EE 0308 POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS Dr.R.Jegatheesan Professor, EEE Dept. POWER SYSTEM OVERVIEW Power system components, Representation. Single line diagram, per phase analysis of symmetrical three phase systems, general aspects relating to power flow, short circuit and stability analysis, per unit quantities, impedance diagram. POWER FLOW ANALYSIS Primitive network, Formation of Bus admittance matrix by inspection method and singular method. Bus classification – Formulation of Power Flow problems – Power flow solution using Gauss Seidel method and Newton Raphson method, Comparison between these methods. Handling of Voltage controlled buses, Off nominal transformer ratios and phase shifting transformer. SYMMETRICAL FAULT ANALYSIS Formation of Bus Impedance matrix by Z – bus building algorithm. Types of faults in power systems – Symmetrical fault analysis. Short circuit capacity – Symmetrical fault analysis through bus impedance matrix. UNSYMMETRICAL FAULT ANALYSIS Symmetrical components – sequence impedance – sequence networks, Introduction to unsymmetrical faults. Single line to ground fault, line to line and double line to ground faults – Unsymmetrical fault analysis using bus impedance matrix. POWER SYSTEM STABILITY Introduction to stability studies – classification of stability – Transient stability – Equal area criterion – critical clearing angle and time – Factors affecting transient stability. Numerical integration method: Euler method, Modified Euler’s method, Fourth order Runge Kutta method. TEXT BOOKS 1. Hadi Sadat, Power System Analysis, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing company, New Delhi, 2002. 2. John.J.Grainger, William D. Stevenson, Power System Analysis, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing company, New Delhi, 2003. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Nagarath I.J. and Kothari D.P. Modern Power System Analysis, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing company, New Delhi, 2002. 2. Wadhwa C.L. Electrical Power Systems, New age international (P) Ltd. Publishers, 1995. 3. Pai M.A. Computer Techniques in Power System Analysis, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing company, New Delhi, 2003. EE 0308 POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS Chapter 1 POWER SYSTEM OVERVIEW Introduction A power system consists of a few generating plants, situated close to resources, supplying electric power to various types of loads spread out over large area, through large complex transmission and distribution network. Thus a power system compose of 1. Generation system 2. Transmission system 3. Distribution system 4. Loads Depending on the fuel used we have Hydro-Electric Power Plants, Thermal Power Plants and Nuclear Power Plants. Generated supply will be of 11 kV. To have greater efficiency, transmission is carried out at high voltages of order 230 kV or 400 kV. Power transformers are used to setup the voltage levels. Transmission system consists of transformers, transmission towers and transmission lines. Thereafter, voltage levels are reduced in stages. Distribution system supplies power to different loads. Thus power system network is large, complex and very expensive. Power system analysis deals with analysis problems associated with power network. Power Flow Analysis, Short Circuit Analysis and Transient Stability Study are the main Power System Analysis Problems. Single line diagram or One-line diagram Electric power systems are supplied by three-phase generators. Ideally, the generators are supplying balanced three phase loads. Fig.1.1 shows a star connected generator supplying star connected balanced load. IA Z EA EC 0 Z EB n Z IB IC Fig. 1.1 Y- connected generator supplying balanced Y- connected load A balanced three-phase system is always solved as a single-phase circuit composed of one of the three lines and the neutral return. Single-phase circuit of three-phase system considered above is shown in Fig. 1.2. IA Z EA n 0 Fig. 1.2 Single-phase circuit Often the diagram is simplified further by omitting the neutral and by indicating the component parts by standard symbols rather than by their equivalent circuits. Such a simplified diagram of electric system is called a one-line diagram. It is also called as single line diagram. The one-line diagram of the simple three-phase system considered above is shown in Fig. 1.3. IA Z EA n 0 Fig. 1.2 Single-phase circuit Load Fig. 1.3 One-line diagram Fig. 1.4 shows the one-line diagram of a sample power system. 