O FF)CI~L |ILl ~IM 'Y BE T A 1O T A L A M BD A FO U N D A T IO N ,IN C B A T O N R O U G E ,L O U ISIA N A ,q,:cs h (m ~ tlds (,Ib'a,vl f'lA(;t tI~CK uilII{) FIN A N C IA L STA T EM E N T S FO R T H E PE R IO D E N D E T) D E C E M BE R 31, 1999 Release Date 07_Z2~R)-( ~O D E SIR E E '~V .H O N O R E ' C erlif i ed Public A ccountant A ProfessionalCorporation BETA IO TA LA M BD A FO U N D A TIO N IN C BA TO N R O U G E , LO U ISIA N A FIN AN CIA L STA TEM EN TS PER IO D EN D ED D ECEM BER 31 1999 C O N TEN T S IN D EPEN D EN T A U D 1TO P.'S R EPO RT O N FIN A N CIA L STA TEM EN TS FIN A N C IA L S'IA T EM EN T S Statem entofFinancialPosition 2 Statem entofA ctivities and C hanges in N etA ssets 3 Statem entofC ash Flow s 4 Statem entofFunctionalExpenses 5 N O T E S T O FIN A N C IA L STA T EM EN T S 6 -7 REPO R T O N C O M PLIA N C E A N D IN TERN A L C O N TR O L O V ER FIN A N CIA L R EPO R TIN G BA SED O N A N A U D IT O F FIN A N C IA L STA TEM EN TS PER FO RM ED IN A C C O R D A N C E W IT It G O V ERN M EN T A U D ITIN G STA N D A R D S SU M M A R Y O F FIN D IN G S C O N C LU SIO N S CA U SES A N D R EC O M M EN I)A TIO N S A N D M A N A G EM EN T 'S RE SPO N SF, 9 D esiree'W .H onore'.C PA 433-H Longw ood C ourt B aton R ouge,Louisiana 70806 Telephone:(225)344-7649 Em ail:DItONORE@ AOL.COM IN I)EPEN I)EN T A U D ITO R 'S R EPO R T O N FIN A N CIA L STA TEM EN TS To the Board ofD irectors Beta Iota Larabda Foundation,Inc (A N otforProf itO rganziation Baton R ouge,l,ouisiana Ihave anditcd lhc accom panying statem entoff inancialposition ofBeta lota Lam bda Foundation, Inc.(a non prof itorganization)asofD ecember31,1999,and therelated sta|em em sofactivities, functionalexpenses,and cash f low s forthe yearthen ended. These f inancialstatem ents are the responsibility ofO rganization's m anagem ent. M y responsibility is to express an opinion on these inancialstalem ents based on m y audit. f Iconducted m y auditin accordance w ith generally accepted auditing standardsand the standards applicable to f inancialaudits contained in G overnm entA uditing Standards,issued by the Com ptroller G eneralofthe U nited States. Those standardsrequire thatIplan and perform the auditto obtain reasonable assurance aboutw hetherthe f inancialstatem entsare free ofm aterial m isstatem ent. A n auditincludes exam ining,on a testbasis,evidence suppor t ing the am ountsand disclosures in the f inancialstatem ents. A n auditalso includesassessing the accounting principles used and signif icantestim ates m ade by the m anagem ent,as w ellas evaluating the overallf inancial statem entpresentation. Ibelieve thatm y auditprovides a reasonable basis for m y opinion. In m y opinion,the f inancialstatem entsreferred to above presentfairly,in allm aterialrespects,the inancialposition ofBeta Iota Lam bda Foundation,Inc.asofD ecem ber31,1999,and the changes f in its netassets and its cash f low s for the eighteen m onth period then ended in conform ity w ith generally accepted accounting principles. In accordance w ith G over n m entA uditing Standards,Ihave also issued m y reported dated A ugust 10,2000,on m y consideration ofBeta Iota Lam bda Foundation,Inc.'sinternalcontrolover inancialreporting and m y tests ofits com pliance w ith certain provisions oflaw s,regulations, f _ contracts,and grants. A ugust 10,2000 E TA IO TA I,A M BD A FO U N D A T IO N .IN C A N O N PR O F IT O R G A N IZ A T IO N BA T O N R O U G E L O U ISIA N A ST A T EM EN T O F FIN A N C IA L PO SIT IO N P E