2086 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. 29, NO. 5, OCTOBER 2014 Evaluation of Emerging Modular Multilevel Converters for BESS Applications Theodore Soong, Student Member, IEEE, and Peter W. Lehn, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—The power conversion system for a battery-energy storage system typically employs a conventional voltage-source converter with battery strings directly connected to the dc bus. This system configuration presents several issues, such as limited efficiency of two-level converter systems and the limited reliability associated with the use of long battery strings. This paper examines three viable multilevel converter solutions for integrating battery energy storage that offer the potential for enhanced efficiency and reliability. These solutions are the modular multilevel converter (MMLC) with battery energy storage distributed into its submodules, the cascaded converter, and the MMLC with battery energy storage centralized on its dc link. The three systems are compared in terms of efficiency, reliability, and module redundancy. It is determined that the MMLC with distributed battery energy storage must operate differently from conventional MMLC systems. Its operation is therefore studied in detail and validated through simulation to demonstrate its suitability for distributed energy-storage integration. The analysis shows that the MMLC with distributed battery energy storage requires the largest number of semiconductor devices for a given power level; however, it also provides the most efficient, reliable, and versatile solution of energy-storage integration. Index Terms—Battery storage plants, DC–AC power conversion, energy storage, power conversion, power electronics. I. INTRODUCTION D UE TO higher penetration of renewable resources, grid-connected energy storage is becoming a necessity for future power grids. Energy storage helps to mitigate the stochastic nature of renewable resources. In addition, energy storage can quickly deliver active power to provide services, such as spinning reserve, peak shaving, load levelling, and load frequency control [1], [2]. These services increase the reliability and stability of the grid [3], [4]. Available energy storage technologies include hydro, battery, flywheel, superconducting magnetic energy storage, and supercapacitors [5]. Of these technologies, batteries are the dominant solution for large-scale energy storage, and their use is cost effective when designed to provide less than 5 h of service at rated output power [6]. This allows the energy-storage system to operate Manuscript received April 18, 2013; revised August 23, 2013 and March 06, 2014; accepted July 13, 2014. Date of publication August 12, 2014; date of current version September 19, 2014. Paper no. TPWRD-00464-2013. The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 2J7, Canada (e-mail: theodore.soong@mail.utoronto.ca; lehn@ecf.utoronto.ca). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2014.2341181 on time scales that complement generators rather than compete. This paper targets large battery energy-storage system (BESS) installations for medium-voltage (MV) applications in the megawatt/megawatt-hour range since conventional two-level converters can be used for lower voltage and power applications. A BESS installation has two major hardware components: a power conversion system (PCS) and a network of battery energy storage units. The focus of this paper is the PCS component of a three-phase BESS, and it is assumed that a mature battery technology is used, such as lead acid, sodium sulfur, or lithium-ion batteries [7], [8]. When choosing a PCS topology, the most important features are the reliability as well as the efficiency of the topology. Reliability is influenced by the configuration of the battery energy-storage units. The conventional configuration in existing BESSs places the batteries in long series strings to create higher voltages. In this configuration, the battery lifespan can be negatively affected by overcharging unless an equalization method is applied [9]. Furthermore, if one battery cell faults or becomes dangerous to operate, an entire string must be disconnected for service. In a BESS, energy must be transferred into and out of the battery. Thus, the overall efficiency of the BESS, or round trip efficiency, is the square of the converter efficiency. For example, the modular multilevel converter (MMLC) is computed to have an efficiency of approximately 99.3% compared to 98.0% of a two-level VSC [10]. The round trip efficiency of these converters would be approximately 98.6% compared to 96.0%. This serves to highlight the motivation for multilevel solutions. This paper identifies current PCS topologies that best address the aforementioned issues. These topologies are the cascaded converter, MMLC with centralized battery energy storage, and the MMLC with distributed battery energy storage. As of yet, proper operation of the MMLC with distributed battery energy storage has not been demonstrated; therefore, simulation results are presented. The three converters are then assessed based on their efficiency, cost, module redundancy, and reliability. The main contribution of this paper is the presentation of the proper operation of an MMLC with distributed battery energy storage, and the identification and comparison of PCS topologies which are modular, efficient, and increase the reliability of a BESS. II. POWER CONVERSION SYSTEMS The PCS in modern BESS installations, within the megawatt/ megawatt-hour range, typically consists of a conventional twolevel or three-level insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) converters. Recent power converters used, or proposed for use, in 0885-8977 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information. SOONG AND LEHN: EVALUATION OF EMERGING MODULAR MULTILEVEL CONVERTERS FOR BESS APPLICATIONS 2087 Fig. 1. Generalized BESS structures: (a) single stage and (b) two stage. a BESS can be placed into three general categories: 1) singlestage, 2) two-stage, and 3) multilevel systems [11]–[13]. 