Emergency Evacuation Plan and Implementation Guidelines The

Emergency Evacuation Plan and
Implementation Guidelines
The Pennsylvania State University
The Department of Chemical Engineering
Fenske Building
Jan 2013
Table of Contents
Implementation Guidelines and Instructions
Evacuation Plan
Section I: Building and Personnel Information
Section II: Emergency Phone Numbers
Section III: Purpose and Objectives
Section IV: General Guidelines
Section V: Responsibilities of Building/Department Emergency Coordinator and Safety
Section VI: Alerting or Signaling Building Occupants in Case of Fire or Other
Section VII: Evacuation Procedures for Building Occupants
Section VIII: Disabled Occupants
Section IX: Critical Operations Shutdown
Section X: Accountability Procedures for Emergency Evacuation
Section XI: Rescue and Medical Duties
Section XII: Training and Communications
Appendix I:
1. Critical Operations Shut Down Procedures and Personnel Assigned These
2. Work Unit Employee Lists
3. Listing of Individuals Requiring Evacuation Assistance
Appendix II:
Building Evacuation Floor Plan
Appendix III:
Evacuation Quick Reference Card
Penn State University’s Emergency Evacuation Plan has been designed to assist facility
personnel in the creation of a system for protection of life and property in the event of a
fire, explosion, spill or other emergency requiring building evacuation. This plan is
designed as a template for customization and may be used by work units who are
required by regulations to have such a plan. It is recommended that all university
buildings that are normally occupied have an Emergency Evacuation Plan. Note that the
bracketed bold parts of the plan need to be customized.
Implementation Guidelines and Instructions
In coordination with the unit Safety Officer, the Budget Executives and Budget
Administrators shall designate a Building/Department Emergency Coordinator and
Alternate Building/Department Emergency Coordinator for the facility.
The Building/Department Emergency Coordinator, in coordination with the unit safety
officer shall:
Customize the text and appendices of the plan to your facility.
Be responsible for plan custody, storage and annual review and update.
Ensure that training is provided for all building occupants.
The alternate Building/Department Emergency Coordinator must be prepared to assume
all the duties of the Building/Department Emergency Coordinator in the event he/she in
The specific instructions below are provided to assist in the completion of the following
sections of this plan. (Sections of this plan that are self-explanatory are not listed below.)
EHS will provide training in overall plan development. Contact Steve Triebold at 814865-6391 or via e-mail at sgt4@psu.edu, if you have any questions concerning the plan
or would like assistance.
Section I - Building and Personnel Information
For the building name, include the University-assigned name, and the common
use name, if different.
List all department(s) included in this building and plan.
Designate Safety Monitors for specific work areas in the facility. Consideration
on the appropriate number of safety monitors shall be based on employee
numbers and area configuration. As an example, separate Safety Monitors may
be appropriate for each floor of a building.
Include the name of the work unit safety officer(s), and alternate(s). Refer to the
following URL for a list of Safety Officers.
Refer to instructions for Appendix II on how to select the Designated Meeting
Site(s) and the Assisted Evacuation Staging Area(s).
Specify location(s) where
or shutdown during an evacuation or other emergency condition. Certain
equipment and processes must be shutdown in stages or over time. Examples of
this might be laboratory experiments, processes or equipment that if left
unattended would create an additional hazard (such as fryers), etc. In addition,
certain equipment or facilities (such as safes) may need to be secured prior to
evacuating. Develop a procedure to ensure that requisite actions are taken
during an emergency to prevent additional hazards/worsening conditions or to
maintain proper security. Ensure that you have designated personnel to address
these issues, provided them with the procedure, and trained them in its use.
Complete the Critical Operations Shut this Plan will be maintained for access
to employees. This may include physical locations as well as electronic sites.
Section VI – Alerting or Signaling Building Occupants in Case of Fire or Other
The type of evacuation alarm used within your facility may vary. You will need to
identify the type(s) used, as examples, bells, horns, strobes or voice. Contact your
Facilities Coordinator or EHS (814-865-6391) for help in determining the type of
Section VIII – Disabled Occupants
Review University Safety Policy SY02 to determine participation in the program
for individuals requiring assistance during an evacuation.
Complete the Listing of Individuals Requiring Evacuation Assistance in
Appendix I.
Section IX – Critical Operations Shutdown
Review your operations to determine which critical operating systems may
require continuing attention Down Procedures and Personnel Assigned these
Responsibilities in Appendix I.
