UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI FACULTY OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERING 100 W LOW COST INVERTER FOR SOLAR ENERGY CONVERSION PROJECT INDEX: PRJ 027 BY KETTER RONALD KIPKOECH F17/2140/2004 SUPERVISOR: DR. MWANGI MBUTHIA EXAMINER: MR. OGABA Project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Science in ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING of the University of Nairobi Submitted On: 20th May, 2009. i ABSTRACT This project report outlines the research, design and implementation of a low power direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) inverter with particular focus on developing a low cost transformer-less voltage source conversion that has a higher efficiency as well as compact in size. The final design consisted of a two-stage converter consisting of a DC-DC Step Up stage and a DC-AC Inverter stage. The DC-DC Step up converter was based on switched capacitor techniques and steps 12Vdc to 240Vdc. The inverter stage was based on a full-bridge configuration that generates a 240Vac output from 240Vdc. To achieve this improvement in inverter efficiency and a reduction in cost, the power transformer and magnetic components such as inductors have been eliminated. In addition, inverter voltage control techniques such as pulse width modulation (PWM) and switching of MOSFETs have been optimized through digital control using ATtiny26L microcontroller unit. The concern for environmental degradation from fossils fuel as well as well as the depletion of these resources has led to major investment in the research and development of the renewable energy sources. Solar energy has emerged as one of the major alternative source. The disadvantages of using solar energy are its higher capital cost in comparison to that of conventional sources of energy, and its conversion efficiency, which in commercially available Photovoltaic (PV) systems is less than 90%.Consequently, for utility connected PV generation to become a viable alternative energy source, its efficiency needs to be improved, its cost reduced, and the quality of power supplied by the inverters must meet standards. Therefore, this project seeks to achieve this improvement as outlined in the report. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The achievements made in this project have been realized with assistance from a number of people, and the author wishes to express his gratitude to them for their contributions. The author also wishes to sincerely thank his project supervisor, Dr. Mwangi Mbuthia for his guidance and encouragement during the course of this project. A special thanks to fellow students and friends- Gideon, Raphael, Edwin and Boniface for their assistance when it was required and moral support over the years. Finally, the author would also like to thank his parents for their love, encouragement and support throughout this long journey. iii List of Figures Figure 1.0 System Schematic ..........................................................................................3 Figure 2.1 Block diagram of Solar PV grid connected system........................................6 Figure 2.2 Basic DC-DC converter..................................................................................8 Figure 2.3 DC-DC converter voltage waveforms.............................................................9 Figure 2.4 Pulse width modulation concepts....................................................................9 Figure 2.5 Basic boost converters.....................................................................................10 Figure 2.6 Basic boost converter switch states.................................................................10 Figure 2.7 Positive output switched-capacitor converters................................................13 Figure 2.8 A simple voltage doubler……………………................................................15 Figure 2.9 A practical voltage doubler………….………................................................16 Figure 2.10 Four-level MMCCC with three modular blocks...........................................17 Figure 2.11 DC-AC Converter……………………………….........................................20 Figure 2.12 Topology of a single-phase, full-bridge inverter...........................................22 Figure 2.13 MOSFET schematic diagram and characteristics..........................................24 Figure 2.14 Switching waveforms at (a) turn-on and (b) turn-off....................................26 Figure 2.15 Totem-pole gate drive circuit.........................................................................27 Figure 2.16 Triangular carrier wave and PWM signal for 80% duty cycle.......................29 Figure 2.17 Spectrum of a PWM signal with 25% duty cycle ………………..................30 Figure 2.18 Uni-Polar PWM………………......................................................................32 Figure 3.2 Gate driver circuit …........................................................................................38 Figure 3.3 H-bridge inverter circuit....................................................................................38 Figure 4.1 Four Modules Simulation result of the Dc-Dc converter stage.........................42 Figure 4.2 Prototype Circuit………………………………………………........................44 iv Table of Contents Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... ii Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................ iii List of Figures.............................................................................................................................. .iv 1.0 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................1 1.1 Background ............................................................................................................................1 1.2 Project Objectives………………………………..……………………….………………...2 1.3 Justification ……….…………………………………………………….……..…………...3 1.4 Outline of the report ……….……….…………………………………….………………...3 2.0 REVIEW OF LITERATURE ............................................................................................5 2.1 Solar Photovoltaic Energy System overview .........................................................................5 2.2 DC-DC Conversion ................................................................................................................7 2.2.1 Ideal Boost Converter ......................................................................................................9 Continuous Conduction mode ...............................................................................10 Discontinuous Conduction mode ..........................................................................11 2.2.2 Switched- Capacitor Converters ..................................................................................11 2.2.3 Charge Pump DC–DC Converter ................................................................................13 2.2.4 Capacitor-clamped multilevel dc-dc converter ............................................................16 2.3 DC-AC Conversion ..............................................................................................................18 2.3.1 Full-bridge Single phase inverters ................................................................................21 2.4 MOSFETs ............................................................................................................................24 2.4.1 MOSFETs Used As Switches ......................................................................................25 2.4.2 MOSFET Drivers .........................................................................................................27 2.4.3 Power Losses ................................................................................................................28 2.5 Pulse width modulation (PWM) ..........................................................................................29 2.5.1 Bi-polar PWM ..............................................................................................................31 2.5.2 Uni-polar PWM ............................................................................................................31 2.6 Digital Control ....................................................................................................................33 3.0 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................35 3.1 DC-DC converter Design .....................................................................................................35 3.1.1 Capacitor Selection .....................................................................................................36 v 3.1.2 MOSFET Selection .....................................................................................................37 3.1.3 Gate Drive ...................................................................................................................37 3.2 DC-AC Inverter Design ......................................................................................................38 3.3 Control Circuit .....................................................................................................................39 4.0 ANALYSIS AND RESULTS ...............................................................................................41 4.1 Calculated Efficiency ..........................................................................................................41 4.2 Simulation Results ...............................................................................................................41 4.2.1 DC-DC converter stage ...............................................................................................41 4.3 Testing gating Signal ..........................................................................................................42 4.4 Prototype Results .................................................................................................................43 