ENGR-101 Week 01: Introduction to Test Equipment Today’s Agenda 11:00 Role Call Welcoming Remarks 11:15 Experiment 1: Display various waveforms (with Autoscale) 11:35 Experiment 2: Triggering 11:55 Experiment 3: Display Manipulation (without Autoscale) 12:15 Experiment 4: Reading measurements (with cursors) 12:35 Discussion Points 13:00 Adjourn Welcome to Drexel! • MEM Professor since August 2000 • Director, Robotics Lab (street-level Bossone) • Advised teams who won design competitions • 5+ years of industry experience • Fellow at NASA, Office of Navy Research and Boeing • Served under POTUS at National Science Foundation • Email: paul@coe.drexel.edu • Web: http://www.mem.drexel.edu/pauloh.html • TA: Robert Ellenberg (robert.william.ellenberg@drexel.edu) According to Beloit College Mindset, the Class of 2015 (born around 1992)…. When someone mentions Fergie, you think… But I think of… The former Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York Your first computer probably looked like With a Pentium 3 CPU, 100+ MB Drive 1+ MB RAM, CD-Rom My first computer looked like this… Cassette tape drive (hours to load a game), 16K RAM, 8-bit CPU and what’s a CD-Rom? Popular TV shows when I was a kid… But you probably know them as the following movies… The World of Tera Worldwide Optical Content Worldwide Printed Content US Broadcast Media Worldwide Film Content Internet Worldwide Magnetic Content World Telephone Calls Electronic Flow of New Info Giga = 10^6 Tera = 10^12 103 TB 1,633 TB 14,893 TB 420,254 TB 532,897 TB 4,999,230 TB 17,200,000 TB 17, 903, 340 TB Peta = 10^15 Zettabytes is Tomorrow… 1 Petabyte 1,000 TB or 250,000 DVDs Source: Cisco Visual Networking Index Forecast 2007-2012 200 Terabytes A digital library of all books ever written in any language 100 Pentabytes The amount of data produced in a single minute by a new Particle collider at CERN 1 Exabyte 1,000 PB or 250M DVDs 5 Exabytes A transcript of all words ever spoken 100 Exabytes A video recording of all the meetings that took place last year all over the world 1 Zettabyte 1,000 EB or 250B DVDs 1 Yottabyte 1,000 ZB or 250T DVDs 66 Zettabytes The amount of visual information conveyed from the eyes to the Brain of the entire human race in a single year 20 Yottabytes A holographic snapshot of the earth’s surface Paradigm Shifts in Teaching, Learning and Design Old: Just-in-Case Teaching Paradigm Shift New: Just-in-Time Learning Old: 3 R’s (Reading, Writing and Arithmetic) Paradigm Shift in Skill Development New: 3 S’s (Search, Share and Simulate) Yesterday Paradigm Shift In Design Rules of Thumb Build Prototypes Expensive Testing Demonstration Prototyping Prototyping Systems Feasibility Tomorrow Analytical Synthesis Methods Building Models Simulation Visualization Rapid Prototyping Virtual Reality Optimal Solutions Motivation for Today’s Lab http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbuqKKvcziA&feature=related Myth Buster: Can an opera singer shatter a wine glass? How would you go about testing and demonstrating this? Experiment 1: Display various waveforms (with Autoscale) Goal: Display sine wave at 1 kHz, 1 VPP, with 0 VDC offset Step 1: • Under “Tool” controls, press Wave Gen • Connect one end of BNC cable on Function Generator’s “Output” • Connect other end to Oscilloscope’s 1X connector Step 2: • Set “sine” waveform • Set “Offset” 0 VDC • Set “Frequency” 1 kHz • Set “Amplitude” 1 VPP Step 3: • Press “Autoscale” button Congratulations: You should see a sine wave at the prescribed amplitude and frequency Exercises: Generate and display: 1-1: Sine wave, 20 kHz, 4 VPP, 2 VDC offset 1-2: Triangle wave, 50 Hz, 100 mVPP, 0 VDC offset 1-3: Ramp wave, max freq (~100 kHz), max amp (~20 VPP) 0 VDC offset Lab Notebook: At 0 VDC Offset, what are the function generator’s 