
Mona Samy Halaby Khalil
E-mail: monahalaby03@yahoo.com
Personal data:
Name: Mona Samy Halaby
Date of Birth: 1-1-1961
Nationality: Egyptian.
Place of Birth: Cairo, Egypt
Marital Status: Married
Present Address: 31 El-Sherook Nasr city Cairo, Egypt.
Mobile: 0123660967
E-mail: monahalaby03@yahoo.com
Current Position: Professor of Food Sciences. Department of
Nutrition and Food Science – Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt.
Academic Education: Ph.D. Nutrition and Food Science.
(FoodTechnology). From Faculty of Food and Biochemical
Technology- Prague- Czech Republic.
Academic Education:
B.Sc. (Excellent with distinction). In Nutrition and Food Science, Faculty of Home
Economics, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt. 9-12-1982.
M.Sc., in Nutrition and Food Science, Faculty of Home Economics, Helwan
University, Cairo, Egypt. 11-10-1989.
Titled: " Technological studies on the dehydration of onion and peas".
Ph.D. Nutrition and Food Science. (FoodTechnology). From Faculty of Food and
Biochemical Technology- Prague- Czech Republic. 31-5-1996.
Then it has equivalent from the Supreme Council of Universities in Cairo University
Titled: “Nutritive changes during storage and processing of potatoes and apples".
Academic Position:
Demonstrator (1982 -1988): Faculty of Home Economics, Nutrition and Food Science
Dept., Helwan University.
Assistant Lecturer (1989-1996): Faculty of Home Economics, Nutrition and Food
Science Dept. Helwan University.
Lecturer (1997-2002): Faculty of Home Economics, Nutrition and Food Science Dept.
Helwan University.
Assistant Professor (2002-2007): Faculty of Home Economics, Nutrition and Food
Science Dept. Helwan University.
Professor (2008): Faculty of Home Economics, Nutrition and Food Science Dept.
Helwan University.
Professor (2008-2011): Faculty of Home Economics, Department of Food and
Nutrition. Abdul Aziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Membership of Scientific Societies:
The Egyptian Home Economics Association (A.R.E.),
The Egyptian German Society of Zoology,
The Arab Biologists,
The Egyptian Society of Science and Food Technology
The Egyptian Nutrition Society.
The society of feeding mind, combating malnutrition.
She had approved and supervised many Master Thesis in Nutrition and Food
She is the author of five books and several articles in nutrition and food science.
She had published 21 researches in nutrition and food science.
Written many of scientific articles in magazines and Egyptian newspapers.
Provide many television programs in the science of nutrition during the years
from 1982 to 2008.
Overseeing the electoral commissions of the students at the Faculty of Home
Work as a member for reviewing the HEEPF projects (college of education)
Access to a training course entitled: Raising the capacity of faculty members and
their assistants in the field of using modern technology in teaching and part of
the project to improve the quality of education of the Higher Education
Development Fund (HEEPF) from 18/11/2006 to 10/12/2006.
Participate in the “Curriculum Development Committee”, Nutrition and Food
Science Dept., Faculty of Home Economics, Helwan University.
Member of the Graduate Studies Committee, Department of Food and Nutrition,
Faculty of Home Economics, Abdul Aziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
2008 / 2011.
Chairperson, Committee on Scientific Meetings, Faculty of Home Economics,
Abdul Aziz University.
Chairperson of the Commission activities and scientific committees of the
Department of Food and Nutrition Faculty of Home Economics, Abdul Aziz
University 2008 / 2011.
Participation in Scientific Projects:
- Member of the Egyptian-Canadian project for nutrition education titled' Nutrition
Education For mothers and their Children from 1-3 years in Cairo Egypt, In the field
of cooperation between Egyptian Home Economics Association and Canadian
Home Economics Association in 1996-1999.
- CO-PI 1 for the project titled 'Improving Education Quality in the Field of
Nutrition and Food Science' Code No. C-036-Ko, Nutrition and Food Science Dept.
, Helwan University, funded by the Higher Education Enhancement Project
(HEEPF)-Ministry of Higher Education 2005-2007.
- Member of QUAAP (Quality Assurance and Accreditation Project) in College of
Home Economics, Helwan University 2007.