5.0 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK ............................................................................45 5.1 Conclusion ...........................................................................................................................45 5.2 Future Work ........................................................................................................................45 APPENDIX ..................................................................................................................................46 A PWM ATtiny26L Program ....................................................................................................46 B Microcontroller Power Supply Circuit ..................................................................................49 C ATtiny26 Datasheet ..............................................................................................................50 D IRF740 Datasheet ..................................................................................................................55 vi CHAPTER 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background An inverter is a device that takes a DC (Direct Current) input and produces a sinusoidal AC (Alternating Current) output. An inverter needs to be designed to handle the requirements of an energy hungry household yet remain efficient during periods of low demand. Inverters can be designed in a number of topologies depending on the situation and its requirements. The efficiency of the inverter is highly dependent on the switching device, topology and switching frequency of the inverter. Nowadays, the main energy supplier of the worldwide economy is fossil fuel. This however has led to many problems such as global warming and air pollution. Therefore, with regard to the worldwide trend of green energy, solar power technology has become one of the most promising energy resources. The number of PV installations has had an exponential growth, mainly due to general public, the governments and utility companies who support the idea of the green energy. The solar cell transforms the light energy into electric energy. It represents a source with a good energy density and a high theoretical efficiency. From an electric point of view, the solar cell is considered as a voltage source. This source is nevertheless imperfect. Therefore it is necessary to insert an inverter between the solar cell and the network in order to obtain the alternating electric source. PV systems are connected to domestic systems or the grid via inverters. Therefore criterions have to be defined to choose the inverter, taking into account the difference of voltage values between a typical solar cell 12V and the required voltage for home applications which is 240V AC in Kenya. In most of the current systems, transformers are used in the inverter. In my project 1 however, one of the methods used to reduce power loss, cost and size of the inverter system was to avoid the use of power transformers. The amount of electrical energy produced by a PV system connected to a consumer does not always coincide with the energy demand of that consumer. Therefore, to use all the energy produced from such a system requires large energy storage capacity to be used in conjunction with the PV generation. Alternatively, a more economical method would be to directly feed any excess energy from the PV system to the grid network. The advantage of utility connected PV generation over the stand-alone systems is that back-up generation and bulk storage are shared. Grid-connected PV systems, when located at the point of use have potential benefits such as reduction in:• Transmission power losses, • Transmission line capacity requirement, • Conventional generation capacity requirement, • CO2 emissions and fuel costs. The main disadvantages of using PV energy are its capital cost in comparison to that of the conventional sources of energy and its conversion efficiency. High efficiency is invariably required, since cooling of inefficient power converters is difficult and expensive. The ideal power converter exhibits 100% efficiency; in practice, efficiencies of 70% to 95% are typically obtained. Consequently, for utility connected PV generation to become a viable alternative energy source not only must the cost of the PV panels and the inverter system be reduced but also its efficiency needs to be improved. 1.2. Project Objectives The main aim of this project was to design and implement a single phase, transformer-less PV inverter system suitable for both domestic applications, which would lead to higher inverter efficiencies, improved output power quality and reduced cost. 2 The specific objectives of the project are summarised as: a. Design a low cost 12v DC to 240v AC, 100w inverter. b. To construct and test the inverter based on the design specifications. c. To obtain experimental results to validate the higher efficiencies of the proposed inverter system can be achieved without compromising the quality of output power fed to the domestic or grid system or its cost. Therefore the project can be split into two major components- A DC-DC step up converter and a DC-AC inverter. The overall system schematic can be seen in Figure 1.0. 12 VDC 12VDC to 240VDC Switched Capacitor Converter 240VDC to 240VAC Full Bridge Inverter 240VAC Digital ControllerAtmel ATtiny26 Figure 1.0 System Schematic The system consists of microcontroller circuit for generating sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) pulses to control switches in both the DC-DC step up converter stage and the full bridge circuit. SPWM signal generated by the microcontroller 1.3 Justification All over the world the importance of renewable energy sources is recognized by both the general public and the power industries. The concern for environmental degradation from fossils fuel as 3 well as well as the depletion of these resources has led to a shift in focus into research on the use of renewable energy sources such as solar power, wind, running water, biomass and geothermal. In addition, there are still a significant number of remote locations that are not connected to a supply grid. Often, the cost of connecting these locations to the grid far outweighs the initial expenditure required to set up some form of renewable energy source on location. This proposition is made more attractive with the introduction of high efficiency inverters. This is due to the fact that an inefficient inverter leads to higher rating requirements on all preceding devices - often expensive solar panels and battery banks. The cost of higher ratings on these preceding devices far outweighs the cost of researching, designing and developing an efficient high power inverter. Recent advances in microprocessor technology have led to ‘single-chip’ solutions for the control of inverters which makes complicated control systems cheap and efficient. 1.4 Outline of the report Chapter 2 will begin with a literature review on all relevant recent articles written on the subject of both power inverters and their control. Chapter 3 will explain the implementation of both stages of the inverter and the control system, detailing both hardware and software design. Chapter 4 will give the results of testing on both stages of the inverter implementation of the design Chapter 5 will give an overall conclusion of the project and some suggestions for further research. 4 CHAPTER TWO 2.0 REVIEW OF LITERATURE There have been a large number of articles written concerning power conversion in recent years. This can be attributed in part to the increased use of renewable energy sources producing DC voltage which has to be converted to AC for use in applications. In addition, the rise in popularity of high voltage DC transmission systems - and their integration with existing AC supply grids has contributed to increase in research and development in power conversion. There is also a consistent demand for high efficiency inverter devices for lower power applications like residential houses, UPS and remote areas of the world. This chapter will discuss and contrast recent literature concerning high power inverters and their control. 2.1 Solar Photovoltaic Energy System overview Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems use solar panels made of silicon to convert sunlight into electricity. The electricity is direct current and can be used that way, converted to alternating current or stored for later use. Sunlight is made of photons, small particles of energy. These photons are absorbed by and pass through the material of a solar cell or solar photovoltaic panel. The photons 'agitate' the electrons found in the material of the photovoltaic cell. As they begin to move (or are dislodged), these are 'routed' into a current - the movement of electrons along a path. Wire conducts these electrons, either to batteries or to the regular electrical system of the house, to be used by appliances and other household electrical items. In many solar energy systems, the battery stores energy for later use. This is especially true when the sun is shining strongly. Grid connection of photovoltaic systems is becoming popular as they can contribute electrical energy to the utility system under energy buy back schemes to reduce the payback period. The excess energy from the photovoltaic system is absorbed by the grid and the grid in turn feeds the house 5 when the electricity from the PV system is inadequate. The user of a photovoltaic system can get benefits from the grid with appropriate load management within the system. The various components in a solar photovoltaic energy system are shown in figure 2.1.These components include: solar panel arrays, maximum power point tracking (MPPT), charge controllers, inverter and meter for grid connected PV system. Figure 2.1 Block diagram Solar PV grid connected system The solar panel consists