1967, No. 8 251 . Current-limiting circuits for transistorized power supplies R. Gasser and R. Hug One of the areas of electronics in which valves have nearly completely been superseded by semi-conductors is that of stabilized d.c. power supply units. The very low internal resistance of these units makes it necessary to safeguard them against excessive current drain. In this paper the authors discuss the principles of the circuits used for this purpose. Introduetion In stabilized d.c. power supply equipment valves have nowadays almost completely been replaced by diodes and transistors. This has brought about a reduetion in size and in price of the apparatus involved. For this reason the fields of application for stabilized power supply units is continuously increasing. They are now used in places where batteries or unstabilized reetifiers were formerly employed. A well-stabilized power supply provides a d.c. voltage which is scarcely affected by variations of the mains voltage or ofthe load current. Stabilization againstload current variation implies that the units have very low internal resistance. Another requirement is that the output voltage should be independent of temperature. As several semiconductor parameters depend on temperature, special attention must be paid to this point in transistorized equipment. Circuit of a stabilized prwer supply The operation of a stabilized power supply has been previously discussed in Philips Technical Review by Klein and Zaal berg van ZeIst [11. The principles, which are those of a feed-back circuit, will be put in perspective with the aid of jig. 1. The unregulated voltage supply (which is nearly always a two phase rectifier) with e.m.f. U« and internal resistance Ri is connected to the output terminals a and b via the control transistor TrI. This transistor is driven by the amplifier A, which amplifies the difference between a fraction k of the output voltage UI and a fixed reference voltage U». The control transistor acts as a resistance in series with the load RI, the value of this series resistance being affected by the difference amplifier A. The sign of the amplification is such that an increase of UI causes an increase of the equivalent resistance of TrI. With a R. Gasser and R. Hug are with Philips A.G. Zürich. A Fig. I. Simplified diagram of a stabilized power supply unit. The unstabilized voltage supply with e.m.f. U« and internal resistance R; is connected to the output terminals a and b via the transistor TrI. TrI is controlled by the amplifier A, which amplifies the difference of a certain fraction k of the output voltage UI and a fixed reference voltage Uv. RI load resistance. ft load current. sufficiently large amplification of A the output voltage can be effectively stabilized in this way. This includes stabilization against variations caused by changes of the uncontrolled voltage U« as well as those originating from a changing load current Ir. The latter effect is often called regulation [11. As the internal resistance of a well-stabilized power supply is very low, the connection of a smallioad resistance brings about a very large current, possibly damaging the power supply as well as the circuits connected to it. As a means of proteetion a fuse can be used, but in many cases a heavy overload or even a shortcircuit may occur so suddenly that a fuse is too slow to prevent damage of the equipment. For this reason electronic circuits are incorporated in the power supply to prevent the current .from exceeding a certain limit. [1) See G. Klein and J. J. Zaalberg van Zeist, Combinations of valves and transistors in a stabilized 2000 V power supply, Philips tech. Rev. 25, ~81-190, 1963/64, G. Klein and J. J. Zaal berg van Zeist, Instrumental electronics, Philips Techni- ' cal Library 1967. PHILlPS 252 TECHNICAL These circuits act so quickly that no harm can be caused to any component. The design of these currentlimiting circuits forms the subject of this article. VOLUME28 REVIEW F u'n U, t Different protection methods For controlling a current-limiting circuit an indication is needed ofthe value ofthe load current. This can be obtained by connecting a small "resistance Rp in series with the load (jig. 2). The voltage across Rp controls the proteetion circuit