Thao Nguyen, S.J. Santa Clara University, Religious Studies Department 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95053 (408) 554 -2390 Education: Ph.D. Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, 2013 Dissertation Title: A New Way of Being Church for Mission: Asian Bishops and Asian Women in Dialogue, A Study of The Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences Master of Divinity B.A. Philosophy Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, 2008 St. Louis University, 2003 Academic Positions Assistant Professor, Religious Studies, Santa Clara University, 2014-present Instructor, Asian Studies, Seattle University, 2003-05 Research and Publications in English and Vietnamese Thao Nguyen, S.J., “Hôn Nhân Liên Tôn và Đối Thoại ” [Interfaith Marriage and Interreligious Dialogue] in Hôn Nhân và Gia Đình [Marriage and Family], ed. Nguyen Khac Hy (Federation of Vietnamese Catholics in US, 2015), 126-140. Thao Nguyen, S.J., Trên Đôi Cách Phượng Hoàng: Giáo Hoàng Gioan Phaolo II [On Eagle’s Wings: Pope John Paul II] Vietnamese Redemptorists, Long Beach, 2014. CD-ROM. Thao Nguyen, S.J., Phía Trước Là Ánh Bình Minh: Giáo Hoàng John XXIII [Dawn of Future: Pope John XXIII] Vietnamese Redemptorists, Long Beach, 2014. CDROM. Thao Nguyen, S.J., “Giáo Hoàng Gioan Phaolo II và Giáo Hoàng John XXIII” [Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII] in Đừng Sợ [Don’t Be Afraid] Vietnamese Redemptorists, Long Beach, 2014. DVD. Thao Nguyen, “St. Paul and Women in Ministry” in Saint Paul: Model of Catechists. H. V. Nguyen, ed. Baton Rouge, LA: Vietnamese National Catechetical Committee, 2 2009. Thao Nguyen and Erica Lilleleht. “Together and Apart, Within and Without: Vietnamese Perceptions, Western Medicine, and A Different View of Madness” in Unity and Diversity in Religion and Culture: International Readings on Theory, History and Philosophy of Culture. UNESCO: St. Petersburg, 2006. Le Xuan Hy and Thao Nguyen. “Vietnamese Cultural and Religious Femininity: Implications For Conflict Management And Synergy” in Unity and Diversity in Religion and Culture: International Readings on Theory, History and Philosophy of Culture. UNESCO: St. Petersburg, 2006. Thao Nguyen and Le Xuan Hy. “Truyen Giao Theo Tung Lua Tuoi” [Age-Appropriate Evangelization Today] in Giao Ly va Tan Truyen Giao. H. V. Nguyen, ed. Baton Rouge, LA: Vietnamese National Catechetical Committee, 2003. Thao Nguyen and Le Xuan Hy. “Social Justice: How To Live It and Teach It.” Voi toi, song la Duc Kito, H. V. Nguyen, ed. Baton Rouge, LA: Vietnamese National Catechetical Committee, 2004. Thao Nguyen and Hy Le. “Nhung Buoc Phat Trien Tam Ly va Doi Song Tam Linh” [Stages of Psychological Development and Spiritual Life] in Voi toi, song la Duc Kito, H. V. Nguyen, ed. Baton Rouge, LA: Vietnamese National Catechetical Committee, 2005. Conference Papers • Keynote Speaker, “Tin Để Yêu Mến ” [Faith Leads To Love], Faith Formation Conference, University of Portland, 2013. • Speaker, “Jesus Across Cultures And Core Values of The Catholic Tradition,” Luis Mayer Theater, Santa Clara University, 2014. • Keynote Speaker, “Trên Đôi Cách Phượng Hoàng và Giáo Hoàng Gioan Phaolo II” [On Eagle’s Wings and Pope John Paul II], Divine Mercy Convocation, University of Long Beach, 2014. • Keynote Speaker, “Phía Trước Là Ánh Bình Minh and Pope John XXIII” [Dawn of Future and Pope John XXIII], Divine Mercy Convocation, University of Long Beach, 2014. • Keynote Speaker, “Lời Xin Vâng Trong Gian Nan” [Mary’s Fiat in Trials], Lavang Convocation, Seattle, 2014. • Keynote Speaker, “Cùng Mẹ Trong Hành Trình Mới” [New Journey with Mary], Lavang Convocation, Seattle, 2014. 