468 IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. SC-19, NO. 4, AUGUST 1984 Short-Circuit Dissipation of Static CMOS Circuitry and Its Impact on the Design of Buffer Circuits HARRY J. M. VEENDRICK Abstract —This paper gives a detailed dkcussion of the short-circuit compouentin the totaf powerdissipationin CMOS circuits, on the basisof an elementaryCMOS inverter. Designconsiderationsare givenfor CMOS buffer circuits, based upon the results of the dissipation discussion,to increasecircuit performance. LIST OF PARAMETERS A a b process-determined ratio between @ of NMOS P, h ~ of PMOS ~ of nMOST input ALP rise or fall time of an input To rise or fall time of an output Tr rise time of a signal v dd supply ~, input v out VT VT. v output voltage threshold voltage transistor channel width with capacitance equal channel length INTRODUCTION of the Nth inverter of a D of a string total power URING the last on node N of inverters dissipation periods when no signal transients Manuscript received October 19, 1983; rewsed December 28, 1983. The author is with Philips Research Laboratones, 5600 JA Eindhoven, The Netherlands. 0018 -9200/84/0800-0468 CMOS technology has technologies for is its low occur. However, static during during signal there will always be a short-cir- cuit current flowing from supply to ground in static CMOS circuits. So far only limited analyses and discussions have appeared in the literature on this power component of static CMOS circuits [1]. In integrated circuits it is always necessary to drive large circuitry, etc.), often at capacitances (bus lines, “off-chip” high clock frequencies. Such driving circuits (buffers) will take a relatively large part of the total power consumption of the chip. It is clear that optimization requires a different approach as compared of CMOS dynamic power dissipation short-circuit power dissipation period-time of a signal ( = l/~) years due to the absence of dc currents an edge of an input current five become one of the most dominant VLSI circuits. The most important reason for this power dissipation, mean value of the short-circuit current maximum value of the short-circuit current gate length of the nMOST gate length of the pMOST gate length minus effective channel length of the nMOST gate length minus effective channel length of the pMOST P Pl P2 T of the Nth inverter and ( = I/T) number of the Nth inverter of the Nth (symmetri- gate oxide capacitance N of the pMOST of a string total capacitance on node N input capacitance of the first inverter short-circuit signall voltage w PN and pMOST signall voltage G:N string load capacitance PN fall time of a signall T, width frequency ALn and rise or fall time of a signall T- transistor gate capacitance parasitic I I mean I max Ln Lp in (11) time r threshold voltage of nMOST threshold voltage of pMOST channel width of the nMOST /3 of a transistor channel CL CN co c 0x defined Lp and Ln [(A9)] cal) inverter c gN constant ratio between parasitic nodal capacitance load capacitance gain factor (pA/V2 ) of an MOS Itransistor i lb USED t tion logic [2]. These buffer to obtain detailed inverter minimum power discussion on power will be given first. circuits of such circuits to optimization need extra atten- dissipation. dissipation Therefore, a of a basic CMOS lAlthough the rise and fall times are commonly defined to be the time between the 10 and 90 percent level of the signal extremes, in this paper these parameters are defined as the total duration of a linearized edge. $01.00 01984 IEEE 469 VEENDRICK: SHORT-CIRCUIT DISSIPATION OF STATIC CMOS CIRCUITRY -Wjd the -G- ~“ transistor will be in saturation this during of time. Using v@Jt 1 NMOS period PMOST the simple MOS formula, this leads to NMOST - Fig. 1. (4) v.~ Basic CMOS inverter This current will reach its maximum half the supply “nk=i-k-n tion voltage that the inverter of the input ! 