International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology Research Vol. 2, No. 4, April 2013, PP: 138 - 143, ISSN: 2325-3924 (Online) Available online Research article SINGLE PHASE MULTI STRING FIVE LEVEL INVERTER FOR DISTRIBUTED ENERGY SOURCES A. Suga1, Mrs. K. Esakki Shenbaga Loga2 1. PG Scholar, EEE department, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli. 2. Associate professor, EEE department, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli. E-mail:, _________________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract Single phase DC/AC power conversion is necessary for distributed energy resources. In the conventional system, the DC/AC power conversion is done with cuk derived inverter with single DC source. In order to interface more than single dc source with DC/AC power conversion system, a multi string high step up boost converter with five level inverter is proposed. Instead of using two converters such as fly-back and cuk converter, a simple boost converter and instead of using conventional full bridge inverter, a five level inverter with six power switches are introduced to improve the power conversion. The five level inverter is operated with reduced voltage stress, switching loss and harmonics. MATLAB simulation validates the performance of the proposed system. Copyright © IJRETR, all rights reserved. Index terms: DC/AC power conversion, boost converter, five level inverter. ___________________________________________________________________________________ I. INTRODUCTION Nowadays, Distributed Generation (DG) technologies are increasing because of its environment friendly technology. Distributed Generation has advantages as less impact on global warming; In particular, DG resources such as photovoltaic, wind energy system and fuel cell systems have been widely promoted and deployed in many countries. These DG systems are used either to deliver electrical power to the utility grid or used as stand-alone power supplies in remote area. Solar cells or fuel cells, batteries, and ultra capacitors are low-voltage dc sources, hence, a high voltage gain dc/ac power conversion interface is essential and many dc/ac converter topologies have been proposed and reviewed recently. Naturally, the simplest way of solution is to use a high turn-ratio isolation transformer. However, this will induce both voltage/current spikes and rather high losses due to the existence of leakage inductance. A fly back-type auxiliary circuit is integrated with an isolated Cuk-derived voltage source inverter to achieve a much higher voltage conversion ratio. Due to the capacitive voltage dividing, the dc-side switch voltage stress can be reduced, and lower voltage rating devices can be used to further reduce both switching and conduction losses. The proposed multi string five level inverter achieves a much higher voltage gain than the conventional system. In this paper, the converter switching losses and conduction losses will be reduced. First, a review of conventional single stage DC/AC converter with single dc source is given in Section II. The topology of high step up converter stage is explained in Section II. The topology and operation principle of the proposed multi string five level inverter are presented in Section III. In Section IV, some simulation results are also given. Finally, conclusions are offered in the last section. II. SINGLE STAGE DC/AC CONVERTER A fly back-type auxiliary circuit is integrated with an isolated Cuk-derived voltage source inverter to achieve a much higher voltage conversion ratio. Due to the capacitive voltage dividing, the dc-side switch voltage stress can be 138 International Journal of Reenewable Eneergy Technology Researchh Vol. 2, No. 44, April 2013, PP: 138 - 143, ISSN: 2325-3924 (Onlinne) Available online reduced, andd lower voltagee rating devicees can be used to further reduuce both switcching and condduction losses. Here, the system is i operated witth single dc soource. The 30vv dc input volttage is supplieed to cuk deriv ved inverter. Inn this system, the ddc voltage obtaained from cukk derived conveerter 230V is aapplied to the full fu bridge inveerter then 230V V ac is given to the R load with 5000 ohm. The sw witching voltaage 230V appeaars across two pair of switchhes S1, S5 and S2, S4. The voltage stress is high. Lm Lk C Cp Cs Lb QA QB QA’ QB’ Lm m Ds R lloadd Vdc Vin Q Df Cf Figure 