International Master in Industrial Management at TUM The International Master in Industrial Management (IMIM) is an international program that starts at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain. The following information is targeted at students accepted for the IMIM program who consider spending their 3rd semester at TUM. What is IMIM? The International Master in Industrial Management (IMIM) is a multi-site Master’s program, designed to provide students with primarily scientific or engineering-based educational backgrounds with essential business and managerial skills, relevant to pursuing careers in internationally orientated manufacturing and servicing industries. The IMIM Program is offered by four leading universities in Europe: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain, Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Italy, HeriotWatt University (HWU), United Kingdom and and Technische Universität München (TUM), Germany. Study Program Depending on their Bachelor’s degree, IMIM students will be enrolled either in TUM Master’s program in Management, Track 1 (Industrial Engineering) or Track 2 (Management for Natural Scientists). Whilst their studies at TUM, students can opt between a 1-semester stay in which they have to complete 30 ECTS of course work or a 2-semester stay in which they will additionally write a Master’s thesis (30 ECTS). Degree Awarded (only if Master’s thesis is done at TUM) Master of Science (M.Sc.) Language of Instruction English 1 Duration 1 semester (winter semester) – no degree from TUM 2 semesters (winter & summer semester) – degree from TUM Courses During their 3rd semester at TUM School of Management (SOM), IMIM students have to complete 30 ECTS of course work. They can choose 5 out of the following 6 courses*: Applied Econometrics – An Introduction (6 ECTS) Case Study Seminar Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation (6 ECTS) Advanced Seminar in Innovation & Entrepreneurship: Advanced Seminar Concepts in International Entrepreneurship (6 ECTS) Advanced Seminar Entrepreneurship (6 ECTS) Advanced Seminar in Finance & Accounting: Current Issues in Entrepreneurial Finance (6 ECTS) Marketing Entrepreneurship Lab (6 ECTS) *subject to change Thesis IMIM students accepted for the 3rd semester at TUM can continue their studies at TUM undertaking their Master’s thesis on any subject in the 4th semester. Students have to indicate in which area (e.g. Entrepreneurship, Technology Management, Operations Management) they intend to do their thesis and actively get into touch with TUM SOM professors in order to find a thesis supervisor. The potential TUM SOM supervisor decides if the student is qualified to undertake the thesis and, in the case of acceptance, acts as a supervisor. Residence in Munich during the 4th semester is usually required. Transfer of TUM Credits and Thesis within IMIM All credits gained through course work and also the thesis, if applicable, will be fully recognized within IMIM. Tuition Fee TUM charges no tuition fee. However, all students will have to pay a fee of currently 111 euros for each semester in which they enroll in modules at TUM (including the Master’s thesis module), to be used towards the Student Union and a basic public transportation ticket (“Semesterticket”). 2 Requirements To be admitted to the IMIM program at TUM: 1. Bachelor`s degree or equivalent academic background in the field of Engineering or Natural Science. (This is usually fulfilled by students admitted to IMIM but has to be proven by submitting a transcript to TUM.) 2. Apply and get enrolled in IMIM ( at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) 3. Submit your application for your 3rd semester option at TUM to UPM in time 4. Get nominated for IMIM at TUM 5. Apply to TUM (details see below) 6. In order to be awarded a degree by TUM, you will need: 30 ECTS gained from courses during your first semester at UPM 30 ECTS gained from courses during your second semester at POLIMI 30 ECTS gained from courses at TUM, and 30 ECTS Master’s Thesis Application (once you are nominated for IMIM at TUM) 1. Fill in the online application form for degree-seeking students. 2. Hand in the following documents to TUM: Printed and signed application form Copy of your Bachelor's degree or equivalent including transcript (officially authenticated copy and officially authenticated translation if the original is neither in German nor in English) Résumé Letter of Motivation (max. 1 DIN A4 page in either English or German) Photo Copy of Passport APS certificate is required for applicants who graduated from a Chinese university 3. Mind the application deadline at TUM: winter semester - 31 May Additional information about IMIM at TUM Please note that the IMIM program is an international program which starts at UPM, Spain, only. All candidates must apply for IMIM at UPM, Spain, and successfully complete the 1 st semester at UPM, Spain, and the 2nd semester at POLIMI, Italy, before attending TUM in the 3rd semester. 3 Contact and further information IMIM Academic Coordinator at TUM: Prof. Dr. Reiner Braun IMIM Student Coordinator at TUM: Manuela Sato-Prinz, M.A. +49(0)8928925080 (Your contact for all questions related to IMIM at TUM) Postal address: Arcisstrasse 21 80333 Muenchen / Germany Visitor address: TUM Central Campus - opposite Luisenstr. 51 Building 0505, Room 1547 Further information about IMIM: Further information about IMIM at TUM: Please click here. Last update: May 2015 4