Call for Papers IET Power Electronics

Call for Papers
IET Power Electronics
Editor-in-Chief: Professor Volker Pickert, Newcastle University, UK
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Dr Mohamed Dahidah, Newcastle University, UK
Special Issue:
Converters and Semiconductor
Circuit Breakers for HVDC and DC grids
The HVDC converter systems have seen rapid development in the past 10 years. While MMC (Modular Multilevel Converters) are emerging as the
optimal topology, there are several widely differing MMC configurations under rapid research and development and new configurations are under
evaluation at various manufacturers. Half-bridge, Full Bridge and hybrid Modular Multilevel Converters will require substantial further studies at cell,
valve and system level to optimise costs and losses. The modulation and control of high power MMC are rapidly evolving into unique and very complex
systems. The further advancement of overhead VSC HVDC, multiterminal HVDC and DC grids is dependent on the DC fault tolerance and costeffective coupling of AC/DC converters with suitable DC Circuit Breakers.
The future DC transmission grids are placing new performance requirements on HVDC converters in particular related to DC fault tolerance/clearing
and system-level control. DC grids will additionally require reliable semiconductor DC Circuit Breakers, while some circuit breakers will also possess
active fault current limiting function. A range of new converters systems are actively investigated for the placement inside
DC grids, like DC choppers, DC power flow controlling converters, DC/DC converters and DC Hubs.
The technical topics in this IET Power Electronics journal special issue include:
Research and development of VSC HVDC converters:
– Design,
– Control,
– Modulation,
– Modelling,
– Protection,
n Semiconductor DC Circuit Breakers and fault current limiters:
– Hybrid DC Circuit Breakers,
– DC choppers,
n DC grid converters:
n Emerging VSC converter topologies:
n HVDC switches, cell and valve design.
– Half bridge MMC,
– Full bridge MMC,
– Hybrid converters,
– Alternative arm converters,
– DC/DC converters,
– DC grid power flow controllers,
– DC hubs and multiport DC/DC converters,
The authors are invited to submit full article according to IET research journal author guide, using IET manuscript central submission
below. The submission must be of high quality, presenting original research, and should not be under consideration for publication in
other journals. All submissions are subject to the journal’s peer-review procedures. The individual papers accepted for publication in the
Special Issue will be published as e-first ahead of the print publication. The authors should follow the journal’s Author Guide at
For enquiries regarding this Special Issue please contact the Guest Editors:
Important dates:
Submission deadline:
30 Jun 2015
Publication Date: Feb 2016
Guest Editor in Chief:
Professor Dragan Jovcic
University Of Aberdeen
Guest Editor:
Professor Xu Cai
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
All papers must be submitted through the journal’s Manuscript Central system:
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n Prompt and rigorous peer review provides authors with a quick decision about publication
n Open access option available in all IET journals allows authors to disseminate their research to a wider international audience and
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n Articles are published e-first in advance of the printed publication making your research available at the earliest opportunity
Contact us:
IET Power Electronics
IET Research Journals Dept.
Michael Faraday House
Six Hills Way
United Kingdom
Kruna Vukmirovic, Executive Editor (IET Research Journals)
T: +44 (0)1438 765504
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