of photovoltaic cells which come in a variety of forms, the most common structure is a semiconductor material into which a large-area diode, or p-n junction, has been formed. An installation of photovoltaic modules or panels is known as a photovoltaic array. Photovoltaic cells typically require protection from the environment. For cost and practicality reasons a number of cells are connected electrically and packaged in a photovoltaic module, while a collection of these modules that are mechanically fastened together, wired, and designed to be a field-installable unit, sometimes with a glass covering and a frame and backing made of metal, plastic or fiberglass, are known as a photovoltaic panel or simply solar panel. The maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is feature that optimizes the solar photovoltaic array's energy production. The power output of a module varies as a function of the voltage in a way that power generation can be optimized by varying the system voltage to find the 'maximum power point'. This can be part of the charge controllers and it makes use of set points- specific voltages at which the charge controller changes its charge rate. Some allow the user to adjust 6 these set points himself but most modern MPPT use digital control techniques to adjust to the desired set point. A charge controller is used in combination with a battery, and it does just what its name implies: it controls the charge your battery is receiving. The charge controller is placed between the solar module and the battery. When the battery has received enough charge, the charge controller will withhold further charging. This is also called "voltage regulating" within the solar industry. Without a charge controller, your battery will over-charge. This can damage your battery and it may be dangerous in other ways-it can even cause fires. In addition, some charge controllers also have a feature called low-voltage disconnect (LVD). This feature prevents the battery from overdischarging. As with any other battery, draining causes damage. Almost all modern inverters, even cheap pocket-sized ones, have this feature built in. Solar energy systems use a lead-acid deep cycle battery. This type of battery is different from a conventional car battery, as it is designed to be more tolerant of the kind of ongoing charging and discharging you would expect when you have variable sunshine from one day to the next. Leadacid deep cycle batteries last longer but they also cost more than a conventional battery. The major difference between lead acid batteries and other batteries is that they have solid lead plates; in conventional car batteries, the plate is made of a sponge-like material. Depth of discharge is a measure of how much energy has been taken from a battery. With the lead-acid deep cycle battery used in a solar electric system, there is more tolerance for discharging. You can discharge the battery of a solar energy system 50% to 80% with no damage to the battery 2.2 DC­DC Conversion The purpose of a DC-DC converter is to supply a regulated DC output voltage to a variable-load resistance from a fluctuating DC input voltage. In many cases the DC input voltage is obtained by rectifying a line voltage that is changing in magnitude. DC-DC converters are commonly used in applications requiring regulated DC power, such as computers, medical instrumentation, communication devices, television receivers, and battery chargers. DC-DC converters are also used to provide a regulated variable DC voltage for DC motor speed control applications. 7 The output voltage in DC-DC converters is generally controlled using a switching concept, as illustrated by the basic DC-DC converter shown in Figure 2.2. Early DC-DC converters were known as choppers with silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCRs) used as the switching mechanisms. Switc RL VIN VOUT Figure 2.2 basic DC-DC converters Modern DC-DC converters classified as switch mode power supplies (SMPS) employ insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) and metal oxide silicon field effect transistors (MOSFETs). The switch mode power supply has several functions: 1. Step down an unregulated DC input voltage to produce a regulated DC output voltage using a buck or step-down converter. 2. Step up an unregulated DC input voltage to produce a regulated DC output voltage using a boost or step-up converter. 3. Step down and then step up an unregulated DC input voltage to produce a regulated DC output voltage using a buck–boost converter. 4. Produce multiple DC outputs using a combination of SMPS topologies The regulation of the average output voltage in a DC-DC converter is a function of the on-time, ton of the switch, the pulse width, and the switching frequency as illustrated in Figure 2.3[1] Pulse width modulation (PWM) is the most widely used method of controlling the output voltage. The PWM concept is illustrated in Figure 2.4[1]. The output voltage control depends on the duty ratio, D. The duty ratio is defined as 8 (2.1) Based on the on-time ton of the switch and the switching period Ts. PWM switching involves comparing the level of a control voltage, to the level of a repetitive waveform as illustrated in Fig. 2.3. The on-time of the switch is defined as the portion of the switching period where the value of the repetitive waveform is less than the control voltage. The switching period (switching frequency) remains constant while the control voltage level is adjusted to change the on-time and therefore the duty ratio of the switch. The switching frequency is usually chosen above 20 kHz so the noise is outside the audio range. DC-DC converters operate in one of two modes depending on the characteristics of the output current: 1. Continuous conduction 2. Discontinuous conduction The continuous-conduction mode is defined by continuous output current (greater than zero) over the entire switching period, whereas the discontinuous conduction mode is defined by discontinuous output current (equal to zero) during any portion of the switching period. Figure 2.3 DC-DC converter voltage waveforms Figure 2.4 Pulse width modulation concepts 2.2.1 Ideal Boost Converter The circuit that models the basic operation of the boost converter is shown in Figure 2.5 9 Figure 2.5 Basic boost converters The input voltage in series with the inductor acts as a current source. The energy stored in the inductor builds up when the switch is closed. When the switch is opened, current continues to flow through the inductor to the load. Since the source and the discharging inductor are both providing energy with the switch open, the effect is to boost the voltage across the load. The load consists of a resistor in parallel with a filter capacitor. The capacitor voltage is larger than the input voltage. The capacitor is large to keep a constant output voltage and acts to reduce the ripple in the output voltage. Continuous Conduction mode The continuous-conduction mode of operation occurs when the current through the inductor in the circuit of Figure 2.6 is continuous with the inductor current always greater than zero. The operation of the circuit in steady state consists of two states. The first state with the switch closed has current charging the inductor from the voltage source. The switch opens at the end of the ontime and the inductor discharges current to the load with the input voltage source still connected. This results in an output voltage across the capacitor larger than the input voltage. The output voltage remains constant if the RC time constant is significantly larger than the on-time of the switch. Figure 2.6 Basic boost converter switch states: (a) switch closed (b) switch open 10 The voltage ratio for a boost converter is derived based on the time-integral of the inductor voltage equal to zero over one switching period. The voltage ratio is equivalent to the ratio of the switching period to the off-time of the switch as shown by the equation 2.2 (2.2) Discontinuous­Conduction Mode The discontinuous mode of operation occurs when the value of the load current is less than or equal to zero at the end of a given switching period. Assuming a linear rise and fall of current through the inductor, the boundary point between continuous- and discontinuous-current conduction occurs when the average inductor current over one switching period is half the peak value. The average inductor current at the boundary point is calculated using the equation 2.3 (2.3) And the expression for can be obtained as: (2.4) 2.2.2 Switched­ Capacitor Converters Classic DC/DC converters consist of inductors and capacitors. They are large because of the mixture of inductors and capacitors. The demand small efficient DC-DC converters has led to development of several types of switched component converters and are made of either inductors or capacitors, so-called switched-inductor and switched-capacitors. They can perform in two- or four-quadrant operation with high output power range (thousands of Watts) and efficiency. Switched-capacitor DC/DC, according to [3], converters consist of only capacitors. Because there is no inductor in the circuit, their size is small. They have outstanding advantages such as low power losses and low electromagnetic interference (EMI). Since its electromagnetic radiation is low, switched-capacitor DC/DC converters are required in certain equipment. The 11 switched-capacitor can be integrated into an integrated-chip (IC). Hence, its size is largely reduced, has very high power density and is more efficient. Much attention has been drawn to the switched-capacitor converter since its development. Many papers have been published discussing its characteristics and advantages. However, most of the converters in the literature perform a single-quadrant operation. Some of them work in the push-pull status. In addition, their control circuit and topologies are very complex, especially, for the large difference between