1) Single-Stage Systems: The most common systems are single-stage systems where the battery energy storage is directly connected to the dc bus of an IGBT-based inverter, as illustrated in Fig. 1(a). Some examples of companies that use this type of system are Parker SSD and ABB. Parker SSD employs two-level voltage-source converters [14], [15]. The ABB product DynaPeaQ utilizes a neutral-point clamped converter [16], [17]. Though single-stage systems are simple, integrating battery energy storage directly on the dc link of an inverter can negatively impact system efficiency, cost, and reliability. Significant battery voltage variations exist over time as a result of the storage system’s state of charge (SOC) [11], [18]. In single-stage systems, this full range of voltage variation must be accommodated by the grid-tied inverter. To ensure proper inverter operation even under low SOC (low dc-link voltage), the converter is nominally operated with an elevated dc bus voltage level. This requires the use of reduced modulation indices, driving down efficiency, and increasing ac output harmonics, thus increasing ac harmonic filter costs. Furthermore, the difference in voltage of the battery string when charged versus discharged forces the grid-tied inverter to be over rated in terms of voltage, which further increases the costs. As discussed in Section I, reliability is also a serious issue in single-stage systems due to the large number of series-connected batteries. For example, more than 36 000 battery cells distributed in two battery strings are needed in order to provide 5.36 MWh of capacity for the DynaPeaQ [19]. To improve safety, and minimize maintenance time, it is common for these large strings of batteries to be composed of modularized battery packs [16], [20]. Each module consists of a short string of batteries, and a battery-management system that monitors and balances the SOC of the batteries. Since the large series strings of batteries are already modularized, it would be advantageous if the power conversion system also becomes modular. 2) Two-Stage Systems: A two-stage PCS consists of a bidirectional dc–dc converter that feeds a grid-tied inverter stage. The simplest type of two-stage BESS is shown in Fig. 1(b) from [12]. It utilizes a bidirectional dc–dc converter to decouple the batteries from the dc link of the three-phase inverter. By decoupling the batteries from the dc bus, the voltage variation of the batteries is no longer an issue for the inverter. Any bidirectional dc–dc converter can be used. If a boost-type converter is used at an efficient operating point, the required number of series-connected batteries can be reduced. One company that produces this type of two-stage system is S&C Electric Company, which has several operational BESS Fig. 2. Two-stage systems introduced in the literature, or built by companies. (a) Simplified diagram of S&C’s PureWave storage management system [21], (b) isolated two-stage system [24], and (c) two-stage system with series-connected converters [11]. sites [21]. A simplified diagram of the system is shown in Fig. 2(a). In the system, each battery bank is connected to a dc bus through an interleaved dc–dc converter, and the dc bus feeds a grid-connected inverter [22], [23]. Storage capability is increased by placing additional dc–dc converters with battery banks in parallel on the dc bus. If galvanic isolation is required, as it is for some battery types, then the dc–dc converter would be changed to an isolated bidirectional topology. Such a topology is studied in [24] and is shown in Fig. 2(b). Another two-stage topology modularizes the dc–dc converter stage into series-connected modules, each with their own batteries [13], [11]. Fig. 2(c) depicts a possible implementation of such a system, which was presented in [11]. 