hard. Effort is the
only variable we can alter,’ said the Chinese
philosophy buff.
Alvin also feels that scholars need
to place public interests above self. ‘A
scholarship should not be thought of as
free education or a title,’ he said. ‘A scholarship is a commitment to serve, contribute
and lead in the organisation you represent
- by working hard, of course.’ o