enrique rene carrasco - College of Law

University of Iowa
College of Law
Iowa City, IA 52242
(319) 335-9059
Journal Articles
Emerging Economies After the Global Financial Crisis: The Case of Brazil,
forthcoming 33 Northwestern J. Int’l L. & Bus. (2012-2013) (co-authored with Sean
An Opening for Voice in the Global Economic Order: The Global Financial Crisis and
Emerging Economies, 12 Oregon Rev. Int’l L. 179 (2010)
Global Crisis and Global Response: The Role of the Financial Stability Forum in the
Global Financial Crisis, 19 Transnt'l L. & Contemp. Probs. 203 (2010)
Governance and Accountability: The Regional Development Banks, 27 Boston U. Int’l
L.J. 1 (2009) (co-authored with Wesley Carrington & HeeJin Lee)
The World Bank’s Inspection Panel: Promoting True Accountability through
Arbitration, 41 Cornell Int’l L. J. 577 (2008) (co-authored with Alison Guernsey)
Cuba’s Development and Trade with U.S. Midwestern States: Opening Observations,
14 Transnt'l L. & Contemp. Probs. 1 (2004)
The 1980’s: The Debt Crisis and the Lost Decade, 9 Transnt’l L. & Contemp. Probs. 119
Development in the 1990’s, 9 Transnt’l L. & Contemp. Probs. 137 (1999)
Global Money, the Good Life and You: Understanding the Local Impact of International
Financial Institutions, 9 Transnt’l L. & Contemp. Probs. 43 (1999)
Pursuing the Good Life: The Meaning of Development as it Relates to the World Bank and the
IMF. II. The Functions of the IMF and the World Bank,, 9 Transnt’l L. & Contemp. Probs. 67
(1999) (co-authored with Sandra Blanco)
Praxis-Oriented Pedagogy: The E-Book on International Finance and Development, 32 Loy.
L.A. L. Rev. 733 (1999) (co-authored with Kristen J. Berg)
Global Money, the Good Life and You: Understanding the Local Impact of International
Financial Institutions, 9 Transnt’l L. & Contemp. Probs. 37 (1999)
The University of Iowa Center for International Finance and Development: Using Cyberspace
to Promote Social Justice, 93 Am. Soc. of Int’l Law Proc. 154 (1999)
Multiple Visions of International Law's Future, 992 Am. Soc'y Int'l L. Proc. (1998)
Lessons From the Web: The Creation of the E-Book on International Finance and
Development: A Journey Into Cyberspace, http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/lessons.htm, Jurist (1998)
Who Are We?, 19 UCLA Chicano-Latino L. Rev. 333 (1998)
Intellectuals, Awkwardness and Activism: Towards Social Justice Via Progressive Instability, 2
Harv. Latino L. Rev. 317 (1997)
Critical Race Theory and Development, 1997 Am. Soc'y Int'l L. Proc. 427
Opposition, Justice, Structuralism, and Particularity: Intersections Between LatCrit Theory and
Law and Development Studies, 28 Inter-Am. L. Rev. 313 (1996-97)
Critical Issues Facing the Bretton Woods System: Can the IMF, the World Bank, and the
GATT/WTO Promote an Enabling Environment for Social Development?, 6 Transnt'l L. &
Contemp. Probs. i (1996)
Income Distribution and the Bretton Woods Institutions: Promoting an Enabling Environment
for Social Development, 6 Transnt'l L. & Contemp. Probs. 1 (1996) (co-authored with Ayhan
Encouraging Relational Investment and Controlling Portfolio Investment in Developing
Countries in the Aftermath of the Mexican Financial Crisis, 34 Colum. J. Transnat’l L. 539
(1996) (co-authored with Randall Thomas)
Collective Recognition as a Communitarian Device: Or, Of Course We Want to be Role
Models!, 9 La Raza L. J. 81 (1996)
Autocratic Transitions to Liberalism: A Comparison of Chilean and Russian Structural
Adjustment, 5 Transnat’l L. & Comtemp. Probs. 99 (1995)
Law, Hierarchy, and Vulnerable Groups in Latin America: Towards a Communal Model of
Development in a Neoliberal World, 30 Stan. J. Int'l L. 701 (1994)
Chile, Its Foreign Commercial Bank Creditors, and Its Vulnerable Groups: An Assessment of
the Cooperative Case-by-Case Approach to the Debt Crisis, 24 Geo. J. L. & Pol'y Int'l Bus.
