Problem 1 - Finite differences Table of Contents Defining test functions and a reference point ........................................................................... 1 Approximate by FD methods .................................................................................. 2 Approximation order and ............................................................................. Exercise 1.1: validate other approximations ............................................................................. Round-off error ................................................................................................................... Exercise 1.2: Second order derivatives .................................................................................... 3 4 6 9 In this problem we will perform a convergence study of forward, backward and central difference schemes with a trigonometrical function. We will introduce the approximation order of truncation error, and the round-off error of floating-point machines. by Alfonso Rodriguez-Molares ( 27.04.2015 Defining test functions and a reference point To test the performance of the three FD schemes we define an arbitrary trigonometric function, , and some of its derivatives which are, , , , f = inline('cos(2*pi*x)+sin(4*pi*x+0.25)'); df= inline('-sin(2*pi*x)*2*pi+cos(4*pi*x+0.25)*4*pi'); ddf= inline('-cos(2*pi*x)*(2*pi)^2-sin(4*pi*x+0.25)*(4*pi).^2'); dddf= inline('sin(2*pi*x)*(2*pi)^3-cos(4*pi*x+0.25)*(4*pi).^3'); We define the point in which the derivative will be calculated x0=0.58; Let us plot the function and the derivative at x=linspace(0,1,100); figure; 1 Problem 1 - Finite differences plot(x,f(x)); hold on; grid on; plot(x0,f(x0),'ro'); plot(x0+[-1 1],f(x0)+df(x0)*[-1 1],'r--'); axis([0 1 min(f(x)) max(f(x))]); xlabel('x'); ylabel('f(x)'); legend('f(x)','x0','df(x0)'); set(gca,'FontSize', 12); Approximate by FD methods Now we apply the forward, backward and central difference schemes to approximate must select a step value . First we , but instead of doing it for a single value we will check how the error depends on the step size. Because of that, we define as a vector h=logspace(-2,-5,50); And we apply the forward, backward and central difference formulae to FD=(f(x0+h)-f(x0))./h; BD=(f(x0)-f(x0-h))./h; CD=(f(x0+h)-f(x0-h))/2./h; % forward difference % backward difference % central difference The absolute error of each approximation is simply calculated as 2 Problem 1 - Finite differences error_FD=abs(FD-df(x0)); error_BD=abs(BD-df(x0)); error_CD=abs(CD-df(x0)); which we can plot by figure; loglog(h,error_FD,'b.-'); hold on; grid on; loglog(h,error_BD,'ro--'); loglog(h,error_CD,'gs-'); legend('Forward difference','Backward difference','Central difference','Location',' xlabel('h'); ylabel('Absolute Error'); set(gca,'FontSize', 12); Approximation order and By looking at the previous plot it seems obvious that the central difference scheme converges faster than the other two. In addition, if we plot the functions of FD and BD is the same as and we then realize that the convergence slope , whilst CD has the same convergence slope as figure; loglog(h,error_FD,'b.-'); hold on; grid on; loglog(h,error_BD,'ro--'); loglog(h,error_CD,'gs-'); 3 . Problem 1 - Finite differences loglog(h,(abs(ddf(x0))/2).*h,'k--','linewidth',2); loglog(h,(abs(dddf(x0))/6).*h.^2,'k:','linewidth',2); legend('Forward difference','Backward difference','Central difference','|1/2 df^2(x xlabel('h'); ylabel('Absolute Error'); set(gca,'FontSize', 12); This convergence slope is referred to as the approximation order and is often written together with the schemes as Forward difference: Backward difference: Central difference: Exercise 1.1: validate other approximations Implement the following FD schemes and perform a convergence study. Estimate the order of the local truncation error for each formula. 4 Problem 1 - Finite differences a) b) c) d) We implement the schemes A=(-f(x0+2*h)+4*f(x0+h)-3*f(x0))/2./h; B=(f(x0+2*h)+f(x0+h)-f(x0)-f(x0-h))./h/4; C=(2*f(x0+h)+3*f(x0)-6*f(x0-h)+f(x0-2*h))/6./h; D=(-f(x0+2*h)+8*f(x0+h)-8*f(x0-h)+f(x0-2*h))/12./h; and plot the error directly figure; loglog(h,abs(A-df(x0)),'m^-'); hold on; grid on; loglog(h,abs(B-df(x0)),'gs-'); loglog(h,abs(C-df(x0)),'b.-'); loglog(h,abs(D-df(x0)),'ro-'); loglog(h,(abs(ddf(x0))/2)*h,'k--'); text(h(25),5*100*h(25),'O(h)','FontSize',12); loglog(h,(abs(dddf(x0))/3)*h.^2,'k--'); text(h(25),20*200*h(25).