Community Services:
- Nutrition Education for Public in the media (TV, Newspapers and Radio from 1982
till now.)
- Subscribe taught in training courses to prepare assistant elderly and give lectures
on corruption and how to save food for healthy foods. The University of Helwan- the
status of health and social care for the elderly in Helwan in the period from
28/6/1997to 7/8/1997.
- Participation in the training course topics to the "food industry". Faculty of Home
Economics in June 1998.
- Participate in the training program for the year 98/99 Training of the masters of the
productive families' trainers on agro industries and localities that lay the theoretical
and practical lectures during the period from 28/5/1999 to10/6/1999. Training Center
staff in the fields of childhood and family Imbaba.
- Participate in the training program for the 2001/2002 training year for the productive
families trainers on the food industry directorates and the lectures of theoretical and
applied during the period from 11/5/2002 to 23/5/2002. Training Center staff in the
fields of childhood and family Imbaba.
- Participating in family care centers in Cairo, the mouth of the Gulf (Family Planning
Association) through lectures from 2003 till 2007.
- Participation lectured on nutrition at different stages of life in 2005. In the centers of
non-governmental organizations, NGO, an association leader Mustafa Kamel for
Social Development in collaboration with the Society of improving health Sheikh
Conferences Attendance and Seminars:
"Participation in the activities of scientific conferences and seminars" at Helwan,
Cairo, Ain Shams and El Mansoura Universities 1982 / 1989 and from 1997 / 2008.
"Participation in the activities of scientific conferences and seminars" at Faculty of
Home Economics, Department of Food and Nutrition. Abdul Aziz University,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2008 / 2011.
Academic Background:
Topics of Professional Experience
1) Helwan Univ., Nutr. and Food Science Dept.:
- Undergraduate Level:
- Principle of nutrition and food science; Introduction to home economics; Food
Science; Food Analysis; Clinical Nutrition; Food health and handling; Food additives;
Effects of package materials on nutritive contents on foods and on our health; Food
Technology; Food preservation; Nutritional Assessment; Seminar in Food and
Nutrition; Food Safety and Sanitation; Nutrition Throughout the Life Cycle.
- Post graduate Level:
- Food Hygiene and Handling; Seminar in Nutrition.
2) Abdul Aziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- Undergraduate Level:
Nutritional Assessment
Principles of Nutrition
Preventive Nutrition
- Post graduate Level:
Clinical Nutrition
Applied Nutrition
Methods of Scientific Research
Seminar in Food and Nutrition
Author of Books in the field of nutrition:
Food Preparation (for the 2th grade n college of Home Economics).
Food Chemistry (for the 3th grade of college of Home Economics).
Planning and Preparing Meals ((for the 3th grade of college of Home Economics).
Food Science (for the 2th grade n college of Home Economics).
Principle of Human Nutrition (for the 1st grade in Abdul Aziz University,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
List of Publications
(1) Mona S. Halaby; Ahmed A. Amin and H. Opatova. (1997). Vitamin C content
in Lukava potato tubers. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev. vol. 11 (1) 163- 173.
Jan. (1997).
(2) Ahmed A. Amin; Mona S. Halaby; and Youssef A.Hassanin. (1998).
Nutritional and biological evaluation of some meat organs. J. Egypt Ger. Soc.
Zool., vol. 25 (A), Comparative Physiology, 373-382. Jan. (1998).
(3) Eveleen Said Abdalla and Mona Samy Halaby (1998). Children and Snacks.
Bulletin of High Institute of Public Health. vol. 28 No.(2), 227-244. April (1998).
(4) Mona S. Halaby (1998). Effect of mechanical injury on the total vitamin C
content of fruits and vegetables. Egyptian Fifth Conference of Home
Economics, 157-174. (5 – 6 May 1998).
(5) Mona Samy Halaby and Fatma Labib Ahmed (1999). Effect of different
cooking methods on fatty acids, cholesterol, hydrocarbons and sterols contents
of chicken meat. J. Egypt Ger. Soc. Zool., vol. 30 (A), Comparative Physiology,
69-79. July. (1999).
(6) Atiat M. El-Bahay; Eman M. Sadek; Mona S. Halaby and Ibrahim S.
Salem. (1999). Influence of two types of dietary fiber on the development of
experimental atherosclerosis in rats. Home Econ. J. vol. 15, 1-18. Dec. (1999).