1 T1 T2 3 2 Load B Load A Fig. 1.4 One-line diagram of a sample power system Fig. 1.4 shows the one-line diagram of a sample power system. 1 T1 T2 3 2 Load B Load A Fig. 1.4 One-line diagram of a sample power system This system has two generators, one solidly grounded and the other grounded through a resistor, that are connected to a bus and through a step-up transformer to a transmission line. Another generator, grounded through a reactor, is connected to a bus and through a transformer to the other end of the transmission line. A load is connected to each bus. On the one-line diagram information about the loads, the ratings of the generators and transformers, and reactances of different components of the circuit is often given. Per phase analysis of symmetrical three phase systems Per phase analysis of symmetrical three phase systems are illustrated through the following three examples. EXAMPLE 1.1 A balanced three-phase load connected in star consists of (6+8) Ω impedance in each phase. It is connected to a three phase supply of 400 V, 50 Hz. Find (i) Phase current (ii) Line current (iii) Per phase power and (iV) Total power SOLUTION Fig. 1.5 Balanced three phase load – 1 phase equivalent Three phase star connected balanced load and the corresponding single phase equivalent are shown in Fig. 1.5 (a) and (b) EXAMPLE 1.2 Repeat the previous problem with the load impedance connected in delta. SOLUTION Fig. 1.6 Balanced three phase load – 1 phase equivalent Three phase delta connected balanced load and the corresponding single phase equivalent are shown in Fig. 1.6 (a) and (b). EXAMPLE 1.3 Calculate the line currents in the three wire Y-Y system of Fig. 1.7. A (1.5+j6) Ω + 1100 0 V (2.5+j4) Ω - 110 - 2400 V + 110 - 1200 V - B + (2.5+j4) Ω (1.5+j6) Ω (2.5+j4) Ω (1.5+j6) Ω C Fig. 1.7 Three wire system for Example 1.3 SOLUTION The single phase equivalent of the given three phase system is shown in Fig. 1.8. A (1.5+j6) Ω + 1100 0 V (2.5+j4) Ω - Fig. 1.8 Single phase equivalent Total impedance = ( 4 + j10) Current 1100 0 IA 10.2133 68.2 0 A (4 j10) Since the source voltages are in positive sequence, the line currents are also in positive sequence. Therefore IB 10.2133 188.20 A ; IC 10.2133 308.20 A 10.213351.80 A Impedance and reactance diagram In order to calculate the performance of a power system under load condition or upon the occurrence of a fault, the one line diagram is used to draw the singlephase or per phase equivalent circuit of the system. Refer the one-line diagram of a sample power system shown in Fig. 1.4. 1 T1 T2 3 2 Load B Load A Fig. 1.4 One-line diagram of a sample power system Fig.1.9 combines the equivalent circuits for the various components shown in Fig. 1.4 to form the per-phase impedance diagram of the system. Fig.1.9 combines the equivalent circuits for the various components shown in Fig. 1.4 to form the per-phase impedance diagram of the system 1 T1 T2 3 2 Load B Load A Fig. 1.4 One-line diagram of a sample power system The impedance diagram does not include the current limiting impedances shown in the one-line diagram because no current flows in the ground under balanced condition. Fig. 1.9 Per-phase impedance diagram Fig. 1.9 Per-phase impedance diagram + E1 - + E2 + - Fig. 1.10 Per-phase reactance diagram E3 - Per-unit quantities Absolute values may not give the full significance of quantities. Consider the marks scored by a student in three subjects as 10, 40 and 95. Many of you may be tempted to say that he is poor in subject 1, average in subject 2 and good in subject 3. That is true only when the base for all the marks is 100. If the bases are 10, 50 and 100 for the three subjects respectively then his marks in percentage are 100,80 and 95 and thus the conclusions are different. Thus, there is a need to specify base quantity for meaningful interpretation. Percentage = (actual value / base) x 100 Per-unit quantity = Percentage / 100 = actual value / base This kind of explanation can be extended to all power system quantities. In power system we shall deal with voltage, current, impedance and voltampere or power. When they are large values, we may use kV, ampere, ohm and kVA or kW as their units. It is to be noted that out of the four quantities voltage, current, impedance and voltampere if we specify two quantities, other two quantities can be calculated. Generally, base voltampere in MVA and base voltage in kV are specified. For