Free Trade. Sustainable Trade

FTA Over 30 years of success
FTA has been involved in all WTO Ministerial Conferences and
relevant trade negotiations.
FTA has integrated sustainability into its core business and
thus better addresses the new challenges of globalisation.
“FTA has built up an impressive reputation and
network that has allowed the association to be a key
player in trade talks and regulatory policy, which we
could not achieve acting on our own.”
“The German Business Ethnics Network (DNWE) has
awarded BSCI for having taken a leading role in
providing a solution for companies to respond to a key
challenge in business ethnics...BSCI and its members
have decided to go this challenging path, which
deserves support and acknowledgement.”
Nicolas Desfrennes Customs Department DECATHLON
Prof. Dr. Albert Lohr Chairman DNWE
BSCI is the only system of its kind for retailers and importers.
“BSCI is a great resource for companies struggling
with suppliers’ social responsibility in risk countries.
The BSCI Code of Conduct provides a framework that
we are gradually implementing across our supply
chain worldwide...BSCI is the only existing system for
social compliance that offers such a broad scope.”
Henrik Kirketerp Director DANSK SUPERMARKED
FTA is Europe’s premier association for trade policy and
global supply chains. It brings together hundreds of retailers,
importers, brand companies and national associations to
improve the legal framework for trading in a responsible way.
FTA works with key interlocutors in Brussels, Geneva, Member
States and supplier countries to represent its members’
interests, provide the latest information, offer expert advice
on international trade issues and provide unique platforms
to share best practices. By working together and taking a
common approach, our members can have a greater impact
than acting alone.
FTA has consistently helped its members to navigate complex
anti-dumping cases and has ensured a free flow of goods.
“FTA provides invaluable information concerning
the latest developments on trade policy and has offered
specific and tailored services regarding anti-dumping
issues that has been critical to our supply chain.”
Ernst Wolf Director of Import Strategy Non Food and Food
Foreign Trade Association
172, avenue de Cortenbergh
1000 - Brussels, Belgium
+32 2 762 05 51
Free Trade. Sustainable Trade
Foreign Trade Association (FTA)
Trade Policy
Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI)
FTA’s vision is for a world of free trade and sustainable supply
Promote the foreign trade interests of European and
international retailers and importers.
Influence the political and legislative process at
the earliest stage.
FTA developed BSCI as a platform for companies committed
to improving working conditions in the global supply chain. It
unites hundreds of companies around one common Code of
Conduct and supports them in their efforts to build an ethical
supply chain. We provide companies with a step-by-step,
development-orientated system applicable to the supply chain
of all consumer goods.
FTA represents retailers, importers and brand manufacturers
in the political arena and in public to promote and defend
free trade and supports their international business by
providing information and practical solutions. The Association
supports its members to improve sustainability in the
international supply chain.
We promote free trade and fight all kinds of protectionism at
national, European and international level.
We maintain a unique platform to share ideas, best practices
and define common policy and lobbying strategies
We provide insight enabling companies to make informed
business decisions.
The Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) offers a
unique and broad platform for improving working conditions
in the international supply chain.
Raise awareness about the implications of decisions and
policies taken at EU and international level (eg. WTO)
on international trade.
Provide timely, comprehensive and value added insight
to our members.
• Advise and advocate - FTA monitors and provides thorough
analysis of international trade policy issues and promotes
the principles of free and sustainable supply chains at the
national, European and international level. Furthermore,
FTA provides expert advice on technical and legal trade
• Committees, seminars and workshops - FTA provides
unique fora to exchange best practices and to develop
coordinated lobbying strategies through its committees,
workshops and seminars.
• Information resources - FTA ensures that its members have
the latest information as early as possible.
Trade liberalisation
Customs policy
WTO and bilateral trade
Customs legislation
Rules of origin
Market access
Intellectual Property Rights
Non-tariff barriers
Environment and
consumer affairs
BSCI offers a combination of audits, training and stakeholder
engagement programmes to detect and gradually correct
non-compliance at factories and farms.
BSCI achieves this through a systematic approach based on
supplier social compliance awareness and training, selfassessment, external auditing, the development of corrective
action plans and comprehensive implementation.
• Monitor - BSCI offers a wide range of professional auditing
tools to support the implementation of a credible social
compliance auditing system in the industry. Our database
offers over 20,000 audit reports, thus avoiding duplication
and saving our members’ time and money.
• Empower - BSCI provides workshops to support companies
and suppliers to meet BSCI’s Code of Conduct, which
is based on the most important ILO conventions on
workers’ rights.
• Engage - BSCI identifies common approaches and builds
partnerships with local and national actors to find solutions
to social compliance and supply chain management issues.
• Support - BSCI advises and informs companies on all aspects
of implementation and communication.