simulation of cascaded h-bridge multilevel inverter based d

University of Mumbai
Dy. Exe. Engineer (MSETCL)
Abstract- This paper presents an investigation of five-Level Cascaded H – bridge (CHB) Inverter as Distribution Static
Compensator (DSTATCOM) in Power System (PS) for compensation of reactive power and harmonics. The advantages of
CHB inverter are low harmonic distortion, reduced number of switches and suppression of switching losses. The
DSTATCOM helps to improve the power factor and eliminate the Total Harmonics Distortion (THD) drawn from a Non-Liner
Diode Rectifier Load (NLDRL). The D-Q reference frame theory is used to generate the reference compensating currents for
DSTATCOM while Proportional and Integral (PI) control is used for capacitor dc voltage regulation. A CHB Inverter is
considered for shunt compensation of a 22 kV distribution system. When nonlinear load is connected to a source, there is a dip
in the voltage which could be critical for the entire system. Due to factors like competitive generation patterns in a deregulated
electric grid and an increasing level of sensitive end user devices, it has become necessary to ensure both reliable and power
quality to the end customer. The power electronics based equipment known as Custom Power Devices (CPD) is used in
distribution system to solve PQ problems. This work proposes a Cascaded H-bridge (CHB) Inverter based DSTATCOM to
compensate voltage sag in power distribution network. CHB converters are being considered for the increasing number of
applications due to their high power capability associated with low output harmonics and low commutation losses. The
proposed design uses a standard three-leg inverter (one leg for each phase) and an H-bridge in series with each inverter leg
which uses a capacitor as the dc power source. The performance of the proposed DSTATCOM is validated through simulation
using MATLAB software with its Simulink and Power system block set tools and also the performance of the system without
DSTATCOM and wit DSTATCOM is evaluated.
Keywords- DSTATCOM, Multilevel Cascade H-Bridge MATLAB, voltage sags.
DSTATCOM applications causes to decrease the
device voltage and the output harmonics by increasing
the number of output voltage levels. Inverter circuit is
heart of DSTATCOM and various inverter topologies
can be utilized in applications of DSTATCOM such
as: cascaded h-bridge, neutral point clamped (NPC)
and flying capacitor (FC). In particular, among these
topologies, CHB inverters are being widely used
because of their modularity and simplicity. Various
modulation methods can be applied to CHB inverters.
There are various modulation methods, but phase shift
modulation has used in this paper. CHB inverters can
also increase the number of output voltage levels easily
by increasing the number of H-bridges cells. This
paper presents a DSTATCOM with a PI controller
based five-level CHB multilevel inverter for the
current harmonic, voltage flicker and reactive power
mitigation of the nonlinear load.
The problems which affect the power quality in
distribution systems are pertaining to the
specifications of the loads. Some of the most popular
effects are: the harmonics generated by nonlinear loads
and unbalanced loads and the low-power factor of the
loads. A part from nonlinear loads, events like motor
starting, capacitor switching and unusual faults could
also impose power quality (PQ) problems. Fixed,
mechanical switched reactor/capacitor banks and
Static VAR Compensator (SVC) have been employed
in power industry for improvement of system
performances. These types of compensation have some
disadvantages such as limited bandwidth, slower
response, more losses and big size. Recently, due to
fast extension of high power switching elements such
as IGBTs and IGCTs, DSTATCOM is a shunt custom
power devices, has been recognized the second
generation compensator for power factor correction,
load balancing, voltage regulation and harmonic
filtering in distribution systems. In this paper, a
five-level cascade H-bridge inverter based
DSTATCOM configuration has been presented. The
adoption of cascade H-bridge inverter for
A three-phase structure of a five-level cascaded
inverter is illustrated in Figure 1. The multilevel
inverter using cascaded-inverter with separate dc
Proceedings of 7th IRF International Conference, 27th April-2014, Pune, India, ISBN: 978-93-84209-09-4
Simulation of Cascaded H-bridge Multilevel Inverter Based D-Statcom for Power Quality Improvement with switching modulation Index
sources (SDCSs) synthesize a favourable voltage from
several independent sources of dc voltages, which may
be achieved from batteries, solar cells and fuel cells.
This structure recently has become very widespread in
ac power supply and adjustable speed drive
Table 2. Component requirements for m-level cascade
h-bridge inverter
Figure 2 shows an example phase voltage waveform
for a five-level cascaded H-bridge inverter with four dc
source. The main advantages and disadvantages of the
cascade H-bridge multilevel inverter are as follows:
Requires a low number of components per level.
