14 CHAPTER 3 TRANSMISSION LINE TOWER -DESIGN CONCEPTS 3.1 INTRODUCTION The purpose of a transmission line tower is to support conductors carrying electrical power and one or two ground wires at suitable distances above the ground level and from each other. The transmission line towers cost about 35 to 45 per cent of the total cost of the transmission line. A transmission tower is a space truss and is an indeterminate structure. This stipulations transmission rules chapter covers certain basic principles and to be followed in the analysis and design of line towers, incorporating Indian electricity (1956), Manual on transmission line towers (1977), IS:802 (1977) and draft revision of IS:802 (1989). 3.2 TOWER CONFIGURATION Depending upon the requirements of the transmission system, ranging vertical various line configurations have to be considered from single circuit horizontal to double circuit structures and with single or V strings in all phases, as well as any combination of these. The configuration of a transmission line tower depends the following factors: 1. The length of the insulator assembly. on 15 2. The minimum clearances to be maintained 3. conductors, and between conductor and tower. The location of ground wire or wires with respect 4. to the outermost conductor. The mid-span clearance consideration of the dynamic between required from behaviour of conductors and lightning protection of the line. 5. The minimum clearance of the lowest conductor above ground level. The tower configuration is determined essentially by three factors: 3.3 (a) Tower height. (b) Base-width. (c) Top hamper-width. DETERMINATION OF TOWER HEIGHT The factors governing height of a tower are : 1. Minimum permissible ground clearance (hi). 2. Maximum sag (h2)• 3. Vertical spacing between conductors (h3). 4. Vertical clearance between ground wire and top conductor (h4). Thus the total height of tower is given by : H= h1+h2+h3+h4 Figure 3.1 shows the parameters h3, h2, h3 and in a transmission line tower. h4 16 Figure 3.1 - Determination of tower height [Source: Reference(37)J 17 3.4 CLEARANCES 3.4.1 General Remarks Power conductors along the entire route of the transmission line should maintain requisite clearance to ground over open country, national highways, important roads, electrified and unelectrified tracks, navigable and non-navigable rivers, telecommunication and power lines etc. as laid down in the various national standards issued by the respective authorities. 3.4.2 Ground Clearance Indian electricity rules (1956), under Clause (incorporating amendments), stipulates clearance above 77 the ground of the lowest point of the conductor. For Extra High Voltage (EHV) lines, this clause stipulates that the clearance above the ground shall not be less than 5.1 m plus 0.3 m for every 33,000 volts or part thereof by which the voltage of the line exceeds 33,000 volts. The permissible minimum ground clearance for different voltages adopted in India are furnished in Table 3.1, and these are applicable for transmission lines running in the open country. 3.4.3 Horizontal Clearance Clause stipulates nearest based 80(2) that the of Indian electricity rules horizontal between clearance conductor and any part of the structure on maximum deflection due to wind should not be less than the values shown corresponding to the voltage. (1956) shall pressure. in Table the be It 3.2, 18 TABLE 3.1 MINIMUM GROUND CLEARANCE Voltage of the line (Kv) Permissible minimum ground Clearance (mm) 66 5490 132 220 6100 1 | 400 7016 8840 19 TABLLE 3.2 HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE a. b. For high voltage lines upto and including 11,000 volts .......... 1.219 m For high voltage above 11,000 volts and upto and including 33,000 volts 1.829 m c. For Extra High Voltage Lines (EHV) (plus 0.305 m for every additional 33,000 volts or part thereof) 1.829 m 20 3.5 CRITICAL PARAMETERS OF TOWER The following aspects are considered essential fixing the tower outline: 3.5.1 a. Maximum sag of lower conductor. b. Height and location of ground wire. c. d. Length of cross arm and conductor spacing. Minimum mid-span clearance. e. Tower width at base and at top hamper. Maximum Sag of Lower Conductor The size and type of conductor, wind, conditions of the region and span determines the sag for and tension. consideration. Span length is fixed climatic conductor from economic The maximum sag for conductor span occurs at the maximum temperature and still wind conditions. The maximum value of sag is taken into consideration in fixing the overall height of the steel tower structure. In regions prone to snowfall, the maximum sag may occur at 0°, with the conductor loaded with ice, in still wind condition. While working out tension for arriving at the maximum sag, the following stipulations laid down in Indian electricity rules (1956) are to be satisfied. a. The minimum factor of safety shall be two based on their ultimate tensile strength. b. Conductor external percentage tension load of at 32° shall Centigrade not exceed the ultimate tensile conductor. i) Initial unloaded tension ii) Final unloaded tension (90°F) the without following strength of : 35 percent : 25 percent the 21 In accordance with this stipulation, the maximum working tension under stringent loading condition shall not exceed 50% conductor. of the ultimate tensile Sag tension computation strength of the made for final stringing of the conductor therefore must ensure that factor of safety of 2 and 4 is obtainable under respective loading condition. 