1: convventional singlle stage DC/AC C converter III. MULTII STRING FIVE F LEVE EL INVERT TER A. H High Step Up Converter Staage The coupled innductor of the high step-up converter in Figg. 2 can be assuumed as an ideeal transformerr. The voltage of the primary winding can be derivved as VPri = Vin (D D/ 1-D) 1 Where Vpri reepresents the primary p voltage, and Vin reppresents input voltage suppliied to the convverter stage, aand D denotes the duuty ratio. In this paper, a high step-up p converter toppology is introoduced to boosst and stabilizee the output dcc voltage of vaarious DERs such as PV and fuel cell c modules el inverter. The high h step-up converter is shoown in Fig. 2, and is compossed of different conveerter topologiees: boost, flybaack, and a chargge-pump circuiit. Figure 2: higgh step up convverter B. Fivee level inverter This paper preesents a multi string s five leveel inverter for DERs D applicatiion. The multi string five level inverter shoown in Fig.3 is used to t interface strrings is interfaaced with theirr own dc/dc coonverter to a ccommon invertter. This centraalized system is beneeficial because each string cann be controlledd individually. This topologyy configuration n consists of two high stepp-up dc/dc coonverters connnected to theirr individual dc-bus d capacitor and a simplified fiive level inverrter. Input sourrces, DER moddule 1, and DE ER module 2 are a connected tto the inverter follow wed a linear reesistive load thhrough the highh step-up dc/dcc converters. Itt offers strong advantages suuch as improved outpput waveformss, and reduced THD. It shouuld be noted thhat, by using thhe independennt voltage reguulation control of the individual dc-dc converter, vvoltage balance control for thhe two bus cappacitors Cdc1, Cdc2 can be achhieved naturally. 139 International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology Research Vol. 2, No. 4, April 2013, PP: 138 - 143, ISSN: 2325-3924 (Online) Available online The switching function is defined as follows: Sj= 1, switch is on, 0, switch is off. Where j=1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. The operation modes of five level inverter are described as follows. 1. Maximum positive output voltage 2Vs: Switches S1, S4, S6 are on. The voltage applied to the load is +2Vs. 2. Half level positive output Vs: the output voltage can be obtained by two different switching combinations. In the first combination, S2, S3, S4 are on. In the other combination, the active switches S1, S2, S6. The output voltage supplied to the load is +Vs. 3. Zero ouput 0: This output condition can be formed by either of the two switching structures. If the left or right switching leg is on, the load terminal will be short circuited. And the voltage applied to the load terminal is zero. 4. Half level negative output Vs: The output voltage can be obtained by two different switching combinations. In the first combination, active switches S1, S5, S6 are on. In the other combination, the active switches S3, S4, S5. The output voltage supplied to the load is -Vs. 5. Maximum positive output voltage 2Vs: during this stage, active power switches S1, S4, S6 are on. The voltage applied to the load is -2Vs. In these operations, it can be observed that the open voltage stress of the active power switches S1 , S3 , S4 , and S6 is equal to input voltage VS ; moreover, the main active switches S2 and S5 are operated at the line frequency. Hence, the resulting switching losses of the new topology are reduced naturally, and the overall conversion efficiency is improved. To verify the feasibility of the single-phase five-level inverter, a widely used software program MATLAB is applied to simulate the circuit according to the previously mentioned operation principle. The control signal block is shown in Fig. 3; m(t) is the sinusoidal modulation signal. Both Vtri1 and Vtri2 are the two triangular carrier signals. The peak value and frequency of the sinusoidal modulation signal are given as mpeak = 0.8 and fm = 50 Hz, respectively. The peak-topeak value of the triangular modulation signal is equal to 1, and the switching frequency ftri1 and ftri2 are both given as 1.5 kHz. The two input voltage sources with 17V are feeding from the high step-up converter is controlled at 115 V, i.e. Vs1 = Vs2 = 115 V. The simulated waveform of the phase voltage with five levels is shown in Fig. 7. The switch voltages of