Possibility to implement soft-switching.
Uncomplicated voltage balancing modulation.
Modularized structure without clamping
Fig 1. Five level cascade H-bridge inverter structure
The output of each cell will have three levels +Vdc , 0
and −Vdc that obtained by connecting the dc source to
the ac output by different combinations of the four
switches S1 , S2 , S3 and S4 . To obtain +Vdc ,
switches S1 and S4 are turned on, whereas −Vdc can
be obtained by turning on switches S2 and S4 . By
turning on S1 and S2 or S3 and S4, the output voltage
is 0. The output voltage is the sum of the voltage that is
generated by each cell. The numbers of output voltage
levels are 2(m +1) where m is the number of cells. The
output voltage of a cascaded H-bridge inverter leg is
obtained by adding the single H-bridge output voltages
as follows:
Needs separate isolated dc sources for real power
No common DC-bus.
where k is number of kth cell. The voltage level and
switching state of the five-level CHB inverter are
shown in the Table 1. Table 2 shows the component
requirements for m-level cascade H-bridge inverter for
a three-phase setup.
Fig 2. Output voltage waveform for five level cascade H-bridge
A. Operation of DSTATCOM
Distribution Static Synchronous Compensator
(DSTATCOM) is a shunt connected device. This can
perform load compensation, i.e. power factor
correction, harmonic filtering, load balancing etc.
when connected at the load terminals. It can also
perform voltage regulation when connected to a
distribution bus. In this mode it can hold the bus
voltage constant against any unbalance or distortion in
the distribution system. The DSTATCOM must be
able to inject an unbalanced and harmonically
distorted current to eliminate unbalance or distortions
in the load current or the supply voltage. The structure
of DSTATCOM is similar to STATCOM but its
control is different from that of a STATCOM.
Table 1. Switching state for five level cascade H-bridge
Proceedings of 7th IRF International Conference, 27th April-2014, Pune, India, ISBN: 978-93-84209-09-4
Simulation of Cascaded H-bridge Multilevel Inverter Based D-Statcom for Power Quality Improvement with switching modulation Index
The DSTATCOM is a voltage or current source
inverter based custom power device connected in shunt
with the power system. It is connected near the load at
the distribution systems. The basic structure of
DSTATCOM is presented in Figure 4. As shown in
Figure 4, DSTATCOM consists of an inverter, dc link
capacitance C that providing the dc voltage for
inverter, coupling inductance L used for current filter
and reactive power exchange between DSTATCOM
and power system and a control unit to generate PWM
signals for the switches of inverter. In Figure 3, Rdc
and R respectively represents switching losses in
inverter and winding resistance of coupling
inductance. Exchange of reactive power between
distribution system and DSTATCOM is achieved by
regulating amplitude of the inverter output voltage Vi.
The DSTATCOM operation is illustrated by the
phasor diagrams shown in Figure 4.
voltages and currents are measured and are fed into the
controller to be compared with the commands. The
controller then performs feedback control and outputs
a set of switching signals to drive the main
semiconductor switches (IGBT’s, which are used at
the distribution level) of the power converter
The proposed cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter
based DSTATCOM uses a standard three-leg inverter
(one leg for each phase) and an H-bridge in series with
each inverter leg which uses a capacitor as the dc
power source.
If output voltage of DSTATCOM Vi is equal to AC
system voltage Vs, exchange reactive power between
DSTATCOM and gird will be zero and DSTATCOM
operates in standby mode (Figure 4(a)). If output
voltage of DSTATCOM Vi is greater than ac system
voltage Vs, DSTATCOM generate a capacitive
reactive power (Figure 4(b)) and finally If output
voltage of DSTATCOM Vi is lower than ac system
voltage Vs, DSTATCOM absorbed an inductive
reactive power (Figure 4(c)).
Fig 4. Phasor diagrams for operation modes of DSTATCOM
The modulation methods used in multilevel inverters
can be classified according to switching frequency.