3 • Keynote Speaker, “ Sống Niềm Tin Trong Gian Nan ” [Living Our Faith in Difficult Times] La-Vang Convocation, Las Vegas, 2014. • “The Other in the Ethics of Kant, Levinas and the Vietnamese Culture,” with Hy Le. Paper presented at International Conference on German Classical Philosophy: Epistemology and Ethics at National University of Vietnam, Hanoi, 2004. • “Social Justice: How To Live It and Teach It,” with Hy Le. Paper presented at National Catechetical Conference, Voi toi, song la Duc Kito Baton Rouge, LA 2004. • “Tha Nhan Trong Dao Duc Hoc Cua Kant, Levinas va Van Hoa Viet Nam,” with Le Xuan Hy. Paper presented at College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, 2005. • “Together and Apart, Within and Without: Vietnamese Perceptions, Western Medicine, and A Different View of Madness,” with Erica Lilleleht. Paper presented at UNESCO conference on Unity and Diversity in Religion and Culture, Seattle 2005. • “Vietnamese Cultural and Religious Femininity: Implications For Conflict Management And Synergy,” with Hy Le. Paper presented at UNESCO conference on Unity and Diversity in Religion and Culture, Seattle 2005). • “Vietnamese World View: New Approach to Ministry.” Paper presented at the Vietnamese National Catechetical Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, 2007. • “Role of Women in The Parish Life.” Paper presented at Vietnamese National “Catechetical Conference, Saint Paul: Model of Catechists. Baton Rouge, LA, 2009. • “Inculturation: Lessons Learned From Missionaries in Vietnam.” Paper presented at Vietnamese National Catechetical Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, 2011. • “Nhung Buoc Phat Trien Tam Ly va Doi Song Tam Linh,” with Le Xuan Hy, [Stages of Psychological Development and Spiritual Life], Voi toi, song la Duc Kito. Paper presented at Vietnamese National Catechetical Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, 2005. Workshops Conducted Workshops on faith education methods of teaching at Bay Congress, Santa Clara Convention Center, 2012. Conducted workshops on faith education methods of teaching in a multicultural setting for Vietnamese American Catechists, Diocese of Oakland, 4 2011. Conducted workshops on pedagogy, philosophy of education, and method of learning in higher education for faculty members of International University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2010. Conducted workshops on new methods of teaching and learning for college teachers and students at Huflit University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2010. Conducted workshops on teaching humanity subjects: finding an effective method at National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2010. Conducted workshops on methods of teaching and learning for Catholic teachers and college students at the Alexandre de Rhodes Center, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2010. Conducted workshops on lay leadership in the 21st century at the Most Holy Trinity Parish, San Jose, 2009. Works in Progress: Articles • “Ignatian and Zen Vietnamese Buddhist Examen of Consciousness.” • “Asian Bishops and Women in Mission: Dialogue Within and Without.” • “The Asian Church’s Mission in Relationship With Asian Religions” • “Church in Vietnam under Communism: A Dialogical Approach.” • “Religious, Cultural, and Political Dynamics in The Tranformation of French Notre-Dame des Victoires into Our Lady of Lavang: Vietnam 1998.” • “Mother Goddess Worship: Interaction Between Religion and Culture in Vietnam.” • “Role of Catholic Women in Sustaining Faith under Communism in North Vietnam From 1945-1975.” Book in Vietnamese • Thao Nguyen, S.J., Mo Long Cho Huyen Nhiem [Opening To The Mystery].