R IO D E N D E 1-) D E C E M B E R 31 1999 A SSETS C U R R EN T A SSET S C ash and cash equivalents Prepaid Expenses Totalcurrentassets $6,822 2.529 9.351 I'I~.OPERTY AN D EQ U II'M EN T Building and Im provem ents Furniture,f ixtures and equipm ent A utom obiles l.ess accum ulated depreciation Totalproperty and equipm ent 314,950 66,844 26,469 (144,493) 263.769 T otalassets $273,120 A BII.IT IE S A N D N ET A SSET S C U I{R EN T LIA BILITIES A ccounts payable m xd accrued expenses 1.793 1,793 Totalcurrentliabilities N I' ;T A SSET S -U N RE STR IC TE D 271.327 271.327 Totalliabilities and netassets $273,120 The accom panying notesare an integralpartofthisstatem ent. 2 BETA IO TA LA M BD A FO IJN D A T IO N .IN ~ (A N O N PR O FIT O R G A N IZ A T IO N BA T O N R O U G E L O U ISIA N A STA TEM EN T O F A C T IV IT IES PE R IO D E N D E D D E C E M B E R 31. 1999 Slit,PO R T A N D R EV I~N U E G rantfrom G overnor's O ff ice ofU rban A fairs and D evelopm ent G rantfrom l.ouisiana D epartm entofSocial Services,O f'ice ofC om m unity Services lnterestIncom e Private funds Totalsupportand revenue 50,000 663 43,806 231.719 EX PEN SE S Program services A lpha C enter U rban A fairs C om m unity Services TotalE xpenses 53,340 150,285 28,750 232,375 C H A N G E IN N ET A SSETS N etassets -beginning ofyear N etassets -end ofyeal 137.250 (656) 271.983 $271,327 The accom panying notesare an integralpartofthisstatem ent. BETA IO TA LA M BD A FO U N D A T IO N .IN C A N O N PR f)F1T O R G A N IZ A T IO N B A T O N R O U G E .L O U ISIA N A ST A T EM EN T O F C A SH FL O W S P E R IO D E N D E D D E C E M B E R 31 1999 C A SII FI,O W S FR O M O PER A TIN G A CTIVITIES C ash received f l or a governm entgrants and private sources C ash paid to suppliers and em ployees N etcash provided by operating activities $231,719 (189,917) 41.802 C A SII FLO W S FR O M IN V ESTIN G A C TIV ITIE S Purchase ofequipm ent N etcash provided by operating activities (30,887) (30,887) N ET (I)ECREA SI' ;)IN CICEA SE IN CA SH AN D CA SH EQ U IVA LEN TS 10,915 CA SH AN D CA StlEQ U IVALEN TS -beginning ofyear (4,093) CA SIt AN D CA SItEQ U 1VA LEN TS -end ofyear $6,822 Schedule reconcilinlgchanges in netassetsto net cash provided hy operating activities: C hange in netasset, '; (656) Adjustm entsto reconcilenetincom eto net cash provided by operating activities D epreciation 40,665 (D ecrease)increase in accountspayable and accrued expenses N etcash provided by operating activities 1,793 $41~8o2 The accom panying notesare an integralpartofthisstatem ent 4 ETA IO TA LA M BD A FO U N D A TIO N .IN ( A N O N PR O F IT O R G A N IZA T IO N BA T O N R O U G E I,O U ISIA N A ST A T E M E N T O F F U N C T IO N A I,E X PE N SE S PE R IO D E N D E D D E C E M BE R 31 1999 A lpha C enter Salaries and w ages ]>logjam D irectol EducationalD irector A dm inistrative A ssistant Em ployee Benef its T herapeutic and training of fice supplies Bookkeeping/professionalservices A uto Supplies Insurance T elephone D epreciation M aintenance/R epairs Travel U rban A fairs 37,500 35,000 I9,375 7.078 255 2.750 2,952 2,140 TotalE xpenses 3,809 1.318 3,057 38,018 1.846 2.647 9,126 18,517 9,153 32,114 5.000 $53,340 $150,285 $28,750 The accom panying notesare an integralpartofthisstatem ent 5 Total Expenses 37,500 35,000 19,375 7.078 721 Tutorial(O ther)A ssistance/Services U tilities C om m unity Services 7,016 4,890 721 4,375 0 40,665 10,971 0 50,631 14,153 $232,375 B E T A IO TA L A M B D A FO U N D A T IO N IN C (A N ON PROFIT ORG AN IZATION ) BA T O N R O U G E L O U ISIA N A N O T E S T O FIN A N C IA L ST A T E M EN T S D E C EM BE R 31 1999 SunLn!