Application for Directed and Independent Studies in Biological Sciences

Application for Directed and Independent Studies in Biological Sciences
(you will be registered once your application is approved)
Semester and year: [ex., F15]
Student name:
e-mail address:
Class Standing [F, S, J, Se]:
Major (enrolment is not limited to BSCI majors, but prereqisites are enforced):
List all BSCI courses already completed and note any in progress:
Enter GPA for BSCI courses:
overall GPA:
Check desired course, and for 3861/3961 indicate the number of credit hours for which to be registered.
4 hours of lab work are expected per credit hour. BSCI 3850 may be taken for credit twice; 3861 may
only be taken once for credit; 3961 may be taken for credit more than once. Course Prerequisites. 3860:
1510 and 1511, 1510L and 1511L (1511, 1511L can be co-requisites). 3850: consent of coordinator.
3861: 1510 and 1511, 1510 and 1511L, 1 intermediate course or 3860. 3961: 3861, GPA >3.
__ BSCI 3860 1 hour (Research Internship)
__ BSCI 3850 1 hour (Independent Reading)
__ BSCI 3861 __ hours (Directed Research; choose from 2 to 4 hours)
__ BSCI 3961 __ hours (Independent Research; choose from 2 to 6 hours)
Title of Research or Reading Project:
Name and email address of Supervising Professor:
Name of Faculty Co-mentor (a BSCI faculty co-mentor is required if supervising professor is not in the
BSCI department):