input and output voltages. Switched-capacitor (SC) converters can perform in push-pull state with conduction duty cycle k = 0.5. There exist several topologies in the design of positive output SC converters. Each circuit has one main switch S and several slave switches as Si (i = 1, 2, 3 …n). The number n is called stage number. The main switch S is on and slaves off during switch-on period kT, and S is off and slaves on during switch-off period (1 – k)T. The load is resistive load R. Input voltage and current are VIN and IIN, output voltage and current are VO and IO. The elementary circuit of positive output SC converter and its equivalent circuits during switch-on and switch-off are shown in Figure 2.7[3]. The voltage across capacitor C1 is charged to VIN during switch on. The voltage across capacitor C2 is charged to VO = 2 VIN during switch off. Therefore, the output voltage is VO = 2 VIN Considering the voltage drops across the diodes and switches, we combine all values in a figure of ∆V. Therefore the real output voltage is VO = 2 VIN – ∆V (2.5) 12 Figure 2.7 Positive output switched-capacitor converters The re-lift circuit is derived from the elementary circuit by adding parts set: one slave switch, two switched-capacitors and three diodes. The higher order lift circuit is designed by just multiple repeating of the parts in the re-lift circuit. The output voltage of the nth-order lift circuit is (2.6) 2.2.3 Charge Pump DC–DC Converter Charge pump is a popular dc-dc circuit which is used to obtain a voltage higher than the supply voltage or a voltage with reverse polarity. In many applications such as the Power IC, continuous time filters, EEPROMs, and switched-capacitor transformers, voltages higher than the power 13 supplies are frequently required. Increased voltage levels are obtained as a result of transferring charges to a capacitive load, and do not involve amplifiers or regular transformers. It is well suited for monolithic integration and those applications where high voltage and limited current drivability are required. Charge-pump voltage converters use ceramic or electrolytic capacitors to store and transfer energy. Although capacitors are more common and much cheaper than the coils used in other types of DC/DC converters, capacitors can't change their voltage level abruptly. A changing capacitor voltage always follows the exponential function, which imposes limitations that inductive voltage converters can avoid. On the other hand, inductive voltage converters are more expensive. Capacitive voltage conversion is achieved by switching a capacitor periodically. Passive diodes can perform this switching function in the simplest cases, provided an alternating voltage is available. Otherwise, DC voltage levels require the use of active switches, which first charge the capacitor by connecting it across a voltage source and then connect it to the output in a way that produces a different voltage level. Charge pumps usually operate at a high- frequency level in order to increase their output power within a reasonable size of total capacitance used for charge transfer. This operating frequency may be adjusted by compensating for changes in the power requirements and saving the energy delivered to the charge pump. With the rapid development of portable electronic equipments, low-power low-voltage techniques are desired for all kinds of digital and analog system designs, so that charge pump switched capacitor (SC) dc-dc converter has been recently receiving renewed interest. Most topologies of charge pumps are based on three types: Dickson, cross-connecting, and Makowski. A common disadvantage of Dickson and cross-connecting charge pump is that, they may require a large number of devices and silicon area when a high voltage gain is needed, while with the development in electronic technology, larger voltage gains are desired in various applications. A basic cell of charge pump cell is as shown in Figure 2.8. It consists of a single capacitor and three switches. 14 3 2 S1 AM Vin C1 1 4 S2 S3 0 Figure 2.8 A simple voltage doubler During first clock phase Ф1, switches S1 and S3 are closed and the capacitor is charged to the supply voltage, VIN. In the next clock phase Ф2, switch S2 is closed and the bottom plate of the capacitor assumes a potential VIN, while the capacitor maintains its charge of VINC from the previous phase. This means that during Ф2 (VOUT- VIN) ×C = VIN× C (2.7) VOUT = 2 VIN (2.8) Therefore, Thus, in the absence of a DC load, an output voltage has been generated that is twice the supply voltage. In order to accommodate a load at the output, the circuit would be modified by adding an output capacitance as shown in Figure. 2.9 15 3 2 5 S1 AM S4 C1 Vin Cout Load 0 0 4 S2 1 S3 0 Figure2.9 Practical Voltage Doubler In this case, the ideal output voltage is given by (2.9) If a load RL is present, then a ripple voltage, VR, is generated at the output. The ripple voltage can be reduced by making Co sufficiently large so that VR is negligible compared to Vout. Voltage multiplication greater than twice the supply voltage can be achieved by cascading more than one capacitor in series. 2.2.4 Capacitor­clamped multilevel dc-dc converter Multilevel dc-dc converter is becoming more popular for its high efficiency power conversion. Some of them have bidirectional power handling capability, which is one of the key requirements in future hybrid electric or fuel-cell-powered automobile power systems. There are several types of multilevel dc-dc converters that can be broadly categorized as diode-clamped multilevel dc-dc converters and capacitor-clamped multilevel converters. The capacitor-clamped multilevel converters are the most implemented because of higher efficiency such as flying capacitor and multilevel modular capacitor clamped dc-dc converter (MMCCC) [4], [5]. Unlike 16 other topologies such as the flying capacitor multilevel dc-dc converters, MMCCC, which is based on Fibonacci switched-capacitor converter topology is completely modular and requires a simpler switching scheme. In addition, the new topology has many advantageous features such as high frequency operation capability, low input/output current ripple, low ON-state voltage drop, and bidirectional power flow management. Its modular structure allows for the design to achieve any conversion ratio (CR). Each modular block has one capacitor and three transistors leading to three terminal points. Figure 2.10 shows the simplified operational circuit of the MMCCC SB6 Vin SR1 SB1 Vou SR4 C C C SB1 SR3 SB5 SR SB SR Figure 2.10 Four-level MMCCC with three modular blocks The switching sequence in the new converter works in a simpler way than the conventional converter. As there are only two subintervals, two switching states are present in the circuit. 17 Switches SR1 to SR5 in Figure 2.10 are switched on at the same time for duty cycle, D= 0.5 to achieve state 1; while in the same way, switches SB1 to SB6 are operated simultaneously to make the steady-state 2. The simpler switching scheme enables high-speed operation for the new MMCCC circuit. The other major advantage of the modular structure is the flexibility to change the conversion ratio. For a five level conversion, four modules are connected in cascade configuration. Thus, the number of modules is (N − 1) where N is the conversion ratio. In this way, any number of modules can be connected in cascade and the corresponding conversion ratio can be achieved. The MMCCC topology is a capacitor-clamped converter, and energy is transferred from one bus to another by capacitors only. This topology uses the same capacitors in each module making the circuit modular, although the capacitors in different modules will experience different voltage stresses. To ensure equal voltage stress across the transistors, capacitors in different modules have to withstand unequal voltage stress. 2.3 DC­AC Inversion Inversion is the conversion of dc power to ac power at a desired output voltage or current and frequency and is shown in Figure 2.11. This conversion can be achieved either by transistors or by silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs). For low to medium power outputs, transistorised inverters are suitable but for high power outputs, SCRs should be used.For low power, self oscillating transistorized inverters are suitable but for high-power outputs, driven inverters are more common. Moreover for multiphase Ac output, there is no alternative other than driven inverters. The driven inverters have better frequency stability because a separate master oscillator is used for the purpose. For the application in inverters transistors have an edge over SCRs regarding switching speed, simplicity of the control circuits, higher efficiency and greater reliability. This is mainly due to the fact that SCRs require extra circuits to turn off, moreover additional complex logic circuits may be required to prevent false triggering and provide proper commutating timing. SCRs can handle much higher load current than transistors and consequently, for high outputs, SCRs become more desirable under high current conditions. The terms voltage-fed and current-fed are used in connection with inverter circuits. 