3.5.2 Height and Location of Ground Wire stroke direct Ground wire provides protection against of lightening. It intercepts the direct lightning strokes and conducts the charge to the nearest ground connections. The height and location of overhead ground wires shall be such that the line joining the ground wire to the outer most conductor shall make angles of approximately 20 to 30 degrees with the vertical. The angle is called shield angle. The practice is to specify 30° for 66 kV and 110 kV, 25 to 30 degrees for 220 kV. A lower angle of 20° is suggested for 400 kV. The protective value against 100 is direct strokes to the phase conductors approaches percent, if the shield angle is less than 20°, but not advisable considerations. conductor On spacing, to keep smaller angles extra high voltage lines the use of two earth from economic having wires it wide provide better protection. 3.5.3 Minimum Mid-Span Clearance In case of direct lightning stroke on the mid-span of over head ground wires, the critical condition occurs at the mid mid-span during the span 'flash over' conductor, before propagation of surge current and may occur from ground wire to the current is discharged through the 22 tower. The mid-span clearance between the earth wires and conductor is therefore, kept more than the clearance at the tower. The usual practice in this regard is to maintain the sag of ground wire at least 10 % less than that of conductor, at under all temperature conditions in still the normal spans, so as to give a mid greater span the wind separation than that at the supports. However, it is ensured that under the minimum temperature and maximum wind conditions, the sag of the ground wire does not exceed the sag of the power conductor. ground In the case of stroke to mid-span, on one of the wires, when two ground wires are used, it is preferable, if the striken ground wire flashes over to the second ground wire instead of to the conductor. Therefore it is necessary that the spacing between the two ground wire is less than the mid-span clearance between ground wire and conductor. Mid-span clearance vary with the span length. Increased spans, increases the mid span clearance. The design span normally adopted are 250 m for 66 kV, 305 to 335 m for 110 kV, 350 m for 220 kV, 350 to 400 m for 400 kV lines. The vertical clearance generally adopted at the middle of the span between the ground wires and conductors are given in Table 3.3. 3.5.4 Spacing of Conductors Considerable differences are found in the conductor spacings adopted in different countries and on different transmission line systems in the same country. The spacing of conductors is determined by considerations, partly which are electrical and partly mechanical. The material and diameter of the conductors should also be considered, deciding the spacing, because a smaller when conductor, 23 TABLE 3.3 MID-SPAN CLEARANCE Span (m) 299 Vertical Clearance permissible at the 1 middle of the span (mm) | 4000 300 5500 400 7000 600 8500 I especially made of aluminium, having a small weight relation to the area presented to a cross-wind, will in swing out of vertical plane farther than a conductor of larger cross-section. Usually, conductors will swing synchronously (in phase) wires, there swinging is always a possibility non-synchronously, maximum are with the wind, but with long spans and the of the and conductor conductor sag at the centre of the span are small and factors, the which taken into account in determining the distance apart, at which they are strung. There deduced operated are a number of empirical formulae in use, from spacings, which have been successfully in practice, while research continues on minimum spacings, horizontal which and could be employed. vertical, between The spacings, conductors both commonly adopted on typical transmission lines in India are given in Table 3.4. 