P. When this voltage exceeds a certain value, P supplies a signal to one of the stages of the amplifier A. The control transistor is then affected in such a way that the required proteetion is obtained. The ways of operation of such proteetion circuits may differ considerably; we shall now deal with some of the usual methods. /. ,/ /' /' /' "/ /' /' /' /' /' /' /' /' 00 -1, I'm Fig. 3. Voltage-current characteristic of a stabilized power supply with cut-out protection. UI output voltage with nominal value Uin. fI output current with maximum value fIrn. When the fullload point F is exceeded the equipment is cut-out (dashed line). such as the one occurring when a capacitive load is connected, cuts offthe power supply. This disadvantage may be partly overcome by introducing a certain time delay in the cut-out process. Another disadvantage, which is not eliminated by a _--, time delay, is that the power supply unit cannot be I used to find out the cause of an overload; the equipI ! I ,il ment simply "refuses" to deliver a voltage to a load :UI! IR, I " resistance which is too small. I Lr' :tII I I I I I i Current limiting ~----------------------~~--~~-J L._._._j b &- Fig. 2. To safeguard the equipment against overload, a proteetion circuit P is included. This circuit is controlled by the voltage across a small resistance Rp in series with the load. The circuit P delivers the appropriate signal voltage to one of the stages of the amplifier to give the required proteetion against overload. The objections mentioned do not occur when a proteetion method is followed in which attainment of the maximum allowable current Iu« does not cut off the equipment. A decrease of the load resistance below the lowest permissible value (Uln/ Irrn) may cause the voltage tó be reduced in such a way that the current is kept at the value Iu« (fig. 4). With this system, however, an- Cut-out proteetion With the first system the exceeding of a certain value Iu« of the load current Ir causes the control transistor to be cut-off; the output voltage UI drops from the nominal value Uln to zero and so does the current. This is illustrated in jig. 3, which shows the voltagecurrent characteristic of an ideally stabilized power supply provided with the proteetion system mentioned. Mostly the operation takes place in such a way that the cut-out condition is only terminated after pushing a special button or after switching the equipment off and then on again. If the overloading is then still present, the cut-out comes into action again. In this way very effective proteetion may be obtained with a simple circuit. However, some objections to this method can be raised. It is often considered as inadmissible that a very shortlasting strong current pulse, u,n~----------------------------~F U, t °o~--------------------------~ _1, I'm Fig. 4. Proteetion by a pure current-limiting circuit. When the full-load point F is reached the current does not exceed the value IIn{. This entails however a heavy power loss in the control transistor. . 1967, No. 8 CURRENT-LIMITING other difficulty arises. The decrease of the output voltage brings about an increase of the voltage on the control transistor. The power dissipation in this transistor may reach a far greater"value than that occurring when the power supply is fully loaded (point F); if there is a short circuit of the terminals (Ul = 0), almost the whole nominal power is dissipated in the control transistor. This must be taken into account in the design of the equipment: it may be necessary to put two or more transistors in parallel and it may be necessary to fit large cooling fins to obtain sufficient cooling. The dimensions ofthe apparatus could be considerably increased in this way. CIRCUITS 253 If we denote the constant power loss in the control transistor TrI by P«, the equation for the curve FC in fig. 7 can be written in the following form (see also fig. 2): UI = Pir UU-J;-lJ(Ri + Rp). The slope of this curve at point Fis: dUI) ( dit = (Ptr)F _ (Ri F fJm2 + Rp), Power limiting in the control transistor Excessive power dissipation in the control transistor is prevented if a proteetion system is used in which a decrease of. the output voltage is accompanied by a decrease of the current in such a way that the power dissipation in the control transistor is kept constant, The relation between voltage and current is now given by a line similar to the one shown infig. 