3) Multilevel Systems: Multilevel converters are converters that use more than two voltage levels to produce the desired ac output waveform. There are four main multilevel topologies, which are depicted in Fig. 3. The topologies are the MMLC, cascaded converter, flying capacitor converter, and neutral-point clamped (NPC) converter. The MMLC is shown in Fig. 3(a). It is composed of threephase legs, and each leg has two phase arms. A phase arm consists of submodules along with a small inductor to prevent current spikes during switch transitions. In a standard MMLC, 2088 Fig. 3. Most prevalent multilevel topologies. (a) Modular multilevel converter, (b) cascaded multilevel converter, (c) diode-clamped converter (5-Level), and (d) flying capacitor converter (5-Level). each submodule would consist of a half bridge and a capacitor; this is labelled as the “Type 1” submodule depicted in Fig. 3(a). To utilize the MMLC as a PCS, centralized battery energy storage can be connected to the dc link of the converter [25], but this type of arrangement would still require long strings of batteries. To utilize the modularity of the converter, the batteries can be connected to each submodule in two methods. The battery can be directly connected across the capacitor, as shown in the “Type 2” submodule of Fig. 3(a), or it can be interfaced through a dc–dc converter, as shown in the “Type 3” submodule in Fig. 3(a) [26], [27]. The main difference between Type 2 and Type 3 submodules is that the battery would be directly exposed IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. 29, NO. 5, OCTOBER 2014 to second harmonic power in Type 2 submodules, and a large submodule capacitor would be required to minimize the exposure. The dc–dc converter decouples the battery from the submodule capacitor, reducing the dc filter required for the battery, increases the lifespan of the battery, and allows the submodule capacitor to be decreased. The arrangement using either Type 2 or Type 3 submodule, is referred to as the MMLC with distributed battery energy storage. The cascaded converter is composed of three-phase legs, where each phase leg is composed of a string of H-bridge modules, as shown in Fig. 3(b). Phase , and output terminals are on one side of each phase leg, while all three-phase legs are wye connected. Fig. 3(b) also shows the different methods of integrating batteries into each submodule, by either connecting batteries directly across the capacitor (“Type 1”), or interfaced through a dc–dc converter (“Type 2”) [26]. The advantages and disadvantages between Type 1 and Type 2 are similar to those of the MMLC with distributed battery energy storage. The most common battery integration method is to use “Type 1” submodules [28], [29]. An NPC converter, shown in Fig. 3(c), utilizes diodes to create additional voltage levels, and batteries are integrated into the dc bus of the converter [30], [11]. To create additional voltage levels, the dc bus capacitor would consist of a string of capacitors, and clamping diodes that are connected at regular intervals. This allows the battery energy storage to be subdivided into smaller strings, which is depicted in Fig. 3(c), and studied in [3]. Similar to the NPC, the flying capacitor converter, shown in Fig. 3(d), utilizes capacitors, as opposed to diodes, to create additional voltage levels. Batteries are integrated into the dc bus of the converter [30]. Unlike the NPC, the battery is not subdivided into shorter strings, and a single centralized battery energy storage is connected to the dc bus. The converter topology that has garnered the most interest for BESS applications is the cascaded multilevel converter. It has been studied by Akagi et al. [28], and Doncker et al. [31] for direct use as the PCS of a BESS or for applications to renewable resources, and electric drives by Tolbert et al. [29]. One company that appears to be adopting such a topology for use in a BESS is Altair Nanotechnologies, which published a white paper demonstrating an experimental cascaded multilevel converter for use as a BESS [20]. The MMLC is another topology of interest, and its suitability as a BESS or for the purpose of integrating distributed energy resources to the grid has been investigated in [25]–[27]. III. CANDIDATE POWER CONVERTER SYSTEMS As discussed in Sections I and II, an ideal PCS should be efficient, and utilize shorter strings of batteries in comparison to current systems to enhance reliability. Of the PCSs presented in Section II, the best candidates are the cascaded converter and MMLC. Both of these topologies can integrate short strings of batteries into their modular structure and have a wide application range because they can be scaled to higher voltage ratings with the simple addition of modules. On the system level, MMLC and the cascaded converter allow for reduced harmonics, and higher uptime due to module SOONG AND LEHN: EVALUATION OF EMERGING MODULAR MULTILEVEL CONVERTERS FOR BESS APPLICATIONS redundancy. The MMLC with distributed battery energy storage also has a fixed dc link, which can be used to interconnect it with an MV dc network if desired. Thus, it can act as a dc/ac interconnect and as a storage unit in a single system. The two topologies that are under consideration—the MMLC with distributed battery energy storage and cascaded converter—are shown in Fig. 3(a), and (b), respectively. Since battery costs are significant in a BESS, submodules chosen for the cascaded and MMLC comparison utilize converters to interface the battery to the submodule capacitors. These converters, referred to as a battery interface converter (BIC), were chosen primarily for their benefits in decreasing second harmonic power, which increases the lifespan of the batteries. Thus, “Type 2” and “Type 3” submodule were chosen for the cascaded converter and MMLC, respectively. In this section, the cascaded converter and MMLC with distributed battery energy storage will be compared. The MMLC with centralized battery energy storage does not meet the criterion of modularized battery energy storage, but is included