Chapter 16 Diodes and Applications ISU EE C.Y. Lee Objectives Understand the basic structure of semiconductors and how they conduct current Describe the characteristics and biasing of a pn junction diode Describe the basic diode characteristics Analyze the operation of a half-wave rectifier and a full-wave rectifier Describe the operation of power supplies Understand the basic operation and describe some applications of special-purpose diodes ISU EE 2 C.Y. Lee Introduction to Semiconductors Two types of semiconductive materials are silicon and germanium (both have four valance electrons) Ge Si ISU EE 3 C.Y. Lee Introduction to Semiconductors When silicon and germanium atoms combine into molecules to form a solid material, they arrange themselves in a fixed pattern called a crystal – atoms within the crystal structure are held together by covalent bonds (atoms share valence electrons) ISU EE 4 C.Y. Lee Introduction to Semiconductors Recombination occurs when a conduction-band electron loses energy and falls back into a hole in the valence band When an electron jumps to the conduction band, a vacancy is left in the valence band within the crystal (called a hole) ISU EE 5 C.Y. Lee Introduction to Semiconductors In an intrinsic semiconductor, there are relatively few free electrons – pure semiconductive materials are neither good conductors nor good insulators ISU EE 6 C.Y. Lee Introduction to Semiconductors Intrinsic semiconductive materials must be modified by increasing the free electrons and holes to increase its conductivity and make it useful for electronic devices – by adding impurities (doping), n-type and p-type extrinsic semiconductive material can be produced ISU EE 7 C.Y. Lee The PN Junction Diode A diode consists of an n region and a p region separated by a pn junction – the n region has many conduction electrons – the p region has many holes ISU EE 8 C.Y. Lee The PN Junction Diode Forward bias is the condition that permits current through a diode I ISU EE 9 C.Y. Lee The PN Junction Diode Reverse bias is the condition that prevent current through the diode If the external reverse-bias voltage is increased to a large enough value, reverse breakdown occurs I≈0 ISU EE 10 C.Y. Lee Diode Characteristics ISU EE 11 C.Y. Lee Diode Characteristics The “arrowhead” in the diode symbol points in the direction opposite the electron flow I ISU EE 12 C.Y. Lee Diode Characteristics The simplest way to visualize diode operation is to think of it as a switch ISU EE 13 C.Y. Lee Typical Diode Package ISU EE 14 C.Y. Lee Diode Rectifiers A diode is connected to an ac source that provides the input voltage, Vin, and to a load resistor, RL, forming a half-wave rectifier – on the positive halfcycle, the diode is forward biased ISU EE 15 C.Y. Lee Diode Rectifiers The average value of a half-wave output voltage is the value you would measure on a dc voltmeter V AVG = ISU EE V p ( out ) π 16 C.Y. Lee Diode Rectifiers Peak inverse voltage (PIV) is the maximum value of reverse voltage that a diode can withstand ISU EE 17 C.Y. Lee Diode Rectifiers A full-wave rectifier allows unidirectional current to the load during the entire input cycle The average value for a full-wave rectifier output voltage is twice that of the half-wave rectifier V AVG = ISU EE 2V p ( out ) π 18 C.Y. Lee Diode Rectifiers Example: Find the average value of the full-wave rectified output voltage VAVG = (2)(15V)/π = 9.55 V ISU EE 19 C.Y. Lee Diode Rectifiers The full-wave bridge rectifier uses four diodes ISU EE 20 C.Y. Lee Diode Rectifiers For the full-wave bridge rectifier, the output voltage is a full-wave rectified voltage with a peak value equal to the peak secondary voltage The PIV of the diodes must equal the peak secondary voltage: PIV = VP(out) ISU EE 21 C.Y. Lee Diode Rectifiers Example: Determine the peak output voltage for the bridge rectifier and what minimum PIV rating is required for the diodes? Vp(out) = Vp(sec) = nVp(in) = (1)(25V) = 25 V PIV = Vp(out) = 25 V ISU EE 22 C.Y. Lee Power Supplies The dc power supply converts the standard 110 V, 60 Hz ac available at the wall outlets into a constant dc voltage ISU EE 23 C.Y. Lee Power Supplies Operation of a half-wave rectifier with a capacitor-input filter: ISU EE 24 C.Y. Lee 直流式去顫動電擊器 低交流電壓經變壓器轉為高交流電壓,再經半波整流電路 轉為直流脈動電壓。直流脈動電壓向電容器充電後,再觸 發向心臟放電,放電脈衝為一約10ms之2kV正脈衝電壓。 - + + - 直流式去顫動電擊器電路示意圖 ISU EE 25 電流流經心臟的方式 C.Y. Lee Power Supplies For a given input frequency, ripple voltage for a full-wave rectifier will be less than that for a half-wave rectifier ISU EE 26 C.Y. Lee Power Supplies The ripple factor (r) is an indication of the effectiveness of the filter ⎛ Vr ⎞ ⎟⎟ ×100% r = ⎜⎜ ⎝ VDC ⎠ The lower the ripple factor, the better the filter factor can be decreased by increasing the value of the filter capacitor ISU EE 27 C.Y. Lee Power Supplies An integrated circuit regulator (three-terminal regulator) is a device that is connected to the output of a filtered rectifier and maintains a constant output voltage despite changes in the input voltage or the load current ISU EE 28 C.Y. Lee Power Supplies Typical metal and plastic package for IC regulators ISU EE 29 C.Y. Lee Power Supplies A basic +5.0 V regulated power supply: ISU EE 30 C.Y. Lee Special Purpose Diodes The zener diode is used to provide an output reference voltage that is stable despite changes in input voltage IZ ISU EE VZ 31 C.Y. Lee Special Purpose Diodes The light-emitting diode (LED) – Since the electrons in the conduction band are at a higher energy level than the holes in the valence band, when recombination takes place, energy is released in the form of light I = (VS –VF )/R VS ISU EE 32 C.Y. Lee 血流脈動量測 將手指放置於發光二極體與光敏電阻之間,當微血管 內的血液密度隨著心臟脈動而同步改變時,受光之光 敏電阻的輸出電壓也將隨著脈動而同步改變。 ISU EE 33 C.Y. Lee Summary The process of adding impurities to an intrinsic (pure) semiconductor to increase and control conductivity is called doping The depletion region is a region adjacent to the pn junction containing no majority carriers Forward bias permits majority carrier current through the diode Reverse bias prevents majority carrier current ISU EE 34 C.Y. Lee Summary The output voltage of a bridge rectifier equals the total secondary voltage The PIV is the maximum voltage appearing across the diode in reverse bias A capacitor-input filter provides a dc output approximately equal to the peak of the input Ripple voltage is caused by the charging and discharging of the filter capacitor ISU EE 35 C.Y. Lee Summary Regulation of output voltage over a range of input voltages is called input or line regulation The zener diode operates in reverse breakdown A zener diode maintains an essentially constant voltage across its terminals over a specified range of zener currents ISU EE 36 C.Y. Lee