Call for Papers IET Power Electronics

Call for Papers
IET Power Electronics
Editor-in-Chief: Professor Volker Pickert, Newcastle University, UK
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Dr Mohamed Dahidah, Newcastle University, UK
Editor: Dr Miguel Castilla, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Deputy Editor: Dr Jaume Miret, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Special Issue:
Power Electronics Converters for
Marine Renewable Energy Applications
The ever increasing demand on fossil fuel reserves not only has a significant effect on the environment through climate change but leads
to depletion of supply and hence higher fuel prices. More clean, affordable and sustainable forms of energy, mainly renewable energies
are needed to replace conventional energy sources for a secure future. Renewable energy has become attractive to many countries as
its sources are easily available and environmentally friendly. Moreover it plays a major role for the economy creating more jobs and, most
importantly, providing secure and limitless energy. In the last decade, marine energy has received considerable attention and there has
been a resurgence of interest in marine energy, especially in Europe.
The main objective of the special issue is to provide a means for the publication and interchange of information, on an international basis,
on marine energy (Wave, Tidal, Current and Offshore Wind). The ongoing challenges in are protection, integration, system design and
operational experience in harsh environment. The future of marine renewable energy technologies will depend mainly on the converter
development including reliability, cost, performance, efficiency, and size/weight.
The technical topics in this IET Power Electronics journal Special Issue include:
Offshore wind energy: converters, control, etc...
Wave energy: converters, control, etc...
Tidal energy: converters, control, etc...
Current energy: converters, control, etc...
Transmission for marine energy and the associated components: HVDC, AC, etc...
n Energy storage and interface
n Grid integration for marine renewable energy converters: HVDC and FACTs, intelligent control of grid-connected,
fault management, storage techniques, etc...
n System level design: modelling, protection, control, communications, etc...
n Converter topologies for marine renewable energy converters: new topologies, modular multilevel converters, hybrid multilevel converters, DC-DC converters, etc...
n Control algorithms for marine renewable energy converters: carrier based algorithms, selective harmonic elimination, nearest level control, advanced and new modulation algorithms, etc...
n Algorithms for failure monitoring in power electronics used
by marine renewable energy converters
All submissions are subject to the journal’s peer-review procedures. The authors should follow the journal’s Author Guide at when preparing papers for submission to the Special Issue.
For enquiries regarding this Special Issue please contact the Guest Editors:
Important dates:
Submission deadline:
Sep 30 2016
Publication Date: Jun 2017
Ahmed F. Zobaa
Brunel University London
College of Engineering, Design and
Physical Sciences
Uxbridge, UB8 3PH, Middlesex
United Kingdom
Bimal Bose
University of Tennessee,
Department of Electrical
Engineering & Computer Science,
Knoxville, USA
Khaled Ahmed
University of Aberdeen
School of Engineering
Aberdeen, United Kingdom
All papers must be submitted through the journal’s Manuscript Central system:
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n Prompt and rigorous peer review provides authors with a quick decision about publication
n Open access option available in all IET journals allows authors to disseminate their research to a wider international audience and
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Contact us:
IET Power Electronics
IET Research Journals Dept.
Michael Faraday House
Six Hills Way
United Kingdom
Kruna Vukmirovic, Publisher - Journals
T: +44 (0)1438 765504
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