for the purpose of comparison. A. MMLC With Centralized Battery Energy Storage The MMLC with centralized battery energy storage operates as a regular MMLC and uses “Type 1” submodules of Fig. 3(a). Compared to a regular MMLC, the dc-link voltage of this topology is not fixed since it is composed of series-connected batteries and the dc-link voltage depends on their SOC. As previously discussed, this causes the voltage rating of the converter to increase, thus requiring additional modules in each arm of the converter. This topology does not modularize the battery energy storage nor does it offer a fixed dc-link voltage for integration of other dc loads or sources. It offers no additional benefits when compared to existing technology. For the following discussion, the operation of the MMLC is briefly reviewed. Fig. 4 shows a single-phase representation of the MMLC. and represent the voltage created by the upper and lower arm submodules, respectively. Each arm can be represented as an ac voltage source approximately equal to with a dc offset equal to . and are the upper and lower arm currents, which sum at the output node to equal the ac output current . The difference of the two arm currents equates to ; this is a current that conducts through the phase leg and does not interact with the output. For a three-phase MMLC, conducts into the dc link, or the other phase legs. When uncontrolled, the difference current of the MMLC would be primarily composed of a dc and second harmonic current. The presence of the second harmonic current would increase conduction losses, but can be used to decrease the submodule capacitors’ voltage ripple, thus minimizing capacitor-size requirements [32], [33]. In this comparison, the difference current is controlled such that the second harmonic current is removed to maximize efficiency for a fair comparison. The difference current is therefore composed of a dc current, henceforth referred to as the dc difference current, and each arm of the MMLC conducts half the ac output current along with the dc difference current. The ac output current transfers power from the arm to the output terminal, while the 2089 Fig. 4. Single-phase MMLC. dc current transfers power from the dc link to the arm. More details on the converter’s current waveforms can be found in [10], [34], and [35]. B. Cascaded Converter With Battery Energy Storage The cascaded converter can only provide active power when each module is connected to a dc source [36]–[38]. In this case, battery energy storage acts as the dc source, and is distributed into shorter series strings of batteries connected to each module. In case of battery faults, extra modules can be placed in the phase leg, and a single module would be serviced instead of an MV string of batteries connected to the dc link. For the cascaded converter, each phase leg, consequently each module, must conduct the full ac output current [28]. C. MMLC With Distributed Battery Energy Storage The MMLC with distributed battery energy storage has batteries distributed into each module, and extra modules can be placed in each arm of the converter for use in the case of battery faults. An MMLC of this structure can transfer power from one phase leg to another with the use of the dc link. This can be used to balance the SOC of the batteries between phase legs, or compensate a phase leg if a battery in the submodule undergoes a fault. This is an advantage compared to the cascaded converter since the difference current is internal to the MMLC, and would not affect the output of the converter. The MMLC with distributed battery energy storage operates differently than a regular MMLC. As previously described, each arm must conduct half the ac output, in addition to a dc current. Since each submodule includes battery energy storage, power does not need to be delivered from the dc link, via the dc difference current. Therefore, each arm only conducts half the ac output current, reducing conduction loss in the converter. Due to the nonstandard operation of this topology, Section IV provides simulated waveforms of the MMLC with distributed battery energy storage in operation. IV. SIMULATION OF THE MMLC WITH DISTRIBUTED BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE A PSCAD simulation of the MMLC with distributed battery energy storage was created to verify the expected current in each arm of the converter. Simulation results for three scenarios are shown—the first depicts the MMLC with distributed battery energy storage operating without the dc difference current, the 2090 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. 