Methods that work with high switching frequencies
have many commutations for the power
semiconductors in one period of the fundamental
output voltage. A very popular method in industrial
applications is the classic carrier-based sinusoidal
PWM (SPWM) that uses the phase-shifting technique
to reduce the harmonics in the load voltage. Another
interesting alternative is the SVM strategy, which has
been used to reduce the harmonics. There are several
kinds of modulation control methods such as
traditional sinusoidal pulse width modulation
(SPWM), space vector PWM, harmonic optimization
or selective harmonic elimination and active harmonic
elimination and they all can be used for inverter
modulation control. Space-vector PWM methods
generally have the following features: good utilization
of dc-link voltage, low current ripple, and relatively
easy hardware implementation by a digital signal
processor (DSP). These features make it suitable for
high-voltage high-power applications. As the number
of levels increases, redundant switching states and the
complexity of selecting switching states increase
Fig 3. Basic structure of DSTATCOM in distribution system
Basically, the DSTATCOM system is comprised of
three main parts: a VSC, a set of coupling reactors and
a controller. The basic principle of a DSTATCOM
installed in a power system is the generation of a
controllable ac voltage source by a voltage source
inverter (VSI) connected to a dc capacitor (energy
storage device). The ac voltage source, in general,
appears behind a transformer leakage reactance. The
active and reactive power transfer between the power
system and the DSTATCOM is caused by the voltage
difference across this reactance. The DSTATCOM is
connected to the power networks at a PCC, where the
voltage-quality problem is a concern. All required
Proceedings of 7th IRF International Conference, 27th April-2014, Pune, India, ISBN: 978-93-84209-09-4
Simulation of Cascaded H-bridge Multilevel Inverter Based D-Statcom for Power Quality Improvement with switching modulation Index
voltage in phase with the grid side voltage. This
voltage is provided by a voltage-sourced PWM
inverter. Va,b,c , Ia,b,c and Idc are considered as the
main controller inputs. The PLL is synchronized to the
fundamental of the transformer primary voltages in
order to production the angular velocity ( ω ) and
(sinω , cosω) vectors.
5.1) without compensation
Fig 5. Block diagram of controller
The voltage controller technique (also called as
decouple technique) is used as the control technique
for DSTATCOM. This control strategy uses the dq0
rotating reference frame because it offers higher
accuracy than stationary frame-based techniques. In
this Vabc are the three-phase terminal voltages, Iabc
are the three-phase currents injected by the
DSTATCOM into the network, Vrms is the
root-mean-square (rms) terminal voltage, Vdc is the dc
voltage measured in the capacitor, and the superscripts
indicate reference values. Such a controller employs a
phase-locked loop (PLL) to synchronize the three
phase voltages at the converter output with the zero
crossings of the fundamental component of the
phase-A terminal voltage. The block diagram of a
proposed control technique is shown in Fig 5.
Therefore, the PLL provides the angle φ to the
abc-to-dq0 (and dq0-to-abc) transformation. There are
also four proportional-integral (PI) regulators. The
first one is responsible for controlling the terminal
voltage through the reactive power exchange with the
ac network. Another PI regulator is responsible for
keeping the dc voltage constant through a small active
power exchange with the ac network, compensating
the active power losses in the transformer and inverter.
This PI regulator provides the active current reference
Id*. The other two PI regulators determine voltage
reference Vd*, and Vq*, which are sent to the PWM
signal generator of the converter, after a dq0-to-abc
transformation. Finally, Vabc* are the three phase
voltages desired at the converter output.
Fig.5.1 Simulink model without DSTATCOM
By using ( sinω , cosω) vectors and Ia,b,c as inputs for
abc-dq0 transformation block can calculate the d-axis
and q-axis components of the voltages and currents.
The Iq,ref and Id,ref respectively comes from the
comparing ( V ,Vac,ref ) and (Vdc ,Vdc,ref ). This
structure consists of two proportional-integral (PI)
outputs are the Vd and Vq voltages that adapted into
phase voltages Va , Vb , Vc which are used to
synthesize the PWM voltages. Phase shift PWM
modulation is used to generate the pulse switching for
cascade H-bridge inverter.
Figure-4.1 and 4.2 shows the Matab/Simulink power
circuit model of DSTATCOM. It consists of four
blocks named as source block, nonlinear load block,
control block, measurements block. The system
parameters for simulation study are source voltage of
22 kV, 50 Hz AC supply, Inverter series inductance 10
mH, Source resistance of 0.001 ohm and inductance of
30mH Load resistance and inductance are chosen as
100ohm and 500mH respectively.
Figure 5.1 & 5.2 shows Matlab/Simulink model of
DSTATCOM. The DSTATCOM controller will be
designed to compensate reactive power, voltage flicker
and mitigate harmonics currents of the load in the Bus.
The DSTATCOM kept a constant bus voltage by
absorbing or generating reactive power. This reactive
power transfer is done through the leakage reactance
of the coupling transformer by generating a secondary
In this model a three phase source of 3.3KV is
connected to load 1 and load 2. Load 1 is a nonlinear
load. When this is connected to the source a dip in
voltage called sag occurs. Due to the sag the voltage
will get reduced and current will get increased.