18 A voltage-fed inverter is one in which the dc input voltage is essentially constant and independent of the load current drawn. The inverter specifies the load voltage while the drawn current shape is dictated by the load. A current-fed inverter (or current source inverter) is one in which the source, hence the load current is predetermined and the load impedance determines the output voltage. The supply current cannot change quickly. This is achieved by series dc supply inductance which prevents sudden changes in current. The load current magnitude is controlled by varying the input dc voltage to the large inductance; hence inverter response to load changes is slow. Being a current source, the inverter can survive an output short circuit thereby offering fault ride-through properties. Inverter circuits can also be broadly classified into two classes, namely, amplifier-type sine-wave inverters and saturated-switch type square-wave inverters. In amplifier-type inverters, transistors are used as amplifiers operating in a non-saturated condition. The efficiency of this type of inverters is generally low because of high power dissipation in the transistors. There are other problems such as cross-over distortions. These circuits are suitable for low power applications and where load power factor and load regulation are not important and efficiency is not a criterion. The saturated-switch type inverters have a high efficiency because transistors or SCRs are used to operate like switches, that is, in either a fully saturated conducting mode or a cut-off blocking mode. The losses in the semiconductor devices reduce considerably due to their mode of action and consequently not only does the efficiency become high but much more power can be drawn at the output than in the case of the amplifier-type circuits using the same rating of the transistors. Voltage control may be required to maintain a fixed output voltage when the dc input voltage regulation is poor, or to control power to a load. The inverter and its output can be single-phase, three-phase or multi-phase. Variable output frequency may be required for ac motor speed control where, in conjunction with voltage or current control, constant motor flux can be maintained. Inverter output waveforms are usually rectilinear in nature and as such contain harmonics which may lead to reduced load efficiency and performance. Load harmonic reduction can be achieved by either filtering, selected harmonic reduction chopping or pulse-width modulation. 19 Figure 2.11 DC-AC Converter Typically the inverters are “hard switched” voltage source producing pulse-width modulated (PWM) signals with a sinusoidal fundamental. The PWM signal is then filtered to obtain a near sinusoidal waveform. A very common application for single-phase inverters are so-called “uninterruptable power supplies” (UPS) for computers and other critical loads. Here, the output waveforms range from square wave to almost ideal sinusoids. UPS designs are classified as either “off-line” or “online”. An off-line UPS will connect the load to the utility for most of the time and quickly switch over to the inverter if the utility fails. An online UPS will always feed the load from the inverter and switch the supply of the DC bus instead. Since the DC bus is heavily buffered with capacitors, the load sees virtually no disturbance if the power fails. In addition to the very common hard-switched inverters, active research is being conducted on soft switching techniques. Hard-switched inverters use controllable power semiconductors to connect an output terminal to a stable DC bus. On the other hand, soft switching inverters have an oscillating intermediate circuit and attempt to open and close the power switches under zerovoltage and or zero-current conditions. Modern inverters use insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) as the main power control devices. Besides IGBTs, power MOSFETs are also used especially for lower voltages, power ratings, and applications that require high efficiency and high switching frequency. In recent years, IGBTs, MOSFETs, and their control and protection circuitry have made remarkable progress. IGBTs are now available with voltage ratings of up to 3300 V and current ratings up to 1200 A. MOSFETs have achieved on-state resistances approaching a few milliohms. In addition to the devices, manufacturers today offer customized control circuitry that provides for electrical isolation, proper operation of the devices under normal operating conditions and protection from 20 a variety of fault conditions. In addition, the industry provides good support for specialized passive devices such as capacitors and mechanical components such as low inductance bus-bar assemblies to facilitate the design of reliable inverters. In addition to the aforementioned inverters, a large number of special topologies are used. Inverters fall in the class of power electronics circuits. One of the most important performance considerations of power electronics circuits, like inverters, is their energy conversion efficiency. The most important reason for demanding high efficiency is the problem of removing large amounts of heat from the power devices. Of course, the judicious use of energy is also paramount, especially if the inverter is fed from batteries such as in PV systems and electric cars. For these reasons, inverters operate the power devices, which control the flow of energy, as switches. In the ideal case of a switching event, there would be no power loss in the switch since either the current in the switch is zero (switch open) or the voltage across the switch is zero (switch closed) and the power loss is computed as the product of both. In reality, there are two mechanisms that do create some losses, however; these are on-state losses and switching losses [3]. On-state losses are due to the fact that the voltage across the switch in the on state is not zero, but typically in the range of 1 to 2 V for IGBTs. For power MOSFETs, the on-state voltage is often in the same range, but it can be substantially below 0.5 V due to the fact that these devices have a purely resistive conduction channel and no fixed minimum saturation voltage like bipolar junction devices (IGBTs). The switching losses are the second major loss mechanism and are due to the fact that, during the turn-on and turn-off transition, current is flowing while voltage is present across the device. In order to minimize the switching losses, the individual transitions have to be rapid (tens to hundreds of nanoseconds) and the maximum switching frequency needs to be carefully considered. In order to avoid audible noise being radiated equipment such as motors, most modern inverters operate at switching frequencies substantially above 10 kHz. 2.3.1 Full­bridge Single phase inverters Figure2.12 [2] shows the basic topology of a full-bridge inverter with single-phase output. This configuration is often called an H-bridge, due to the arrangement of the power switches and the load. The inverter can deliver and accept both real and reactive power. The inverter has two legs, left and right. Each leg consists of two power control devices (here IGBTs) connected in series. The load is connected between the midpoints of the two phase legs. Each power control device 21 has a diode connected in anti-parallel to it. The diodes provide an alternate path for the load current if the power switches are turned off. For example, if the lower IGBT in the left leg is conducting and carrying current towards the negative DC bus, this current would “commutate” into the diode across the upper IGBT of the left leg, if the lower IGBT is turned off. Control of the circuit is accomplished by varying the turn on time of the upper and lower IGBT of each inverter leg, with the provision of never turning on both at the same time, to avoid a short circuit of the DC bus. In fact, modern drivers will not allow this to happen, even if the controller would erroneously command both devices to be turned on. The controller will therefore alternate the turn on commands for the upper and lower switch, i.e., turn the upper switch on and the lower switch off, and vice versa. The driver circuit will typically add some additional blanking time (typically 500 to 1000 ns) during the switch transitions to avoid any overlap in the conduction intervals. The controller will hereby control the duty cycle of the conduction phase of the switches. The average potential of the center-point of each leg will be given by the DC bus voltage multiplied by the duty cycle of the upper switch, if the negative side of the DC bus is used as a reference. If this duty cycle is modulated with a sinusoidal signal with a frequency that is much smaller than the switching frequency, the short-term average of the center-point potential will follow the modulation signal. “Short-term” in this context means a small fraction of the period of the fundamental output frequency to be produced by the inverter. FIGURE 2.12 Topology of a single-phase, full-bridge inverter 22 For the single phase full-bridge inverter, the modulations of the two legs are inverse of each other. When S1 and S4 are turned on simultaneously, the input voltage Vs appears across the load. If S2 and S3 are turned on at the same time, the voltage across the load is reversed and is -Vs. The rms output voltage, according to [2], can be found from Vo = (2.10) Equation 2.9 can be extended to express the instantaneous output voltage in Fourier series as Vo = (2.11) and for n= 1 equation gives the rms value of the fundamental component as V1 Vs (2.12) When the H-bridge is implemented using MOSFETs then use of P-Channel MOSFETs on the high side and N-Channel MOSFETs on the low side is easier, but using all N-Channel MOSFETs and a FET driver, lower “on” resistance can be obtained resulting in reduced power loss. The use of all N-Channel MOSFETs requires a driver, since in order to turn on a high side N-Channel MOSFET, there must be a voltage higher than the switching voltage (in the case of a power inverter, 170V). This difficulty is often overcome by driver circuits capable of charging an external capacitor to create additional potential. This voltage can be filtered using an LC or RC low-pass filter. The voltage on the output of the filter will closely resemble the shape and frequency of the modulation signal. This means that the frequency, wave-shape, and amplitude of the inverter output voltage can all be controlled as long as the switching frequency is at least 25 to 100 times higher than the fundamental output frequency of the inverter. The actual generation of the PWM signals is mostly done using microcontrollers and digital signal processors 23 2.4 MOSFETs Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field effect Transistors (MOSFETs) are three terminal devices consisting of a gate, drain and source. A power MOSFETs is a voltage-controlled device and requires a very small input current. The switching speed is very high of the order of nanoseconds. MOSFETs are commonly used in power electronics design as they have very good current-carrying capability in their off-state. MOSFET is the most commonly used active device in very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuits. Figure2.13 [3] shows the device schematic, current- voltage characteristics, transfer characteristics and device symbol for a MOSFET. FIGURE 2.13(a) Schematic diagram, (b) current-voltage characteristics, (c) transfer characteristics, and (d) device symbol for an n-channel enhancement mode MOSFET. 