education for chemical engineers 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) e10–e30 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Education for Chemical Engineers journal homepage: Impact of a multimedia laboratory manual: Investigating the influence of student learning styles on laboratory preparation and performance over one semester Darrell A. Patterson ∗ Separation and Reaction Engineering, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland Mail Centre, Auckland 1142, New Zealand a b s t r a c t The impact of using a multimedia laboratory manual on preparation, learning, satisfaction and performance in a mass and energy balance laboratory within a mixed discipline student cohort (Engineering, Science And Technology) at the University of Auckland was examined with respect to matching teaching styles with student learning styles over one semester. Learning styles were measured by both the Felder–Silverman–Soloman Index of Learning styles and VARK learning styles instruments. The multimedia manual was beneficial to the learning styles of the students’ surveyed, as they were mainly sensing, sequential, reflective, visual and read/write learners. The surveyed Auckland Engineering students were more reflective learners than overseas cohorts, possibly due to differences in culture and/or pre-university teaching styles. Feedback survey and focus group results suggest teaching and learning benefits that indicate that multimedia manuals should be used in all laboratory courses. This is because student preparation, satisfaction and learning was enhanced, with students more easily performing laboratory tasks and producing laboratory reports demonstrating increased global understanding. This was directly attributable to the multimedia manual matching teaching styles to a wider range of learning styles than the paper manual. © 2010 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Index of Learning styles; VARK; Multimedia laboratory manual; Engineering, Science, Technology 1. Introduction As the World Wide Web and use of multimedia and hypermedia grows in ever increasing importance, there is a concomitant increasing need to address the growing diversification of learning styles being used by students as a consequence of this. Multimedia refers to anything that uses more than one form of media (videos, text, photos, etc.). Hypermedia is a subset of multimedia, which specifically uses hyperlinks, usually within a web page, to create a combination of media that can be viewed in any order. This work is about both, so the more general term of multimedia will be used. (This does not however imply that hypermedia is not relevant, and this is why it is also covered in the literature review). This work intends to respond to these needs as the initial phase of a larger project to incorporate multimedia/hypermedia into ∗ teaching and learning, as well as to improve the teaching and student learning in the laboratory components in the Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical and Materials) at the University of Auckland (and possibly beyond). This work also answers calls for further papers looking at learning styles and online learning (e.g. Buch and Sena, 2001; Drago and Wagner, 2004; Zapalska and Brozik, 2006), and in particular to bring learning styles into the multimedia laboratory manual research and development domain. The research is based within the context of a second year Chemical and Materials Engineering paper, ChemMat 211-‘Introduction to Process Engineering’; however a majority of the results may be generalisable to any course with a laboratory component. ChemMat 211-‘Introduction to Process Engineering’ is a 15 point, one semester, paper that effectively introduces students to the basics of mass and energy balances applied to process Tel.: +64 9 3737999; fax: +64 9 3737463. E-mail address: Received 10 February 2010; Received in revised form 9 July 2010; Accepted 6 October 2010 1749-7728/$ – see front matter © 2010 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ece.2010.10.001 education for chemical engineers 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) e10–e30 engineering unit operations and outlines the principles of process engineering safety. It therefore covers the following key concepts (University of Auckland, 2009): • Material and energy balances with and without chemical reactions. • Material and energy balances in multiphase systems such as crystallisation, evaporation, drying, humidification, dehumidification, absorption, distillation, extraction and filtration. • Chemical and process engineering safety: historical precedents and current framework. ChemMat 211 is taken by a mixed discipline cohort, predominantly from students studying for a Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Chemical and Materials Engineering, Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Food Science, and Bachelor of Technology (BTech) in Biotechnology. The course is presented over 12 weeks as a series of 36 lectures, 12 tutorials, and two 3 h graded laboratory sessions. Summative assessment is apportioned as follows: 70% written final exam, 10% three written tests, 10% two assignments and 10% for the laboratory component. This study focuses on an intervention in the laboratory component only, investigating the influence of learning styles in the student cohort (which contains three different disciplines) on the impact from and response to a multimedia laboratory manual implemented on one of the three experiments that are completed by the students: Experiment C1 - mass and energy balance around a spray tower. The impact and response to the other two experiments, which will not have a multimedia laboratory manual, will be used as controls for comparison. The aim of these laboratory sessions are to a provide practical, real-file and hands-on learning experience of some of the concepts and unit operations presented in the course and to apply the theory and calculations used to analyse and reconcile real data from these processes. Experiment C1 simulates a typical operating chemical plant, in this case a water spray tower for air humidification, where most energy and mass flows can be measured directly. Spray towers are used by industry for humidification, odour and pollution removal and spray drying. The aim of the experiment is to develop a mass and energy balance of all inputs and outputs from the system, when it is at steady state and to reconcile any discrepancies between the measured and calculated (expected) inputs and outputs. In the experiment, students operate the spray tower, measure flowrates, wet and dry bulb temperatures, and pressures of the process streams. They then use this data in appropriate mass and energy balances with psychrometry to compare and reconcile the calculated water mass lost by the humidification operation to that measured and the rate of air heating to the rated power of the heater. To complete the laboratory (and ultimately the course), students must attend the laboratory session, participate in and complete the experimental work and then correctly completing their laboratory journal write up and calculations. Approximately one third of the class will then write up this laboratory experiment as a formal Engineering report (the remainder will write reports on the other two laboratory experiments in this course) which is then marked. This report (and therefore this laboratory teaching and learning experience) was the only marked component of the laboratory component and therefore worth 10% of the overall mark for the course. Although multimedia laboratory manuals are not new (e.g. Craddock and Chevalier, 2000, 2002 and references within; e11 Cheatham, 2000; Lee, 2002; Gibbins et al., 2003; Burewicz and Miranowicz, 2006; Zamri et al., 2008; the Bristol ChemLabS program in Adams, 2009), using a multimedia laboratory manual is a radical departure from the standard practice within this course. Previously, students typically prepared for their 3 h intensive laboratory experiments by reading a black and white paper copy of the laboratory manual, essentially containing a few basic diagrams of the equipment and a sequential list of instructions. This approach would likely favour students who have a read/write learning style bias. By using this approach, students are currently under-prepared for the tasks to be done in the laboratory, i.e. they do not understand what needs to be done and find it difficult to translate what is described in the paper manual to the physical tasks and activities they need to perform. Ideally, there would be a familiarisation and training session for students in the laboratory, so they can actively visualise how to do the experiment and familiarise themselves with the equipment in preparation for the required active and kinaesthetic tasks. However, this is impractical, as like many other universities our resources are finite (Ertugrul, 2000; Powell et al., 2002; Chen et al., 2004; Zamri et al., 2008). Therefore, it is currently unfeasible and prohibitively expensive to allocate further technician time for laboratory access outside of the current laboratory sessions, as well as having the experiments setup for this purpose. The full range of teaching and learning styles that could (and should) be catered for to prepare students for the laboratory sessions are currently however being ignored. Many studies have shown that learning and student achievement is enhanced when teaching and learning styles are matched (e.g. Dunn and Dunn, 1979; Felder and Silverman, 1988; Felder and Brent, 2005; Dunn et al., 1989; Zywno and Waalen, 2001; Carver et al., 1999). Is this important however? It has been argued that students worldwide are still adequately educated without teachers matching teaching styles to their student’s learning styles. This may be true, however what is proposed here (and in the cited literature) is that the student learning would be enhanced in comparison to this status quo if teaching and learning styles are matched. Consequently, students who do not have a strong read/write preference may not, as a result, be as adequately and properly prepared for their laboratories as if other teaching and learning styles were enabled. It has also been observed that in these laboratory sessions that students require constant supervision and help by a laboratory demonstrator, and this mismatch may be a contributing factor. If the demonstrator is competent and is a good communicator, then this teaching and learning situation is adequate. If not, then the current practice is inadequate at best. For the students in ChemMat 211, ensuring students are properly prepared for the laboratory is especially important, since they are in their second year of University and for the all the students, it is their introductory semester into components of the Chemical and Materials Engineering programme, a crucial time where we need to support and nurture these students into the culture of engineering education and (for the engineers especially) the engineering profession. In the later years of the degrees, it may be more appropriate to run laboratories in the current manner with just a paper laboratory manual, as this models the practices that these students will face when working in the Engineering and/or applied science industries. This point will be returned to in Section 4.2.4. In an effort to address these deficiencies, this project investigates the impact of a new interactive multimedia laboratory manual on student preparation, learning, satisfac- e12 education for chemical engineers 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) e10–e30 tion and performance in the laboratory for this particular laboratory experiment compared to the other experiments in ChemMat 211 (which do not have a multimedia laboratory manual). The multimedia manual was developed by the author and was available to participants via a website ( The website was developed to be compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer, however does run on other web browsers (such as Mozilla FireFox and Google Chrome). It was initially inspired by the work of Zamri, Koutouridis, Johnson, Abbas and Kavanagh at the University of Sydney who developed an excellent website to enhance student understanding prior to laboratories (see Zamri et al., 2008). The multimedia laboratory manual in this study was deliberately designed to incorporate elements that activate and encourage a wider range of learning styles than the current paper laboratory manual (see Section 2.2.1 for further details) and also to act as a ‘model’ experimental run to assist laboratory demonstrator training. Representative screenshots from the website are shown in Fig. 1. The multimedia features of the website that differed from the paper manual were: • Video instructions of the experiment being performed by a competent, good communicator. • Labelled colour photos, diagrams and videos of the equipment to help students visualise the experiments before entering the laboratory. • Hyperlinks to appropriate pages on the internet which contextualise the experiment globally within the course and within the world of Chemical Engineering. • Hyperlinks to key laboratory and course information, including safety information, laboratory timetables, and the laboratory book and report writing guidelines. • A range of different hyperlinked menus and indexes that allow users to view and learn the information in any order they wish. Using this website as the basis of a teaching and learning intervention over one semester, this study therefore has the following aims: 1. To determine the range of learning styles that exist within the population involved with ChemMat 211 (students, laboratory demonstrators and academic teaching staff). 