3.5.5 width Tower Width at the Base Spacing between the tower footings, i.e., the base at the concrete level (or at the foot of the bottom panel) is the distance from the centre of gravity corner leg to the centre of gravity of the adjacent leg. one corner This width depends upon the height, magnitude of physical size, of the loads imposed upon the tower calculated from the type of conductors and wind loads and also upon the height of application of external loads from ground level. Towers with larger base result in low footing costs and lighter main leg member at the expense of longer bracing members. There is a particular base width, which gives the best compromise for the total cost of the tower to be minimum. Through experience expanded over a number of TABLE 3.4 SPACING OF CONDUCTORS Type of tower 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I Vertical spacing between conductors (mm) Horizontal spacing between conductors (mm) 66 kV single circuit A(0-2°) B(2-30°) C(30-60°) 1030 1030 1220 4040 4270 4880 66 kV Double Circuit A(0-2°) B(2-30°) C(30-60°) 2170 2060 2440 4270 4880 6000 132 kV Single Circuit A(0-2°) B(2-15°) C( 15-30°) D(30-60°) 4200 4200 4200 4200 7140 6290 7150 8820 132 kV Double circuit A(0-2°) B(2-15°) C( 15-30°) D(30-60°) 3965 3965 3965 4270 7020 7320 7320 8540 220 kV Single circuit A(0-2°) B(2-15°) C( 15-30°) D(30-60°) 5200 5250 6700 7800 8500 10500 12600 14000 220 kV Double Circuit A(0-2°) B(2-15°) C( 15-30°) D(30-60°) 5200 5200 5200 6750 9900 10100 10500 12600 7800 7800 7800 8100 12760 12640 14000 16200 400 kV Single Circuit horizontal configuration A(0-2°) B(2-15°) C( 15-30°) D(30-60°) 2b years, certain empirical relations have also been developed ■for base widths. The ratio between total height of the tower uptc the lower cross arm and base width is generally between 2.8 and 4.4. 3.5.6 Width at the Top Hamper Top hamper-width is the width of the tower at level of the lower cross arm in the case of barrel type the of towers (In double circuit towers it may be at middle cross arm level) and waist line in case of towers with horizontal configuration of conductors. The width of the top hamper is mainly loading. decided based on resistance required for torsional The torsional stresses are evenly distributed on the four faces of a square tower. The top hamper width is generally found to be about one-third to one-half of the base width for tangent and light angle towers and about 1/3.5 of the base width for medium and large angle towers. 3.6 3.6.1 TYPES OF TOWER Classification according to Number of Circuits The transmission majority of high voltage double circuit lines employ a vertical configuration of conductor and single circuit transmission lines, a triangular arrangement of conductors. Single circuit lines, particularly 400 kV and above, generally employ a horizontal arrangement of conductors. The number of ground wires used on the line depends on the iso-ceraunic level of the area, importance of the line and the angle of desired. coverage 27 3.6.2 Classification according to use Towers are classified according to independent of the number of conductors they their use, support. A tower has to withstand the loadings ranging from runs an straight- to varying angles. To simplify the design and overall economy in cost and maintenance, tower ensure designs are generally confined to a few standard types as follows : (1) Tangent (suspension) towers Suspension towers are used primarily on tangents, but often are designed to withstand angles in the line upto 2 in ° conductor addition to the wind, loads. ice, If the transmission line relatively flat, featureless terrain, of the Thus, and the greatest design of tangent traverses ninety line may be composed of this type tower broken percent of tower. provides opportunity for the structural the engineer to minimize the total weight of steel required. (2) Angle towers Angle towers, sometimes called semi-anchor towers, are used where the line makes a horizontal angle than 2° (Figure transverse tension load induced 3.2). from As the they must components by this angle, in greater resist of addition the a line to the usual wind, ice and broken conductor loads, they are necessarily heavier than suspension towers. Unless restricted by site conditions, or influenced conductor tensions, angle should be located in such manner that the axis of the cross-arms angle formed by the conductors. bisects by a the 28 9 T P, m Angle of deflection of line » Tension in conductor a Transverse load due to component of conductor tension = T sin &2 P2 » Longitudinal load due to component of lire tension = T cos 02 Figure 3.2 - Orientation of tower in an angle lSource: Reference(37)] 29 Theoretically, different towers, different but line angles for economy there is require a limiting number of different types of towers used. This number is a function of all the factors, which make up the total erected cost of a tower line. However,experience shownthat the following angle suitable for most of the lines: 1. Light angle - 2 to towers are has generally 15 degrees line deviation. 