Section X: Accountability Procedures for Emergency Evacuation
Provide a listing of employees assigned to the work unit or building implementing
this plan, included in Appendix I. This listing is used to account for employees
evacuating the building and should be divided by each Safety Monitor’s area of
Appendix II – Building Evacuation Floor Plan
To prepare a Building Evacuation Floor Plan:
Obtain floor plan(s) of building from the Building Facility Coordinator to use as a
base plan. Building floor plans can be downloaded from the OPP FIS website
Note on the floor plan:
o Primary and secondary routes of exit
Identify the two closest exits to the work area
Clearly mark these routes
o Designated Meeting Site
This should be a safe location outside of the building that is away
from building exits, entrances and areas where emergency
response vehicles may travel. The site should be a location that
emergency responders can easily locate.
o Exit locations
o Fire alarm pull station locations
o Portable fire extinguisher locations
o Automated External Defibrillator (AED) location
o Assisted Evacuation Staging Areas for disabled Occupants
These are areas within the building for use in assisting with the
evacuation of disabled occupants. Stairway floor landings should
be used for this purpose if the landing is large enough for a wheel
chair and still allow the use of stairs by other occupants. If
stairway landings cannot be used, a location close to the stairway
which has a window and phone should be used.
o Note on the floor plan where each map is intended to be mounted. This is
a critical step in assuring proper orientation of map graphics.
Submit marked-up floor plan to EH&S for review. Once approved, a final map
can be created and installed. To insure that legibility and location objectives are
met, the approved draft evacuation floor plan will be converted to a standardized
graphic format and wall mount. The Division of Campus Planning and Design in
the Office of Physical Plant is responsible for creating and fabricating the maps.
Copies of the completed maps will be sent to Building Emergency Coordinators
and Safety Officers for inclusion in the written Building Evacuation Plan.
Format and Location Guidelines
Example below illustrates format of a typical Building Evacuation Floor Plan. Draft plan
prepared by Unit safety representatives will be converted to this format and a wall
mountable final product will be produced. Wall mounted maps should be located on all
floors in corridors and areas where exits are not readily visible as well as elevator lobbies.
The Pennsylvania State University
Emergency Evacuation Plan
Section I: Building and Personnel Information
Building Name: __________Fenske Building_____________________________
Department Name(s): _____________Chemical Engineering______________________
Lisa Petrine
Area of
Emergency Coord.
Unit Safety Officer
Unit Alternate
Safety Officer
Safety Monitors
158 Fenske
Laurinda Benner
133B Fenske
101 Hammond
5 Fenske
115 Fenske
127A Fenske
201 Fenske
Josh Troxell
Stephen Black
David Caldwell
Roger Dunlap
Brandon Smith
G. Floor West
1st Floor
1st Floor East
201 Tower
Office Address
Designated Meeting Site(s) for Building are:
Outside on the patio, West Side of Eisenhower Auditorium
Designated Assisted Evacuation Staging Areas for the Building are:
Center stairway landings ground floor, and 2nd floor east wing. Stairway landings
2nd floor, and 3rd floor glass tower.
Copies of this Evacuation Plan are kept in the following locations: 158, 133, 127A
Fenske Building, and 101 Hammond.
Signature of Plan Preparer
Date Prepared
Section II: Emergency Phone Numbers
EMERGENCY (Police-Fire-Ambulance)
University Police 814-863-1111
University Health Services 814-865-6556
Environmental Health and Safety (814) 865-6391
Physical Plant Work Reception Center 814-865-4731
Section III: Purpose and Objectives
Potential emergencies such as fire, explosion, spill, chemical releases and all other
emergencies may require employees to evacuate the building. An Emergency Evacuation
Plan and adequate occupant familiarity with a building minimize threats to life and
property. This Emergency Evacuation Plan is intended to communicate the policies and
procedures for employees to follow in an emergency situation. This written plan should
be made available, upon request, to employees and their designated representatives by the
Building/Department Emergency Coordinator or the Unit Safety Officer for the building.
Section IV: General Guidelines
The following guidelines apply to this Emergency Evacuation Plan:
Stairwells are the primary means for evacuation. Elevators are to be used only
when authorized by a fire or police officer.
No employee is permitted to re-enter the building until advised by the Fire
Department, PSU Police or EHS Representative.
This Emergency Evacuation Plan will be coordinated with efforts in multiple-use
buildings. Mutually beneficial agreements can be reached regarding Designated
Meeting Sites and shelter in the event of inclement weather.
Section V: Responsibilities of Safety Officer,
Building/Department Emergency Coordinator and
Safety Monitors
The Unit Safety Officer is responsible for:
1. Annually insure plans are reviewed and updated as needed.
2. Provide written confirmation to EH&S that plans have been updated and in
compliance with all requirements.