2. To determine if the use of the multimedia manual increases learning, makes preparation for and write-up of the laboratory experiments easier, and enables more effective and efficient performance when doing the experiments, compared to experiments without a multimedia laboratory manual,1 as perceived by the by students, laboratory demonstrators and teaching staff. Specifically, this will be studied with respect to how the teaching styles that are enabled by the multimedia manual are matched with the different learning styles of these students, laboratory demonstrators and teaching staff in the course. 1 This is based on previous studies of multimedia and hypermedia learning (see Section 2.2) and on the proven premise that using teaching styles that are compatible with the learning styles of the students increases learning, interest in the course and increases academic success (Gregoric, 1979, 1985; Dunn and Dunn, 1979; Felder and Silverman, 1988; Fowler et al., 2002; Zywno and Waalen, 2001). Fig. 1 – Three screenshots from the Experiment C1 multimedia laboratory manual showing: (a) the video instructions, (b) the labelled colour photographs of the equipment, (c) the use of hyperlinks to contextualise the experiment with the wider world of Process Engineering. To achieve these aims, this paper will first briefly review learning styles and outline the two learning styles models used in this work. A review of learning styles in the academic disciplines present in this cohort will be made, followed by a brief review of the benefits of online and multimedia learning and the past work on multimedia and hypermedia laboratory manuals, in order to contextualise the current work. education for chemical engineers 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) e10–e30 The research conducted will then be described, starting with the research procedures (Section 3), after which the results and analyses will be presented and discussed, starting by analysing the learning styles within the ChemMat 211 cohort and ending with the feedback results on the multimedia laboratory manual. Again note that although this study focuses on one particular class taught by the Chemical and Materials Engineering Department at the University of Auckland, a majority of the results may be generalised to any course with a laboratory component. To the best of the author’s knowledge, a study investigating the influence of the learning styles of teaching staff, laboratory demonstrators and mixed-discipline students on laboratory preparation and performance from using a multimedia laboratory manual has never been done before. 2. e13 of these can be found elsewhere (e.g. De Bello, 1990; James and Blank, 1993; Hartel, 1995; Irvine and York, 1995; Felder and Silverman, 1988; Howard et al., 1996; Felder, 1996; Bennett, 2003; Kolb and Kolb, 2005; Felder and Brent, 2005). As a result, a number of different teaching and learning styles have been identified. Excellent reviews of the different widely applicable teaching and learning styles can be found in Felder and Silverman (1988), Felder (1996), Hativa (2000), Reid (2005) and Sims and Sims (2006). Choosing the appropriate instrument that covers the most appropriate dimensions and is valid for these measurements is key to any study. Therefore, the current work will concentrate on only two learning style models and instruments, which have been shown to be appropriate to Engineering, Science and Technology students as well as multimedia/hypermedia: the Felder–Silverman–Soloman Index of Learning styles and the VARK learning input styles inventory.2 Literature review 2.1. Teaching and learning styles in Engineering, Science and Technology 2.1.1. Introduction to learning styles A learning style can be defined as: “that consistent pattern of behaviour and performance by which an individual approaches education experiences. It is the composite of characteristic cognitive, affective and physiological behaviours that serve as relatively stable indicators of how a learner perceives, interacts with, and responds to the learning environment. It is formed in the deep structure of neural organization and personality molds [sic] and is molded [sic] by human development and the cultural experiences of home, school and society” (Keefe and Languis, 1983). A preferred teaching style is the corresponding instructional method that aids and enhances learning in a particular learning style. Consequently, teaching and learning styles are intrinsically connected. In the above definition, cognitive related behaviours are how “learners prefer to receive and process information and experiences, how they create concepts, and how they retain and retrieve information” (Irvine and York, 1995, p. 484). Affective related behaviours include “interpersonal skills and self-perception, curiosity, attention, motivation, arousal, and persistence” (Irvine and York, 1995, p. 484). Physiological related issues include “gender, circadian rhythms, nutrition, and general health” (Irvine and York, 1995, p. 484). Despite this three domain definition however, cognitive styles have been the focus of research on learning styles for application in Education (Irvine and York, 1995). There is some debate on the appropriateness of this approach however. For instance, Jarvis (1987, p.109) states: “Cognitive style and learning style are not synonymous terms. The cognitive style relates to the thought process, which are themselves related to the social-culturaltemporal milieu of the thinkers, whereas learning style relates to the ways in which people endeavour to learn.” Despite this difference, most Education researchers use cognitive style and learning style as synonyms. Therefore, it is this learning style concept that is referred to hereafter and used in this work. A range of instruments have been employed, to measure and investigate this particular concept of learning styles, for which excellent reviews and summaries 2.1.2. styles The Felder–Silverman–Soloman Index of Learning There are four dimensions in the Index of Learning styles, each of which differentiate different types of learners in a continuum between two polar opposite types (Felder and Silverman, 1988; Felder, 1996; Felder and Brent, 2005): 1. Processing: Differentiates active learners (who learn externally, by working with others, practice and doing tasks) and reflective learners (who learn internally, by thinking things through and working alone—note that this dimension should not be misinterpreted as passive learning). The corresponding teaching styles to these could be said to be learner-centred (active) and teacher-centred (which hopefully encourages reflective learning, but is usually just passive teaching, which does not encourage learning). 2. Perception: Differentiates by the type of information a person perceives, on a scale from sensing learners (who are concrete, practical, and oriented toward facts and procedures, preferring sights, sounds and physical sensations) to intuitive learners (who are conceptual, innovative, oriented towards abstractions such as theories and meanings, preferring memories, thoughts and insights). 3. Input: Differentiates visual learners (who are visually oriented, e.g. pictures, diagrams, flow charts, etc.) and verbal learners (who are speaking and writing oriented). 4. Understanding: Differentiates sequential learners (who favour linear, orderly, small incremental steps and can work with only partial understanding of the material) and global learners (who favour holistic, system-wide learning and can learn in large leaps, but need to know the entire picture in order to work). 2 Note that although these models differentiate and categorise students into a range of different learning styles, this does not mean we should then exclusively teach to this learning style. Although a students learning style should be acknowledged and used to ensure their learning strengths are being catered for in teaching, narrowly focussing on a few characteristic learning styles are not good – educationally – for the students. This is because, as Felder and Brent (2005) put it: “[a] goal of instruction should be to equip students with the skills associated with every learning style category, regardless of the students’ personal preferences, since they will need all of those skills to function effectively as professionals.” (Felder and Brent, 2005, p. 58). e14 education for chemical engineers 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) e10–e30 Table 1 – Average of all published studies on Engineering cohorts using the Index of Learning styles up to 2005 as compiled by Felder and Brent (2005), and average of all results from the Index of Learning styles website by Soloman (in Fowler et al., 2002, p. 260). Population Number sampled Percentage of population with the Index of Learning Style dimension (%) Processing Engineering Students Engineering Staff/Faculty All students 2506 101 Not available Perception Input Understanding Active Reflective Sensing Intuitive Visual Verbal Sequential Global 64 45 80 36 55 20 63 41 55 37 59 45 82 94 75 18 6 25 60 44 60 40 56 40 Many of these dimensions have direct relationships with dimensions from other learning style models (Felder and Brent, 2005). For example, the active-reflective processing dimension is identical to the Kolb model’s active-reflective dimension (Kolb, 1981; Kolb and Kolb, 2005) and the MyersBriggs Type Indicator’s extravert-introvert dimension; the sensing-intuitive perception dimension is also identical to that dimension in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Consequently, results from these dimensions in these models can and will be directly compared to the results in this work. The Index of Learning styles was chosen since it has been shown to be effective in capturing the key learning styles of Science and Engineering students (Felder and Brent, 2005; Zywno, 2003). A number of studies have also validated the Index of Learning styles as an accurate and reliable instrument (e.g. Felder and Spurlin, 2005; Zywno, 2003; Litzinger et al., 2005, 2007). Most importantly, a large number of studies have used it to determine the learning styles of Engineering students (e.g. Felder and Spurlin, 2005; Felder and Brent, 2005; Kuri and Truzzi, 2002; Byrne, 2007; Rosati, 1998, 1999; among others), although these are predominantly surveys of American and European Engineers. Felder and Brent (2005, p. 61) compiled a summary all of the published studies that have used the Index of Learning styles, averaging the index values for both Engineering students and Engineering staff (faculty). Furthermore, Fowler et al. (2002) published a summary of all the results from Barbara Soloman’s website that hosts the Index of Learning styles online questionnaire ( giving an indication of the baseline for all students (academic disciplines unknown). These results are summarised in Table 1, and will be used as a benchmark to compare to in the current work. It is suspected that the results in Table 1 will differ from the Engineering student population in ChemMat 211. This is despite the fact that NZ Engineering teaching styles and disciplinary culture should be similar those of American and European Engineers since Engineering degrees are professionally accredited, with all the professional accrediting organisations cross-referencing standards and content between each other. This makes the core material taught relatively standardised across accredited degrees, with a reasonably uniform