2. Medium angle - 15 to 30 degrees line deviation. 3. Heavy degrees line deviation angle - 30 to 60 and dead ends. While the angles of line deviation are for the normal span, the span may be increased upto an optimum limit by reducing the angle of line deviation and vice versa. IS: 802 classification. (Part I)-1977 recommends the above It would be uneconomical to use 30° angle towers in locations where angles higher than 2“ and smaller than are encountered. There are limitations to the use of 30° 2 ° angle towers at higher angles with reduced spans and the use of 30“angle towers with smaller angles and increased spans. The introduction of a 15° tower would effect sizable economy. 3.7 3.7.1 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS General Remarks Transmission line tower consists of linear structural members rigidly connected to one another welding or bolting. For the purposes of analysis, it idealized as a space truss. A space truss is a by is 3-D 30 assemblage hinges. of Space line members, each member being truss idealization lead to joined the by following assumptions: 1. The influence of gusseted connection transmitting moment is neglected. 2. Leg members that are continuous are in assumed to be hinged at the nodal points. 3. Loads are assumed to act only at the joints. The use of high speed computers has enabled the analysis of large structural systems to be carried out more easily and accurately. Among the various methods available for the truss analysis, the matrix formulation has the advantage over other methods, since the operation of matrix algebra can be provided in the form of a 'routine' in computer program. idealization Figure consisting 3.3 of shows the foundation space leg the truss members, horizontal and diagonal braces. 3.7.2 Matrix Structural Analysis Every structure must fulfill the dual requirements of equilibrium and compatibility. The stiffness method maintains the compatibility of the structures and makes use of equilibrium conditions for the solution. For solving pin-jointed to trusses, the stiffness method generally fewer equations. Hence, the stiffness method is leads used for the analysis of transmission line towers. Let (Xjj and {8denote the nodal displacement vector of the ith member in force and the local 31 >?1'0h-(6 800416 Figure 3.3 - Space truss idealization LSource: Referencel37)] 32 co- ordinate system as shown in Figure 3.4. The member stiffness equation is written as : {*i) = (3.1) E*jJ {**£} Where {Xi>T = (XiL, {6L) ZiL, (3.2) = (UiL,ViL,WiL,UiR,ViR,WiR) (3.3) and [kj^] is the member stiffness matrix given by [*] Ei Ai 10 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -10 0 1 0 0 (3.4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 In equation (3.4) and indicate the modulus of elasticity and length of the i*"*1 member respectively. The stiffness in the similar manner and they are transformed from the local co­ ordinate stiffness equation of all the members are formed system to the global. matrix is Then generated the total structure bysuperimposing the individual member stiffness matrices. Thus, [K] {d} = (L) (3.5) Where {d> =Nodal displacement vector to global coordinate system {L} = Vector of external loads referred 33 Figure 3.4 - The global and local co-ordinate system 34 Total structure stiffness matrix [K] [K] In = equation matrix and member stiffness Equation n S i=l [Ti]T [ki] (3.6), (T±3 [ TjJ the is the summation sign denotes matrices of all (3.5) with (d) —— the respect to (3. C) transformation superimposing members. nodal the the Solving displacement vector. (K)-1 (L) (3.7) [Ki]"1 (L) (3.8) then (di) where (di) = Nodal displacement vector of the ith member referred to Global Coordinate Systems (GCS). [Kjj"1 = Matrix formed by extracting the rows corresponding to the vector {d^} from the matrix [K]”1. The member nodal displacement vector {<5^} of referred to the Local Coordinate Systems i th the (LCS) is related to {d^ through the transformation matrix [Tj_]. {Si> = [Ti] From equations (3.1) and (3.9), the vector {Xj} of the ith member is given by : {Xj_} = (3.9) {dL) [CL] (L) nodal force (3.10) Where [Ci] = [kiHTiHKi] -1 (3.11) 35 3.8 TOWER DESIGN 3.8.1 General Remarks Once the external loads acting on the tower are determined, one proceeds with an analysis of the forces in various Axial members with a view to fixing up their sizes. force is the primary force for a truss element and therefore, the member is designed for either compression or tension. When there are multiple load conditions, certain members may be subjected to both compressive and tensile forces under different loading conditions. Hence, these members are designed for both compression or tension acting separately. 