29, NO. 5, OCTOBER 2014 Fig. 5. Diagram of the simulated system. TABLE I SIMULATION PARAMETERS Fig. 6. MMLC control structure. is the average of all submodule cais the number of submodules with energy storage in pacitor voltages, and operation for the phase arm. second scenario demonstrates that energy storage in one phase leg can supplement the other phase legs, and the third scenario shows that MMLC operation is unaffected when a BIC is shut down. In all scenarios, the MMLC provided rated real power to the grid. Fig. 5 depicts the simulated system, and Table I summarizes all simulation quantities. Due to the low number of modules in the simulated MMLC, a switching frequency of 2.75 kHz was used, but only one module in each arm is modulated at any time, and the remainder are either on or off. The battery energy storage is modelled as a constant voltage source due to short duration of the simulation. The control system used in this simulation is depicted in Fig. 6. The MMLC was controlled with proportional resonant and resonant controllers, whose references for these controllers were created in the frame, and synchronized to the grid. For each BIC, a PI controller was used to control the current of the battery energy storage. When the MMLC operates without a dc link, a PI controller is used to control the total output power of the energy storage to maintain the total submodule capacitor voltage of all arms. A. Operation of an MMLC With Distributed Battery Energy Storage In Section III, it was stated that the arms of an MMLC with distributed battery energy storage would only conduct half the fundamental current. The operation of this topology was not previously validated by simulation results. Fig. 7 shows current Fig. 7. MMLC is shown transitioning from operation with the dc-link source to operation with the distributed battery energy storage only. After the transition at 0.05 s, the MMLC no longer requires a dc difference current (i.e., power from the dc link) and the upper and lower arm currents align. waveforms of phase . The MMLC in the simulation is initially operated such that power is provided only by a dc-link source. At 0.05 s, the dc-link source is disconnected, and power from the battery energy storage is injected into each submodule to compensate. After the initial transient, the upper and lower arm currents are aligned. Thus, the MMLC with distributed battery energy sources only conducts half the fundamental current in each arm as opposed to half the fundamental current plus the dc difference current. Operation without dc difference current is achieved without affecting the system dynamics of the MMLC. This is shown in Fig. 8 where the MMLC operates in all four P and Q quadrants while active power is supplied by battery energy storage only with no dc-link source. SOONG AND LEHN: EVALUATION OF EMERGING MODULAR MULTILEVEL CONVERTERS FOR BESS APPLICATIONS Fig. 8. MMLC is operating at several P and Q operating points, measured at the PCC, with all power provided by battery energy storage units located in each submodule. The MMLC is operating without a dc-link source in this scenario. 2091 Fig. 10. MMLC is operating without a dc-link source. The battery energy storage units in all submodules are outputting the same amount of power. At 0.05 s, the output power of one BIC drops to 0 . To compensate, the have increased their output power other batteries in the same arm as while batteries in all other phase arms maintain their output power . power required from the dc-link sources, as demonstrated in Section IV-A. In this case, the energy storage in phase leg provided enough power for phase to operate without a power source external to the phase leg, and delivered power to the other two phases through the dc link. Thus, the average of the phase difference current is two-thirds that of the dc-link source current before it was disconnected. This simulation showed that the difference current of each phase leg is independent of the other phases. In addition, batteries within a submodule can support active power transfer to any phase, providing additional redundancy that is not offered by the cascaded converter. C. MMLC Redundancy Within a Phase Arm Fig. 9. MMLC is shown transitioning from operation with the dc-link source to 0.05 s, the dc-link source operation with energy storage in phase only. At was disconnected and the battery energy storage in phase provides power to all phases. After the initial transients, the phase difference current is seen, transferring power to the other phase legs, while all other currents remain the same. B. MMLC Redundancy Between Phases As mentioned in Section III, the MMLC can transfer power between phase legs by utilizing the dc link. The simulation results presented in this section demonstrate this operation by using only the energy storage in phase leg to provide power to phases , and . The simulation results are shown in Fig. 9. At the beginning of the simulation, only the dc-link source provides power to the MMLC. At 0.05 s, the dc-link source was disconnected, and the battery energy storage in phase leg was used to provide power to the MMLC. Standard MMLC operation transfers power from the dc-link source to the phase legs with the dc difference current. With the addition of distributed battery energy storage, the power delivered by the battery energy storage would reduce the In this scenario, the MMLC is shown to operate with a disconnected BIC in a single-phase arm. When one of the BICs in the phase arm is disconnected, the other BICs in the same phase arm increase their output power to compensate for the lost module. The simulation results are shown in Fig. 10. To display the change in the output power of the BICs, three representative waveforms are shown. The current is the current of the battery that is disconnected, represents the current of other batteries in the same phase arm, and represents the current of all batteries in all other phase arms. The simulation begins with the MMLC operating with battery energy storage in all submodules and with no dc link. All three battery currents are equal at this point. At 0.05 s, one battery energy storage is shut down; thus, drops to zero. The power from the other batteries in the same phase arm is increased to compensate for the loss of , as shown by , and the output power of all other batteries in the MMLC remains the same, as indicated by . This simulation shows that an MMLC can operate even if the energy storage is not present in all submodules without any affect on the output or difference currents of all three phases. 