273 (1993)
Book Review, 30 Colum. J. Transnat'l L. 719 (1992) (reviewing Hernán Somerville, Negociar
en Tiempos Difíciles (To Negotiate in Hard Times) (1990))
Note, The National Endowment for the Arts: A Search for an Equitable Grant Making Process,
74 Geo. L. J. 1521 (1986)
Book Chapters
Crisis and Opportunity, emerging economies and the Financial Stability Board, in
International Law, Economic Globalization and Developing Countries (Edward Elgar
Press, 2010)
Foreign Debt: Forgiveness and Repudiation, E-Book on International Finance and
Development, http://www.uiowa.edu/ifdebook (2007) (co-authored with Charles McClellan &
Jane Ro)
Remittances and Development, E-Book on International Finance and Development,
http://www.uiowa.edu/ifdebook (2007) (co-authored with Jane Ro)
Critical Race Theory and Post-Colonial Development: Radically Monitoring the World Bank
and the IMF, in Crossroads, Directions and a New Critical Race Theory (Temple University
Press, 2002)
The 1980’s: The Debt Crisis and the Lost Decade, E-Book on International Finance and
Development, 9 Transnt’l L. & Contemp. Probs. 119 (1999)
The 1980’s: The Debt Crisis and the Lost Decade, E-Book on International Finance and
Development, http://www.uiowa.edu/ifdebook (1998)
Development in the 1990’s, E-Book on International Finance and Development,
http://www.uiowa.edu/ifdebook (1998)
E-Book on International Finance and Development, http://www.uiowa.edu/ifdebook (revised,
2012) (editor & author)
E-Book on International Finance and Development, http://www.uiowa.edu/ifdebook (revised,
2011) (editor & author)
E-Book on International Finance and Development, http://www.uiowa.edu/ifdebook (revised,
2007) (editor & author)
E-Book on International Finance and Development, http://www.uiowa.edu/ifdebook (1998)
(editor & author)
Tough Sanctions: The Asian Crisis and New Colonialism, Chicago Tribune, Feb. 3, 1998
Rhetoric, Race and The Asian Financial Crisis, San Diego Union-Tribune, Jan. 9, 1998
Rhetoric Fuels Racism in the Crises, L.A. Times, Jan. 1, 1998
Hard Work, Compromise Saved Univision, Iowa City Press-Citizen, Dec. 22, 1997
Tailoring Russian Aid, Christian Science Monitor, May 3, 1993
What are the Purposes of Arts Endowment?, Des Moines Sunday Register, Sept. 16, 1990
“The Global Financial Crisis,” Iowa United Nations Association, Jul. 2011
“The Global Financial Crisis and Emerging Economies: A New International Economic
Order?” Business & Economics Society International Conference, Jan. 2011
“An Opening for Voice in the Global Economic Order: The Global Financial Crisis and
Emerging Economies,” Making Room at the Table: New Voices in Economic Reform,
University of Oregon, Oregon Law, Mar. 2010
“Global Crisis and Global Response: The Role of the Financial Stability Forum in the
Global Financial Crisis,” Global Meltdown: Examining the Worst Global and Economic Crisis
Since the Great Depression, University of Iowa College of Law, Feb. 2009
“The Business Transactions of Migrants: Remittances,” International Association of Law
Schools, The Law of International Business Transactions: A Global Perspective,
Hamburg, Germany, Apr. 2008
“The World Bank’s Inspection Panel: Promoting True Accountability through
Arbitration,” The New Zealand Centre of International Economic Law Inaugural
Conference, International Economic Law and National Autonomy: Convergence or
Divergence?, Victoria University of Wellington, Dec. 2007
“Migrant Remittances and International Finance,” Twelfth Annual LatCrit Conference,
Critical Localities: Epistemic Communities, Rooted Cosmopolitans, New Hegemonies,
and Knowledge Processes, Florida International University College of Law, Oct. 2007
“Commentary: Dollars & Sense: U.S. Economic Policies,” The Journal of Gender, Race and