24 2.4.1 MOSFETs Used As Switches Power MOSFETs are commonly used as switches in power electronic applications. It is always desirable to have power switches perform as close as possible to the ideal case. For a semiconductor device to operate as an ideal switch, it must possess the following features: 1. No limit on the amount of current (known as forward or reverse current) the device can carry when in the conduction state (on-state). 2. No limit on the amount of device-voltage (known as forward- or reverse-blocking voltage) when the device is in the non-conduction state (Off-state). 3. Zero on-state voltage drop when in the conduction state. 4. Infinite off-state resistance, that is, zero leakage current when in the non-conduction state. 5. No limit on the operating speed of the device when a state is changed, that is, zero rise and fall times. For the ideal switch, during switching and conduction periods the power loss is zero, resulting in 100% efficiency; with no switching delays, an infinite operating frequency can be achieved. In short, an ideal switch has infinite speed, unlimited power handling capabilities, and 100% efficiency. It must be noted that it is not surprising to find semiconductor-switching devices that for all practical purposes can almost perform as ideal switches for number of applications For a MOSFET to be used as a switch it is important to keep the time that the gate voltage spends between VTH and the fully ‘on’ voltage to a minimum. The reason for this is that power loss occurs when there is a potential difference between the source and drain at the same time as drain current flowing. However, there exist capacitive effects within the MOSFET substrate, stopping VGS from changing instantaneously. These capacitive effects result in the switching waveforms as seen in figure 2.14[2]. To reduce the switching losses and enable the use of MOSFETs as switches, the stray capacitances need to be charged quickly which can be achieved by high-current gate drive signals. 25 (a ) (b) Figure 2.14 Switching waveforms at (a) turn-on and (b) turn-off 2.4.2 MOSFET Drivers To turn a power MOSFET on, the gate terminal must be set to a voltage at least 5 volts greater than the source terminal. One feature of power MOSFET is that they have a large stray capacitance between the gate and the other terminals. The effect of this is that when the pulse to the gate terminal arrives, it must first charge this capacitance up before the gate voltage can reach the 10 volts required. The gate terminal then effectively does take current. Therefore the circuit that drives the gate terminal should be capable of supplying a reasonable current so the stray capacitance can be charged up as quickly as possible. The best way to do this is to use a dedicated MOSFET driver chip. Basically, there are two fundamental categories for gate drivers ICs. These are high side and low side drivers. High side means the source of MOSFETs of the power element can float between ground and high voltage power rail. A typical connection of the gate driver IC IR2110 is shown in Appendix E. Low side means the source of the MOSFET is always connected to ground. For the gate drivers to operate as a bootstrap circuit, the Vbs voltage is used to provide the supply to the high side driver circuitry of the gate driver. Vbs is the voltage difference between the Vb and Vs pins on the gate driver IC. The bootstrap capacitor provides gate charge to the high side MOSFETs. As the switch begins to conduct, the capacitor maintains a potential difference, rapidly causing the MOSFET to further conduct, until it is fully on. The supply to the gate driver 26 needs to be in the range of 1OV to 20V to ensure that the gate driver fully enhances the power MOSFETs. One of the most popular and cost effective drive circuit for driving MOSFETs is a bipolar, noninverting totem-pole driver as shown in Figure 2.15. VCC 12V VCC Q2 2N3904 2 R1 100Ω 1 4 Q1 R2 3 6.8Ω IRF740 Q3 2N3906 0 Figure 2.15 Totem-pole gate driver circuit A low value resistor is inserted between the MOSFET driver and the MOSFET gate terminal. This is to dampen down any ringing oscillations caused by the lead inductance and gate capacitance which can otherwise exceed the maximum voltage allowed on the gate terminal. It also slows down the rate at which the MOSFET turns on and off. This can be useful if the intrinsic diodes in the MOSFET do not turn on fast enough. Like all external drivers, this circuit handles the current spikes and power losses making the operating conditions for the PWM controller more favourable. They can be and should be placed right next to the power MOSFET they are driving. That way the high current transients of driving the gate are localized in a very small loop area, reducing the value of parasitic inductances. Even though the driver is built from discrete components, it needs its own bypass 27 capacitor placed across the collectors of the upper npn and the lower pnp transistors. Ideally there is a smoothing resistor or inductor between the bypass capacitor of the driver and the microcontroller output for increased noise immunity. The interesting property of the bipolar totem-pole driver is that the two base-emitter junctions protect each other against reverse breakdown. Furthermore, assuming that the loop area is really small and RGATE is negligible, they can clamp the gate voltage between VBIAS+VBE and GND-VBE using the base-emitter diodes of the transistors. Another benefit of this solution, based on the same clamp mechanism, is that the npn-pnp totem-pole driver does not require any Schottky diode for reverse current protection. 2.4.3 Power Losses Conduction losses are usually the most significant in power electronics design. Conduction loss is due to a finite resistance between the drain and the source; hence it is calculated by (2.13) The second most significant cause of power loss is switching losses. As previously mentioned, these losses occur due to the finite switching times. These losses can be estimated by assuming that the currents and voltages in Figure 2.14 increase or decrease linearly. By doing so the losses are simply calculated by (2.14) Where f is the switching frequency and Ts is the total of the transition rise and fall times. There are also significant losses in the reverse recovery of the device. When the device turns off; the current reverses in direction for a short time called the reverse-recovery time (trr) before falling to zero. The reverse recover time in MOSFETs is fairly slow because the reverse recovery current must flow through the body diode, which is intrinsic to the MOSFET. The power loss due to reverse recovery effects can be estimated by (2.15) Where VSD is the drain to source diode forward voltage drop, Irr is the reverse recovery current, and f is the switching frequency. The only other loss that may be experienced is gate drive losses. These are fairly insignificant when compared to the other losses and so are neglected. 28 2.5 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Modulation techniques are used to control the state of switches in power electronics circuits. Pulse width modulation (PWM) is the method of choice to control modern power electronics circuits. The basic idea is to control the duty cycle of a switch such that a load sees a controllable average voltage. To achieve this, the switching frequency (repetition frequency for the PWM signal) is chosen high enough that the load cannot follow the individual switching events. Variation of duty cycle in the PWM signal to provide a DC voltage across the load in a specific pattern will appear to the load as an AC signal, or can control the speed of motors that would otherwise run only at full speed or off. This is further explained in this section. The pattern at which the duty cycle of a PWM signal varies can be created through simple analog components, a digital microcontroller, or specific PWM integrated circuits. Analog PWM control requires the generation of both reference and carrier signals that feed into a comparator which creates output signals based on the difference between the signals. The reference signal is sinusoidal and at the frequency of the desired output signal, while the carrier signal is often either a saw-tooth or triangular wave at a frequency significantly greater than the reference. When the carrier signal exceeds the reference, the comparator output signal is at one state, and when the reference is at a higher voltage, the output is at its second state. This process is shown in Figure 2.16[1] Figure 2.16 Triangular carrier wave and PWM signal for 80% duty cycle 29 The spectrum of a typical PWM signal with 25% duty cycle with a switching frequency of 10 kHz is shown in Figure 2.17[1]. The DC magnitude of 25% is clearly visible. The harmonics are multiples of the carrier frequency. The lowest harmonic is located at 10 kHz. Due to the switching speed of modern power semiconductors, the carrier frequency can be chosen sufficiently high that the harmonics can be easily filtered with capacitors and inductors of small size. Figure 2.17 Spectrum of a PWM signal with 25% duty cycle In order to source an output with a PWM signal, transistor or other switching technologies are used to connect the source to the load when the signal is high or low. Full or half bridge configurations are common switching schemes used in power electronics. Full bridge configurations require the use of four switching devices and are often referred to as H-Bridges due to their orientation with respect to a load. Modern power electronics controllers are rapidly moving toward digital implementation. Typical solutions consist of microcontrollers or DSPs. The digital implementations have 8 to 12 bits of resolution. If more than one channel is present, the PWM signals can be left, right, or center aligned. To be center aligned, up–down counters are used, which count up to their maximum count and then back to zero before starting the next cycle. The maximum count (2bits−1) is determined by the number of stages (bits) the digital counter has. In a digital PWM modulator each counter has an associated period register. 