5. In this case no additional power losses in the control transistor need to be taken into account; when the power supply is overloaded, or even short-circuited, the dissipation in this transistor stays equal to the value at full load (point F). As no extra measures for cooling need to be taken, this may enable the designer to reduce the dimensions of the equipment. A more complicated circuit is however the price that must be paid. Another objection to this system is that jumps in the voltage and the current occur at the start and finish of the overload of the power supply. This is illustrated in fig. 6: When the load current has its maximum value (point F) even a small decrease of the load resistance makes the voltage and current jump to the values corresponding to point B. Further decrease of the load resistance is accompanied by a continuous fall of voltage and current till the short-circuit point C is reached. At a subsequent increase of the load resistance the voltage and current rise till point D is reached, and a jump to point E then occurs. The irregularities mentioned may be quite troublesome. It is possible to design the circuit in such a way that the voltage and current jumps do not occur. Obviously the voltage-current characteristic should then have a shape like that shown infig. 7: the straight line connecting F with the origin should not interseet the curved line Fe. However, a characteristic like this can only be realized in a device having a ratherlow efficiency. It can be shown that the efficiency (the ratio of the power delivered to the load to the power delivered by the uncontrolled supply (see figs. 1 and 2) is less' than 50 % if such a characteristic is used. °o~------L-------------------~ -II Fig. 5. Proteetion by a circuit which keeps the power loss in the control transistor at a constant value. UI i -II flm Fig. 6. With a constant power-loss system the operating point will jump from F to B and from D to E. C is the-short-circuit point. Fig. 7. With a characteristic like the one shown (Fe), no voltage and current jumps occur. This entails however a low efficiency of the power supply unit. PHILIPS TECHNICAL 254 (Ptr)F being the power loss in the transistor in fully loaded condition. Putting this slope equal to Uln/hm or larger, the yalue of this power loss is found as: (Ptr)F ~ Ulnhm + hm2(RI + Rp). The full-load efficiency of the power supply is: 17 = . Uln hrn Uln hm .- + (Ptr)F + hrn2(RI + Rp) .;::" - 2 (1 + VOLUME REVIEW 28 supply units act as constant current sources, no such objections can be raised to connecting several of them in parallel: the totalload current being properly distributed over the supply units in this case. -=--:-~ Ri + Rp) , RIn with RIn = Uln/hm. Obviously 1'/ is always less than t. This low value of 1'/ also applies when the power supply is not fully loaded, the efficiency being equal to Uud U«- Utnl-----------------t-f F I iLlUI I I _t Combined methods The advantages and disadvantages of the proteetion methods mentioned above have led to circuits in which several systems have been combined. The characteristic of a commonly used hybrid circuit, consisting of a current limiting system and a cut-out system, is illustrated infig. 8. For a continuous decrease of the load resistance, the current is first limited to the maximum permissible value Iu«. As has been explained above the power loss in the control transistor now increases. This increase is however limited in this case, the power supply being cut out when the output voltage has dropped by a certain amount LIUI. Another hybrid proteetion method is the combination of a current limiting system and a system with constant power loss in the control transistor. The corresponding characteristic is shown in fig. 9. Although with the proteetion methods of figs. 8 and 9 the power dissipation in the control transistor may exceed the value in fully loaded condition of the power supply, the extra amount of power loss is limited and the cooling measures required are less severe than with a pure current-limiting system. Yet another system is the one whose characteristic is shown infig. 