teaching and learning culture, expectation and practice. However, the students in ChemMat 211 have only been at University for one full year (or less), with most of the Engineers in a General Engineering first year, and have only begun socialising into the professional culture of Chemical and Materials Engineering with this course. Their learning styles will therefore be predominantly influenced by the 12 or 13 years of previous primary and secondary education. Focussing on the student sectors that will be clearly different in these cohorts (i.e. the home students rather than the international students), studies show that there are differences between the cultures and pre-university education systems in New Zealand and America and Europe (where the majority of these studies were conducted), in particular through the work of the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA, Using PISA data, Fuchs and Wöbmann (2007), for example, showed that variations in different countries between family backgrounds, home inputs, resources, teachers and institutions account for a majority of the overall educational assessment outcome variations between the different countries. Furthermore, learning styles vary with culture and ethnicity (Bennett, 2003; Irvine and York, 1995). Comparing ethnicity information between New Zealand, U.S.A. and Europe (Levinson, 1998; Statistics New Zealand, 2006; U.S. Census Bureau, 2000), shows a distinct difference in ethnicity and culture in all three parts of the world. Studies have shown that educational systems differ to account for these cultural differences: for example in New Zealand, educational culture, pedagogies and systems have been instituted to make learning more effective for the Māori and Pacifica ethnic populations (Benseman et al., 2006; Bishop, 1999, 2003) and effective targeted multicultural teaching practices have been instigated for the needs of specific ethnic groups in both the U.S.A. and Europe (e.g. Gay, 2001; Irvine and York, 1995). Therefore, it is likely that the teaching and learning styles developed by the NZ student cohorts will be different to those in Table 1. Teaching and learning styles for Food Science students from overseas institutions have been studied by a number of researchers (e.g. Torres and Cano, 1994; Cano, 1999; Palou, 2006), but will not be compared to in this work. This is because these degrees are not professionally accredited, so what is taught and how it is taught varies considerably between different institutions, making any comparison with teaching and learning styles from the literature questionable. 2.1.3. The VARK learning input styles inventory The VARK learning input styles inventory (Fleming and Mills, 1992; Fleming and Baume, 2006) has been chosen since it extends the input dimension (visual/verbal) of the Felder–Silverman–Soloman Index of Learning styles, capturing additional learning inputs which are important to web-based multimedia learning. VARK only measures input learning styles and therefore is not a full learning styles model (Fleming and Baume, 2006), which is why it was used in conjunction with the Index of Learning styles. The VARK learning input styles model and instrument measures and compares four sensory modes: visual, aural, read/write, and kinaesthetic. education for chemical engineers 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) e10–e30 Learners can use a mixture of any and all of the four modes, with one or more being the preferred mode of learning. 2.1.4. Differences in learning styles with academic discipline In this work, a mixed discipline cohort is being studied. It is important to consider if there would be any effect on the range of expected learning styles due to having students from different disciplines—for example is it necessary to divide the students in their different disciplinary groups for surveys and focus groups for comparison to the results in the literature, or are these students expected to have similar learning styles anyway making this unnecessary? With so many learning style models available and so many studies using the corresponding instruments, inevitably the difference in learning styles between academic disciplines has been studied. These studies indicate that distinct learning style differences can exist between different academic disciplines, indicating that this may be something to account for, especially in comparisons to literature. Kolb (1981, p. 233–234) succinctly explains the reasons for this: “For students, education in an academic field is a continuing process of selection and socialization to the pivotal norms of the field governing criteria for truth and how it is to be achieved, communicated, and used, and secondarily, to peripheral norms governing personal styles, attitudes, and social relationships. Over time these selection and socialization pressures combine to produce an increasingly impermeable and homogenous disciplinary culture and correspondingly specialized student orientations to learning.” Neumann and co-workers (e.g. Neumann, 2001; Neumann and Becher, 2002) and Shulman (2005), further verified this by demonstrating that there are characteristics forms of teaching and learning that are established norms within the degrees at universities (in particular professional degrees such as Engineering, Law and Medicine in the case of Shulman), which Shulman calls ‘signature pedagogies’. These studies show that different learning styles are being emphasised and practiced within different academic disciplines, meaning that the graduates from different disciplines will, on average, have different learning style preferences that are common across their disciplines. Part of this could be a result of students selecting courses that suit their learning styles also, as indicated by Kolb (1981): “the student’s [learning style] dispositions lead to the choice of educational experiences that match those dispositions, and the resulting experiences reinforce the same choice dispositions for later experiences.” (Kolb, 1981, p. 245). Of the many studies quantifying the specific learning style differences between students from different disciplines, of particular relevance to this work are the studies by Litzinger et al. (2005) and Kolb (1981): 1. Litzinger et al. (2005) showed that the Index of Learning styles can be used to reliably demonstrate learning style differences between students from different academic disciplines at Penn State University (USA). The students were from three different colleges–Engineering, Liberal Arts and Education. The only common preference they found was visual over verbal learning. 2. Kolb (1981) presents comprehensive results showing that there are definite measurable differences in learning styles between different academic disciplines. Of particular rel- e15 evance is that Kolb shows that under his learning style dimensions that Engineering and Chemistry students (the closest discipline to BSc Food Science in this study) are quite different. Kolb shows that Engineers are convergent learners (active and abstract1 ), whilst Chemistry majors are more assimilative (reflective and abstract3 ). In terms of the learning style models used in this study, this means we might expect that disciplinary socialised BE students and BSc students should differ in the ‘Processing’ dimension of the Index of Learning styles, since the Kolb active-reflective dimension is the same. Disciplinary socialised BE students will be more active learners in contrast to the reflective learning of the disciplinary socialised BSc students. There has been one study of both Food Science and Engineering students together with the Index of Learning styles (Palou, 2006). Although Palou makes inferences that Food Science and Engineering students have different learning styles, it is not substantiated with sufficient evidence. There are no published studies looking at the learning styles of Technology or Biotechnology students. In this work, measurable differences are not expected to be prominent within the cohort in ChemMat 211, because (as previously noted) the students in ChemMat 211 have only been at University for one full year (or less), with this course (for the Engineers) comprising their first significant exposure to Chemical and Materials Engineering. Therefore, the socialisation into their disciplinary culture will most likely be insignificant, compared to the 12 or 13 years in primary and secondary education. As mentioned, Kolb (1981) however indicates that students may self select into disciplines that cater to their learning style strengths, which may mean the differences above may be present to some extent. Therefore, students from different disciplines were still identified and segregated in the surveys and interviewed separately so that academic discipline could be accounted for in the results and in comparisons to literature where necessary. 2.2. Multimedia and hypermedia laboratory manuals 2.2.1. The benefits of on-line learning There are many studies which look at how learning styles are related to different aspects of a multimedia/hypermedia environment, and that learners benefit from this through increased learning and performance (e.g. Cordell, 1991; Liu and Reed, 1994; Montgomery, 1995; Carver et al., 1999; Gomes et al., 2000; Buch and Sena, 2001). Such studies have shown that multimedia/hypermedia and on-line learning addresses learning style differences, since it allows the incorporation of aspects from the poles of each learning style dimension, to ensure we are catering for the teaching and learning strengths of all students. Only then can we create “the optimal learning environment for most (if not all) in the class” (Felder and Silverman, 1988, p. 657), which is known as ‘teaching around the cycle’ (Felder, 1996). The match between multimedia and hypermedia and the two learning styles models used in this work has also been studied. The matches to the Index of Learning styles is best illustrated by Carver et al. (1999), who specifically designed hypermedia to ‘teach around the cycle’ designed according to 3 Abstract learners rate mathematics as more important over humanities. e16 education for chemical engineers 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) e10–e30 Table 2 – Hypermedia components and their relationship to the Felder–Silverman–Soloman Index of Learning styles as rated on a scale of 0 (not important) to 100 (vital) by students in a course studied by ). Note that the importance of each of these components may vary for different courses and disciplines. Hypermedia component Graphics Videos Audio Hypertext Support for each Index of Learning styles dimension on a scale of 0–100 Sensing Intuitive Visual Verbal Sequential Global 70 100 60 25 50 50 50 60 90 100 25 25 25 80 100 25 10 40 10 100 40 30 60 40 this learning style model. Carver et al. (1999) demonstrated that “every learning style may be addressed by hypermedia courseware and every learning style is addressed by more than one type of tool.” (Carver et al., 1999, p. 38). He showed the following matches between the hypermedia components (that are also used in this study) and the dimensions in the Index of Learning styles (Table 2). Carver et al. (1999) shows that the Index of Learning styles is an invaluable measure and descriptor of how well a multimedia laboratory manual could match the range of teaching and learning styles of a student cohort, further justifying its use in this work. The VARK model is used in this work also because it has been used by researchers to both effectively design and determine the efficacy of web-based learning (e.g. Amigud et al., 2002; Higgins and O’Keeffe, 2004; Drago and Wagner, 2004; Zapalska and Brozik, 2006). In particular, Drago and Wagner (2004) have found that students with visual and read/write learning input preferences benefit from online teaching and learning, whilst kinaesthetic students do not. This is because the visual and read/write (as well as aural) learning input preferences directly relate to the following multimedia/hypermedia components, whilst kinaesthetic inputs has none: • • • • Videos – visual and aural Graphics – visual Audio – aural Hypertext – read/write As mentioned previously, the current paper laboratory manual only really caters for read/write oriented learners. Therefore, considering the wider range of learning styles that multimedia/hypermedia matches (as measured by the Index of Learning styles and VARK instruments), it is expected that more students in the cohort will have a greater understanding and be better prepared for the laboratory experiments by using the multimedia laboratory manual. 