CONTRACT SPECIFICATION – TECHNICAL TEMPERATURE CONTROL WATER SUPPLY VALVES MAINTENANCE TYPE: STATUTORY 1.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES The Contractor shall provide the maintenance Services for Temperature Control Water Supply Valves such as thermostatic mixing valves, tempering valves, temperature/pressure relief valves and expansion control valves covered by this Contract. The Services shall be carried out at the intervals stated below unless otherwise stated in the Equipment and Pricing Schedule. 2.0 MINIMUM STANDARD The minimum standards for periodic inspection and servicing shall be as stated below and in accordance with the requirements of the current editions of: • Queensland Building Act • Building Code of Australia • AS/NZS 3666.2 Air-handling and water systems of buildings - Microbial control - Operation and maintenance • AS/NZS 3500.4 Plumbing and drainage - Heated water services • AS 4032.3 Water supply - Valves for the control of heated water supply temperatures Requirements for field-testing, maintenance or replacement of thermostatic mixing valves, tempering valves and end-of-line temperature control devices 3.0 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS The Contractor shall ensure that it has the appropriate licences issued by the Queensland Building Services Authority to perform the Services under the Contract and must provide evidence to the satisfaction of the Principal. The Contractor is to ensure that only licensed plumbers holding a current Thermostatic Mixing Valve endorsement issued by the Plumbing Industry Council perform the testing and maintenance of Thermostatic Mixing Valves. 4.0 GENERAL 4.1 Before Commencement of Work The Owner, occupier or facility manager shall be notified that the water service will be affected and that delivery temperature may vary during the test procedures. Special arrangements may have to be made so that interruptions to service will not create a hardship and danger to the user (e.g. patient care areas). 4.2 Replacement Components Only replacement components, supplied or approved by the manufacturer of the device, shall be used for repair. Use only tools, spare parts, lubricants or materials, maintenance/service procedures which are recommended in the valve manufacturer's/supplier's published service instructions or as appropriate to the particular task. Materials in contact with potable water shall comply with AS 4020. 4.3 Commissioning After repairs or replacements have been completed, the device shall be commissioned in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Document: TSW00138 Date Issued: ©The State of Queensland (Department of Housing and Public Works) Page 1 of 4 CONTRACT 4.4 Allowable Ranges The allowable ranges in warm water temperature measured at each outlet fixture as required are as follows: a) Patient care areas in health buildings: ALLOWABLE TEMPERATURE RANGE FOR WARM WATER MAXIMUM POSSIBLE PEAK TEMPERATURE DURING 'FAIL SAFE' TEST (Hot Water Safety Shut Off) Adults 40.5 – 43.5 °C 46.0 °C Children 38.0 – 40.5 °C 43.0 °C Neonatal (Babies) 35.0 – 38.0 °C 39.0 °C CLASSIFICATION (ref: Code of Practice for Thermostatic Mixing Valves in Health Care Facilities, HOSPLAN, 1990) b) All other areas: AREA MAXIMUM DELIVERY TEMPERATURE Early childhood centres, primary and secondary schools or similar facilities for young, aged, sick, or people with disabilities. 45°C All other buildings 50°C Consultation with the nominated officer in charge of the site about the classification of the premises is desirable which can be cross-checked with the above. 4.5 Maintenance Records Service details for each valve are to be entered onto the Service Report. 4.6 Service Label Provide a metal tag attached to the valve showing name and telephone number of the Service Company and date of the next service. The Contractor will stamp the tag to indicate the month and year of Service. The tag shall be made of a suitable metal and shall be not less than 0.3 mm thick; plastics shall not be used. The size and content of the tag shall be as per example below. Minimum requirement for maintenance record tag When ordering maintenance record tags, the year on the main body of the tag shall commence with the previous year, capturing the record of the previous year's service history. Document: TSW00138 Date Issued: ©The State of Queensland (Department of Housing and Public Works) Page 2 of 4 CONTRACT 5.0 MAINTENANCE SERVICE AND FREQUENCY The following actions are required concerning the under listed situations: (a) Unsafe operation of mixing valves (risk to occupants). Consult promptly with the Principal’s Representative regarding correcting the deficiency. Record details in the Service Report. (b) Servicing of non-approved mixing valves. Consult promptly with Principal’s Representative regarding replacement with a mixing valve that is authorised for use in the particular application. Record details in the Service Report. (c) Deficiencies in hot and cold water supply systems or water heaters. Consult promptly with Principal’s Representative regarding correcting the deficiency. Record details in the Service Report. Perform all of the service requirements as detailed under: 5.1 Thermostatic Mixing Valve 5.2 1 Check and clean strainer. 2 Check non-return valve operation (integral or independently fitted). 3 Check condition of o-rings and seals. 4 Check condition of element. 5 Record temperatures of hot and cold water supply to valve. 6 Record discharge temperature measured at the nearest outlet to the valve for high and low flow. 7 Perform hot water and cold water isolation tests. 8 Replaced actuator (shall be at five years interval from commissioning) 9 Replace and lubricate dynamic o-rings and seals (shall be at five years interval from commissioning) Five Yearly Service Item Yearly Item No. Frequency Tempering Valve Service Item 1 Check and clean strainer (if fitted). 2 Check non-return valve operation (integral or independently fitted). 3 Record temperatures of hot and cold water supply to valve. 4 Record discharge temperature measured at the nearest outlet to the valve for high and low flow. 5 Perform cold water isolation test. Document: TSW00138 Date Issued: ©The State of Queensland (Department of Housing and Public Works) Yearly Item No. Frequency Page 3 of 4 CONTRACT 5.3 Temperature / Pressure Relief Valve 1 Check valve operation. Expansion Control Valve 1 5.5 Service Item Yearly Frequency Item No. 5.4 Service Item Yearly Item No. Frequency Check valve operation. Five-yearly Maintenance Items The Contractor shall advise the Principal’s Representative when a Five-yearly service is required. The work is to be priced separately to the contract work and will be the subject of a separate order. Document: TSW00138 Date Issued: ©The State of Queensland (Department of Housing and Public Works) Page 4 of 4