10. Here after passing the fullload point F, the voltage and current decrease, following a line between the constant current and the constant power loss systems. Here again the power loss in the control transistor increases when the power supply is overloaded, but the increase is less than the one occurring with a pure current-limiting system. Apart from proteetion of the power supply and the equipment connected to it, circuits designed for the constant current method of fig. 4 have another important feature. As supply units with voltage stabilization have a very low internal resistance it is not possible to obtain a large current output by connecting several of these units in parallel: obviously small differences in the voltages of the units would cause the load current to be very unequally distributed over the power supplies. There could even be a reversal of the current in one or more of the power units. When however the -11 Fig. 8. Characteristic of a hybrid system. When the full-load point F has been reached the voltage first decreases, the current staying constant. At a certain value zl UI of the voltage drop the equipment is cut out. Ulnl------------------=t-. F I :LlUI I I .! -11 C Fig. 9. Hybrid system combining a constant-current a constant-power-Ioss circuit. circuit and Utn·I----------------rF -11 c Ilm Fig. ID. Proteetion by a circuit with a characteristic which lies between the constant-current and the constant-power-Ioss systems. 1967, No. 8 CURRENT-LIMITING Examples of proteetion 'circuits The general remarks made above will now be illustrated by a brief discussion of two circuits for protection systems used in Philips power supply units. Combined current-limiting and cut-out system In fig. 11 a simplified circuit diagram is shown of the Philips power supply unit PE 4870. Fig. 12 shows a photograph of this unit with its cover removed. The output voltage is adjustable between 0.5 V and 60 V. The control transistor is again denoted by TrI. Instead of one single transistor a cascade circuit of three transistors Tri ... 3 is used. This arrangement is used because such a circuit has a larger transconductance than TrI alone, resulting in a better regulation of the output voltage against variations due to variations in the load current. The supply voltage for this circuit is delivered by the auxiliary (unstabilized) rectifier VI. The control amplifier A is a two stage difference amplifier (transistors Tr4... 7). lts power is supplied by a second auxiliary (stabilized) rectifier, V2. The A :'_'_'_'_'-'-'-'-'-'_'_'_'_'! CIRCUITS 255 reference voltage Us is obtained from,the voltage across the series circuit formed by the Zener diode Zand the diodes Dl and D2. The diodes Dl and D2 are included to compensate for variation of the Zener voltage with temperature. The proteetion circuit P contains two transistors, Tr« and Trs, a diode D3 and a few resistors and capacitors. Normally Trs is non-conducting. Ifhowever the output current exceeds a certain value this transistor starts to conduct because of the increasing voltage on Rp. The collector of Trs is connected to the base of the transistor Tr6 in the amplifier. In this way the transistor TrI is controlled and a further increase in output current is prevented. The value atwhich this current stabilization takes place can be adjusted by means of potentiometer RI to between 10% and 110% of the nominal output current of the power pack; rather sensitive loads (e.g. transistor circuits) can therefore be protected. When the output voltage has decreased to a certain value, the transistor Tr« starts to conduct. The additional voltage drop now occurring on R2 causes a further decrease of op :'-'-'-'-'-'_'_'-'-', i I I I I + i...._._.j I. I Vt r '-~o---'+. ---~___'(._.)L~-__+ I I i. +04---------+--, L._._j a Fig. 11. Simplified circuit diagram of the Philips power supply unit PE 4870. A is a difference amplifier. P is the proteetion circuit which operates according to the hybrid system shown in fig. 8. The equipment can be put into operation again by pushing the button B. VI and V2 are auxiliary voltage sources (separate rectifiers); V2 is itself stabilized. PHILIPS 256 TECHNICAL VOLUME REVIEW Fig. 12. The Philips power supply unit PE 4870 with cover removed. control transistor can be seen at the rear. --------- r---- - - ----------- --- The cooling ----- fins of the - r11 r1, I I I I I I I I I R1 I I I ~---9------~---------+-----, I I I I i----i I ,~,")I\ T""-+1 \ ... _ I I I Tr1t--Tr:;i---r--- ...