Tehran Node Report

Tehran Node Report
July 20, 2004
Tehran, Iran
During 2004, State of the Future Reports 2000 (at The Millennium) and 2001 were
printed. More that 1700 copies of each were pre-sold as a form of support from ministry
of Islamic Culture and Guidance, and MATN company. Note that this number of course
does show real sales in bookstores. It would have been probably much less.
Translation of State of the Future 2001, 2002 and 2003 are finished and typesetting has
started for 2001 and 2002.
Some negotiations are under way for translation of the Methodologies. Getting support,
for this book is more difficult, since it is basically a 750 pages book.
Some vocabularies out of SOF books are pulled out, which together with the future words
from WFS and suggestions from other nodes form the MP future dictionary.
Mohsen Bahrami
Tehran Node Chair
Mechanical Engineering Department
Amir Kabir University of Technology
e-mail: <mbahrami@cic.aku.ac.ir>
FAX: (98 21 ) 641 97 36
TEL: (98 21 ) 640 58 44