3.8.2 Bracing Systems Once the width of the tower at the top and also the level at which the batter should start are determined, the next step is to select the system of braces. The following bracing systems are usually adopted for transmission line towers. (i) Single web system This system shown in Figure 3.5(a) is particularly used for narrow-based towers, in cross arm and for portal type of towers. Except for single circuit towers, this system has girders 66 kV little application for towers at higher voltages. (ii) Double web or Warren system This system shown in Figure 3.5(b), is made up of 3b diagonal cross braces. Shear is equally distributed between the two diagonals, one in compression and tne other in tension. Both the diagonals are designed for compression and tension in order to permit reversal of externally applied shears. diagonal braces are connected at cross Since the shear per face is carried by two The points. members and critical length is approximately half that of a corresponding single web system, it is apparent that the individual members will be smaller than in the single web system. This system is used for both large and adopted small towers and can be economically throughout the shaft except in the one or two panels, where diamond or portal of braces is more suitable. (iii) lower system Pratt system This system shown in Figure 3.5 (c) also diagonal horizontal cross braces and in contains addition, struts. These struts are it has subjected to compression and the shear is taken entirely by diagonal redundant Pratt one in tension. The other diagonal acts as member. braces It is often economical for bottom two or three a to use panels and Warren system for the rest of the tower. (iv) Portal system The diagonals are necessarily designed for tension and compression, and therefore, arrangement provides more stiffness than the both this Pratt system. The advantage of this system is that the horizontal struts are supported at mid-length by 37 the diagonals [Figure 3.5 (d)]. Like the Pratt system, this arrangement is also used for bottom two or three panels in conjunction with Warren system for the other panels. It the the is especially useful for heavy river crossing towers. (v) Offset or Staggered bracing system This bracing arrangement can be derived from the Portal system and Warren system. The longitudinal face is similar to that of Warren system transverse face consist of staggered and the bracing arrangement The as shown in Figure 3.5 (e). leg members are thus supported at alternate points in two directions. All diagonals are designed for tension and compression and they share the web shear. This arrangement has the advantage that the struts carry no primary loads and are designed as redundant members. The increased efficiency in the legs, however, is obtained at the expense of increasing the number of different diagonals and correspondingly reducing the advantages of mass production methods. 3.8.3 Determination of Member Sizes The practices followed with regard to the angle sizes and minimum thickness of steel members in the designs, based on experience and minimum adopted judgement, are briefly described below: (a) Minimum angle size The present practice is not to allow angle leg 38 (a) Single web system (d) Portal system Longitudinal face Transverse face (e) Offset or staggered bracing system Figure 3.5 - Bracing systems [Source: Reference(37)3 39 width less than 45 nun through which a bolt of 16 nun diameter passes. braces, This results in a number of cross-arm braces and almost all redundant members of the tower being of this even though a smaller size may be stress requirements. main the size, adequate from Unequal angle size 45 x 30 x 5 nun can be used in place of equal angle 45 x 45 x 5 nun for a number of braces and for almost all the redundant members. (b) Minimum thickness and Slenderness ratio IS:802-1977, code of practice for use of structural steel in specifies overhead the transmission minimum line thicknesses towers, which is reproduced in Table 3.5. The limiting values of the slenderness ratio for the design tower members is shown in Table 3.9 of transmission 3.6. CONCLUSION The various aspects described in this chapter have been incorporated in the expert system program. The minimum requirements based on experience and practice used as constraints in the optimization the implementation of these have program. practical been Without requirements, optimization of tower weight will at best be, a theoretical exercise. 40 TABLE 3.5 MINIMUM THICKNESS OF TOWER MEMBERS Minimum thickness (mm) Galvanised Painted Leg members and lower members of cross arms in compression 5 6 Other members 4 5 41 TABLE 3.6 SLENDERNESS RATIO-LIMITING VALUES Leg members and main members in the cross-arm in compression 150 Members carrying computed stresses 200 Redundant members and those carrying nominal stresses 250 Tension members 350