__: , ''''~")(I ....-" --~-t-} r -t I ' ....... "~""---r~ I I -l I I I I I I I rl~ I ll Tr7 1 il~ Rp2:: J LT) I A r---' J I 1 I L-t--- ...----1 I I f: +Ó-- I J...:::-, I .11 I ',.--_...' I :Ul - o-_i : I I I =:i:= _:T:_ T I I L I 03 1 041 I 1 I ~.):------- .... -1"------- - --:--- f-~ I I t----~--- ,I RpI:: i I I A iT\. : ~ I I I I ;._-, I ,_... I I I I I ;'&->1, F \ I I I I I I LrJ LTJ 1 --- --""1"-- : I I I ~Ji I , lrJ -~7 i \ I I I ...... 1 1 0 ,~ I I - - - - -l----6----.._-__...--._-_.._-__...-____________________________ Fig. 13_ Circuit diagram of the Philips proteetion unit PE 4891, drawn together with a part of the circuit of the Philips power supply unit PE 4868, to which it can be provided as an additional unit. The circuit operates according to the system illustrated in fig. 9 (constant-current combined with constant-power-loss). Current-limiting is brought about by the transistor Tr3. The constant-power-loss system is driven by the currents in the diodes Dl and D2 which have logarithmic characteristics. 1 I J 28 .--------------~----~~~~~~-~~- 1967, No. 8 --- CURR;ENT-LIMlTING - ----------. -- CIRCUITS 257 the current in Tr«, thus decreasing the output current. about by the diodes Dl and D2. The current in Dl is This brings about an avalanche effect and the equip- proportional to the collector-emi!ter voltage-of TrI and ment is eventually cut out. The cut-out condition can Tr2, whereas the current in D2 (originating from the be terminated by pushing the button B, which brings -collector current of the transistor Tr4) is proportional Tr9 into the cut-off state for a moment. The same . to the' output current. As the characteristics of semieffect can be obtained by switching the equipment off conductor diodes are logarithmic over a certain range, and on. the voltage across the. two 4i.9desin series is proportional to the product of voltage and current ofthe control Combined current-limiting and constant-power-loss systransistors, Le, to the power.dissipated in them. I tem The temperature dependance of the diodes Dl and The proteetion unit now to be described, type D2 is compensated by the use :of two other diodes D~ PE 4891, can be provided as an additional unit to the and D4 and a difference amplifier containing the tranPhilips power supply PE 4868 (voltage 0.5-30 V, cur- sistors Tr5 and Tr6. If large variations in temperature rent 3 A). The circuit diagram has been drawn infig. 13 can occur, these elements should be housed in a contogether with a part of the circuit ofthe power supply stant temperature enclosure, In the- unloaded condimentioned. tion of the power supply the current in D2 is set to zero In this power supply two control transistors TrI and with the aid oî Tr» and RI, and'at the same time Tr6 is Tr2 in parallel are used as well as two series resistors, brought into the cut off condition by means of R2. RpI and Rp2. The current-limiting process is obtàined When the total voltage on Dl and D2 exceeds a certain by the-transistor Tr3 in almost the same way as in the value, Tr5 is cut off and Tr6 starts to conduct, applying unit previously described. The regulation with con- the voltage via the diode D5 to the output stage of the stant power loss in the control transistors is brought control amplifier. As the diode D6 is now biased to cut-off, further action of the;çurrent-limiting transistor Tr3 is prevented and the load current is decreased to a value giving a constant power loss in the control 25V transistors. Fig. 14 shows the voltage-current characteristic obtained. This is ofthe type discussed with fig. 9, ./ 20 providing a compromise between a current-limiting system and a constant power loss system. 