3. Appoint Building / Department Emergency Coordinators in coordination with
Administrative Unit Leaders.
4. Designate Safety Monitors and in coordination with Building / Department
Emergency Coordinators,
The Building/Department Emergency Coordinator is responsible for:
1. In conjunction with the unit Safety Officer, designating Safety Monitors and
alternate Safety Monitors for specific work areas in the facility.
2. Overseeing the development, communication, implementation and maintenance
of the Emergency Evacuation Plan.
3. Ensuring that floor plans and route evacuation maps are posted.
4. Ensuring the training of building occupants, Safety Monitors, and Critical
Operations Personnel, and notifying all personnel of changes to the plan.
5. Maintaining up to date lists of building occupants for each Safety Monitor’s area
of coverage, Critical Operations Personnel, Listing of Individuals requiring
Evacuation Assistance and any other personnel with assigned duties under this
plan. Lists are included in Appendix I.
6. In the event of a fire or other emergency, relaying applicable information to
emergency personnel, occupants and Safety Monitors.
The Safety Monitors are responsible for:
1. Familiarizing personnel with emergency procedures.
2. Acting as liaison between management and their work area.
3. Knowing where their Designated Meeting Site is and for communicating this
information to occupants.
4. Ensuring that disabled persons and visitors are assisted in evacuating the building
or moved to a predetermined staging area (Assisted Evacuation Staging Area).
5. Performing responsibilities to ensure that all persons are accounted for during an
evacuation as identified in Section X.
6. Evaluating and reporting problems to the Building/Department Emergency
Coordinator after an emergency event.
7. Posting the "Building Evacuation Floor Plan" (Appendix II) in their work areas,
communicating plan to occupants, and updating the plan annually.
Section VI: Alerting or Signaling Building Occupants in
Case of Fire or Other Emergency
1. In case of a fire, employees should actuate the nearest fire alarm pull station
and/or make a telephone call to 911. The locations of the fire alarm pull stations
are noted on the Building Evacuation Floor Plans in Appendix II. The horn strobe
alarm alerts building occupants of the need for evacuation and sends a signal to
the PSU Police Dispatch Center that there is an alarm condition in the building.
2. It may be necessary to activate additional fire alarm pull stations, or verbally
announce the alarm, if people are still in the building and the alarm has stopped
sounding, or if the alarm does not sound. This should be done while exiting the
3. Persons discovering a fire, smoky condition, or explosion should pull the nearest
fire alarm pull station. Any pertinent fire or rescue information should be
conveyed to 911. All emergency telephone numbers are listed at the beginning of
this Emergency Evacuation Plan.
4. To report all emergencies, employees should call 911. State you name, your
location, and the nature of the call. Speak slowly and clearly. Wait for the
dispatcher to hang up first. On occasion the dispatcher may need additional
information or may provide you with additional instructions. Make this call from
a safe location.
Section VII: Evacuation Procedures for Building
1. When the fire alarm sounds, occupants should ensure that nearby personnel are
aware of the emergency, quickly shutdown operating equipment (e.g., compressed
gas cylinders), close doors (DO NOT LOCK) and exit the building using the
established evacuation routes.
2. Occupants shall assist visitors, students and others who are not familiar with the
plan to safely evacuate.
3. If you have been identified as having responsibility for Critical Operations
Shutdown, refer to Section IX.
4. All occupants should proceed to the West Side Patio of Eisenhower Auditorium
and await further instructions from their Safety Monitor.
5. All personnel should know where primary and alternate exits are located, and be
familiar with the various evacuation routes available. Floor plans with escape
routes, alternate escape routes, exit locations and Designated Meeting Sites are
located in Appendix II and are posted in the building.
6. Building occupants must NOT use elevators as an escape route in the event of a
Notes and Precautions:
Portable fire extinguishers can be used for small fires. However, an immediate
readiness to evacuate is essential.
Never enter a room that is smoke filled.
Before opening doors check to ensure it is not hot to the touch. If hot do not open.
If warm open slowly to check room / hallway conditions.
Section VIII: Disabled Occupants
Employees requiring assistance upon exiting are listed in Appendix I however there may
be disabled visitors in the building that also require assistance. The Safety Monitor must
identify individuals needing assistance, attempt to locate individuals to assist in the
evacuation or in relocating to the Assisted Evacuation Staging Areas, and notify the
emergency response personnel of the person's location. Transporting of disabled
individuals up or down stairwells should be avoided until emergency response personnel
have arrived. Unless imminent life-threatening conditions exist in the immediate area
occupied by a non-ambulatory or disabled person, relocation of the individual should be
limited to a safe area on the same floor, in close proximity to an evacuation stairwell.