1-A: Max and min peak-to-peak voltage for sine? For ramp? 1-B: Max and min frequency settings for sine? For ramp? Experiment 2: Triggering Goal: Display the waveform when a voltage level is met Step 1: • Generate ramp at 1 kHz, 2 VPP, 0 VDC offset • On oscilloscope, press “Autoscale” Step 2: • On oscilloscope: Trigger – Mode - Auto Step 3: • Rotate “Level” knob to move the trigger (level) point up or down Step 4: Rotate “Level” knob until trigger level is above the ramp Exercise: 2-1: In lab notebook, explain what happened and why Experiment 3: Display Manipulation (without Autoscale) Goal: Customizing the display Step 1: Step 2: • Generate sine wave at 1 kHz, 1 VPP, with 0 VDC offset • Rotate the Volts/div knob to zoom waveform • Rotate the Position knob to reposition waveform vertically 500 mV Step 3: • Rotate Time/div knob Period = 5*200 us = 1000 us = 1 ms 200 uS Frequency = 1/T so, have a 1 kHz sine wave Exercise: Partner 1 randomly set generator (and cover display). Partner 2 must capture, display and report signal frequency, VPP and Offset 3-1: Sine: f = 1 kHz to 20 kHz, VPP = 1 to 4 V, Offset = 0 to 2 VDC 3-2: Triangle: f = 1 Hz to 50 Hz, VPP = 10 mV to 100 mV at 0 VDC offset 3-3: Ramp: f = 10 kHz to 100 kHz, VPP = 2 to 20 V, 0 VDC offset Lab Notebook: 3-A: Rotate Time/div and record oscilloscope’s max and min time resolution 3-B: Rotate Volts/div and record oscilloscope’s max and min voltage resolution Experiment 4: Reading measurements (with cursors) Goal: Use voltage and time cursors to read measurements Step 1: Step 2: • Generate ramp wave at 50 Hz, 200 mV VPP, with 0 VDC offset • Select Measure – Time - Cursor Exercise: Partner 1 randomly set generator (and cover display). Partner 2 use cursors to report signal frequency, VPP and Offset 4-1: Sine: f = 1 kHz to 20 kHz, VPP = 1 to 4 V, Offset = 0 to 2 VDC 4-2: Triangle: f = 1 Hz to 50 Hz, VPP = 10 mV to 100 mV at 0 VDC offset 4-3: Ramp: f = 10 kHz to 100 kHz, VPP = 2 to 20 V, 0 VDC offset Discussion Points Take Home Points: • Understand and visualize output signals (hence function generator) • Question: Why only sine, square, ramp, triangle? • Hint: Fourier theorems, derivatives and integrals • Measure signals (hence oscilloscope) • Question: What’s a transducer? • Hint: Oscilloscope only measures voltages • Autoscale is nice feature but usually works for periodic signals Myth Buster: Can an opera singer shatter a wine glass? How would you go about testing and demonstrating this? Things to think about: Resonance versus Amplification Myth Busters Breaking Glass With Human Voice 1/3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9FrMkhQoA4 Myth Busters Breaking Glass With Human Voice 2/3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHSGd2X1nc8&feature=related Myth Busters Breaking Glass With Human Voice 3/3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXV45t6wlWU&feature=related Doh-Ray-Mee-Fah-Soh-Lah-Tee-Doh (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Source: http://www.intmath.com/Trigonometric-graphs/music.php http://www.pianoeletronico.com.br/index-en.html Next Time: Week 02 – Shutter Speed Measurement • Bring camera: A disposable camera will be disassembled • Search and read about disposable cameras • http://www.ehow.com/how-does_5031419_disposable-cameras-made.html • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emjm-HJAsME&feature=related • Search how camera flashes work • http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/camera-flash1.htm • What are coil guns and tasers? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epaMq1vee_c • What is a film ASA rating and how does this relate to shutter speed? • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Film_speed • Roughly calculate the shutter speed needed for a disposable camera