Abdolaziz Ashrafian P ERSONAL INFORMATION: Birth: 1985, Iran Marital Status: Single Call: (+98) 09388090275 E-mails: az.ashrafian@gmail.com, ashrafian@aut.ac.ir, a.ashrafian@ieee.org EDUCATION: 2010 PhD Student., Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, GPA: Thesis Topic: “----“ Supervisor: Dr. M.A.Mirsalim. 2010 M.S.C., Electrical Engineering, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran, GPA: 16.89 Thesis Topic: "Detection and classification of transient phenomena in power transformer using wavelet transform” Supervisor: Dr. M.Rostami. Advisor: Dr. G.B.Gharehpetian 2007 B.S., Electrical Engineering, Islamic Azad University South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran, GPA: 16.28 Thesis Topic: "Requirements for connection of distributed generation to power system" Supervisor: Dr.J.Olamaiee TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teacher Assistant "Power System Analysis I", 2010 and 2009, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran. Lecturer "Design and implementation of PCB boards using PROTEL software" 2011, Islamic Azad University, Shahre-Rey Branch, Tehran, Iran. Lecturer "Industrial Systems & PLC. (Workshop) ", 2010 and 2011, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. Lecturer "Industrial Systems & PLC. (Workshop) ", 2010, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran. Lecturer "Electrical Machines Lab", 2010, University of Science & Application, Tehran, Iran. LANGUAGES : Persian: Native English: Fluent F IELD OF INTERESTS: Electric machinery Transient analysis of power system Digital signal processing Power system protection and relaying Transformer dielectric testing Power quality monitoring HONORS & CERTIFICATES: 3rd rank of MSC student on electrical engineering, shahed university Tehran, Iran. 2nd Rank of Technical Student in Khouzestan province, 2003. SIEMENS PLC S7 300 (Introductory) with grade A, 2008. SIEMENS PLC S7 300 (Advanced) with grade A, 2008. ENGINEERING AND GENERAL SKILLS: MATLAB EMTP Microsoft Office ETAP Power Lab MAXWELL P UBLICATIONS: Journal Papers: 1- A. Ashrafian, M.S. Naderi, G.B. Gharehpetian “Characterisation of internal incipient faults in transformers during impulse test using index based on S matrix energy and standard deviation” IET Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 6, Iss. 4, pp. 225–232, 2012. (ISI) 2- A. Ashrafian, M. Rostami, G.B. Gharehpetian “ Hyperbolic S-transform Based Method for Classification of External Faults,Incipient Faults, Inrush Currents and Internal Faults in Power Transformers” IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2012, Vol.6, No.10, pp.940-950. (ISI) 3- A. Ashrafian, M. Rostami, G. B. Gharehpetian, and M. Gholamghasemi “Application of Discrete S-Transform for Differential Protection of Power Transformers” International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol.4, No.2, pp.186-190, April 2012. 4- A. Ashrafian, M. Rostami, G. B. Gharehpetian, and S. S. Shafiee Bahnamiri “Improving Transformer Protection by Detecting Internal Incipient Faults” International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol.4, No.2, pp.196-201, April 2012. 2 5- A. Ashrafian, M. Rostami, G.B.Gharehpetian, A. D. Falehi “Discrimination among Internal Incipient Faults, Internal Faults and Inrush Current of Transformer by using S-Transform” International Review on Modelling and Simulation (IREMOS), Vol.4, No.4, pp. 1533-1541, August 2011. 6- A. D. FAlehi, M. Rostami, A. Doroudi, A. Ashrafian “Optimization and coordination of SVC-based supplementary controllers and PSSs to improve the power system stability using genetic algorithm” Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, Vol.20, No.5, pp.639-654. (ISI) 7- A.Ashrafian, Mehdi S.Naderi, G.B.Gharehpetian “Detection of Internal Incipient Faults in Transformers During Impulse Test Using Hyperbolic S-Transform” European Transactions on Electrical Power (in press) (ISI) 8- A. Ashrafian, Mehrdad Rostami,Gevork B.Gharehpetian “Characterization of Internal Disturbances and External Faults in Transformers Using S-Transform Based Algorithm” Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences. (In press.) (ISI) Conference Papers: A. Ashrafian, M. Rostami, G.B Garehpetian, S.S Shafiee Bahnamiri and A. D. Falehi “A Wavelet Based Approach for Fast Detection of Internal Fault in Power Transformers” The 3rd International Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Transportation System (PEITS 2010), China, Shenzhen, November 20-21, 2010. 1- A. Ashrafian, H. Moghadam Banayem, A. Doroudi and M. Rostami “Identification of Flicker Source Using Continuous Wavelet Transform” The 3rd International Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Transportation System (PEITS 2010), China, Shenzhen, November 20-21, 2010. 2- H. Moghadam Banayem, A. Ashrafian, A. Doroudi “Determination of flicker flow direction and trace of major flicker source in power system” The First Power Quality Conference, Power Center of Excellence, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 21-22 Sep 2010, (In farsi). 3- A. D. Falehi, M. Rostami, A. Doroudi, S.S Shafiee and A. Ashrafian “Damping of power system multi-mode oscillations by coordinated design of SVC-based damping controller and PSSs using genetic algorithm” The 3rd International Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Transportation System (PEITS 2010), China, Shenzhen, November 20-21, 2010. 4- 3