2.2.2. A brief review of multimedia and hypermedia laboratory manuals Due to these advantages, a number of other multimedia and hypermedia laboratory manuals, similar to that built in this study, have already been developed and studied (e.g. Craddock and Chevalier, 2000, 2002 and references within; Cheatham, 2000; Lee, 2002; Gibbins et al., 2003; Burewicz and Miranowicz, 2006; Zamri et al., 2008; the Bristol ChemLabS program in Adams, 2009). Many multimedia laboratory supplements also go further and also include virtual pre-laboratory experiments (e.g. Chen et al., 2004) and/or virtual or remote laboratories, minimising or even removing the need for students to go into the physical laboratory (e.g. Ertugrul, 2000; Ma and Nickerson, 2006; Selmer et al., 2007; Rasteiro et al., 2009). However, few studies have explicitly studied the effect of the fuller pallet of learning styles enabled by a multimedia laboratory manual (as described above in Section 2.2.1) on the preparation and performance of the students who used them. Those that have found mixed results. For example, Gibbins et al. (2003) studied the learning enhancement of using a multimedia laboratory manual compared to traditional resources (lectures, paper manual) and used Kolb’s experiential learning style dimensions (Kolb, 1981; Kolb and Kolb, 2005) to ascertain any influence from learning styles. They found that learning style score did not correlate with the enhancement in performance by students supported by the multimedia laboratory manual. These studies therefore indicate that further work still needs to be done in this area. Most studies have surveyed students for feedback on their multimedia laboratory manuals and have unanimously found approval from students. These surveys were also used to determine the impact on preparation for and performance in the laboratory, like the current work. These studies have provided mixed results though. For example, Craddock and Chevalier (2002) found that only 67% of students reported being better prepared for the laboratory experiments despite 83% reporting that they would learn more by using it. This could be the consequence the learning styles of the students not matching the teaching styles enabled by the multimedia manual—however Craddock and Chevalier had not determined the learning styles within the class. This is why teaching and learning styles need to be investigated in conjunction with the impact of a multimedia manual. Another explanation is given by Craddock and Chevalier instead: “even though it appears that this approach enhances student learning, that it requires some preparation time that not all students are willing to invest.” (Craddock and Chevalier, 2002, p. 730). Given that time is universally short in most peoples lives, this explanation is most likely ubiquitous. In contrast, more positive outcomes have been found by others (e.g. Nippert, 2001; Burewicz and Miranowicz, 2006). For example, Chris Nippert with his Virtual Chemical Engineering Laboratory (Nippert, 2001) – albeit a more advanced version of the multimedia laboratory manual that has website based versions of the experiments – yielded positive learning outcomes: “Comparison with the previous year indicated that the online experiments increased the students’ abilities to perform and complete the experiments with reduced assistance from the class instructor. A significant reduction in time for student teams to complete experiments has been noted.” (Nippert, 2001). To determine if the Experiment C1 multimedia laboratory manual in this work can increase student learning and performance in a similar vein, a short term action research case study was conducted using the following research procedures. education for chemical engineers 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) e10–e30 3. Methods and materials This research was approved by the University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee on 15 April 2009 for 3 years, Reference Number 2009/116. All participant recruitment, distribution of research materials, interviews and analysis was conducted by the author, who was independent of the course outcomes (as he did not teach on the course studied – ChemMat 211 – nor have any influence on the students marks, laboratory demonstrators pay, nor the teaching staff’s jobs). The author however has taught and will in the future teach the BE students in this study, which potentially may have increased the response rate and bias the types of responses towards the more positive from the BE students. 3.1. Participant recruitment All participants were teaching staff, laboratory demonstrators and students from the University of Auckland Chemical and Materials Engineering course, ChemMat 211-‘Introduction to Process Engineering’. These three groups were surveyed and analysed separately, with the student participants separated further into four groups, according to their academic discipline to enable comparison to the relevant literature data (which focuses on single discipline cohorts): • Bachelor of Engineering (BE) Students (predominantly from the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering). • BE–Conjoint Students (who are students that are also studying for another degree in conjunction with a Bachelor of Engineering in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering). Since these students’ second degrees are all from different departments, their survey results were not used in comparison to literature for the ‘pure’ academic disciplines. • Bachelor of Science (BSc) Students (all studying Food Science, run by the Department of Chemistry). • Bachelor of Technology (BTech) Students (all doing a Biotechnology degree, run by the Faculty of Science’s Biology Department). There was also one student doing a Certificate of Proficiency, whose survey results was also not used due to lack of a distinct discipline. The period studied in this research was from the 2nd of March 2009 to the 24th of May 2009. At the start of this period, the multimedia laboratory manual was made available online to all of the above potential participants, and was used thereafter. Students, teaching staff and laboratory demonstrators were also given a copy of the regular paper laboratory manual. Web-counters on the videos (from and the first webpage (from were used to indicate if the website was being used. The website address was provided only to those participating in the research or those who had a vested interest (i.e. students, staff and laboratory demonstrators of ChemMat 211, the author and his research supervisor, the Head of Department (HOD) and website support personnel in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, and HODs from the Food Science and Technology Departments) in order to try to limit the number of people who accessed it, so that usage would mainly represent the potential participants. There was nothing stopping these people also giving the web address to someone else though—however it is expected this e17 would have a minor impact on use of the website, since people outside of this group would find nothing useful on the website that warranted repeat visits. Also, web-spiders (for example from search engines) can increase the number of hits counted on a website. Consequently, these numbers will not be treated as a definitive number of website usage and users. However, a comparison of website hits throughout the semester, should give a qualitative indication of whether or not the website is being used. Permission was then obtained from all of the potential participants’ Head of Departments and/or Head of the Degrees to allow the author to approach students from each of the above groups to participate in this project. Following gaining this permission (and 8 weeks after the website was made available), all of the teaching staff, laboratory demonstrators, and students in ChemMat 211 were approached to participate (through giving informed consent as per the ethics application) in either or both of the two data gathering components of the research, which were: 1. Three questionnaires: Inventory of Learning Styles, VARK, and the multimedia laboratory manual feedback survey. 2. Focus groups: Used to provide more in-depth feedback on the impact of the multimedia laboratory manual. The participation and response rates obtained for these components are given in Table 3 (Questionnaires) and Table 4 (Focus Groups). Everyone who participated in focus groups also participated in the surveys. Participation and response rates to the questionnaires were reasonable for all but the BSc Students. This is understandable, since investing their time in this project yielded less advantages for them, since the outcomes will (in the immediate future) change teaching practice within the Engineering Faculty only. Also, despite the high response rate, there are comparatively few BTech students in the cohort. Therefore, since there were so few BSc and BTech student participants, results are not generalised beyond those sampled for these disciplines. Student participation for all disciplines in the focus groups was disappointingly low (Table 4): in fact there was no BSc student focus group as no participants were able to be recruited. Consequently, the student focus group results were only used as complimentary data to assist with the interpretation of the questionnaire data. The data collection from these participants was then conducted as follows: 3.2. Data Collection and Analysis 3.2.1. The Questionnaires All questionnaire component participants were asked to complete three anonymous questionnaires. The first two were the Index of Learning styles and VARK questionnaires, directly copied from their respected websites (see below) and given to the participants to complete on paper. Participants only identified their job (teaching or laboratory demonstrator) or degree on these forms as an additional measure to preserve anonymity. These questionnaires were then processed by the author to determine the learning styles, by manually inputting the data into the corresponding web based questionnaires: • Index of Learning styles: learningstyles/ilsweb.html. Based on the responses, this e18 education for chemical engineers 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) e10–e30 Table 3 – Participation and response to the questionnaires for each of the groups studied. Group Total in class Participants giving permission to be surveyed Responses to Learning styles surveys (ILS and VARK) Responses to feedback survey No. of participants No of participants No of participants % Response % Response % Response BE students BE-conjoint students BSc students BTech students 49 5 35 6 23 4 3 3 47% 80% 9% 50% 20 4 3 2 41% 80% 9% 33% 10 3 2 1 20% 60% 6% 17% All students 96a 33 34% 29 30% 16 17% 4 3 4 3 100% 100% 3 3 75% 100% 3 2 75% 67% 103 40 39% 35 34% 21 20% Lab. Demonstrators Teaching Total a Also includes the one student studying for a Certificate of Proficiency. Table 4 – Participation in the focus groups for each of the groups studied. Group Total in class Participants giving permission to be in focus groups Participants actually attending focus groups No. of participants No. of participants % Response % Response BE students BE-conjoint students BSc students BTech students 49 5 35 6 4 0 0 1 8% 0% 0% 17% 1 0 0 1 2% 0% 0% 17% All students 96a 6a 6% 2 2% 4 3 4 2 100% 67% 4 2 100% 67% 103 11 11% 8 8% Lab. Demonstrators Teaching Total a Also includes the one student studying for a Certificate of Proficiency. less of the strength of their preference to that dimension. So, for example, for the Index of Learning styles, participants attributed as being active learners, included the entire range from weak active learners (−1 in the scale) to strong active learners (−11 in the scale). After the ChemMat 211 laboratory programme had finished (week 12 of the study), all participants were asked to complete a third questionnaire: a brief feedback survey to both quantitatively and qualitatively determine the impact of the Experiment C1 multimedia laboratory manual. This had 20 yes/no and Likert Scale tick box questions on the impact of the multimedia laboratory manual on learning and laboratory performance compared to the paper laboratory manuals, as well as four open-ended questions so participants could elaborate on their responses (the actual questionnaire is available from the author by request as ‘Additional Information A’). The ‘Yes/No’ and Likert scale answers to the questionnaire were inputted into MS Excel and analysed quantitatively. In order to match different learning styles, results will be presented web page gives a participant’s