S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, and S6 are all shown in Fig. 6. It is evident that the voltage stresses of the switches S1 , S2 , S4 , and S6 are all equal to 115 V, and only the other two switches S2 , S5 must be 230 V voltage stress. The high switching frequency of the dc side switches are 5KHz. m(t) is the sinusoidal modulation signal. Both Vtri1 and Vtri2 are the two triangular carrier signals. The peak value and frequency of the sinusoidal modulation signal are given as mpeak = 0.8 and fm = 50 Hz, respectively. The peak-to-peak value of the triangular modulation signal is equal to 1, and the switching frequency ftri1 and ftri2 are both given as 1.5 kHz.The two input voltage sources feeding from the high step-up converter is controlled at 115 V. The simulated waveform of the load voltage with five levels is shown in Fig. 7. The switch voltages of S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, and S6 are all shown in Fig. 6. It is evident that the voltage stresses of the switches S1, S2, S3,and S4 are all equal to 115 V, and only the other two switches S2, S5 must be 230V voltage stress. The switching power losses of the conventional and proposed system are given as, Ps, conventional α 4VSfS 2 PS, proposed α 4VSfS + 2(2VS) fm 3 Table I switching configuration for inverter stage S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 VAB 0 1 0 1 0 1 +2Vs 0 1 1 1 0 0 +VS 1 1 0 0 0 1 +VS 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 -VS 140 International Journal of Reenewable Eneergy Technology Researchh Vol. 2, No. 44, April 2013, PP: 138 - 143, ISSN: 2325-3924 (Onlinne) Available online 0 0 1 1 1 0 -VS 1 0 1 0 1 0 -2VS PS, prroposed α 4VSfS 4 Figure 4: Singgle phase multii string five levvel inverter NS Np S1 S4 Q1 DC Cdc1 Ce S2 Np p S5 N Ns R Load Cdc2 DC Q2 Ce 3 S3 S6 F Figure 5: overaall implementation of proposeed system V. SIIMULATION N RESULTS The gate pulsess for the switchhes S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, and S6 caan be generated by modulatioon technique as T a shown in thee figure 5. T Two carrier siggnal with samee amplitude annd one referennce signal (sinee wave) used in this schemee in order to oobtain the trriggering pulsee for both uppeer and lower grroup MOSFET T switches of five level invertter. The pulsess for middle sw witches S2, S4 are obtained by using relay. Tablle II componennt parameters of o multi string five level inverrter Componen nts Symbol Value Coupling innductor Ns:Np 1.02 capacitors Cpump 4.7µH 141 Interrnational Jourrnal of Renew wable Energy Technology Research R Vol. 2, No. 4, April 2013, PP: 138 - 143, IS SSN: 2325-39924 (Online) w rg Avaiilable online www.ijretr.or Bus capacittors Cdc1, Cdc2 200µH/1000V Load Resisstance Rload 100Ὠ Figu ure 7: voltage stress across sw witches S1, S2 300 200 v o lta g e (V ) 100 0 -100 -200 -300 0.4 0.42 0.44 Figu ure 8: Load Vooltage VAB of five level invertter 0.46 0.48 0.5 0.52 0.54 0.56 0.58 0.6 Fundamental (50 0Hz) = 166.2 , THD= = 2.30% 6 Mag (% of Fundamental) 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 0 300 400 500 600 Frrequency (Hz) 700 800 900 1000 Figu ure 9: THD of pproposed systeem VI. CONCLU USION In th his paper, a higgh voltage gainn single-phase multi string fiive level invertter is proposedd for DER appplications. The proposed systeem has a signiificant reductio on in the num mber of power devices required to implem ment five levell output for DERs. The 142 International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology Research Vol. 2, No. 4, April 2013, PP: 138 - 143, ISSN: 2325-3924 (Online) Available online studied inverter topology ensures advantages such as improved output waveforms and reduced THD. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed system. VII. REFERENCES [1] L. H. Zhang, X. Yang, and X. Yao, “An isolated single stage buck-boost inverter,” in Proc. IEEE Power Electron. Spec. Conf., Jun. 15–19, 2008, pp. 2389–2395 [2] J. M. Guerrero, F. Blaabjerg, T. Zhelev, K. Hemmes, E. Monmasson, S. Jemei, M. P. Comech, R. Granadino, and J. I. Frau, “Distributed generation: Toward a new energy paradigm,” IEEE Ind. Electron. Mag., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 52–64, Mar. 2010. [3] B. K. Bose, “Global warming: Energy, environment pollution, and the impact of power electronics,” IEEE Ind. Electron. 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