~JX ofSigrdf icantA ccounting Policies _ a. O perations Bc t a Iota Lam bda Foundation,Inc.(BILF)providestutoriali n struction in ACT preparation,LouisianaIligh Schoolexitexam ination,and generalsubjectsto local youths. BILF also sponsorssportsand recreation activitiesforstudentsthrough its Sum m erA cadem y. The O rganization also conductsw orkshops on teen pregnancy com m unity aw areness,and services to elderly citizens ofthe com m unity. The organization is dedicated to providing educational,tutoring,arts,counseling,and rclated services to "atrisk" youths. b. ]~e~ve!u_e _ __ Be t a Iota Lam bda Foundation,Inc.receives substantially allofits grantand contract revenue from the state agencies. R evenue is recognized w hen services are provided. Expenses are recognized as incr u sted. A ny ofthe funding sources m ay,atits disc r etion,requestreim bur,;em entfor expenses or return offunds,orboth,as a resultofnon-com pliance hy Beta Iota Lam bda Foundation,Inc.w ith the term softhe grants/contracts. c. C ontributions Contributions received are recorded as unrestricted,tem porarily restricted,or perm anently restricted supportdepending on the existence and /ornature ofany donorrestrictions. BILF hasnotreceived any contributionsw ith donor-im posed cstrictionsthatw ould resultin tem porarily orperm anently restricted netassets. d. ]~ropert~ and Equipm en _ Proper t y and equipm entare recorded atcost. Expenditures for m aintenance, repairs,and m inorrenewalsarecharged againstearningsasincurred.M ajor expenditures forrenew als and betterm ents are capitalized. W hen item s are retired or otherw ise disposed of,the costofthe assetand the related accum ulated depreciation are rem oved from the books. A ny result ing gain orloss iscredited to orcharged againstincom e. BETA IO TA LA M BD A FO U N D A TIO N ,{N_C . (A N ON PROFIT ORG AN IZATION ) B A T O N R O U G E .L O U ISIA N A N O T E S T O FIN A N C IA L STA T E M EN T S D E C E M BE R 31. 1999 Sum r4La!y_ofSignif icantA ccountingPolicies ~ continued _ . t~opertv and Equipm ent_(continued) D epreciation isprovided in am ountssuff icient _ to relate the costofdepreciable assetsto operationsovertheirestim ated service lives (25yearsforbuilding and improvem ents,5-7yearsforfurnit u rearid equipm ent,and 5yearsforvehicles),using straight-linem ethod. e. lncom e Taxes The O rganization is a nonprof itorganization thatis exem ptfrom :Federalincom e taxation underSection 501(c)(7)oftheInter n alRevenueCode. C ash and C ash Equivalents C ash and cash Equivalents consistofitem s having m aturities ofthree m onths orless from the date ofacquisition. C oncentrations ofCreditR isk The O rganization m aintains its cash balances in f i nancialinstitutions located in Baton R ouge,Louisiana. The balances are insured by the FederalD epositInsurance Corporation up to $100,000. R F.PO I-VI'O N C O M PLIA N C E A N D O N IN TERN A L C O N TR O L O V ER FIN A N CIA L R EPO R TIN G BA SED O N A N A U D IT O F FIN A N C IA L STA TEM EN TS PERFO RM ED IN A C C O R D A N C E W ITH G O V E R N M EN T A U D IT IN G STA N D A R D S To the Board ofD irectors Beta Iota I,am bda Foundation.lnc haveaudited lhef inancialstatem entsofBeta Iota LambdaFoundation,Inc.