Security Service Plan Access Parts Labor Flier 3 .qxd 01/26/10 1:58 PM Page 1 ALARM, ACCESS CONTROL PARTS AND LABOR SERVICE PLAN Parts and Labor Parts and Labor coverage includes inspection, troubleshooting, adjustment, and replacement and/or repair of parts covered under the terms of the contract agreement. Refer to Section 10 on the Quality Care Maintenance Agreement for additional detail. Average Response Time Guarantee Average response time for alarm equipment is 4 hours. As a long-standing partner, Diebold Premier Services exhibits exceptional service with the ability to provide coverage anywhere, anytime. Diebold's definition of response time is the number of hours that elapses between the time the customer contacts Diebold and requests service (Contact Time) and the time that the Diebold technician arrives on site, based on the customer's service maintenance plan coverage hours. Diebold will respond on-site “outside” of a customer's contractual coverage hours on a time & material basis. Coverage Zone Free & Clear Access Diebold will respond to all U.S. service calls, regardless of distance. Calls outside of 100 miles from a Diebold service branch are not subject to response time and availability guarantee. Service branches have the right to charge an additional fee for extremely remote areas or those that require an alternate mode of transportation to access, such as air or sea. Service rates are based on free and clear access to the equipment. Heights exceeding 12 feet requiring special equipment will result in additional costs Security Service Plan Access Parts Labor Flier 3 .qxd 01/26/10 1:58 PM Page 2 ALARM, ACCESS CONTROL PARTS AND LABOR SERVICE PLAN Money-Back Service Satisfaction Guarantee Every Diebold service plan is backed by our Money-Back Service Satisfaction Guarantee: Diebold guarantees that you will be happy with your choice of Diebold Service for your equipment. If you are dissatisfied Diebold will correct the problem to your satisfaction and reimburse the service fee for the month for the applicable piece of equipment. Coverage Hours Service plans can be customized to meet your specific needs. For example, Saturday and Sunday hours are available. Standard optional hours of coverage include: • 8AM to 8PM, Monday–Friday • 8AM to 11PM, Monday–Sunday • 8AM to 5PM, Monday–Friday • 24-hours, Monday–Sunday Online Service Dispatch (DECALWeb) DECALWeb provides a simple and efficient way to initiate, monitor and update Diebold service calls online. DECALWeb allows customers to: • Initiate any type of call for all Diebold-serviced equipment for any equipment under a service plan Performance Driven Quality Checklist (PDPM) During maintenance service calls, the technician providing service will perform the Diebold quality checklist that includes inspection of the alarm system and peripheral devices. During the PDPM the technician will log onto the system keypad to check for communication and operation of peripheral devices, check all batteries for proper charge, perform a visual inspection of the system and report any issues to the customer. Diebold provides this service during a normally scheduled service call. Any additional maintenance or repair not covered under this agreement will be brought to the customer's attention and any work performed outside of contract coverage will be billable at normal billed work rates. • Log onto system keypad and review zone point conditions of devices. Ensure devices are communicating. Check for low battery indicator and/or missing devices on wireless system (if applicable). • While on keypad, review system status for proper alarm operation. • Check system back-up batteries, and cellular system batteries for leakage, age, and proper charge level. • Perform a visual inspection of alarm initiating devices. Ensure devices are mounted securely and in good physical condition. Initicting devices include where applicable: desk mounted holdup buttons, motion detectors, glass break detectors, card readers (where available), perimeter door contacts, door locking devices and/or magnetic locks, fire smoke detectors, fire horn/strobes, fire pull stations and fire enunciators. • Set a priority for the service • Monitor the status of the call, including when the customer solution engineer is expected to arrive • Review the service action taken • Identify when the problem has been resolved Battery Coverage Batteries will be checked and worn/defective batteries will be replaced during a service call or during a PDPM. Covered batteries include back-up alarm batteries, alarm panel batteries and cellular batteries. A billable situation may result if a customer requests the replacement of a battery is operating within normal ranges. Exceptions to this Alarm/Access Control Service Plan The Subscriber agrees to cooperate with Diebold, Incorporated in the care of the equipment, to keep the system supplied with the necessary batteries to Diebold Specifications, to follow the instructions for the care of the system, and to