2092 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. 29, NO. 5, OCTOBER 2014 TABLE II SYSTEM PARAMETERS FOR EFFICIENCY COMPARISON TABLE IV CONVERTER PARAMETERS BIC conduction and switching losses were calculated by TABLE III SWITCH LOSS PARAMETERS (3) (4) is the average current conducted by a BIC, and is the rms current conducted by a BIC. is the switching frequency of the BIC, and was assumed to operate at a frequency of 1 kHz. For all three converters, it was assumed that the battery would drop in voltage by 30% from its full charge voltage, and was based on Saft’s VL45E lithium-ion cell [39]. For the MMLC with centralized battery energy storage, the voltage drop would increase the number of required switches and affect the dc difference current. For the MMLC with distributed battery energy storage and cascaded converter, the voltage drop increases the conduction current of the BIC. Efficiency was calculated at the nominal battery voltage, which is assumed to be 85% of the battery’s full charge voltage. In Table IV, the number of modules required for each converter was calculated with (5)–(7) for the MMLC with centralized battery energy storage, MMLC with distributed battery energy storage, and the cascaded converter, respectively where V. CONVERTER COMPARISON The three candidate converters have been introduced. The current waveforms have been described for the MMLC with centralized battery energy storage and a cascaded converter. Simulation of the MMLC with distributed energy storage demonstrated its unique characteristics and its resulting current waveforms. The objective of this section is to compare these converters in terms of their efficiency and redundancy. A. Efficiency Comparison An efficiency study was performed to compare:1) the MMLC with centralized battery energy storage; 2) the MMLC with distributed battery energy storage; and 3) the cascaded converter. The system and converter parameters for this study are listed in Tables II and IV, respectively. The efficiency comparison includes conduction and switching losses, and assumes that these are the primary sources of loss. The parameters used in the loss mechanics of these switch types were found from their respective data sheets and are given in Table III. Conduction loss was modelled as a fixed voltage source , in series with a resistor , and the energy loss at each turn ON and OFF of the switch was assumed to have a fixed and variable component . The loss calculations for a submodule were separated into losses incurred by the standard submodule of the converters, and those of the BIC. The standard submodule conduction and switching losses were calculated by using (1) (2) where is the average current conducted by a submodule, is the rms current conducted by a submodule, is the number of switches conducting at a given time, is the number of switches in the standard submodule, and is the frequency where a submodule switch is turned ON and OFF. Each module was assumed to switch ON and OFF, once per period of the grid. % (5) (6) (7) where is the ratio between the dc link and the peak ac voltage, is the drop in battery voltage from full charge to min% imum charge in percent, is the rated submodule capacitor voltage, and is the rated system voltage. The constant is the overhead voltage reserved for control and accounts for impedance drops between the converter and the grid, and is set to 1.17 in this comparison. To compare the three converters on an equal basis, was chosen such that a rated average current of 0.7 kA conducts through the submodule switch involved in the dc/ac power conversion. The rated module current is derated from the actual switch current rating due to fault, overload, and cooling considerations. For the MMLC with centralized battery energy storage, the rated average current was calculated at the minimum dc-link voltage (i.e., when the batteries are discharged). SOONG AND LEHN: EVALUATION OF EMERGING MODULAR MULTILEVEL CONVERTERS FOR BESS APPLICATIONS Fig. 11. Comparison of efficiency between the MMLC with distributed battery energy storage, MMLC with centralized battery energy storage, and the cascaded converter. The efficiency curves of the cascaded converter, the MMLC with centralized battery energy storage, and the MMLC with distributed battery energy storage are shown in Fig. 11. The efficiency curves show that the MMLC with distributed battery energy storage is the most efficient, followed by the cascaded converter, and then the MMLC with centralized battery energy storage. The difference in efficiency between the MMLC with centralized battery energy storage, and the MMLC with distributed battery energy storage can be attributed to the current that each module must conduct. As discussed in Section IV, the MMLC with distributed energy storage does not need to transfer