1! ! I _=2*; Assuming Fig. 2. Current behavior of an inverter without load input A static CMOS OF A BASIC CMOS inverter the absence of transients on the input: f’I(t)dt t~ equal conduct. However, during there will be a time period pMOST from will supply without voltage ~, conduct, to ground, load. (Vi.) This in which causing both the nMOST (1) as long is higher than a threshold and lower than a threshold If we load the inverter (Fig. tance C~,’ then the dissipation it can be derived and short-circuit Clearly, as the input Equations of the circuit Pz = Imem”V. (2) I Since there is a difference without in the short-circuit load and that dissipation of an inverter with load, we start our discussions on the basis of an inverter with zero load capacitance. For simplicity we assume that the inverter fundamentally is symmetrical Bn=Bp=B During current (an asymmetrical different), the period which inverter O to l~m, Fig. 2 that and (7) t2=;. t-v~)+ (8) the output 1 .~”(vdd–2vT ‘em = fi vdd )3”;. (9) p2=+”(vdd–2v~)3”; . (lo) As l/T= f, (10) shows that this dissipation also proportional to the frequency Vdd and VT are process-determined, component is of switching, Because the only design param- eters that affect P2 are /.? and the input rise and fall times (~) of the inverter. For an inverter with capacitive load, the ~‘s of the transistors are determined by requirements on output rise and fall times. In this case the short-circuit dissipation (3) depends only on the duration of the input signal edges. As will be shown further on, these edges should not be too long, especially in the case of driver circuits that have a means that and VTH=– VT,=VT. from (6) is not (tl – t2;Fig. 2) in which the short-circuit Z increases between its transients From (2) and (9) the following expression can be derived for the short-circuit dissipation of a CMOS inverter without load: due to para- design. of an inverter relation (5), (6), and (7) lead to PI does not depend on contributions sitic output capacitances, such as junction capacitances). Pz, however, strongly depends on The second component the inverter ~f = ~) of the (q= has the solution consists of two dissipation: from (5) a capaci- (1) component times2 and a linear I mean — -~~;:”’’”d’(+r-v,)d(~ which of Fig. 1 with Pl = C~”V2” f and design (apart (~n(t)–vT)2dt. voltage ( V~n) above dissipation: the dynamic the inverter from VT tl=.—— -r v dd components: dynamic rise and fall as to flow ( lV~Pl) below Vdd. output of T (equal to one period voltage (Vin) and time (i) during on the input, a short-circuit flows result fin(t)=+t, as shown in Fig. 2 for an inverter current Another power during when the input a transient’ a time =;J:’; (symmetrical) 1) is at high level ( V~~), only the NMOS transistor conducts, and when the input is at low level, only the pMOST will during INVERTER does not dissipate due to the assump- was symmetrical. signal) can thus be written signal the input DISSIPATION value when ~n equals = Vdd/2), this assumption is that the current behavior during the with respect to the time period tl – t3 will be symmetrical time t2. The mean current If; (~. large ~ value. In the derivation of (10), we started with an voltage (V&,) will be larger than the input voltage ( ~,) minus the threshold voltage (VT) of the nMOST. As a consequence, 2The definitions of rise and fall times used here are different from those in common use (see the list of parameters used). 470 IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. SC-19, NO. 4, AUGUST 1984 V(jd=!iv [WI] pMosT VT.Vfn= -Vlp. 0.8 Vo[t v,” -it ‘“Y: ~ ‘/% ’/$=170 UA/v2 / L. I ~ 2 Fig. 3. T,= TO= 10 n5ec The inverter used in the example 1(+.- ;,.: ,,,~ / r ,’ 71= TO= 5 nsec 6\ ~ 240 7, .5 220 [nsec] / CL=0 20 ~o 1 18i dynamic & L’ / dlsslpatlon =0.s..) (~, /’ 2 i’ 2 , L68yj2 T ‘ Fig. 6. Inverter dissipation time - Fig. 4. Short-circuit current as a function capacitances. of different inverter ‘rO. transient capacitances -f - 5@c] to ground it is obvious of the input hme what happens when following we load will signal. depend with zero load versus load on the rise and fall Fig. 6 shows this characteristic values of the input rise and fall times ( 71). The the load capacitance example the inverter with examines different to equal input and out- characteristics are on the figure. From these characteristics operation input capacitances. corresponds put rise and fall times for the different indicated The inverter dashed line shows the dynamic dissipation (~= 10 MHz), while the solid lines show the actual inverter dissipation (dynamic plus short-circuit dissipation). The points where Inverter output voltage behawor for different inverter load capacitances. load. a high level that the dissipation characteristic for different without from with a fall time of 5 ns. capacitance times values of the load is switched As expressed in (10) for a CMOS inverter of the inverter load capaci- curves for different when the input capacitance, Fig. 5. 