immediately notify Diebold, Incorporated of any irregularity in the operation of the system. Software licensing/support and helpdesk support are not covered by this service plan. When the equipment is Underwriters' Laboratories certified, a renewal Underwriters' Laboratories, Incorporated Certificate will be furnished to the Subscriber during the life of this agreement. The Subscriber understands that the Underwriters' Laboratories Certificate may be revoked if the system is not properly maintained. Security Service Plan Access Parts Labor Flier 3 .qxd 01/26/10 1:58 PM Page 3 ALARM, ACCESS CONTROL PARTS AND LABOR SERVICE PLAN OPTIONAL COVERAGE FOR ALARM SERVICES The following represent optional coverage that can be added to a standard labor only maintenance contract. False Alarm Coverage False Alarm coverage covers the labor and travel time for up to two false alarm calls per year for the term of the service agreement. A bill will not be generated for a service call occurring during the defined hours of service plan coverage due to an action, or lack thereof, by personnel, or by a third party (such as a cleaning crew), such as peripheral devices being set off by marketing materials/animals/air vents and/or programming errors which result in a false alarm situation. False Alarm calls will be limited to two per year per site. Sites that exceed two calls per year will be brought to the customer's attention for immediate problem resolution. The local service team will partner with the customer to remedy the situation as much as possible. If the situation continues, a billable situation may occur. Communication Fault Isolation This inclusion covers instances when Diebold responds to a trouble service call and after troubleshooting, determines the issue is related to customer-based communications problems and not a Diebold equipment related problem. If hardware is found to be the problem it will be repaired at no charge under the contract. If the problem is caused by phone line, network or equipment failure, Diebold's technician will advise the customer, and the call is not billed. Requests by the customer to wait for or meet outside vendors will be scheduled as a separate service call, also known as a vendor access call, and billed at the applicable hourly labor rate. Includes: Time spent (up to two calls per year during contract hours) isolating the possible Diebold equipment problem from a non-Diebold equipment issues/communications problem. Does Not Include: specific coverage of and/or replacement of communication devices and peripheral wiring external to the alarm (cables, modems, routers, servers, hubs, converters, etc.) or vendor access requests. Requests by the customer to meet outside vendors will be scheduled as a separate service call, also known as a vendor access call, and billed at the applicable hourly labor rate. Personnel Error A bill will not be generated for a service call occurring during the defined hours of service plan coverage due to an action, or lack thereof, by personnel, such as incorrect keying of the alarm code or not being out of the building before the system activates that result in a service call. Personnel error calls will be limited to two per year per site. Sites that exceed two calls per year will be brought to the customer's attention for immediate problem resolution. The local service team will partner with the customer to remedy the situation as much as possible. If the situation continues, a billable situation may occur. No Problem Found A bill will not be generated for a service call occurring during the defined hours of plan coverage where there is no problem with the security system in question upon technician arrival. No problem found calls will be limited to two per year per site. Sites that exceed two calls per year will be brought to the customer's attention for immediate problem resolution. The local service team will partner with the customer to remedy the situation as much as possible. If the situation continues, a billable situation may occur. Customer Requested On-Site Training Diebold will provide one training session per security system per contract term to educate personnel on the basic operation of equipment at no additional charge. Training must be requested by the customer. This contract uplift allows for up to one-hour of training. Training that exceeds one hour will be billable at standard billed work labor rates. Contact Information: Diebold, Incorporated Diebold Premier Services 3792 Boettler Oaks Drive, Suite A Uniontown, Ohio 44685-7768 1.800.233.7771 1.800.DIEBOLD (to place a service call) E-mail: © Diebold, Incorporated, 2009. All rights reserved. This summary is subject to the terms and conditions of the Quality Care Maintenance Agreement and is not intended to change or vary any of the terms there of your signed service plan agreement for additional plan terms. Service is available on most alarm and access control products. Other manufacturers will be reviewed on a case by case basis.