a single-phase system, the following formulas relate the various quantities. base VA base MVA x 106 Base current , A base voltage, V base voltage, kV x 1000 = Base impedance , Ω base MVA x 1000 base voltage, kV base voltage, V base voltage, kV x 1000 base current, A base current, A (1.1) (1.2) Substituting eq. (1.1) in the above (base voltage, kV)2 x 1000 Base impedance , Ω base MVA x 1000 Thus (base voltage, kV)2 Base impedance , Ω base MVA (1.3) Power factor being a dimensionless quantity Base power, MW = base MVA Per - unit impedance actual impedance, Ω base impedance, Ω Per-unit impedance = actual impedance x Base MVA (Base voltage,kV)2 (1.4) (1.5) (base voltage, kV)2 Base impedance , Ω base MVA Per-unit impedance = actual impedance X (1.3) Base MVA (Base voltage,kV)2 (1.5) For three phase system, when base voltage is specified it is line to line base voltage and the specified MVA is three phase MVA. Now let us consider a three phase system. Let Base voltage, kV and Base MVA be specified. Then singlephase base voltage, kV = Base voltage, kV / 3 and single-phase base MVA=Base MVA / 3. Substituting these in eq. (1.3) [Base voltage, kV/ 3 ] 2 Base impedance , Ω Base MVA / 3 (Base voltage,kV)2 Base MVA (1.6) It is to be noted that eq.(1.6) is much similar to eq.(1.3). Thus Per - unit impedance actual impedance base impedance = actual impedance X Base MVA (Base voltage,kV)2 (1.7) (base voltage, kV)2 Base impedance , Ω base MVA Per-unit impedance = actual impedance X (1.6) Base MVA (Base voltage,kV)2 (1.7) EXAMPLE 1.4 A three phase 500 MVA, 22 kV generator has winding reactance of 1.065 Ω. Find its per-unit reactance. Solution 222 1.065 Base impedance 0.968 Ω ; Per-unit reactance = 1.1002 500 0.968 Using eq. (1.7), per unit reactance 1.065 x 500 1.1002 222 Per-unit impedance = actual impedance X Base MVA (Base voltage,kV)2 (1.7) Per-unit quantities on a different base Sometimes, knowing the per-unit impedance of a component based on a particular base values, we need to find the per-unit value of that component based on some other base values. From eq.(1.7) It is to be noted that the per-unit impedance is directly proportional to base MVA and inversely proportional to (base kV)2. Therefore, to change from per-unit impedance on a given base to perunit impedance on a new base, the following equation applies: Per-unit Znew = per-unit Zgiven base kVgiv en 2 base MVA new ) x( base MVA giv en base kVnew (1.8) Per-unit Znew = per-unit Zgiven base kVgiv en 2 base MVA new ) x( base MVA giv en base kVnew (1.8) EXAMPLE 1.5 The reactance of a generator is given as 0.25 per-unit based on the generator’s of 18 kV, 500 MVA. Find its per-unit reactance on a base of 20 kV, 100 MVA. Solution New per-unit reactance = 0.25 x 100 18 2 x( ) = 0.0405 500 20 EXAMPLE 1.6 A single phase 9.6 kVA, 500 V / 1.5 kV transformer has an impedance of 1.302 Ω with respect to primary side. Find its per-unit impedance with respect to primary and secondary sides. Solution With respect to Primary Per-unit impedance = 1.302 x 0.0096 0.05 (0.5)2 With respect to Secondary Impedance = 1.302 x ( 1.5 2 ) = 11.718 Ω 0.5 Per-unit impedance = 11.718 x 0.0096 0.05 (1.5)2 Conclusion Per-unit impedance of the transformer is same referred to primary as well as secondary. Advantages of per-unit calculation 1. Manufacturers usually specify the impedance of a piece of apparatus in percent or per-unit on the base of the name plate rating. 2. The per-unit impedances of machines of same type and widely different rating usually lie within narrow range although the ohmic values differ much. 3. For a transformer, when impedance in ohm is specified, it must be clearly mentioned whether it is with respect to primary or secondary. The per-unit impedance of the transformer, once expressed on proper base, is the same referred to either side. 4. The way in which the three-phase transformers are connected does not affect the per-unit impedances although the transformer connection does determine the relation between the voltage bases on the two sides of the transformer. EXAMPLE 1.7 A 300 MVA, 20 kV three-phase generator has a subtransient reactance of 20%. The generator supplies a number of synchronous motors over 64-km transmission line having transformers at both ends, as shown in Fig. 1.11. The motors, all rated 13.2 kV, are represented by just two equivalent motors. Rated inputs to the motors are 200 MVA and 100 MVA for M1 and M2, respectively. For both motors X” = 20%. The three