2FT] load the output [v]~ as a function tance. “d of the inverter we can conclude that if the is such that the output signal and signal have equal rise and fall times, the short-circuit dissipation will be only a fraction ( <20 percent) of the Example total dissipation. However, if the inverter is more lightly loaded, causing output rise and fall times that are relatively The discussions that follow are based upon the inverter whose parameter values are shown in Fig. 3. Its operation short as compared to the input rise and fall times, then the short-circuit dissipation will increase to the same order of was simulated are presented magnitude as the dynamic dissipation. Therefore, to minimize dissipation, an inverter used as part of a buffer should current with a circuit analysis program, Some results in Fig. 4. The figure shows the short-circuit behavior, during a time interval tl – td (see Fig. 2), as a function of the load capacitance CL, for input rise and fall times of 5 ns. Curve @ shows the behavior of the inverter without load. At any time this current is the maximum short-circuit current that can occur. This means that all other current characteristics for different load capacitances must be within this curve. Curve @) shows the short-circuit current behavior of the inverter when it is loaded with a characteristic capacitance CL of 500 fF. In this case the rise and fall times on the output equal to the rise and fall times on the input. node are Fig. 5 shows be designed in such a way that the input are less than or about equal rise and fall times to the output rise and fall times in order to guarantee a relatively small short-circuit dissipation. Fig. 7 shows the linear relationship [according to (10)] between the short-circuit dissipation and the input rise and fall times (7, ) derived by means of circuit simulations. In this case the kverter of Fig. 3 was loaded with a capacitance of 500 fF. From Fig. 5 it was known that a load capacitance output of 500 fF causes 5 ns rise and fall times of the signal, when the inverter input rise and fall times VEENDRrCK: SHORT-ClRCUIT Dissipation OF sTATIc cMos CIRCUITRY [NJ CL= 500 fF 160. dynamic lLO. ~ ( ‘–- 120.---------------------------- 4-——i~ ,“t*r”al s 100 0 n. 80 ix ~1 60 ~ v LO * ~ short-c!rcwt 4+6 8 T,=TO=5 nsec 1012 14 16 1’820i22L 262830 $2@Se~ Fig. 8. — Inverter dissipation as a function of the input nse and fall times. ~, = TO= 5 ns, is indicated 7 and the corresponding short-circuit only about 10 percent of the dynamic This result of designing way that the input a string and output on dissipation is dissipation. capacitance and therefore dissipation, it can also be applied of inverters mum, is for the maximum T, = TO. It has empirically designs the short-circuit calculated cgN+ Cparwl Inverter string acting as a buffer circuit. in such a not lead to an optimum design. and silicon Design optimization minimum dissipation approach, as will be shown in the following. It has been derived area requires in the Appendix of the inverter dissipation design” determined by the following for a different that a “minimum string is completely three equations: rise and fall times of each inverter are equal to obtain minimum dissipation can very well be applied to the design of static CMOS buffers. Although (10) was derived for an inverter with zero load with # 71 are equal to 5 ns, This point, Fig. bo.dlny the nodal capoc!tances miude the POrasrtlc trodd capacltOneef.(CpOq ) CM= 2 Fig. 7, L8u 11., or str, n~) %cL+cpdrN 20. o +buff., @wwt.r log ,. yt. dissipation short-circuit to inverters been found is half where 1 vdd–vTn” designed that for such ‘= of the maxi- ( 2VT 2(vdd–vTfl)-v vdd-iT ,, ‘ln v [ 1} (11) with (10). is constant for a given technology. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS In integrated capacitances, circuits it is always necessary to drive large like bus lines or “off-chip” circuitry. More- 1%.1 —=*. b. (l+b). cox.LnN . (LnN(l+3a2)-ALnN-3aALPN} over, this must often occur at high speed, which will take a relatively large part chip. Particularly large number of the total power dissipation in the case of bus lines, which of inputs of the different control subcircuits d and on a b,v N — CN —. () chip, it is necessary to have short signal rise and fall times [(10)] to minimize dissipation. ‘ Suppose we want line or “off-chip” to drive fiN-1 such a bus interconnection a signal coming from an where ~,?J represents internal node A. Let us assume that the logic gate, having 6N- l/~N is the Weriw node A as output, is capable of charging a capacitance CO rise and fall times and in a time t to 95 percent of the supply voltage. From the string. For a practical foregoing results we know that if we use an inverter string ions are made for the as a buffer circuitry with vTn=–vT, rise and fall times on the bus line (or bonding (Fig. problem 8) loaded ~ of the last inverter stage, factor at equal input and output N is the number of inverters of the application the following parameters of (11), (12), and (“13): assumpt- now with is how to design a capacitance an inverter CL, with ~ ns rise and between the P‘s of the successive inverters (tapering was needed to guarantee a‘ minimum propagation vdd=5v string fall times on each node, driven from an internal logic gate capable of charging and discharging the input capacitance CO in the same time. In [3] it was derived that a factor of e factor) delay time for such an inverter string. However, it is well understood that in terms of dissipation and silicon area this will =lv V= 0.05* Vdd [in (11)] pad) to be driven. The the (13) co between node A and the bus line, the rise circuit and fall times on each node of the string should be equal to the required 1(12) of the & =42 pA/V2 A =1 I /3,0 =14 PA/V2 COX= 700 pF/m2 Ln = 2.5 pm Required ALn = 0.5 pm rise and fall times: the constants ALP =1 pm. ~ = 5 ns. Practical a and b are a = 3/2.5 values for and b = 0.1. 472 IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. SC-19, NO, 4, AUGUST 1984 With (12) this leads to q$-qjiq+’. B. —=11.5. &-1 This tapering dependent; factor, nearly as it is often called, is strongly all parameters the process. Different to different CMOS tapering of the driver is as follows according by Fig. 9. Co= 100 fF and CL (Fig. 5 ns rise and fall times (r) (inverter (with string), 8) COMPARISON OF THE PERFORMANCES OF Two on then the design I c.f ( humber (l+ 7. 5 I b). C.=llpF stage (N) is determined by power I P.. =PPN=fi~= 4.4*~O-3 A/V’, creased and will by 1 ns as compared LP– ALP Wp ~=/3PD =315’ The (N – i) inverters ‘0 _ 630pm LP ~– (-) are now determined 3pm In this paper static A-l For this example, as shown therefore, in Fig. (This, needed for this example of course, has to be string should be 9 to guarantee a very small short-circuit dissipation and a minimum area consumption, The parasitic nodal capacitances are also depicted in Fig. 9. By means of circuit simulations circuit performance found the mean power dissipa- a simple when formula circuits. A detailed with that if each inverter way that the input short-circuit dynamic of a quick dissipation dissipation of of this short- capacitances. of the It was of a string is designed in such a and output ( <20 rise and fall times are equal, will be much percent). This less than result the has been applied to a practical design of a CMOS driving circuit (buffer), which is commonly built up of a string of inverters. An expression has also been derived for a tapering factor between two successive inverters of such a string to minimize parasitic power dissipation. power, and area) than is possible propagation delay. e is a much discharge parasitic for dissipation discussion different tapering factors: a factor of 11.5, which is derived in this paper (process-determined) from optimization of power dissipation and area, and a factor e, which is derived [3] from optimization of the propagation