Problem Set # 10 ECEN 3320 Fall 2013 Semiconductor Devices November 18, 2013 – Due December 2, 2013 1. An n-channel MOSFET has W/L = 10 and oxide thickness xox =30 nm. Assume the carrier mobility in the channel is constant at µn =500 cm2 /Vs. (a) Calculate the required inversion layer carrier concentration, Qn /q, in order to obtain channel resistance of 500 Ω. Solution: The drain current, ID is given by ID = µn Cox W [VGS − VT ]VDS L in the linear regime and " W V2 ID = µn Cox [VGS − VT ]VDS − DS L 2 # in the quadratic regime. The inversion layer charge, Qn (= Qinv ) is given by Qn = Cox [VGS − VT ]. The channel conductance is given by gd = ∂ID |V ∂VDS GS and evidently is a linear conductance when ID is expressed in the linear approximation such that the linear conductance is given by gd = µn Cox W W [VGS − VT ] = µn Qn L L The channel resistance , rd = 1/gd , can be expressed as rd = L µn Qn W Qn = L . µn rd W and the charge, Qn as 1 For a 500 Ω channel, the Qn then is Qn = 1 = 4 × 10−7 C/cm2 = 2.5 × 1012 charges/cm2 . 10 × 500 × 500 (b) Calculate the gate voltage above the threshold, VG −VT , required to produce the inversion layer charge, Qn /q, found in (a). Solution: We can write that VGS − VT = Qn Qn xox 4 × 10−7 3 × 10−6 = = = 3.48 V Cox ox 3.9 × 8.85 × 10−14 2. An n-channel enhancement-mode MOSFET is biased as shown below. The threshold voltage was found to be VT =1V. Using the long-channel MOSFET theory, calculate and plot ID vs VDS for Figure 1: An n-channel enhancement mode MOSFET. (a) VGD = 0, Solution: Here we have that VGS = VDS . We cannot have quadratic behavior (VDS cannot be less than VGS − VT ). We have ( ID = ID0 VDS ≤ VT qVDS ID0 exp kT VDS > VT (b) VGD = VT /2 and Solution: Here we have VGS = VDS + VT /2. Again, we can have no quadratic behavior. We have ( ID = ID0 VDS ≤ VT /2 qVDS ID0 exp kT VDS > VT /2 (c) VGD = 2VT . 2 Solution: Here we have that VGS = VDS + 2VT . We will have quadratic behavior. VD S is always less than VGS − VT . We still have cut-off when VGS ≤ VT , that is, when VDS ≤ −VT . Knowing that " W V2 ID = µn Cox (VGS − VT )VDS − DS L 2 # when VDS ≥ −VT and plugging in for VGS in terms of VDS and VT , we find ( ID = ID0 W µn Cox L [(VT VDS VDS ≤ −VT + 2 VDS 2 ] VDS > −VT Figure 2: An n-channel enhancement mode MOSFET I-V curves. VT = 1 was assumed for all of the numerical calculations. 3. Suppose that the I − V curve for an n-channel MOSFET has saturation drain current IDsat = 2 × 10−4 A, the drain voltage at the onset of saturation VDSsat = 4 V and threshold voltage VT = 0.8 V. (a) Find the gate voltage VGS at the onset of saturation Solution: We have that ID = µn Cox i W h 2 (VGS − VT )VDS − VDS /2 when VDS ≤ VGS − VT . L We then know that VDS,sat = VGS,sat − VT so that VGS,sat = VDS,sat + VT = 4.8 V (b) Find the value of the conduction parameter, 3 W µn Cox . 2L Solution: Above saturation, we can write that W 2 ID,sat = µn Cox VDS,sat 2L or that W ID,sat µn Cox = 1.25 × 10−5 mhos/V = 2 2L VDS,sat (c) Determine ID when VGS = 2V and VDS = 2V. Solution: This is just plugging in to the expression for saturated (VDS ≥ VGS − VT ) current i W h 2 ID = µn Cox (VGS − VT )VDS − VDS /2 L W = µn Cox (VGS − VT )2 /2 L = 1.25 × 10−5 × 1.22 = 1.8 × 10−5 amps 4. Start with the inversion layer charge density equation, Qn = −Cox [VG − VT − V (y)]. Solution: We have that Jn = Dn q ∂n + qnµn E = Jdif f + Jdrif t . ∂y The Qn (y) we are using is just qn(y) × A × L where A is the channel cross sectional area and L is the channel length in the above notation. We can then write that ∂Qn J n × A × L = Dn + Qn µn E. ∂y (a) Derive an expression for diffusion current in the channel. Solution: Starting from the definition of the diffusion current above, we find Jdif f = Dn ∂Qn ∂E(y) = −Dn Cox ∂y ∂y (b) Derive an expression for drift current in the channel. Solution: Starting from the definition of the drift current above, we find Jdrif t = Qn µn E = −µn Cox [VG − VT − V (y)] ∂E(y) ∂y (c) Derive an expression for the ratio of diffusion and drift currents. Solution: Taking the ratio of drift to diffusion currents, we find Jdrif t µn = [VG − VT − V (y)]. Jdif f Dn Using the Einstein relation that Dn = kT q µn , we find that Jdrif t (VG − VT − V (y)) = . Jdif f kT /q The drift current is greater than the drift by essentially the amount that the driving voltage is greater than the thermal noise voltage kT /q. 4