(7) Halaby Mona S.; A. S. Nadir and Eveleen Said A. (2000). Fortified biscuits
baked by microwave oven. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., vol. 25 (7) 4413-4423,
July (2000).
(8) Mona Samy Halaby (2001). New varieties of dry beans grown in Egypt.
Home Econ. J. vol. 17, 61-75. Dec. (2001).
(9) Mona Samy Halaby (2001). Changes occurring in the chemical composition
of fresh Egyptian garlic during different stages of maturity. Home Econ. J. vol. 17,
77-84. Dec. (2001).
(10) Mona Samy Halaby (2004). Influence of growing Egyptian potato tubers in
loamy and sandy soils on nutritive value. 8Th Scientific Conference of Home
Economics, 21 – 22 April (2004).
(11) Mona Samy Halaby (2005). Fatty acids and cholesterol content in various
Egyptian poultry and rabbit tissues after cooking by oven roasting and boiling
methods. J. Egypt Ger. Soc. Zool., vol. 48 (A), Comparative Physiology, 355366. July. (2005).
(12) Mona Samy Halaby (2005). The influence of different stages of infection by
Acarus on physicochemical changes of Egyptian green beans. Home Econ. J. vol.
21, 19-39. Dec. (2005).
(13) Ashraf A. Abd El-Megied; Rasha S. Ahmed; Mona Samy Halaby; and
Marwa M. Reda. (2005). Effect of barley and barley fortified bread on diabetic
rats. J. Home Econ. Minufiya Univ., 15 (4): 143-158. October (2005).
(14) Mona Samy Halaby (2006). Uric acid, total protein and total lipid contents in
raw and cooked chicken tissues as an indicator of dietary quality. J. Egypt Ger.
Soc. Zool., Vol. (51A) Comparative Physiology, 75-86, July 2006.
(15) Mona Samy Halaby and Lotfia Bahr Hassan (2006). Effect of environmental,
educational level, and nutritional awareness on the rates of anemic pregnant
women in Egypt. J. Egypt Ger. Soc. Zool., Vol. (51A) Comparative Physiology,
159-184, July 2006.
(16) Mona Samy Halaby; Ashraf Abd El-Aziz Abd El-Megied; Rasha Sobhy
Ahmed and Marwa Mohammed Reda. (2006). Fortification effects of barley
with wheat flour on dough properties and the characteristics of healthful bread
on diabetic rats. Food fortification with some micronutrient Conference.
December 17-19th Tripoli Libya.
‫تم ألقاء البحث بالفعل فى مؤتمر تدعيم األغذيه ببعض العناصر الدقيقه الذى أنعقد فى الجماھيريه العربيه‬
.‫ وذلك فى المركز الوطنى للمواصفات والمعايير القياسية‬.2006/12/19-17 ‫الليبيه الشعبيه األشتراكيه من‬
(17) Mona Samy Halaby (2007). Essential and heavy metals accumulation in white
male chicken consumed different kinds of diet. J. Egypt Ger. Soc. Zool., Vol.
(52A) Comparative Physiology, 102-116, January 2007.
(18) Atiat Mohamed El-Bahay; Ashraf Abd El-Aziz Abd El-Megied; Mona Samy
Halaby; Rehab Awad Hassan EL-Said (2007). Protective influence of Nigella
Sativa seeds and honeybee on chronic renal failure in albino rats. Egyptian J. of
Nutrition Vol. XXII (4) 2007.
(19) Mona Samy Halaby (2007). Improving of cotton seed oil stability using
lycopene compound. Egyptian J. of Nutrition Vol. XXII (4) 2007.
(20) Somaya M. Morsy; Mona S. Halaby and Raafat N. Sandak (2008). Studies on
some phenolic and flavonoid compounds of red sorghoum bran and their
antibacterial activity. Bull. Fac. Agric., Cairo Univ., Vol.59 (1): 48-56.
(21) Mona S. Halaby; El Shazly A.S. A. and Sandak R. N. (2010). Production of
healthful bread gluten – free for celiac patients fortified by garlic and psyllium
as alternative gluten. The Fourth Annual Conference. (Environmental
Development). (Risks and Solutions). 20-21 October 2010, Ain Shams