30 The content of this register determines the maximum count at which the counter resets. If this number is less than the maximum count (2bits−1), the repetition (switching) frequency is increased and the resolution of the duty cycle is decreased for a given clock speed. It is often important to make the correct trade-off between the switching frequency and the resolution. The advantage of hardware support for PWM generation is that the processor typically only needs to access any registers if the duty cycle is to be changed, since the period is typically only initialized once upon program start-up. It should also be mentioned that the duty cycle registers are typically “double buffered,” meaning that an update of a duty cycle does not need to be synchronized with the current state of the counter. In double-buffered systems, the new duty cycle will only be chosen once the previous period is completed to avoid truncated PWM signals. If necessary, a software override can disable this feature. 2.5.1 Bi­Polar PWM Bi-polar PWM refers to the technique of switching a full-bridge inverter in complementary pairs (A+, B- and A-, B+) so that only two possible output voltages are available: Vd and –Vd. This method produces an output from a full bridge inverter that is the same as the waveform expected from a half bridge inverter – but with the power handling advantages. 2.5.2 Uni­Polar PWM This method of PWM allows transitions in the output between Vo and zero and –Vo and zero. The figure 2.18 [2], clearly shows how a uni-polar PWM signal is generated. The voltages specified on this diagram are with reference to the full bridge circuit. 31 Figure 2.18: Sinusoidal Uni-Polar PWM The main reason that uni-polar switching is preferred over bi-polar switching is that it effectively doubles the switching frequency and at the same time cuts maximum voltage transitions in half. A simple analysis of Figure 2.18 shows that the voltages VAN and VBN are 90º out of phase with each other. The switching frequency harmonic components of VAN and VBN however have the same phase. Thus, switching frequency harmonics disappear from the output voltage. The sidebands of the switching frequency harmonic component also disappear, as does the dominant harmonic at twice the switching frequency. Clearly then, uni-polar switching provides a significant reduction in EMI. 32 2.6 Digital Control A microcontroller is a single-chip computer that is specifically manufactured for embedded computer control applications. These devices are very low-cost and can be used very easily in digital control applications. For example, the PIC16F877 is an 8-bit, 40-pin microcontroller with the following features: Most microcontrollers have the built-in circuits necessary for computer control applications. For example, a microcontroller may have A/D converters so that the external signals can be sampled. They also have parallel input–output ports so that digital data can be read or output from the microcontroller. Some devices have built-in D/A converters and the output of the converter can be used to drive the plant through an actuator such an amplifier. Microcontrollers may also have built-in timer and interrupt logic. Using the timer or the interrupt facilities, we can program the microcontroller to implement the control algorithm accurately. Microcontrollers have traditionally been programmed using the assembly language of the target device. As a result, the assembly languages of the microcontrollers manufactured by different firms are totally different and the user has to learn a new language before being able program a new type of device. Nowadays microcontrollers can be programmed using high level languages such as BASIC; PASCAL or C. High-level languages offer several advantages compared to the assembly language: • It is easier to develop programs using a high-level language. • Program maintenance is much easier if the program is developed using a high-level language. • Testing a program developed in a high-level language is much easier. • High-level languages are more user-friendly and less prone to making errors. • It is easier to document a program developed using a high-level language. However, high-level languages have some disadvantages. For example, the length of the code in memory is usually larger when a high-level language is used, and the programs developed using the assembly language usually run faster than those developed using a high-level language. The software requirements in a control computer can be summarized as follows: • The ability to read data from input ports. 33 • The ability to send data to output ports. • Internal data transfer and mathematical operations. • Timer interrupts facilities for timing the controller algorithm. All of these requirements can be met by most digital computers, and, as a result, most computers can be used as controllers in digital control systems. The important point is that it is not justified and not cost-effective to use a minicomputer to control the speed of a motor, for example. A microcontroller is therefore much more suitable for this kind of control application. One of the important features of the control algorithms is that once they have been started they run continuously until some event occurs to stop them or until they are stopped manually by an operator. It is important to make sure that the loop is run continuously and exactly at the same times, that is, exactly at the sampling instants. This is called synchronization and there are several ways in which synchronization can be achieved in practice, such as: • using polling in the control algorithm • using external interrupts for timing • Using timer interrupts • Using an external real-time clock. A timer is peripheral whose basic function related to the measurement or generation of timebased events. Timer usually measure time relative an internal clock of the microcontroller, although some may be clocked by an external source. Timer units can provide such functions as generating periodic interrupts; input capturing, output comparing, measuring pulse width, and performing PWM functions. Some advanced timers are capable of executing small programs. Some type of serial unit is included on microcontrollers to allow the CPU to communicate bitserially with external devices. Using a bit serial format instead of bit-parallel format requires fewer I/O pins to perform the communication function. This makes it less expensive, but slower. 34 CHAPTER THREE 3.0 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION The main objective was to design and implement a low cost inverter to illustrate that the control principles and the theory behind it are sound and can be achieved. With this in mind, the following sections explain the decisions made during the design and implementation, with reference to the literature discussed earlier. 3.1 DC­DC Converter Design The DC-DC converter was designed to provide a steady DC voltage of 240V to allow the implementation of the inverter stage. The topology chosen for implementing the converter was a multilevel switched capacitor (MMCCC) design based on the Makowski charge pump DC-DC converter. This topology was chosen because of several reasons. The design is modular in structure and hence can be designed to achieve any conversion ratio. Each modular block has one capacitor and three transistors leading to three terminal points. The schematic diagram of a 4-stage Makowski charge pump cell, which has 6 capacitors, is shown in Figure 3.1 35 Q17 IRF740 C5 C8 V2 12 V Q18 IRF740 4 9 10 Q24 IRF740 Q20 IRF740 Q1 IRF740 12 1uF 1uF Q22 IRF740 7 C3 C2 1uF Q23 IRF740 6 11 C1 1uF 1uF Q19 IRF740 C4 1000uF Load 30Ω Vout Q21 IRF740 3 1 2 Q25 Q26 Q27 Q28 IRF740 IRF740 IRF740 IRF740 0 Figure 3.1 A 4-stage MMCCC Dc-Dc converter In addition, this topology can achieve high frequency operation, low input/output current ripple, and low ON-state voltage drop and bidirectional power flow management. Compared to other capacitor-clamped dc-dc converters it is more compact, reliable, better component utilization as well simple switching scheme with only two switching states. The simpler switching scheme enables high-speed operation for the multilevel switched capacitor converter. It is the maximum conversion ratio that can be attained from a switched capacitor dc-dc converter by using capacitors. In other words, for a specified conversion ratio, the Makowski charge pump requires the least number of capacitors and switches. The next question was how many modules were needed to achieve the 240V required. Since the design requires N-1 modules for N conversion ratio, 20 modules would be required to achieve the desired voltage considering the voltage drop across the MOSFETs. 