OCSC intern flyer.pub - Behavioral Health Care Services

Services that Oakland
Community Support
Center Provides
Oakland Community
Support Center
Social Work
Internship Program
Case management Teams which provide:
Services from a Wellness and Recovery
and Culturally Competent approach
Psychiatric services and medication
Are you interested in working
A drop in day program which provides:
with the mentally ill population?
Groups for men and women to discuss
important issues including: Healthy Living
Would you like to intern with an
and returning to work.
agency that serves a culturally
Activities and outings for clients
diverse population?
A Department of Alameda County
Behavioral Health Care Services
Eastmont Mall
7200 Bancroft Avenue Suite 125 A
Oakland, CA 94605
People are referred to our clinic through the Alameda County
Crisis and ACCESS service at 1-800-491-9099
(510) 777-3800 FAX (510) 777-3806
Are You Interested In…
What do Psychiatric
Social Workers do?
Advocating for the Mentally
Ill population
We work with clients
disciplinary team
with severe mental illnesses
that causes significant distress in their lives. This includes: hospitalizations, un-
we can do so much”. -Helen Keller.
with finances and daily living
Be a part of an active learning
As social workers, we
advocate for clients to receive the necessary support,
services and resources they
need to achieve the life they
strive for in the community.
skills in documentation and
treatment planning.
environment, building your profes-
ioral Health Care Services!
Assisting clients with
resources to help them
sional skills as a social work intern with Alameda County Behav-
Learning how to put theory
into practice. Develop your
we can do so little; together
stable housing and difficulties
Working in a multi-
have a more successful life
Collaborating with
community based
Work on a diverse team with psy-
organizations such as:
chiatric social workers, mental
Herrick Hospital, John
health specialists, psychiatrists
George Psychiatric
and a nurse providing culturally
competent services to the
mentally ill population!
If you are interested, please
call Maureen Costello, LCSW
at (510) 777-3851