HOW THEY WORK G E T H E L P TO DAY L E T ’ S C O M PA R E E N E R G Y- E F F I C I E N T FLUORESCENT LAMP WANT HE LP PI C KI NG THE RI GHT LI GHTI NG TE C H F OR YOUR NE XT PROJ E C T? GET IN TOUCH WITH OUR LIGHTING EXPERTS. L I G H T I N G T E C H N O LO G I E S Electricity regulated by an electronic ballast flows from one end of a low-pressure tube to the other, through a lot of an inert gas, and a little bit of mercury. The mercury gets energized by the electricity, and lets off some of its extra energy as light. WWW.P-2.COM @P2LIGHTING INFO@P-2.COM (714) 386 - 5550 MERCURY E L E C T RI CI TY EXC I TED LI G HT EM I TTI NG M ERC U RY HID FLUORESCENT INDUCTION LED LIGHT SOURCE EFFICIENCY *HOW EFFICIENTLY IT TURNS ELECTRICITY INTO LIGHT Initial Lumens per Watt A N I NERT GAS End of Life Lumens per Watt 140 120 100 100 HID - HIGH INTENSITY DISCHARGE 85 85 80 Electricity regulated by a transformer, ignitor and capacitor jumps between two pieces of metal, creating a spark. That spark reacts with gases in the bulb to create a long-lasting steady light. HID 75 70 49 49 60 (HIGH INTENSITY DISCHARGE) 80 40 20 INVENTED IN 1675 BY JEAN PICARD 0 HID FLUORESCENT INDUCTION LED* *Varies greatly by fixture & application E L E CT R I CI TY METAL I N F I X T U R E E F F I CAC Y FLUORESCENT LAMP EFFICACY NET OF FIXTURE USING S/P ADJUSTED LUMENS INVENTED IN 1891 BY NIKOLA TESLA AND DANIEL MCFARLAN MOORE A B RI G H T CO NT I NUO US SPARK Initial Lumens per Watt End of Life Lumens per Watt 140 126 113 120 100 A GA P INDUCTION LAMP E L E CT R I CI TY 40 20 INVENTED IN 1891 BY NIKOLA TESLA AND JOHN ANDERSON OF GENERAL ELECTRIC Induction lamps function quite a bit like fluorescent lamps, only instead of electricity flowing between wire connections inside the lamp, in induction lamps, the electricity regulated by a high frequency generator flows from wires outside of the lamp on one side to wires outside of the lamp on the other side. 49 49 60 INDUCTION LAMP 79 75 80 GA S 113 85 0 HID FLUORESCENT INDUCTION LED* *Varies greatly by fixture & application T Y P I CA L L I F E S PA N HOW MANY HOURS OF CONTINUOUS OPERATION BEFORE IT NEEDS TO BE REPLACED LED MERCURY 120,000 INVENTED IN 1927 BY OLEG VLADIMIROVICH LOSEV AND IN 1962 BY NICK HOLONYAK JR. EXC I TED LI G HT EM I TTI NG M ERC U RY 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 HID FLUORESCENT INDUCTION LED* *Varies greatly by fixture & application AN I N ERT GA S LIGHT DISTRIBUTION LED Electricity regulated by an LED driver flows through a semiconductor material. The semiconductor has holes in it, and when electrons from the electricity flow across those holes, they release some of their energy as light. FATAL FLAWS E L E CT R I CI TY KILLER FEATURES Q U I C K C O M PA R I S O N LI G H T HID FLUORESCENT INDUCTION LED Small Space Big Impact Great balance of Cost, Efficiency and Quality Extremely Long Lifespan Long Lifespan & Precise Optical Control Energy Hog, Color Shift Vulnerable to Extreme Temperatures Each technology has different potential to control light distribution characteristics. Fixtures with more light distribution options can allow for more flexible layouts - often reducing the overall amount of fixtures required to get uniform illumination, and therefore the overall energy consumption of the lighting system. LATERAL LIGHT SPREAD High Initial Significant Cost, Lack of Dimming Standardization, Over Application Lifespan, Specific Limited Manufactures HID FLUORESCENT INDUCTION LED LIGHT DISTRIBUTION CAPABILITIES HID A S EMICONDUCTOR WITH HOLES FLUORESCENT WHERE DID WE GET THE NUMBERS? INDUCTION (TO THE TRADE) S TAC K I N G U P T H E F E AT U R E S HOW LONG IT STAYS BRIGHT (LUMEN DEPRECIATION) HOW WELL IT WORKS WITH CONTROLS LED I D E A L S I T UAT I O N S LED L e t ’s l o o k a t a fe w e xa m p l e s . PERFECT FOR I t d e p e n d s . E ve r y l i g h t i n g te c h n o l o g y h a s u n i q u e fe a t u re s t h a t m a ke i t t h e r i g h t te c h n o l o g y fo r a s p e c i fi c a p p l i c a t i o n . FOR EXAMPLE FLUORESCENT S O, W H I C H I S T H E B E S T ? INDUCTION HID MAINTENANCE COST *Efficienc y, life-span and lumen-maintenance data is based on common MH400, Long Life T5 and T8 fluorescent lamps, major brand induction systems, and delivered lumens from common high wattage LED fixtures. HID FLUORESCENT INDUCTION LED Situations where a bright, compact light source is needed, or where the fixture is exposed to both extreme heat and extreme cold. Today’s workhorse that’s often a great balance of cost, efficiency and flexibility using a proven technology. Situations where difficult and costly maintenance conditions make its long lifespan a big asset. The lighting of the future, perfect for many of today’s applications where precise control and careful planning can allow for huge energy savings. Stadium & Arena Sports Lighting, and General Outdoor Lighting Indoor & Outdoor Area, Warehouses, Offices, Manufacturing Facilities, Retail Spaces & More Outdoor Area, Atriums and High-Security Facilities General Outdoor Lighting, Bulk-Storage Freezers, Spotlighting, Specialty Retail