delay. In this example the most important improvement due to choosing a tapening factor equal to 11.5 instead of a factor and a reduced is derived is given based upon the behavior loaded tion has been calculated at a clock frequency of ~ = l/T = 10 MHz. Table I shows the results of a comparison of two area ( < 1/4) (power, by optimiza~ion short-circuit cluded that optimization leads to a better overall smaller of the like buffers, AND CONCLUSIONS the maximum dissipation inverter the the inverter of CMOS circuit fF and C~ = 11 pF we find from will be equal to N =1.83. rounded off to N = 2.) optimization circuits, equal delay. SUMMARY by the tapering calculation of inverters been in- “ B. —=11.5. (13) that the number overall con- the power factor driving and area) then can be achieved the propagation factor the given CO =100 power minus to a tapering we can state that of CMOS lead to a better delay, .& parasitic is the total power consumption In summarizing, ‘Oepower dissipation ‘“(%l.=%: Wp This I dissipation which was actually meant (C~V2~). In our case, the propagation delay has only or (see Appendix) (&~n)N=%=105 1 ( = 1/4). consumption sumption designed I to (11): Thus, the last inverter With e I invertersl t’ () factor {actortl.5 the above assumptions): CN=CL+CPXN= INVERTER STRINGS WITH DIFFERENT TAPERING FACTORS to Fig. 8: according The designed inverter string for a practicaf example. lead TABLE I situation, equals 10 pF and we want procedure in (12) are determined processes may therefore factors. If, in a practical the output process Finally, it is con- in terms of power dissipation performance (in terms of speed, by minimization of the APPENDIX It can easily be derived a capacitive [1] what transistor is needed to load C~ from the supply voltage Vdd 473 VEENDtUCK: SHORT-CIRCUIT DISSIPATION OF STATIC CMOS CIRCUITRY to a voltage From V in the time ~~: 2VT % = $ “ ~dd2vT 2(vdd–vTn)–v’ “ “ { vdd–;Tn+ln v [ ) w) (21) and (22) we derive C~_l = (1 + b). (WP&~ This, combined cN_, with (A1O) yields *l+a. (3aL~~ 2vTn 1 Vdd–v= 1) 2(vdd–vTn)–v n “ {, vdd–vT n ‘ln Equations -3ALP~) .(l+b).cox. LnN – AL~~ (- =A v [ [A13) (J’LN”LJ = where + W~#~&X. (A14) ) (A4), (AS), and (A14) result in (A2) is a constant for a given technology. 6%1 Thus, = + “(l+ b)”cox” Lw”:”fl; ‘N “ ( LnN - AL~N +3a2. LnN –3a.ALPN). (A3) &=~.A Finally, and for the (N – l)th bN-I (A4) BN-1=~.A. assuming the inverter pn=pp=p; and, from (A.15) (18) and (25) we derive inverter: c~-~ Again, ‘N and because of the difference ~r=~f=T in mobility (A5) of holes and electrons: WP– AWP Wn– Awn Lp – ALP ‘3* Ln– ALn” Wn =3* Ln – AL. r“~no * ‘1 + b)”cOx”L”N With equations (Al) pletely determined. Th~ number ‘N and (A16) of inverters PN the inverter (N), ratio in (26), is now determined -3a.AL which } “ (A16) string is com- depends on the by (A.17) (A6) where Co and CN represent the input capacitance and the output load capacitance of the inverter string, respectively (Fig. 8). As Wn >> AWn and WP>> A WP, (A6) reduces to Wp A . (LnN(I+3a2)-AL to be symmetrical: V,n=-v=, LP – ALP ~N = (A7) “ ACKNOWLEDGMENT With The Wn=(Ln– ALn)~ b. (A8) ❑ and given a lines relation between LP=a. Ln and LP [1] [2] we find a“Ln– ‘P” LP = ‘n ’Ln”3a” [3] ALP Ln – AL. “ wishes to acknowledge the helpful made by A. T. van Zanten suggesancl C. Rf3FERENCES (A9) Ln author tions and contributions Hartgring. (A1O) M. I. Elmasry, “ Digitaf MOS integrated circuits: A tutoriaf;’ Digital MOS Integrated Circuils. New York: IEEE Press pp. 4-27, A. Kapuma, ” CMOS circuit optimization,” Solid-State Electron., vol. 26, no. 1, pp: 47-58, 1983. C. Mead and L. Conway, Introduction to VLSI Systems. New York: pp. 12-15. Harry J. M. Veendrick was born in Humme”lo en Keppel, The Netherlands, on March 8, 1950; He received the Ing. degree from the Zwolle l?olytechnicaf College, Zwolle, The Netherlands, in of 1971, and graduated from the Department Electronic Engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, in 1977. . c PmN–l =b” CgN and CpuN=b. C~. (A12) In 1977, he joined Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, The Netherlwds, where he is working in a digital integrated-circuit design group on MOS circuit design.