^2,'O(h^2)','FontSi loglog(h,2000*h.^3,'k--'); text(h(25),40*2000*h(25).^3,'O(h^3)','FontSize',12); loglog(h,3000*h.^4,'k--'); text(h(25),60*3000*h(25).^4,'O(h^4)','FontSize',12); legend('scheme a)','scheme b)','scheme c)','scheme d)','Location','southeast'); axis([1e-5 1e-2 1e-15 1]); xlabel('h'); ylabel('Absolute Error'); set(gca,'FontSize', 12); 5 Problem 1 - Finite differences Round-off error Even if you got the order right something went definitely wrong with last exercise. At a certain point the methods with and start to go nuts! Why is the whole universe against me??!! Perhaps we can get a hint of what is going on if we step back a little. Let us go back to the FD, BD and CD schemes, but this time let us increase the range of the convergence study % new vector with increase range h=logspace(-2,-16,100); % calculate approximations FD=(f(x0+h)-f(x0))./h; % forward difference BD=(f(x0)-f(x0-h))./h; % backward difference CD=(f(x0+h)-f(x0-h))/2./h; % central difference % calculate error error_FD=abs(FD-df(x0)); error_BD=abs(BD-df(x0)); error_CD=abs(CD-df(x0)); % and plot figure; loglog(h,error_FD,'b.-'); hold on; axis tight; grid on; loglog(h,error_BD,'ro--'); loglog(h,error_CD,'gs-'); legend('Forward difference','Backward difference','Central difference','Location',' xlabel('h'); 6 Problem 1 - Finite differences ylabel('Absolute Error'); set(gca,'FontSize', 12); Ok, so it is not just and that suffer from that weird artifact, also and but for smaller . Interestingly enough the increasing error of the three methods seems to align. It almost seems there is a limit beyond which we cannot get more precision. Ok. :| I know it is in the section title. That is limit set by the quantization or round-off error of your machine. Even floating-point machines cannot represent all real number perfectly and hence there would be a very small error between the number you want and the number stored in the computer memory. Matlab allows us to check how much that error is with the function eps. For instance, the representation error of the number 5 is eps(5) ans = 8.8818e-16 Not a big quantity, but small uncertainties can have significant effects in division operations, specially if the handled quantities are very small. Making use of function eps we can apply the theory for uncertainty propagation and calculate what would be the uncertainty of the estimation of the three methods FD, BD and CD 7 Problem 1 - Finite differences % FD numerator_rel_error=(eps(f(x0))+eps(f(x0+h)))./abs(f(x0+h)-f(x0)); denominator_rel_error=eps(h)./h; FD_roundoff_error=FD.*(numerator_rel_error+numerator_rel_error); % BD numerator_rel_error=(eps(f(x0))+eps(f(x0-h)))./abs(f(x0)-f(x0-h)); denominator_rel_error=eps(h)./h; BD_roundoff_error=BD.*(numerator_rel_error+numerator_rel_error); % CD numerator_rel_error=(eps(f(x0+h))+eps(f(x0-h)))./abs(f(x0+h)-f(x0-h)); denominator_rel_error=eps(h)./h; CD_roundoff_error=CD.*(numerator_rel_error+numerator_rel_error); % and plot figure; loglog(h,error_FD,'b.-'); hold on; axis tight; grid on; loglog(h,FD_roundoff_error,'b--'); loglog(h,error_BD,'ro-'); loglog(h,BD_roundoff_error,'r--'); loglog(h,error_CD,'gs-'); loglog(h,CD_roundoff_error,'g--'); legend('FD total error','FD round-off error','BD total error','BD round-off error', xlabel('h'); ylabel('Absolute Error'); set(gca,'FontSize', 12); 8 Problem 1 - Finite differences Exercise 1.2: Second order derivatives Just with single derivatives we wont get very far in the realm of wave propagation. Let us introduce the following FD approximations for the second order derivative Forward: Backward: Central: Central ( And let us perform a convergence study to validate those. We start by selecting a propor ): vector h=logspace(-2,-4,50); We implement the FD approximations FDxx=(f(x0+2*h)-2*f(x0+h)+f(x0))./h.^2; BDxx=(f(x0)-2*f(x0-h)+f(x0-2*h))./h.^2; CDxx=(f(x0+h)-2*f(x0)+f(x0-h))./h.^2; CDxxO4=(-f(x0+2*h)+16*f(x0+h)-30*f(x0)+16*f(x0-h)-f(x0-2*h))./h.^2/12; and we plot the error figure; loglog(h,abs(FDxx-ddf(x0)),'b.-'); hold on; axis tight; grid on; loglog(h,abs(BDxx-ddf(x0)),'rs-'); loglog(h,abs(CDxx-ddf(x0)),'g^-'); loglog(h,abs(CDxxO4-ddf(x0)),'mo--'); loglog(h,8e2*h,'k--'); loglog(h,2e3*h.^2,'k--'); loglog(h,4e4*h.^4,'k--'); legend('FD','BD','CD','CD h^4','O(h)','O(h^2)','O(h^4)','Location','southeast'); xlabel('h'); ylabel('Absolute Error'); set(gca,'FontSize', 12); 9 Problem 1 - Finite differences Published with MATLAB® R2014b 10