preference to each dimension in the following scales (Fig. 2). • VARK: questionnaire. Based on the responses, this web page gives each input style (visual, aural, read/write and kinaesthetic) a score from 0 to 16, and the relative difference between the scores is used to determine the participant’s preferred learning input styles. If two or more input style scores are similar, the participant is deemed multimodal in these respective input styles. For analysis, the learning styles results were inputted into an MS Excel spreadsheet, grouped (staff, laboratory demonstrator and students by degree), and the mean and percentage of participants in each group with each learning style dimension was calculated and compared to determine any significant overall trends and/or differences between the learning styles. Note that in order to compare to previous literature, a participant was similarly attributed to a dimension regard- Strongly active Strongly sensing -11 9 -7 Strongly visual Strongly sequential Weakly active Weakly reflective Weakly sensing Weakly intuitive -5 -3 -1 Weakly visual Weakly seq. +1 +3 +5 Weakly verbal Weakly global Strongly reflective Strongly intuitive +7 +9 +11 Strongly verbal Strongly global Fig. 2 – The scales between the poles of each dimension in the Felder–Silverman–Soloman Index of Learning styles. education for chemical engineers 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) e10–e30 as a graphical comparison and as a basic statistical analysis of the Likert scale data (the mean and standard deviation (s.d.) were calculated by attributing the following numerical values to the Likert scale: strongly disagree, 1; disagree, 2; neutral, 3; agree, 4; strongly agree, 5; not applicable, not used). However, since the graphical analysis provided richer and more immediate detail on the feedback, this statistical analysis will be discussed only when it adds further evidence to this. The open-ended questions were analysed using a qualitative method: a basic thematic analysis as outlined in Braun and Clarke (2006). This involved looking for recurring phrases and themes, in order to determine the common overall reactions, themes and opinions. The combined quantitative and qualitative results were then reconciled in terms of the teaching styles enabled by the multimedia and paper manuals and learning styles in each of the groups studied (students, laboratory demonstrators and teaching staff). 3.2.2. The focus groups Following the return and analysis of the feedback survey, four different focus group discussion sessions were run to obtain more detailed feedback and further explore the themes developed. Due to low student participation (Table 4), these were only for the following groups: • • • • BE students (who have completed Experiment C1) BTech students (who have completed Experiment C1) Laboratory demonstrators Teaching staff Focus group discussions were conducted in a ‘neutral’ meeting room at the University of Auckland and lasted between 20 and 60 min. The discussions were audio-recorded and transcribed by an external party. The transcript was then sent to the participants for an opportunity to correct any mistakes, exclude any item and/or clarify anything in it they said. Furthermore, in all but the teaching focus group, writing was used in addition to the normal questioning technique to obtain feedback using both aural and read/write learning styles (as befitting a study of different learning styles). The resulting transcripts and written material were analysed using the basic thematic analysis outlined above. As a consequence of the poor student participation, student focus group results were only used to further illustrate the themes that were developed in the feedback survey. In contrast, teaching staff and laboratory demonstrator focus groups (which had high participation) yielded unique and valuable information, that was again reconciled in terms of the teaching and learning styles (as above). 4. Results, analyses and discussion 4.1. Learning styles of the students in ChemMat 211 4.1.1. Learning styles as measured by the Index of Learning styles Table 5 summarises the results from the Index of Learning styles survey. A wide range of learning styles are present in the student cohort (as well as the laboratory demonstrators and teaching staff), which means that the wide range of learning styles that the multimedia laboratory manual caters for (by the features outlined in Section 2.2.1) should enable better learning and pre-laboratory preparation from more of the students than is currently catered for by the paper laboratory manual. e19 Table 5 shows that the main learning styles used by the different groups where: students – reflective, sensing, visual, sequential; laboratory demonstrators – reflective, intuitive, visual, sequential; teaching – reflective, intuitive, visual, global. The fact that a majority of the students are sensing (oriented towards oriented toward facts and procedures, preferring sights, sounds and physical sensations) and visual in particular indicates that the multimedia aspects of the website (especially the procedural videos and the colour labelled photos) are likely to enable better learning. When comparing the Engineering students results (since this is the only grouping with a large number of participants) to the literature (e.g. Table 1), the NZ-based BE students in this class have a more reflective rather than active learning style. Thus, as expected (see Sections 2.1.2 and 2.1.4 for explanation), the learning styles of this NZ Engineering cohort is different to the published ‘engineering norm’ which is predominantly based on American and European learners (Table 1). These NZ engineers are more reflective learners and this means that the learning styles of these students are better matched with their teacher’s reflective teaching styles than the ‘engineering norm’. The other dimensions are mismatched similarly to previous literature (comparing Table 5 to Table 1). 4.1.2. Learning input style as measured by the VARK questionnaire As outlined in Section 2.2.1, VARK input learning preferences relate directly to multimedia features (other than for kinaesthetic learners, who are not catered for by these multimedia manuals). Therefore, VARK results give an indication of what should be useful to students in the multimedia laboratory manual. The results (Table 6) show that for the students surveyed, the aural learning style was the least preferred, indicating that the videos (visual), hypertext and hyperlinks (read/write) and labelled photos and graphics (visual) should enable improved learning. 4.2. Feedback on the multimedia laboratory manual Using this learning style data and trends, all of the student responses were then analysed together (regardless of discipline) and compared with those from the laboratory demonstrators and teachers and literature (where possible). 4.2.1. Use of the multimedia laboratory manual All of the students that responded to the feedback survey had completed Experiment C1 and had used the multimedia laboratory manual to prepare for this laboratory experiment. The web counter and YouTube video use tracking further confirmed that the Experiment C1 multimedia laboratory manual was being accessed. Over the period of interest in this research (2nd March 2009 to 24th of May 2009) there were 278 unique hits on the multimedia manual website out of 604 total hits. This is more than the total number of participants, most likely because of the impact of web-spiders as well as the fact that students use different computers (at home, at university, etc.) which will register as a different unique hit rather than there being a large number of non-participant users. The web counter data however indicated that the website was used with the most intense use during periods when Experiment C1 was running, indicating that real usage can be distinguished above the background of website hits from web-spiders and hits from people external to the course. It is reasonable to e20 Table 5 – Percentage of participants in each group with each Index of Learning styles dimension. Group No. of participants Total in class % of participants with Index of Learning styles dimension Perception Active Input Reflective Processing Sensing Intuitive Understanding Visual Verbal Sequential Global 20 4 3 2 49 5 35 6 40 25 33 0 60 75 67 100 89 0 100 0 11 100 0 100 83 75 100 50 17 25 0 50 85 50 67 0 15 50 33 100 All students 29 96a 34 66 69 31 81 19 72 28 3 3 4 3 33 33 67 67 33 33 67 67 67 100 33 0 100 33 0 67 Lab. Demonstrators Teaching a Also includes the one student studying for a Certificate of Proficiency. Table 6 – Percentage of participants in each group with each VARK learning input dimension. Group No. of participants Total in class % Multimodala % of participants with each VARK Dimension Visual Aural Read/write % Using all four VARK dimensions Kineasthetic BE students BE-conjoint students BSc students BTech students 20 4 3 2 49 5 35 6 75 50 100 0 60 50 67 0 80 75 100 100 70 50 100 0 85 75 100 0 40 25 67 0 All students 29 96b 57 46 69 54 74 38 3 3 4 3 67 67 67 33 100 67 67 33 67 33 67 33 Lab. Demonstrators Teaching a b Multimodal means students who use two or more of the VARK learning styles according to the VARK survey results. Also includes the one student studying for a Certificate of Proficiency. education for chemical engineers 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) e10–e30 BE students BE-conjoint students BSc students BTech students education for chemical engineers 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) e10–e30 assume that students would not make this use of the multimedia laboratory manual unless it helped enhance their learning by better meeting their learning styles and interests. Fig. 3a (feedback survey, question 7) shows that a majority of those students surveyed found the multimedia laboratory manual more interesting than the paper laboratory manual, indicating that this may be the case. Overall, the remaining results show that teaching staff, students and demonstrators also found the multimedia laboratory manual more useful; the rationale for this relate to their learning styles and a case for this will be made using the remaining feedback data. Firstly, the response from all students to question 13 in the feedback survey (‘I watched and read all of the content on the multimedia laboratory manual’) is shown in Fig. 3b. This indicates that not all of the website was actually used, which is to be expected considering the mixture of learning styles present in the class. Which components were used and deemed useful then? Based on the feedback from students in both the feedback survey and the focus groups, the labelled diagrams and the videos were the two most useful components. This can be related directly to student learning styles, since the students have a visual learning input preference in both the Index of Learning styles and VARK results. This preference was also articulated many times by students, and is illustrated by the following representative quotes from students in reply to open ended question 1 in the feedback survey–“What parts (if any) of the multimedia laboratory manual were most useful for your preparation for and performance in the laboratory? Please explain the reason(s) for this”: “The pictures and diagrams – made it clear what we were going to do.” BE-conjoint student A. “The videos describing the equipment & how the experiment works. Made it a lot easier to understand what was happening and the tasks required in the experiment.” BEstudent B. Question 16 of the survey (‘I watched all of the videos on the multimedia manual website’: results in Fig. 3c) indicates that not all the videos were watched by all users. ‘YouTube Insight’ tracking of the use of the videos was used to see which were the most popular (and by implication, which were the most useful). This showed that the first five videos were viewed the most (i.e. the introduction, experimental aim and equipment overview videos). Since web spiders are likely to access all videos equally, this can be considered a valid result. The open-ended survey responses (as above) and feedback from teaching staff and students in the focus groups also confirmed this result—the equipment overview videos were the most useful. The videos that went stepwise through the experimental instructions were less used and less valued. The reasons for this are revealed by the learning students derived from the multimedia laboratory manual. 