Oracle India Private Limited, New Delhi

Oracle India Private Limited, New Delhi
Oracle entered India in 1987 and set up an India Development Centre in 1994. Oracle has been
operating in India for more than 19 years, first through a distributorship and thereafter through its
own subsidiary since 1993. Today, Oracle has two India Development Centers as well as Indian
hubs for Oracle's global support, consulting and financial services operations. Through its offices
in the six metro and 17 high growth cities in India, and an extensive network of more than 400
channel and alliance partners under the Oracle Partner Network, Oracle India markets the
complete range of Oracle products and services across India. Oracle India has more than 6,500
customers in the telecommunications, banking, insurance, manufacturing and utilities industries,
across the government and private sector. Oracle India is a major partner for E-Governance
initiatives of Central and State Government bodies in India. The Oracle-HP E-Governance Centre
of Excellence is located at Oracle India’s head office in Gurgaon, near New Delhi. With Sales,
Marketing, Consulting, Education and Support for local customers, Oracle India markets the
complete range of Oracle products and services through its head office in Gurgaon, offices in
Bangalore, Calcutta, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai and New Delhi, and also through its partners
in India under the Oracle Partner Network. Oracle has also extended its sales network presence
to 17 non–metro cities in India.
India Development Center
The largest research and development center for Oracle outside the US, the Oracle India
Development Center (IDC) in Bangalore and Hyderabad carries out cutting edge development
work across the entire Oracle product family for the global market. Leveraging the world–class
software development skills base and consistent on time delivery of high quality product, the IDC
leverages the 12 1/2 hour time difference between India and the US to operate a Follow the Sun
model of software development whereby Oracle’s India Development Center takes over from the
US development organization overnight – accomplishing two days of development in one.
Oracle Direct
Delivering on the promise to help customers "See Your Business in Our Software," this highly–
skilled direct sales organization uses web–based communication, applications and services to
show customers first–hand how Oracle can increase the integration, reliability, security and cost–
effectiveness of their information technology.
Global Consulting
Two specialized team leverage their proximity to development and support to deliver rapid, cost
effective, offshore, onshore and nearshore consulting services on the full range of Oracle
products to customers worldwide.
Global Support Centre
One of four Global Support Centers servicing customers worldwide, the Global Support Center in
India offers technical support for the entire range of Oracle products. Through 24 by 7 coverage,
Oracle has the ability to provide critical support to customers and to deliver higher–quality,
efficient technical support regardless of time zone. This team also delivers Oracle On–Demand to
a part of Oracle’s global On–Demand customers.
Global Financial Information Center (GFIC)
Based out of Bangalore, the GFIC comprises two different groups. The first group called Financial
Planning and Accounting (FP&A), provides internal financial planning and analysis services such
as forecasting, budgeting and reporting for Oracle’s in–country operations across the world. The
second group is the Shared Service Center providing transaction processing services covering
Revenue Accounting, –Accounting and Customer Operations. –GFIC plays a key role in
streamlining Oracle’s financial and accounting operations around the world.