power from the dc link to the converter. Therefore, the converter arms do not need to conduct dc current, whereas the MMLC with centralized battery energy storage does. In Table IV, the cost of the converter was measured with the “Installed Switch MVA per MW output” ratio. The ratio is computed by summing the switch VA of the BICs and dc/ac converter switches, and dividing it by . While the MMLC with distributed battery energy storage is the most efficient topology, it has a higher cost when compared to the cascaded converter. In addition, the MMLC with centralized battery energy storage has the highest cost and lowest efficiency, and is the least preferred option. Comparing the two MMLC variants, contrary to intuition, the addition of the BICs enhances efficiency and ultimately reduces the cost, for the same . The presence of the dc current in the MMLC with centralized batteries decreased efficiency, and derated the output power of the topology. Evidently, dc current has a higher impact on cost than the addition of the BICs. B. Redundancy As previously discussed in Section I, reliability is a major issue for battery energy storage. This discussion focuses on reliability of the different converters in terms of redundancy. The MMLC with centralized battery energy storage does not have increased redundancy compared to existing systems, but this is not the case for the MMLC with distributed energy storage, nor for the cascaded converter, which both subdivide the battery energy storage into shorter strings. 2093 A major advantage of the MMLC with distributed energy storage over the cascaded converter is its flexible module redundancy, which further increases reliability. For the cascaded converter utilized as part of a BESS, it has been shown by [28] that power can be independently delivered to each submodule. Reference [40] also demonstrated that a cascaded converter is able to deliver limited active power when a single submodule of each phase leg is connected to a dc source, but as of the writing of this paper, operation of the cascaded converter with an arbitrary number of integrated sources is still an open research question. Thus, redundant modules may be required to address battery failures. In contrast, the MMLC with distributed energy resources offers more flexibility and redundancy than the cascaded converter. Work presented in [27] and simulation results from Section IV-C showed that submodules can operate with some modules that do not provide real power flow without impacting MMLC operation. The simulation results in Section IV-B also demonstrated that power can be readily transferred between phase legs through the dc link. Moreover, this topology has a fixed dc link, which can allow the BESS to be integrated into a dc network without any additional complexity. Thus, the MMLC can offer redundancy and versatility beyond that of the cascaded converter due to independent power delivery from any submodule, and its capability of dc-link interconnection. VI. CONCLUSION This paper reviewed current converter topologies for BESSs, and selected three topologies for detailed comparison studies. These topologies are the MMLC with centralized battery energy storage, the cascaded converter, and the MMLC with distributed battery energy storage. The ideal power conversion system is shown to be the MMLC with distributed battery energy storage. This topology was chosen for three reasons. First, the converter, similar to the cascaded converter, subdivides the battery string, which increases reliability, but the MMLC with distributed battery energy storage also allows for more redundancy when compared to the cascaded converter. Second, an efficiency study was conducted, and the MMLC with distributed energy storage was found to be the most efficient with comparable cost compared to the cascaded converter, which has the lowest cost. Finally, the voltage rating of the MMLC with distributed energy storage does not need to be overrated to account for the voltage variation of the batteries. This allows for the possibility of interconnecting the MMLC to a dc network while operating as a BESS; a feature that the other two converters do not possess. In terms of efficiency, reliability, and future applications beyond that of a stand-alone BESS, the MMLC with distributed energy storage offers the most versatile topology for future development. REFERENCES [1] C. D. Parker, “Lead acid battery energy-storage systems for electricity supply networks,” J. Power Sources, vol. 100, pp. 18–28, 2001. [2] R. M. Dell and D. A. J. Rand, “Energy storage a key technology for global energy sustainability,” J. Power Sources, vol. 100, pp. 2–17, 2001. [3] Y. Cheng, C. Qian, M. L. Crow, S. Member, S. Pekarek, S. Atcitty, and A. Member, “A comparison of diode-clamped and cascaded multilevel converters for a STATCOM with energy storage,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 1512–1521, Oct. 2006. 2094 [4] S. K. Aditya and D. 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Lehn (SM’05) received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, in 1990 and 1992, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, in 1999. From 1992 to 1994, he was with the Network Planning Group of Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany. Currently, he is a Professor at the University of Toronto.