Justice, Symposium, American Presence Abroad: U.S. Foreign Policy & Its Implications for
Gender, Race & Justice, University of Iowa, College of Law, Oct. 2002
"Aliens Among Us," The Struggle for Human Rights: The Broken Silence of Iowa Immigrants,
United Nations Association, Iowa Division, University of Iowa, Nov. 1998
"Critical Race Feminism in the Next Millennium: Where Do We Go From Here?" The Journal of
Gender Race and Justice, Third Annual Symposium, Critical Race Feminism: Preparing Legal
Thought for the 21st Century, University of Iowa College of Law, Nov. 1998
"The E-Book on International Finance and Development," SALT Teaching Conference, Loyola
Law School, Los Angeles, Oct. 1998
"Law, Poverty & Culture: Challenges Facing Development Narratives," Third Annual LatCrit
Conference -- LatCrit III, University of Miami School of Law, May 1998
"Multiple Visions of International Law's Future," 92nd Annual Meeting, The American Society
of International Law, Apr. 1998
"The Asian Currency Crisis," University of Wisconsin Law School, Nov. 1997
"Critical Race Theory and Postcolonial Development," Critical Race Theory Conference, Yale
Law School, Nov. 1997
"The Business Outlook in Latin America," Latin America: Business Potential and Political
Prospects, University of Iowa, Oct. 1997
"Law and Development in the Pursuit of Peace," Eighteenth Biennial Conference on the Law of
the World, World Jurist Association, Sept. 1997
"Latinos in the Legal Profession," Latinos in Higher Education & Beyond, University of Iowa
Latino Student Union, Sept. 1997
"The Rhetoric of Economic Development," Ninth Annual Critical Race Theory Workshop, June
"La Comunidad Latina/Hispana & Our Work," Second Annual LatCrit Conference -- LatCrit II,
May 1997
"International Dimensions of Critical Race Theory," 91st Annual Meeting, The American Society
of International Law, Apr. 1997
"Opposition, Justice, Structuralism, and Particularity: Intersections Between LatCrit Theory and
Law and Development Studies," Colloquium on International Law, Human Rights & LatCrit
Theory, Oct. 1996
"Can Portfolio Investors Contribute to Development in Emerging Economies?: The Mexican
Financial Crisis and Its Aftershocks," XXXII Conference of the Inter-American Bar Association,
Nov. 1995
"Collective Recognition as a Communitarian Device: Or, Of Course We Want to be Role
Models!," Colloquium on Lawyering in Latino/a Communities: Critical Race Theory and
Practice, Hispanic National Bar Association Annual Conference, Oct. 1995
"Affirmative Action Revisited: What Is At Stake?," Midwest Consortium for Latino Research,
Aug. 1995
"Collective Recognition as a Communitarian Device: Or, Of Course We Want to be Role
Models!," Hispanic Law Students Association, Washington College of Law, The American
University, Nov. 1994
"The Chilean Model of Structural Adjustment: Can A Firm Hand Work Miracles in Russia?,"
Economic, Legal, and Political Dilemmas of Privatization in Russia, University of Iowa, Apr.
"Derecho, Jerarquía, y Grupos Vulnerables en America Latina: Hacia un Modelo Comunal de
Desarrollo en un Mundo Liberal," Universidad de los Andes, Merida, Venezuela, Jan. 1994
"Law and Hierarchy: The Colonialist Roots of Structural Adjustment," Columbus Quincentenary:
Encounter and Aftermath 1492-1992, University of Iowa, Oct. 1992
"Commentary on Negociar en Tiempos Difíciles, by Hernán Somerville," Primer Encuentro
Interamericano of the Latin American Student Association of the University of Iowa, Nov. 1990
Founder and Director of UICIFD, which engages in research regarding international finance and
development and, through the Center’s website, which is read globally, provides laypersons with
plain English explanations of matters regarding international finance and development.