phase transformer T1 is rated 350 MVA, 230/20 kV with leakage reactance of 10%. Transformer T2 is composed of three single-phase transformers each rated 127/13.2 kV, 100 MVA with leakage reactance of 10%. Series reactance of the transmission line is 0.5 Ω/km. Draw the impedance diagram, with all impedances marked in per-unit. Select the generator rating as base in the generator circuit. T2 T1 k l m p M1 r M2 n Fig. 1.11 One-line diagram for Example 1.7 Solution Base MVA = 300 Base voltage at generator side = 20 kV Base voltage in transmission line = 230 kV Line to line voltages of transformer T 2 : Base voltage at motor side = 230 x 3 x 127 / 13.2 220 / 13.2 kV 13.2 13.8 kV 220 Base MVA and base voltages at different sections are marked. 300 MVA T1 20 kV k T2 l 230 kV m 13.8 kV n M1 p r M2 Per-unit reactance of generator = 0.2 Per-unit reactance of transformer T 1 = 0.1 x 300 0.0857 350 Per-unit reactance of transmission line = 0.5 x 64 x Per-unit reactance of transformer T 2 = 0.1 x ( 300 0.1825 2302 220 2 ) 0.0915 230 Per-unit reactance of motor M1 = 0.2 x 300 13.2 2 x( ) 0.2745 200 13.8 Per-unit reactance of motor M1 = 0.2 x 300 13.2 2 x( ) 0.549 100 13.8 Per-unit impedance diagram is shown in Fig. 1.12 j 0.0857 k l j 0.1815 m n j 0.0915 p r j 0.2 j 0.2745 + Eg - j 0.549 + Em1 Fig. 1.12 Per-unit impedance diagram - + - + Em2 EXAMPLE 1.8 A transformer rated 200 MVA, 345Y / 20.5 Δ kV connected at the receiving end of a transmission line feeds a balanced load rated 180 MVA, 22.5 kV, 0.8 power factor. Determine (a) The rating of each of three single-phase transformers which when properly connected will be equivalent to the above three-phase transformer and (b) The complex impedance of the load in per-unit, if the base in the transmission line is 100 MVA, 345 kV. Solution (a) Rating of each single-phase transformer: 200 / 3 MVA, (345 / 3 ) / 20.5 kV i.e 66.7 MVA, 199.2 / 20.5 kV (b) Load Z = V S 2 Base MVA = 100; 22.5 2 2.81Ω 180 Base voltage at the load side = 20.5 kV Load in per-unit = 2.81 x 100 36.870 0.669 36.870 0.5352 j4014 2 20.5 EE 0308 Power System Analysis - Problem Set 1 1. A 120 MVA, 19.5 kV generator has Xs = 0.15 per unit and is connected to a transmission line by a transformer rated 150 MVA, 230 Y/18Δ kV with X = 0.1 per unit. If the base to be used in the calculation is 100 MVA, 230 kV for the transmission line, find the per unit values to be used for the transformer and the generator reactances. 2. A transformer’s three phase rating is 5000 kVA, 115/13.2 kV, and its impedance is 0.007 + j0.075 per unit. The transformer is connected to a short transmission line whose impedance is 0.02 + j0.1 per unit on a base of 10 MVA, 13.2 kV. The line supplies a three phase load rated 3200 kW, 13.2 kV with a lagging power factor of 0.8. Draw the per unit impedance diagram taking the base as 10 MVA, 13.2 kV at the load. If the high tension voltage is maintained at 115 kV, find the per unit and the actual load voltage. 3. The one-line diagram of an unloaded power system is shown below. T1 A B C j 80 Ω T2 j 100 Ω E 1 F 2 T3 D 3 Reactances of the two sections of transmission line are shown in the diagram. The generators and transformers are rated as follows: Generator 1: 20 MVA, 13.8 kV, X” = 0.2 per unit Generator 2: 30 MVA, 18 kV, X” = 0.2 per unit Generator 3: 30 MVA, 20 kV, X” = 0.2 per unit Transformer T1: 25 MVA, 220Y/13.8Δ kV, X = 10% Transformer T2: Single-phase units each rated 10 MVA, 127/18 kV, X = 10% Transformer T3: 35 MVA, 220Y/22Y kV, X = 10% Draw the reactance diagram with all reactances marked in per unit and with letters to indicate points corresponding to the one-line diagram. Choose a base of 50 MVA, 13.8kV in the circuit of generator 1. 4. Draw the impedance diagram of the power system shown below. j 40 Ω 2 1 j 20 Ω j 20 Ω B A Δ Δ C 3 Mark impedances in per unit. Neglect resistance and use a base of 50 MVA, 138 kV in the 40-Ω line. The ratings of the generator, motors and transformers are: Generator 1: 20 MVA,18 kV, X” = 20% Generator 2: 20 MVA,18 kV, X” = 20% Synchronous motor 3: 30 MVA, 13.8 kV, X” = 20% Three phase Y-Y transformers: 20 MVA, 138Y/20Y kV, X = 10% Three phase Y- Δ transformers: 15 MVA, 138Y/13.8 Δ kV, X = 10% ANSWERS 1. 0.06667 p.u.; 0.1467 p.u. 2. 0.9317 p.u.; 12.2984 kV 0.014 + j0.15 1.0 00 p.u. 0.02 + j0.1 Vload 2 + j1.5 3. j0.0826 j0.2 A C j0.1033 j0.1667 B E j0.5 F j0.3333 j0.1429 D j0.2755 4. A j0.25 j0.105 j0.0525 j0.25 B j0.0525 j0.25 j0.25 j0.3333 j0.405 j0.3333 C j0.3333 j0.405