10 5 / / / / V 2 -It 3A Fig. 14. Voltage-current characteristic of the Philips power supply unit PE 4868, equipped with the proteetion unit PE 4891. Summary. In transistorized d.c. power supply equipment electronie circuits are needed for safeguarding the supply units and the circuits connected to them against damage due to overloadingorshort-circuiting. Systems which cut offthe power supply when overloading occurs can be made up from simple electronic . circuits, but such systems have several disadvantages in practice. If a pure current-limiting system is used, there is a large additional power dissipation in the control transistor. Circuits have therefore been developed which hold the power loss in the control transistor to a constant value. Hybrid circuits of these systems have also been made. Two examples of these circuits, as used in Philips equipment, are described. ; , PHILIPS 258 TECHNICAL VOLUME 28 ~VIEW Recent scientific publications These publications 'are contributed by staff of laboratories and plants part of or co-operate with enterprises of the Philips group of companies, by staff of the following research laboratories: which form particularly Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, Netherlands Mullard Research Laboratories, Redhill (Surrey), England Laboratoires d'Electronique et de Physique Appliquée, Limeil-Brévannes (S.O.), France PhilipsZentrallaboratorium GmbH, Aachenlaboratory, Weisshausstrasse, 51 Aachen, Germany Philips Zentrallaboratorium GmbH, Hamburg laboratory, Vogt-Kölln. Strasse 30, 2 Hamburg-Stellingen, Germany MBLE Laboratoire de Recherche, 2 avenue Van Becelaere, Brussels 17 (Boitsfort), Belgium. E M L A H B . Reprints of most of these publications will be available in the near future. Requests for reprints should be addressed to the respective laboratories (see the code letter) or to Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, Netherlands. P. Billard, J. Donjon & G. Marie: Application modulation de Iumière aux télécommunications. Acta electronica 9, 305-313, 1965 (No. 4). de la L G. Blasse: On the Eu3+ fluorescence of mixed metal oxides, IV. The photoluminescent efficiency of Eu3+activated oxides. J. chem. Phys. 45, 2356-2360, 1966 (No. 7). E G. Blasse & A. Bril: On the Eu3+ fluorescence in mixed metal oxides, IlL Energy transfer in Euê+activated tungstates and mol yb dates of the type Ln2 W06 and Ln2Mo06. J. chem. Phys. 45, 2350-2355, 1966 (No. 7). E G. Blasse & A. Bril: Broad band u.v. excitation Sm3+-activated phosphors. Physics Letters 23, 440-441, 1966 (No. 7). of E B. J. Mulder: Photo-injection of electrons into anthracene from electrolytic electrodes. Solid State Comm. 4,615-617, 1966 (No. 11). E R. F. Pearson & R. Cooper: Magnetic crystals that manipulate light. New Scientist 32, 92-94, 1966 (No. 517). M G. W. Rathenau: Einige Gesichtspunkte zur Wechselwirkung in nichtleitenden magnetischen Kristallen. Z. angew. Physik 21, 277-282, 1966 (No. 4). E H.-D. Rüpke: Über die Ankopplung von Mikrowellenresonatoren zur Messung von Materialeigenschaften. Archiv elektr. Übertr. 20, 617-620, 1966 (No. 11). H P. C. Scholten: Indium contacts on CdS. Solid-State Electronics 9, 1142-1143, 1966 (No. 11/12). E E. Schwartz: Empirische Synthese verlustloser, symmeJ. Donjon & G. Marie: Modulateurs de lumière à large bande utilisant l'effet Pockels. Acta electronica 9, 315-385, 1965 (No. 4). L J. A. Geurst: Theory ofinsulated-gate field-effect transistors near and beyond pinch-off. Solid-State Electronics 9, 129-142, 1966 (No. 2). E W. Kischio: Halbleitendes Cadmium- und Zinkdiphosphid. Z. Naturf. 21a, 1733-1734, 1966 (No. 10). A trischer Zirkulatoren. Archiv elektro Übertr. 20, 621-625, 1966 (No. 11). A P. J. W. Severin & A. G. van Nie: A simple and rugged wide-band gas discharge detector for millimeter waves. IEEE Trans. on microwave theory and techniques MTT-14, 431-436, 1966 (No. 9). E J. G. Siekman: Lassen met een elektronenbundel. Ingenieur 78, 099-108, 1966 (No. 47). T. L. Tansley: Heterojunction boundary J. appl. Phys. 37, 3908, 1966 (No. 10). conditions. T. Klein: Contour deposition - a new epitaxial deposition technique for semiconductor devices and integrated circuits. Solid-State Electronics 9, 959-966, 1966 (No. 10). M D. J. Vinney: Possible travelling-wave parametrie plifier using the Gunn effect. Electronics Letters 2, 357-358, 1966 (No. 10). J. R. Mansell: Travelling-wave J. Volger: Progress in superconductivity. IEEE Trans. on magnetics MAG-2, 159-164, (No.3). Int. J. Electronics phototube theory. 20, 467-488, 1966 (No. 5). Volume 28, 1967, No. 8 M pages 231-258 E M amM 1966 E Published 15th July 1967