(anonprof it organization)asofand forthe 18 m onth period D ecem ber31,1999 and have issued m y report thereon dated A ugust 10,2000. I have conducted m y auditin accordance w ith generally accepted auditing standards and the standards applicable to f inancialaudits contained in G overnn~ent A uditing~qt~ glards,issued by the Com ptroller G eneralofthe U nited States. __ C om pliance A s partofobtaining reasonable assurance aboutw hetherBeta Iota Lam bda Foundation,Inc.'s inancialslatem ents are free ofm aterialm isstatem ent,Iperform ed tests oflhe itscom pliance w ith f cer t ain provisionsoflaw s,regulations,contracls,and grants,noncom pliance w ith w hich could have a directand m aterialef f ecton the determ ination off i nancialstatem entam ounts, tlow ever, providing an opinion on com pliancewith thoseprovisionswasnotan objectiveofm y audit,and accordingly,1 do notexpress such an opinion. The results ourtests disclosed instances of noncom pliance thatare required to be repor t ed under G overnm entA nditil)g Standar' ds and w hich are bestdescribed in the accom panying schedule off indings. InternalC ontrolO verFinancialR enortin~ In planning and perform ing m y audit,I considered Beta Iota Lam bda Foundation,Inc.'s internal controloverf inancialreporting in orderto determ ine m y auditing proccdm es forthe purpose of expressing nay opinion on the f inancialstatem ents and notto provide an opinion on the internal controlover f i nancialreporting. M y consideration ofthe internalover f inancialreporting w ould not necessarily disclose allm atters in the inter n alcontroloverf inancialrepor t ing thatm ightbe m aterial w eaknesses. A m aterialw eaknessisa condition in w hich the design oroperation ofone orm ore of the internalcontrolcom ponentsdoesnotreduce to a relatively low levelthe risk thatm isstatem ents in am ounts thatw ould be m aterialin relation to the f inancialstatem entsbeing audited m ay occur and notbe detected w ithin a tim ely period by em ployees in the norm alcourse ofperform ing their assigned f im ctions. Inoted no m attersinvolving the internalcontroloverf inancialrepor t ing and its operation that1considerto be m aterialw eaknesses. This reportis intended solely forthe inform ation and use ofthe Board ofD irectors,M anagem ent, O ff ice ofthe:I.egislative A uditor,G overnor's O f i ce on U rban A fairs,O ff ice ofC om m unity Services,and other oversightagencies. H ow ever,this reportis a m atter ofpublic record and its distribution is notlim ited. A ugust 10,2000 BETA IO TA LA M BD A FO U N D A TIO N IN C (A N ON PROFIT O RG AN IZA TION I BA TO N R O U G E LO U ISIA N A SU M M A R Y O F FIN D IN G S C O N C LU SIO N S.CA U SES A N D R EC O M M EN D A TIO N S A N D M A N A G EM EN T 'S RE SPO N SE D elm l 1 D escription ofException Form 990 R eturn ofO rganization Exem ptfrom Incom e Tax w as nottim ely iled forf f iscalyearsended 1998 and 1999. M anagem entintendsto f ile thisreturn assoon aspossible and getcurrenton allInternalR evenue Service incom e tax reporting requirem ents. A uditisbeing subm itted af terthe statutory and contractrequired date of June 30,2000. O rganization did nothave allf inancialtransactionsrecorded in the generalledgerfor allprogram s. M anagem enthasm oved to record alltransactionsin generalledger.Softw are hasbeen purchased and utilized thatism ore in lines w ith tile needsofthe organization. N O TE The above f indingsand conclusions,asw ellasthe auditreportsand audited inancialstatem ents,w ere discussed w ith D onald W ade,Executive D irector f and D om enic M cClinton,Treasurer,w ho concun'ed w ith nay f indings, conclusions,and recom m endations.