4.2.2. Learning from the multimedia laboratory manual Fig. 4 shows the students’ results from the feedback survey related to the impact on learning from using the multimedia laboratory manual. Overall, students perceived that they had an enhanced experience by using the multimedia laboratory manual. This is based on the fact that a majority (88%) of students surveyed agreed or strongly agreed that the multimedia laboratory manual increased their learning (question 14, Fig. 4a), and students unanimously agree that the multimedia laboratory manual contributed to a better under- e21 standing of the experiment than the paper manual (question 5, Fig. 4b). This again can directly related to the fact that they are sensing and visual learners and the website’s enhanced visual elements therefore improved learning and understanding. For example, students revealed that the website’s pictures enhanced learning for the following reasons: “The advantage of having it on a website so say it’s in colour, on paper it would have to be in black and white so really if it is in black and white it’s better to have a line diagram, that makes it less confusing yeah.” BE-student K (focus group). “[The labelled photos] allowed to me construct a “visual map” of the layout of equipment and dicern [sic] the purposes of the experiment.” BE-J (feedback survey). Despite being unique to the website, the learning value of the videos was however less clear to the students surveyed. Although a majority agreed (88% agreed or strongly agreed) that the website’s videos helped explain the experiment more clearly than the paper laboratory manual (feedback survey question 18, Fig. 4c), 13% of students surveyed were positive that the videos did not increase their understanding of the experiment (question 9, Fig. 4d; with only 69% disagreeing or strongly disagreeing to this question). If it is assumed that this result is not due to an erroneous reading of this question by some of students (question 9 was deliberately designed to be a negative ‘did not’ question in contrast to the positive ‘did’ type questions which comprised most of the feedback survey in order to determine if the participants were answering the questions deliberately or not), this result indicates that although the videos are better at explaining the experiment than the paper manual, they still do not sufficiently match student learning input styles to enhance everyone’s understanding. In addition to the unavoidable problems of personal taste (some students probably just did not like the format and/or presentation of the videos and so did not watch them), this could help explain why the videos were not well used (as examined above): many students do not learn as effectively aurally and but have a strong visual learning style preference, therefore found that the labelled colour pictures were either sufficient or more suitable to enhance their understanding and therefore did not bother with the videos. This finding was elaborated upon by a BE student in a focus group: “I didn’t really find the videos very useful because someone that talks and points at something I found it very difficult to remember what they say whereas I see a picture, it’s easier for me to understand pictures.” BE-student K (focus group). Watching television and videos can be a passive process that people equate with relaxation, so perhaps these results show that videos represent a passive mode of learning in this instance. This result is also related to another theme that came out of both the feedback surveys and focus groups: the impression by many that the videos took too much time to watch. In fact some students and teaching staff explicitly stated that they were too long, and so this is being rectified in the next version. Also, other information methods, such as the pop-ups used by Zamri et al. (2008) could be used instead. If many of the students who used the website had this opinion and were like one of the students interviewed in the focus groups who looked at the website only briefly before performing the laboratory experiment, and given that many of the students are sequential learners (as per Table 5), it is understandable that many of the videos later on in the website e22 education for chemical engineers 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) e10–e30 100% 90% 100% 90% a mean = 2.1 s.d. = 1.1 80% 70% I watched and read all of the content on the multimedia laboratory manual website (Q13). b mean = 3.8 s.d. = 1.7 70% % of Respondents % of Respondents 80% The multimedia laboratory manual was less interesting than the paper laboratory manual (Q7). 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 10% 0% Strongly Disagree Neutral Disagree Agree Strongly Not Agree Applicable 0% Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Not Agree Applicable Response Response 100% 90% % of Respondents 80% I watched all of the videos on the multimedia laboratory manual website (Q16). c mean = 3.8 s.d. = 2.2 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Strongly Disagree Neutral Disagree Agree Strongly Not Agree Applicable Response Fig. 3 – Overall student feedback survey response to Likert scale questions related to website interest and use. were not viewed as much as the earlier ones. These findings exactly mirror the findings of Craddock and Chevalier (2002) who found that despite students understanding the potential benefits of a multimedia laboratory manual, not all students were willing to invest the time to gain them (Craddock and Chevalier, 2002, p. 730). That said, a majority (69%) of students surveyed still found that the videos increased their understanding of the experiment, confirming their worth to the wider student cohort. Another component that is unique to the website compared to the paper manual are the hyperlinks, which in theory enable a more global picture of the experiment to be built up compared to that afforded by a paper manual (see Section 2.2.1). These links to course content, laboratory timetables and laboratory instructions most likely being primarily responsible for zero students disagreeing that the multimedia laboratory manual allowed them to better relate the laboratory to the course content than the paper manual (feedback survey question 17, Fig. 4e). The worth of these hyperlinks is further emphasised by the result that 62% of those surveyed agreeing or strongly agreeing that ‘the links to industry spray tower applications in the website helped to explain the purpose of the experiment more clearly’ (feedback survey question 12, Fig. 4f). This is more than double the 28% global learners in the survey (Table 5), showing that learning style is not the only determinant of who will appreciate learning through a wider contextualisation of the laboratory. A laboratory demonstrator even found these hyperlinks to be the most useful feature of the website: “‘The uses of Spray Towers in Industry’ – this enhances my understanding and helps me to explain to the students the relevant (sic) of experiment C1 to the “real world”. – so that the students can “see” the “importance” and “significance” of doing the experiment rather than just performing it for the sake of passing the paper!” – Laboratory demonstrator A (feedback survey). Despite all these positives, the multimedia laboratory manual was not the main aspect of the Experiment C1 experience that contributed the most to student learning. Instead, open ended question 2 in the feedback survey (‘What aspect of your experience of doing Experiment C1 contributed the most to your learning and why?’) revealed the most valuable aspects to learning were related to the experience of doing the labora- e23 education for chemical engineers 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) e10–e30 90% % of Respondents 80% 100% The multimedia laboratory manual increased my learning (Q14). 90% a mean = 4.1 s.d. = 1.1 80% % of Respondents 100% 70% 60% 50% 40% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 0% Strongly Disagree Neutral Disagree Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral Disagree Strongly Not Agree Applicable % of Respondents 80% The website’s videos helped explain the experiment more clearly than the paper laboratory manual (Q18). 90% c mean = 4.1 s.d. = 1.4 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 80% The videos did not increase my understanding of the experiment (Q9). d mean = 2.1 s.d. = 1.3 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 0% 0% Strongly Disagree Neutral Disagree Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral Disagree Strongly Not Agree Applicable Response 100% 90% The multimedia laboratory manual allowed me to better relate the laboratory to the course content than the paper manual (Q17). 90% e mean = 3.9 s.d. = 1.4 Agree Strongly Not Agree Applicable Response 100% 70% 80% % of Respondents % of Respondents 80% Strongly Not Agree Applicable 100% % of Respondents 90% Agree Response Response 100% b mean = 4.5 s.d. = 1.4 70% 30% 0% The multimedia laboratory manual contributed to a better understanding of the experiment than the paper manual (Q5). 60% 50% 40% 30% 70% f mean = 3.5 s.d. = 2.0 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 0% The links to industry spray tower applications in the website helped to explain the purpose of the experiment more clearly (Q12). 0% Strongly Disagree Neutral Disagree Agree Strongly Not Agree Applicable Response Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Not Agree Applicable Response Fig. 4 – Overall student feedback survey response to Likert scale questions related to the impact on learning from the use of the multimedia laboratory manual. tory, such as conducting the experiment (kinaesthetic learning which is an important learning input style to these students – Table 6), performing the calculations on the real system, and the help from the demonstrators. This is not surpris- ing, since the first two reasons are why these laboratories are done in conjunction with the lecture course in the first place. Fortunately, the multimedia laboratory manual enhances this learning experience (as demonstrated above), which is directly e24 education for chemical engineers 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) e10–e30 a result of the matching of teaching and learning styles it enables. However, does this increased learning translate into benefits to laboratory preparation and performance? 4.2.3. Laboratory preparation and performance The preparation and performance related results from the feedback survey (Fig. 5) and the student and laboratory demonstrator focus groups unanimously show that students were better prepared for the experiment when they used the multimedia laboratory manual compared to experiments where there was not one available. In terms of results, 88% of the students surveyed agreed or strongly agreed that the multimedia laboratory manual better prepared them for the experiment than the paper laboratory manual (feedback survey question 6, Fig. 5a). Students attributed this directly to their use of multimedia laboratory manual in focus groups. The reason for this relates to the increased learning and understanding the multimedia components enabled. This outcome is well summarised by the following focus group extracts: “. . .in the three hours I wasn’t having to like understand all the equipment in the experiment, like I could see it beforehand so when I was actually doing the experiment I could just focus on that.” BTech student A (focus group). “[Using the multimedia laboratory manual] I actually understood, before I went to the lab I actually understood a bit more of what actually I’m required to do whereas for the other labs I sort of just copied down the method and then went to the lab and had to have an explanation from the supervisor of what was required.” “Usually for the other labs I just went through the description of the experiment and it was a bit vague what they want to do.” BE-student K (focus group). This result is in line with the performance increases obtained through the use of multimedia manuals by Nippert (2001) and Burewicz and Miranowicz (2006) and better than that obtained by Craddock and Chevalier (2002), where only 67% of students reported being better prepared for the experiments. The excellent preparation of students in the current study may be related to the aforementioned good match of learning styles to the website content: the sensing and visual learning enabled by the website is preferred by a majority of students (Tables 5 and 6). This hypothesis is further substantiated by further feedback survey results: 94% of students surveyed agreed or strongly agreed that the website’s labelled diagrams better prepared them for the experiment than the labelled diagrams in the paper manual (feedback survey question 8, Fig. 5b). This better preparation translated into better performance perceived by students in the laboratory also: 75% of students surveyed agreed or strongly agreed that the multimedia laboratory manual helped them to more easily perform the tasks in Experiment C1 (feedback survey question 15, Fig. 5c). This however did not necessarily mean that the student’s needed the laboratory demonstrator’s help less however: 56% of the students surveyed did not think that they needed the laboratory demonstrator’s help less because of the multimedia laboratory manual (feedback survey question 11, Fig. 5d). This is despite the fact that the laboratory demonstrators reported that students were more focussed, confident and on task in Experiment C1 compared to different laboratory experiments: “[In Experiment C1] they already know in their mind what they want to use and they know that it’s about temper- ature - that is the most important thing that they have to measure all the time right for their experiment.” Laboratory demonstrator (focus group). This increased level of preparation does not necessary translate into a need for less guidance however: for example a laboratory demonstrator also reported that the increased student confidence also lead to more procedural mistakes from students operating the equipment without confirmation from the demonstrators. The continued need for help from laboratory demonstrators can also be reconciled in terms of the learning styles within the student cohort—since many students are sensing learners (Table 5), as well as being kinaesthetic learners (Table 6), live demonstrations and interactions are an important and vital part of the laboratory teaching and learning process for them. Therefore, laboratory demonstrators will always be needed and we will never be able to make good on the suggestion from the laboratory demonstrator focus group that a well designed multimedia website could replace demonstrators. In terms of the use of the multimedia manual beyond preparation for the laboratory experiments, only 75% of those surveyed had used it to complete their compulsory laboratory journal write-up and only 69% used it to write up their formal laboratory report. This latter result may however mostly reflect the fact that not all students were required to complete a formal laboratory report for this experiment. Overall though, use after the laboratory was lower than use for preparation before the experiment, which perhaps indicates that some students perceived it as a preparation tool only. Better advertising of its full range of uses is therefore recommended for any multimedia manual. Additionally, the student response to question 10 in the feedback survey (Fig. 5e) showed that this lack of after laboratory use could also be because many students did not find it useful for this: although 63% of students agreed or strongly agreed that it was the best form of help in writing up the laboratory journal and/or report, 31% of those surveyed did not. The response to this question also gave the widest spread of answers (a large standard deviation of 2.7, compared to the typical standard deviation of 1.4), confirming that the student opinion was split. This may be because for some students other forms of help were more useful (e.g. laboratory demonstrators and course notes), or perhaps because many of the multimedia elements did not easily translate into the read/write learning style used for writing up the work. However, despite these results and the lower reported after laboratory usage, the use of the multimedia manual before and/or after the laboratory did have a noticeable beneficial effect on the laboratory reports. Both a laboratory demonstrator and member of the teaching staff reported in focus groups that the reports for Experiment C1 were of a higher standard than the other reports (therefore getting better marks), with the students appearing to have a better understanding of the theory and the laboratory work they had done. There were three reasons for this (which were extracted from both the student and laboratory demonstrator responses in the focus groups and to the feedback survey open-ended question ‘How did you use the C1 multimedia laboratory manual in your postlaboratory write-up?’): 1. Students were able to use the website as a reference to refresh their memory of the laboratory experience in an immediate and visual way. 2. The hyperlinks to additional content allowed students to more easily access background and course information for e25 education for chemical engineers 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) e10–e30 90% % of Respondents 80% 100% The multimedia laboratory manual better prepared me for the experiment than the paper laboratory manual (Q6). The website’s labelled photos better prepared me for the 90% experiment than the labelled diagrams in the paper manual (Q8). b mean = 4.6 80% a mean = 4.3 s.d. = 1.4 s.d. % of Respondents 100% 70% 60% 50% 40% = 1.4 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 0% 0% Strongly Disagree Neutral Disagree Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral Disagree Strongly Not Agree Applicable Response 100% 90% Strongly Not Agree Applicable Response 100% The multimedia laboratory manual helped me to more easily perform the tasks in lab C1 (Q15). 90% c 80% mean = 3.8 s.d. = 1.6 70% % of Respondents % of Respondents 80% Agree 60% 50% 40% 30% I needed the laboratory demonstrator’s help less because of using the multimedia laboratory manual (Q11). d mean = 3.4 s.d. = 1.5 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 0% 0% Strongly Disagree Neutral Disagree Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral Disagree Strongly Not Agree Applicable Response Agree Strongly Not Agree Applicable Response 100% 90% % of Respondents 80% 70% The multimedia laboratory manual was the best form of help in writing up the laboratory journal and/or report (Q10). e mean = 3.8 s.d. = 2.7 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Strongly Disagree Neutral Disagree Agree Strongly Not Agree Applicable Response Fig. 5 – Overall student feedback survey response to Likert scale questions related to the impact on preparation and performance in the laboratory from using the multimedia laboratory manual. the report content. The links to the real world applications also allowed them to more easily bring a more global picture to the report. 3. The labelled pictures provided students with a model of how to visually summarise the experimental setup, without resorting to having to painstakingly (and less effectively) describe it. In other words, students learnt how to more effectively communicate using a wider range of learning styles through using the website. In fact one student transposed this learning to other laboratory experiments: e26 education for chemical engineers 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) e10–e30 “After using the C1 multimedia lab manual, I liked the diagrams so for one other lab I brought camera along so I could do the same (make my “own version” of multimedia lab manual).” BE-student K (feedback survey). The multimedia laboratory manual also had an unfortunate additional negative outcome on reports too. As a consequence of having more information readily available in the website, it was reported that plagiarism (perhaps unintentional) increased in the reports on Experiment C1 compared to reports on the two other experiments (without multimedia manuals available). The plagiarism was because several students copied and pasted some of the text unique to the website verbatim without referencing it. Since this did not occur as prominently with text from the printed and pdf version of the laboratory manual and in the reports based on the other experiments, this could perhaps indicates that some students do not treat text on the internet as sacrosanct as they do text on a pdf or printed page. It may also be because it is slightly easier to copy and paste text from a website than to type it in from the printed manual or copy and paste from a pdf version of the manual. This is a behaviour that has been observed elsewhere (e.g. Scanlon and Neumann, 2002). 4.2.4. Overall user satisfaction Overall, there was almost universal satisfaction with the multimedia laboratory manual in the feedback survey and focus groups (question 19, Fig. 6a). Teaching staff and laboratory demonstrators were the most positive groups, with 100% agreeing or strongly agreeing they were satisfied with the C1 multimedia laboratory manual. Students were slightly less satisfied with 6% neutral but still 94% agreeing or strongly agreeing, perhaps reflecting the expected larger range in attitudes from this larger population. A majority of students however were positive and teaching staff related this in their focus group: “. . .when I asked the class in the beginning did you enjoy the labs and they say yeah the labs are fantastic and I was quite shocked to hear that because normally labs people think labs are dreary and boring . . .. they say they loved the website so because they went to the lab and understood what they were going to be doing, because it was such an easy way to understand the material . . .. so they actually understood why they were doing the lab and therefore I think it became more worthwhile for them.” Teaching staff A (focus group). Teaching staff also commented on why they thought the multimedia laboratory manual was superior to the paper laboratory manual: “Well in principal I think the students love to have the multimedia and they find it more enjoyable. In addition to the clarity I did see the video presentation and the diagrams and things and I think it did describe things in a more pleasant way than the manual.” Teaching staff B (focus group). This satisfaction and enjoyment is likely related to the multimedia laboratory manual’s matching of teaching and learning styles, which here, like in previous studies, has lead to enhanced student learning, increased interest in the course and (for the report writing) increased academic success (Gregoric, 1979, 1985; Dunn and Dunn, 1979; Felder and Silverman, 1988; Fowler et al., 2002; Zywno and Waalen, 2001). Staff were also satisfied by the additional uses beyond helping just students. Since all laboratory demonstrators are postgraduate students, a new set of laboratory demonstrators needs to be trained every 2–3 years. In focus groups, both the laboratory demonstrators and the teaching staff indicated that multimedia laboratory manual was an invaluable tool for training the laboratory demonstrators and for getting consistent laboratory demonstration and running of the experiments for year to year. The multimedia laboratory manual is effective as a ‘model’ experimental run for training and for mediating the effect of varying laboratory demonstrator competencies (as originally mooted in Section 1). A similar outcome was also mentioned by Craddock and Chevalier (2002) for their multimedia laboratory manual. The ultimate test of satisfaction with the multimedia laboratory manual is whether or not it should be used more. Overall, 80% of students, laboratory demonstrators and teaching staff agree or strongly agree that a multimedia laboratory manual should be provided for all experiments (feedback survey question 20, Fig. 6b). However, this does not mean the paper manual should be discontinued, as requested by one BSc student: “The multimedia lab manual is fantastic, but the paper manual is useful too and can’t be replaced. It’s better to have both!! ” BSc-student A. The students in Craddock and Chevalier’s (2002) study of a multimedia manual also wanted to retain the paper manual. This is therefore probably a common theme and is most likely because a majority of the students surveyed (in this work at least) have read–write and visual learning style preferences and because paper manuals are easier to carry around and use in the laboratory (where there are insufficient computer resources to allow all students to access the multimedia laboratory manual whilst performing the experiments). Although these results seem overwhelming positive, there was some dissatisfaction with the multimedia laboratory manual as it stands. In particular, in the teaching focus group, there was concern about the possible loss in learning opportunities created by the greater amount of guidance the multimedia laboratory manual gives to the students compared to the more constructionist discovery-learning approach for students to learn in the laboratory when provided with a minimalistic printed laboratory manual. However, a constructionist discovery-learning approach is unfortunately currently not feasible in many teaching laboratories across the world (including this one), due to the high cost and consequent timeconstraints placed on the ensuring the laboratories are well utilised across the degree to justify these costs (similar sentiments can be found in Ertugrul (2000), Powell et al. (2002) and Chen et al. (2004). Furthermore, there is evidence that a guided approach to learning, such as that facilitated by the multimedia laboratory manual, enables greater student learning and achievement (Kirschner et al., 2006 and references within). Consequently, a more guided approach, which in this case arises largely as a consequence of matching teaching and learning styles, is both necessary and pedagogically justifiable. A further point of potential dissatisfaction (although not raised by any participant in this work) is the notion that multimedia manuals could facilitate inappropriate training for Engineers, Scientists and Technologists. This is because it can also be argued that teaching in Engineering, Science or Technology (or any discipline) should prepare a student for good practice in these disciplines, and since multimedia manuals e27 education for chemical engineers 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) e10–e30 100% 90% 90% a mean = 4.4 s.d. = 1.6 80% A multimedia laboratory manual should be provided for all experiments (Q20). b mean = 4.2 s.d. = 2.1 70% 70% % of Respondents % of Respondents 80% 100% Overall, I was satisfied with the C1 multimedia lab manual (Q19). 