Without compensation means no compensating device
is connected to compensate the voltage sag. This dip in
voltage is the pollution caused by the nonlinear loads.
Proceedings of 7th IRF International Conference, 27th April-2014, Pune, India, ISBN: 978-93-84209-09-4
Simulation of Cascaded H-bridge Multilevel Inverter Based D-Statcom for Power Quality Improvement with switching modulation Index
5.2) with compensation
DSTATCOM‘s duty is to exchange reactive power
with network in order to keep bus voltage in 1 pu.
Figure 7 illustrates the voltage fluctuations in power
system with DSTATCOM that has very few
fluctuations. While voltage is more than 1 pu in bus,
the DSTATCOM absorbs reactive power, moreover,
while the voltage is lower than 1 pu, it produces
reactive power. Voltage and current fluctuations at bus
3 that loads are connected to it shown in Figure 8.
Fig.5.2 Simulink model with DSTATCOM
Fig 7. Voltage fluctuations in power system with DSTATCOM
When the dip in voltage occurs due to nonlinear load,
the DSTATCOM which is connected in shunt at the
point of common coupling inject the required
compensating voltage to the PCC. The inverter uses a
standard three-leg inverter (one leg for each phase)
and an H-bridge with a capacitor as its dc source in
series with each phase leg. The output of five level
boost inverter is given to the LC filter. The LC filter
filters the harmonics in the voltage to be injected. The
filtered voltage is injected to the line through the
coupling transformer. The output voltage, output
current and DC voltage are given as the input to the
controller. There is four PI controllers used. The
output voltage is compared with the reference. The
error voltage is given to the PI controller. Similarly the
output current and DC voltage is compared with its
reference and error output is given to the PI controller.
The vector control is used here. Modulation index lies
between 0 and 1. The three phase voltages abc
variables are converted to dq variables using park’s
transformation. Then dq variables are converted to abc
variables using Inverse Clarke transformation. The
m-shaped signals are then compared with reference
square signal to produce the gating for the converter.
Fig 8. Voltage and current variations without DSTATCOM
Fig 9. Voltage and current variations with DSTATCOM
The performance of the DSTATCOM is validated for
the chosen distribution network whose Matlab
single-line diagram is shown in Figure 4. Voltage in
network is different in various moments because of the
load changes. Generator voltage fluctuations in power
system are shown in Figure 6 without DSTATCOM
and it fluctuations between 0.9 pu and 1.1 pu.
Fig 10. Reactive power exchange between DSTATCOM and grid
By adding a DSTATCOM to near the loads can use it
for power quality improvement. Figure 9 shows that
voltage and current fluctuations at bus with
DSTATCOM. Figure 10 shows reactive power
variation in DSTATCOM.
Fig 6. Voltage fluctuations in power system without DSTATCOM
Proceedings of 7th IRF International Conference, 27th April-2014, Pune, India, ISBN: 978-93-84209-09-4
Simulation of Cascaded H-bridge Multilevel Inverter Based D-Statcom for Power Quality Improvement with switching modulation Index
Exchange reactive power between DSTATCOM and
grid causes that the power system voltage and current
at the consumer side to be balanced. Factor that causes
the reactive power exchange between DSTATCOM
and grid be done is vertical component of reactive
current ( Iq ). Figure 11 shows how Iq and Iqref
change. For adjusting Iq in a needed amount, it is
necessary to control amplitude and phase of voltage
and injected current to the power system by
DSTATCOM. This amplitude control is done by
modulation index. The amount of injected voltage and
current of DSTATCOM for phase A is shown in
Figure 12. &Figure 13 illustrates variations of
capacitor voltage used in one of the multilevel inverter
in Figure 21 the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of
five-level cascade H-bridge inverter output current
before filtering was obtained 5.69%.
Fig 14. THD of multilevel inverter output current
A model of system feeding nonlinear loads has been
developed using MATLAB Simulink. DSTATCOM
with Cascaded H-bridge Inverter is investigated. The
cascaded H-bridge multilevel boost inverter without
inductors uses a standard three-leg inverter (one leg
for each phase) and an H-bridge in series with each
inverter leg. The load voltage, RMS voltage, current,
real power, reactive power under nonlinear loads is
simulated. From the results we can see that there is an
improvement in power factor. Finally, the
performance of the system without DSTATCOM and
with DSTATCOM using CHB is evaluated.
Fig 11. Iq and Iqref variations
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Proceedings of 7th IRF International Conference, 27th April-2014, Pune, India, ISBN: 978-93-84209-09-4