Speaker: The European Union Ambassador to the United States, His Excellency João Vale de
Almeida, The State of the EU, Mar. 2012
Conference (co-sponsor): The European Sovereign Debt Crisis: A Critical Assessment of the
Euro & European Monetary Union, University of Iowa College of Law, Feb. 2012
Workshop: Selected Topics in International Finance & Development, University of Iowa College
of Law, Apr. 2011
Program: India: Exploring an Emerging Market, University of Iowa College of Law, Apr. 2010
Poster Presentation: India: Exploring and Emerging Market, University of Iowa College of Law,
Apr. 2010; Grinnell College, Apr. 2010
Conference (co-sponsor): Global Meltdown: Examining the Worst Global and Economic Crisis
Since the Great Depression, University of Iowa College of Law, Feb. 2009
Poster Presentation: Anatomy of a Global Crisis, University of Iowa College of Law, Feb. 2009;
University of Wisconsin Law School, Mar.2009
Poster Presentation: Governance and Accountability in International Finance: The Bretton
Woods Institutions and the Regional Development Banks, University of Iowa College of Law,
Apr. 2008; University of Missouri College of Law, Apr. 2008
Conference (co-sponsor): China: Law, Finance & Security, University of Iowa College of Law,
Feb. 2006
Conference: Whither Goes Cuba: Prospects for Economic and Social Development, University
of Iowa College of Law, Feb. 2004
Faculty Speaker, Winter Commencement Ceremony, University of Iowa College of Law, Class of
2005 Collegiate Teaching Award, University of Iowa College of Law
Faculty Speaker, Winter Commencement Ceremony, University of Iowa College of Law, Class of
Honoree, One out of twenty-five honorees selected by the Hispanic Bar Association of D.C. for
their outstanding contribution to the Latino Community, HBA, D.C. 25th Anniversary Gala, 2002
Recognized by the President of the University of Iowa for establishing The University of Iowa
Center for International Finance and Development, “Surpassing Expectations,” University of
Iowa Annual Rep. 1997-98
Recognition for Inception of and Dedication to the Arnold & Porter Latino Law Students Mentor
Program, Hispanic Law Students Association, Washington College of Law, The American
University, 1994
National Service Award, Hispanic National Bar Association, 1990
"Outstanding Contributions to the Hispanic Law Students' Association," American University
School of Law, 1989-90
Dean's Certificate for Recognition of Special and Outstanding Service to the Law Center
Community, Georgetown University Law Center, 1986
Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Company Award for Academic Excellence in Property, 1983
Georgetown Law Journal (top 7% of first-year class), 1983
“Miss Understanding,” 10-Minute Play (2009)
“Stuck,” 10-Minute Play (2007)
“The (Dysfunctional) Study Group,” One-Act Play (2005)
“Soccer Moms,” One-Act Play (2001)
Theatre Three, Second Stage, Port Jefferson, New York
February 27-March 20, 2002
“Waiting,” Monologue (2002)
“Color,” Full-length Play (2002)
“Finding the Chimborazo,” Full-length Play (2000)
Cum Laude, Georgetown University Law Center, 1986
(Articles Editor, Georgetown Law Journal)
Indiana University, 1980
(Latino Scholar Award)
District of Columbia Bar, 1986
United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit, 1986
Professor of Law, University of Iowa, College of Law
1990-present (teaching and research areas include international finance, law and development,
international business transactions, critical race theory, and contracts)
Associate, Arnold & Porter, Washington, D.C.
1986-1990 (represented Latin American countries in complex commercial litigation and corporate
Summer Associate, Steptoe & Johnson, Washington, D.C.
Summer 1985 (researched various areas of law, including international issues; offer received)
Law Clerk, Koonz McKenney & Johnson, Washington, D.C.
Summer 1984 (researched personal injury law)
Program Committee, Iowa City Foreign Relations Council, 2010-present
Member, International Advisory Council, Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research,
State Chancellor, The International Association of Educators for World Peace, 2003-present
AALS Professional Development Committee, 1998-2001
Board Member, Midwest Consortium of Latino Research, 1996-2000
Associate President, Region IX Hispanic National Bar Association, 1993-1996
Hispanic Bar Association of D.C., 1986-90
Founder, Arnold & Porter/HBA, D.C. Mentor Program for Latino Law Students, 1988
UICIFD Seminar, University of Iowa, College of Law
The Global Financial Crisis: University of Iowa, College of Law
International Business Transactions, University of Iowa, College of Law
International Financial Crises, University of Iowa, College of Law
International Financial Institutions in a Globalized Economy, University of Iowa, College of Law
Public International Finance, University of Iowa, College of Law
Private International Finance, University of Iowa, College of Law
International Economic Relations, University of Iowa, College of Law
Latin American Law and Development, University of Iowa, College of Law
Contracts, University of Iowa, College of Law
American Society of International Law, 1986-present
Society of American Law Teachers, 2008-present
Chicago Dramatists, The Playwrights’ Network, 2001-2009
Hispanic National Bar Association, 1986-present
Inter-American Bar Association, 1995-present
International Law Association, 1994-present
Law and Society Association, 1994-present
Latin American Studies Association, 1996-present
The Dramatists Guild of America, Associate Member, 2002-present
World Jurist Association, 1997-present