60% 50% 40% 30% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 0% 0% Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Not Agree Applicable Response Neutral Agree Strongly Not Agree Applicable Response Fig. 6 – Combined teaching staff, laboratory demonstrator and student feedback survey response to Likert scale questions related to overall satisfaction from using the multimedia laboratory manual. are not widely used (if at all) by practicing Engineers, Scientists or Technologists, using them will ill prepare students for the reality of their working lives after University. To a certain degree this is true (although there are roughly similar types of systems, such as 3D CAD and photographic representations of process plants routinely used to safely introduce staff to new equipment and processes)—we have a responsibility to ensure our students are able to cope with the realities of their working life after University. However, as put by Kirschner et al. (2006): “the epistemology of a discipline should not be confused with a pedagogy for teaching or learning in it. The practice of a profession is not the same as learning to practice the profession.” (Kirschner et al., 2006, p. 83). Therefore, to effectively learn, students need to use methods that encourage their learning, and this study has shown that the multimedia laboratory manual is one such method. In order to bridge the need for preparation for the profession and the need to encourage deep and long lasting learning, the author suggests that multimedia laboratory manuals be used in the earlier years of a degree, such as in the first and second years, when students are still being cultured into their discipline. The final years of the degree, when students are closer to having to build a bridge between their education and their working life, is when models of professional practice should be emphasised more. Therefore, this is when more minimal instruction using limited teaching and learning styles – like those matched by paper laboratory manuals – should be used. In fact, the teaching staff in their focus group stated that in third and fourth year laboratories that a less guided, more constructionist approach is necessary for this same reason, confirming that this is a sensible strategy. As a consequence of this argument, it can be confidently said that the multimedia laboratory manual used in this study is being used in an appropriate place in all three of the degrees studied (BE, BSc and BTech), since ChemMat 211 is a introductory course for all of these degrees. This could all change in the future however, because multimedia manuals may be used by practising Engineers, Scientists and Technologists in the future. So using them now could be providing an additional educational benefit, as we could effectively be ‘future-proofing’ our student’s skills sets and expectations. 4.3. Implications to all courses with a laboratory component Combining all of the above results gives a clear mandate for an extension of this work to a larger project to incorporate multimedia/hypermedia into teaching and learning, but not only in the Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical and Materials) at the University of Auckland, but for all courses with a laboratory component. This is because most laboratories are still predominantly taught through using paper laboratory manuals, which the above study has shown can limit the learning, understanding, performance and potentially the academic success of a cohort of students that have a range of different learning styles. Commonsense, experience and evidence from a wide range of studies (e.g. Kolb, 1981; Felder and Silverman, 1988; Fowler et al., 2002), indicates that most (if not all) student cohorts contain a mixture of different learning styles. It therefore stands to reason that multimedia laboratory manuals would be beneficial in the laboratory component of any course. Further work is continuing looking at the impact of multimedia laboratory manuals over several semesters and also across a wider range of laboratory experiments and Chemical Engineering courses. 5. Conclusions The impact of using a multimedia laboratory manual ( on preparation, learning, satisfaction and performance in a mass and energy balance laboratory within a mixed discipline student cohort (Engineering, Science and Technology) at the University of Auckland was examined over one semester with respect to matching the teaching styles to those present within the student cohort. Learning styles were measured by the Felder–Silverman–Soloman Index of Learning styles and the VARK learning styles instruments. This study determined the following: • A wide range of learning styles exists within the population studied, indicating that student learning will benefit from e28 education for chemical engineers 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) e10–e30 the greater range of teaching styles enabled by the multimedia laboratory manual. The main learning styles used by the different groups where: ◦ Students: Index of learning styles – reflective, sensing, visual, sequential; VARK – visual and read/write. ◦ Laboratory demonstrators: Index of learning styles – reflective, intuitive, visual, sequential; VARK – read/write. ◦ Teaching: Index of learning styles – reflective, intuitive, visual, global; VARK – visual and read/write. • The Auckland Engineering students surveyed in this course (with a 41% response rate in the Learning Styles surveys) were more reflective learners than overseas cohorts reported in prior literature. This result also indicates that the learning styles of these students are better matched with their teacher’s reflective teaching styles than the international ‘engineering norm’. Since this is only these student’s first semester in the Department Chemical and Materials Engineering (and for most after only one year in a General Engineering first year), compared to the overseas cohorts this difference is most likely due to differences in culture and/or pre-university education teaching styles that will have dominated the influence on their learning styles. This is because there has been insufficient time for them to have socialised into the accreditation moderated teaching and learning culture of Engineering. • Feedback survey and focus group results showed that overall there was almost universal satisfaction with the multimedia laboratory manual from students, laboratory demonstrators and teaching staff. Through using the multimedia laboratory manual, understanding and learning in student preparation for the laboratory increased, with students more easily performing laboratory tasks and producing laboratory reports demonstrating increased understanding and global learning. This is attributable to the multimedia manual matching the teaching styles to a wider range of learning styles than the traditional paper manual. The two features that those surveyed attributed to increasing learning and understanding beyond that enabled by a paper manual were the laboratory labelled photos and the equipment description videos, which are the sensing and visual learning style related features (which are learning styles a majority of the students favour). An additional reason for why these features were favoured is that they enhanced student understanding by having to invest the least amount of time. • Student performance in the summative formal report part of the laboratory assessment was increased by the multimedia lab manual: the reports for Experiment C1 were reported to be of a higher standard (with correspondingly higher marks) than the other reports. Students appeared to have a better understanding of the theory and the laboratory work they had done. There were three reasons for this: students were able to use the website as a reference to refresh their memory of the laboratory experience in an immediate and visual way, the hyperlinks to additional content allowed students to more easily access background and course information for the report content and the students learnt how to more effectively communicate using a wider range of learning styles (in particular by using labelled photos) through using the website. Overall, 80% of students, laboratory demonstrators and teaching staff agree or strongly agree that a multimedia laboratory manual should be provided for all experiments. The success of this finding indicates that similar types of multimedia laboratory manuals should be used in any and all laboratory components of courses around the world in order to better match a wider range of teaching and learning styles and therefore increase learning and academic success. Acknowledgements Firstly, thank you to J. Kavanagh, D. Zamri, P. Koutouridis, P. Johnson and A. Abbas at the University of Sydney, whose Chemical Engineering laboratory website work initially inspired the multimedia manual that was studied in this work. A special thank you to my ACADPRAC 706 project supervisor Matiu Ratima, whose advice support, help and encouragement saw me through this sometimes tortuous but ultimately rewarding introduction into academic practice research. Thanks also to Dr. Barbara Grant, whose invaluable help (in conjunction with Matiu) enabled me to put my ethics application together, and to Dr Ian (Manchester United) Brailsford, for the use of his audio recorder for the focus groups and being always available for feedback, advice and encouragement. Thank you to Jan Rhodes at Audio Transcribing Service Ltd, who quickly and accurately transcribed all of the focus groups, and to Dr. Chris Smail who kindly and selflessly passed on her contact details. Thanks also to Dr. Emma Patterson, for being the willing star of the multimedia website videos and Dr. Michael Hodgson for hosting the website on the Chemical and Materials Engineering servers. Finally, an extra special thank you to all of the heads of departments and degrees, course coordinators and participants in this research: without you, this study would not have been possible. References Adams, D.J., 2009. 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In: Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Nashville, TN, USA, 22–25 June, Session 2351, pp. 1–16. Dr Darrell Alec Patterson is currently a Senior Lecturer in Chemical and Processing Engineering at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Darrell began lecturing in August 2005, and since then has taught on at least 10 different courses and received the Early Career Excellence in Teaching Award from the University of Auckland Faculty of Engineering in 2008. His current research interests concern aspects of green (sustainable and environmental) process engineering, including catalytic reactor engineering, tuneable membrane fabrication and separations, conversion of waste into value-added products, enhanced natural product extractions, and related aspects within Engineering teaching and learning. ID 178555 Title Impactofamultimedialaboratorymanual:Investigatingtheinfluenceofstudentlearningstyleson laboratorypreparationandperformanceoveronesemester http://FullText.Study Pages 21