Within the room there should be provided a flashlight, towel for hanging out window or
bright colored marker to mark windows that cannot be opened.
Penn State University Safety Policy SY02 “Handicapped Identification Decals for
Individuals Requesting Assistance” is a voluntary procedure to provide visual
identification of an employees work area for emergency responders and to provide PSU
Police with information for prompt evacuation assistance.
Section IX: Critical Operations Shutdown
Critical Operation Shutdown: Critical operations, including equipment that must be shut
off and persons designated to complete these actions are identified in Appendix I.
Procedures for rapid shutdown should be predetermined for life safety and loss control
purposes, as well as ensuring complete evacuations in a timely manner. Individuals
should never jeopardize their own health and safety to complete the Critical Operations
Section X: Accountability Procedures for Emergency
Once each evacuated group of employees has reached their Designated Meeting Site,
each Safety Monitor shall:
1. Take head count of his or her group using the building occupant list for those
employees in their area of coverage
2. Assume the role of department contact to answer questions
3. Instruct personnel to remain in area until further notice
4. Report status to Building/Department Emergency Coordinator or Incident
Commander including persons who are located in the Assisted Evacuation
Staging Area or have remained behind for Critical Operations Shutdown.
Section XI: Rescue and Medical Duties
The Fire Department and University Police will conduct all rescue and medical duties
and/or will coordinate with Emergency Medical Services.
Section XII: Training and Communications
The Building/Department Emergency Coordinator is responsible to ensure that all
personnel are trained in safe evacuation procedures. Refresher training is required
whenever the employee's responsibilities or designated actions under the plan change,
and whenever the plan itself is changed.
The training shall include:
The plan's purpose,
Preferred means of reporting fires and other emergencies,
The type of building alarm system,
Emergency evacuation procedures and route assignments, including procedures
for those unable to evacuate themselves,
Procedures to be followed by employees who remain to control Critical
Operations Shutdown before they evacuate,
Procedures to account for all employees after emergency evacuation has been
completed, and
Who performs rescue and medical duties
The training shall include use of the floor plans and evacuation routes given in
Appendix II of the Emergency Evacuation Plan.
Training on the Emergency Evacuation Plan can be performed during events such as
work unit new employee orientation, employee briefings, discussions at faculty/staff
meetings, internal work unit newsletters and emails, etc.
It is suggested that drills be conducted annually. EHS is available to assist with tools for
training building occupants in the Emergency Evacuation Plan as well as evacuation
Work units may also choose to provide Evacuation Quick Reference Cards for
employees. These cards provide essential information on emergency contacts and
designated meeting sites. A sample card is provided in Appendix III and can be
customized as needed.
Appendix I
1. Critical Operations Shut Down Procedures and Personnel Assigned
These Responsibilities
Chemical Engineering Faculty members are responsible for the
assignments and training of their students on any critical operations
shutdown procedures.
2. Work Unit Employee Lists
The Department of Chemical Engineering has compiled a list of building occupants
and safety monitors which is located in rooms 133, 127A, 158 Fenske, and 101
Hammond. This list will be used for accountability during an Emergency
evacuation. Individuals have been assigned to bring these lists to our gathering point
in an event of an emergency evacuation. This list will be updated based on Faculty,
staff, and student movement.
3. Listing of Individuals Requiring Evacuation Assistance
No evacuation assistance needed at this time.
Appendix II
Building Evacuation Floor Plan
See attached plans:
Ground Floor
First Floor
Second Floor
Third Floor
Appendix III
Evacuation Quick Reference Card
Edit – Dec 2010 Revised Evacuation Map
Edit – Jan 2013 SO Roles, Appendix II, Plan Preparation
Emergency Contacts:
911 (Police- Fire –Ambulance)
University Police: 863-1111
Environmental Health and Safety: 865-6391
OPP Work Reception Center: 865-4731
Evacuation Contacts:
Bldg / Dept Emergency Coordinator:
Safety Monitor:_______________
Work Unit Name
Evacuation Quick Reference
- Quickly exit in a calm manner.
- Close doors – Do Not lock
- Assist visitors to evacuate
- Do Not use elevators
- Report to designated meeting site
- Do Not reenter the building until advised by
emergency personnel or safety monitor
Building Name designated meeting site:
Original Document – Sept 2007
Edit – October 2008 (Assisted Evacuation Staging Area)
Edit – May 2010 (Additional Evac. Map Example)
(You are Here Sticker)