Curriculum Unit Revision Infusing Technology ‐ CURIT There are many potential barriers when attempting to infuse technology into curriculum. To assist with this, Ratosha Terry, Educational Technology Specialist with the Capitol Region Education Council (CREC) in Hartford, Connecticut, developed a process known as CURIT (Curriculum Unit Revision Infusing Technology). This process was initially used to implement the 2006‐2007 and 2007‐2008 Title II, Part D — Enhancing Education through Technology (EETT) grant services in districts in the Hartford region, especially Portland, Connecticut. CURIT Process § Review the unit in its current form § Define the connection between each lesson and the state and/or national curriculum and technology standards § Use a unit plan template to describe and redesign each lesson in the unit § Research various means of technology for infusion where applicable § Implement the enhanced unit CURIT Beginning In Portland this process began with Dr. Fie Budzinsky, Portland’s Director of Curriculum and Instruction, and Ratosha Terry discussing the ultimate goal and best utilization of the grant funding. The decided focus that year was to enhance the math curriculum at Valley View Elementary School. Teachers in grades K ‐ 2 met in grade‐level teams for three full days. In addition to applying the above mentioned CURIT process, the teachers also learned new technologies using the Learning in Motion (LIM) model. This model provided them with just‐in‐time instruction and ideas for technology use throughout the curriculum revision process (e.g., creating templates, hyperlinks, website research, etc.), which enabled them to focus on the task at hand. The teachers developed new ideas, found resources, and were provided with instruction on how to include these approaches directly into the unit plan template for immediate access. They brainstormed implementation strategies for their classrooms and computer labs, collaborated as a team for ideas, and provided support to those team members who were less comfortable with technology. They designed their own resources using various Microsoft Office applications and other available technology (SMART® Board™, digital cameras, scanners, etc.). The goal was to excite and engage the teachers so they would in turn have the opportunity to do the same for their students. Their excitement sparked such an interest that they immediately shared their success with other colleagues and administrators. CURIT Today CURIT has become a very highly‐regarded and quick‐growing process which is now used in Portland, East Granby, and Berlin, Connecticut. The current goal within these districts is to revise the unit plans throughout all grade levels using this process. The overall purpose of CURIT: § To enhance, engage, and increase student achievement § To revitalize existing curriculum § To use a unit plan template as a guide, to assist in providing organization, structure, and efficiency when implementing § To leverage the technology resources — rich or marginal — to the best advantage of instructional planning, delivery, and learning § To diversify instruction, and easily locate resources and areas for differentiation § To meet and exceed the growing needs of today’s students CURIT Testimonials I generally flee town when I have Spring Break. However, I was in town and signed up for this class and thouroughly enjoyed it. I am more at ease with the use of the SMARTBOARD and its tools. I loved using the CURIT document as a unit organizer. I also learned that it is easier than I thought to incorporate technology into my daily instruction. Tosha was a motivating and resourceful instructor. ‐ E. Spencer, Teacher ‐ Hartford, CT I have attended a plethora of workshops during my career, NONE have been as productive and immediately useful as this one. In fact, I think this could have been a three‐day workshop so we could have delved into some special accesses of these programs. I plan to use this unit soon this year. ‐ F. Lasslow, Teacher ‐ East Windsor, CT For more information, please visit: Educational Technology Services – 111 Charter Oak Avenue – Hartford, CT 06106 Ratosha Terry, Education Technology Specialist ‐ / 860‐524‐4007