Flashlight - Engineers Week

What you will need:
2 or 3 inexpensive flashlights
Pencil – 1
A4 sized paper
Small flashlight bulb – 1
Batteries – 2
Paper towel tube
Small cardboard box
Copper wire – 1
Aluminum foil
Brass fasteners
Paper clips
Plastic wrap
How you can who this:
1. Before you make your flashlight, it is a good idea to find out how they work. So disassemble
the store-bought flashlights and find out what is in it!
2. Trace the path of the electricity and observe how the power source, the switch and the bulb
are connected.
3. Now, draw up your own design for a flashlight, and write down the materials you’ll need for it.
4. And now, build the flashlight that you’ve designed. Ensure that there’s a flow of current
between the negative and the positive ends.
You can use the paper towel tube as the holder of your torch. The
light bulb when set in a cone of aluminum foil will brighten the
light of your torch; aluminum foil is a good reflector. You even
personalize it by drawing on it.
Can you think of more things you could do to make it better?
If you learn how to do this you will discover what an electrical engineer does
to make many things that you have at home today!