3.1.1 Capacitor Selection Two types of capacitors are popular in switched-capacitor (SC) DC-DC converter applicationsintegrated capacitors and external ceramic capacitors. The integrated capacitors are convenient for low power applications as they help create an ultra compact final product. However, due to the higher power level in the project, ceramic capacitors were chosen. The selection of capacitors depend on both the capacitance and the output ripple current. Unlike other multilevel inverter topologies, such as flying capacitor multilevel inverters, in which the capacitor for the 36 various levels have to be calculated separately, the MMCCC converter is modular in nature and allows for the use of capacitors of the same value in each module. Electrolytic capacitor used in each module is rated 1µF, 300V while the output capacitor is rated 1000µF, 300V. The reason for choosing an output capacitor of large capacitance value was so as to achieve a smooth constant DC voltage desired to be fed to the inverter stage. 3.1.2 MOSFET Selection The selection of MOSFETs was determined by the current requirements and the voltage ratings as well as closely comparing their RDS(on) , power dissipation and switching characteristics. Lower voltages ratings and higher current capabilities tend to drive down the conduction losses through reduced RDS(on) values, however, the switching losses are increased due to large gate charges and parasitic capacitances. Thus, a compromise has to be made between low conduction losses or low switching losses. In addition, the device must be rated above the maximum output voltage of the converter. As a result of the above consideration, fairly low cost MOSFETs was found to be made by Fairchild Semiconductor called IRF740. This MOSFET is 10A, 400V with a fairly low RDS(on) of 0.48Ω and good switching performance. 3.1.3 Gate Drive Power MOSFETs have considerable gate capacitances that must be charged beyond their threshold voltage for MOSFET to turn ON. The output voltage from the ATtiny26L is 2.3V and this is not sufficient to turn on the MOSFET.As a result, a gate-driver is required to provide the gate with high enough currents to charge the gate capacitances within the time required to reduce switching losses. Two options were available to supply the required gate current. One of the methods was to use a gate drive IC and the other is to use an interface circuit such as totem-pole type arrangement using an npn and pnp transistor to achieve the required current. Whereas the gates drive ICs would have been ideal because of its capabilities and simplicity they were not available on time. The author settled for a simple interface gate driver circuit as shown in figure 3.2 37 VCC Q2 12V VCC IRF740 R2 10kΩ 2 Signal from Microcontroller R1 3 Q1 1 BC107 10kΩ 0 Figure 3.2 Gate driver circuit 3.2 DC­AC Inverter Design The DC-AC Inverter design chosen was built around a standard full-bridge topology due entirely to its high power handling capabilities and the ability to provide bi-polar PWM and thus effectively double the switching frequency of the output. The input voltage is provided by the DC-DC stage and is assumed to be 240V. This circuit was designed as shown in figure 3.3 3 Q2 Q1 PWM Signal 1 5 4 IRF740 Vdc Load 1 PWM Signal 2 2 Q3 Q4 IRF740 IRF740 7 6 0 Figure 3.3 H-bridge inverter circuit 38 PWM Signal 2 IRF740 PWM Signal 1 The inverter circuit is an H-bridge consisting four N-channel Enhancement MOSFETs. The MOSFETs used are International Rectifies IRF740, which can hold a maximum drain to source voltage of 400V and can pass a maximum current of 10A. The MOSFET can switch with a maximum switching frequency of about 16MHz.Since the manufacturer integrated an inverse parallel diode to the MOSFETs there was no need for external inverse parallel diodes although they can be incorporated for added safety. The full-bridge inverter was chosen as the inverting output stage for a number of reasons. It is preferred over a half-bridge inverter because for an equivalent input voltage, the full-bridge inverter can provide twice the output voltage. As [2] states, this implies that for equivalent power output, the output current is halved. The full-bridge inverter is also significantly more controllable. Because of the on-state resistance of the MOSFET there will be a conduction loss. The onresistance isn't the only cause of power dissipation in the MOSFET. Another source occurs when the MOSFET is switching between states. For a short period of time, the MOSFET is half on and half off. The longer that the MOSFET is in the state where it is neither on nor off, the more power it will dissipate. Because of this power dissipation to avoid the MOSFETs being damaged by heat, heat sinks are used. 3.3 Control Circuit To generate the SPWM signal an Atmel ATtiny26L microcontroller was used. The ATtiny26L is a low voltage, high-performance, low-power AVR 8-bit Microcontroller. The device is manufactured using Atmel's high density non volatile memory technology and is compatible with the industrial standard MCS-5 1 instructions set. It also has two 8-bit timers that deliver the function used in this application. By combining a versatile 8 bit CPU with Flash on a monolithic chip, the ATtiny26L is powerful microcomputer which provides a highly flexible and cost effective solution to many embedded control applications. The choice of switching frequency was a difficult one in that switching losses and component sizes decrease with switching frequency – at the expense of noise limitations and faster switching devices. This decision was made easier by the wide range of high speed MOSFETs available. Some of the features of the Atmel ATtiny26L that make it suitable for this kind of tasks include: • Data and Non-volatile Program Memory 39 – 2K Bytes of In-System Programmable Program Memory Flash Endurance: 10,000 Write/Erase Cycles – 128 Bytes of In-System Programmable EEPROM Endurance: 100,000 Write/Erase Cycles – 128 Bytes Internal SRAM – Programming Lock for Flash Program and EEPROM Data Security • Peripheral Features – 8-bit Timer/Counter with Separate Prescaler – 8-bit High-speed Timer with Separate Prescaler 2 High Frequency PWM Outputs with Separate Output Compare Registers Non-overlapping Inverted PWM Output Pins – Universal Serial Interface with Start Condition Detector – 10-bit ADC – On-chip Analog Comparator – External Interrupt • I/O and Packages – 20-lead PDIP/SOIC: 16 Programmable I/O Lines – 32-lead QFN/MLF: 16 programmable I/O Lines • Operating Voltage – 4.5V - 5.5V Speed – 0 - 16 MHz Since two square waves were required to generate the 10 KHz signal for switching in the DC-DC converter stage and a 50Hz signal for the inverter stage and the two must run concurrently, the use interrupts was the best solution to better achieve the desired waveforms. Atmel ATtiny26 microcontroller has built-in interrupt systems with their timer input modules. Instead of continuously polling for a flag, a microcontroller performs other tasks and relies on its interrupt system to detect the programmed event. The task of computing the period and the frequency is the same as that of polling method, except that the microcontroller will not be tied down constantly checking the flag, increasing the efficient use of the microcontroller resources. 40 CHAPTER FOUR 4.0 ANALYSIS AND RESULTS 4.1 Calculated Efficiency To calculate the efficiency, the power loss which occurs mainly through each MOSFET is calculated and then the result multiplied by the number of MOSFETs used in the project. In addition, the power supply losses are included in determining the overall efficiency of the inverter. The losses can be summarised as follows: Total MOSFET conduction loss (4.1) Total switching losses (4.2) Total power supply losses (4.3) Total Losses 8.12w (4.4) Therefore for 100W inverter this translates to an overall efficiency of: (4.5) 4.2 Simulation Results Simulations were performed using Multisim Software from National Instruments (NI) Inc. 4.2.1 DC­DC converter stage Simulation of four modules of the DC-DC converter stage gave an output of between 46.92V and 49.98V which is around the expected 48V. 41 Figure 4.1 Four Modules Simulation result of the Dc-Dc converter stage 4.3Testing of the gating signal The output of the ATtiny26L from the output port was tested and the waveforms obtained from the oscilloscope were as follows: 1. 50 Hz Gating Signal 42 2. 10 kHz Signal 4.4 Prototype Results The prototype of the system outlined above was implemented and tested both on breadboard as shown in figure 4.2.The figure consist of the microcontroller power supply unit, the microcontroller, the MOSFET driver circuit and the Dc-dc converter stage. Testing of both stages showed that the hardware design was valid and the following results were noted. 43 Figure 4.2 The prototype circuit The Dc to Dc stage was tested using four modules and an output of 46.8V was obtained. This value was quite acceptable since the expected output was 48V. The difference in the two values can be attributed to the losses in circuit components and the accuracy of the converter power supply unit. The inverter stage was tested using a load of 30Ω and the input being the output of the converter stage. A square wave output, though not perfect was obtained with a peak to peak value of 45.6V. 44 CHAPTER FIVE 5.0 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK 5.1 Conclusion The main objective of this project was to design and build a 12Vdc to 240Vac inverter for solar energy. Attempts have been made to develop a low cost transformer-less inverter using switched capacitor circuits in the Dc-Dc step up converter stage and a H-Bridge design in the inversion stage. Whereas the complete implementation was not achieved, the prototype that was built showed that the design principles of hardware and control software were valid. The method used to control the switches, sinusoidal PWM, was very accurate since the switching signal obtained was as desired. This justifies the choice of the microcontroller used. 5.1 Future Work Despite the achievements of the project, further work is possible to increase efficiency of the inverter while reducing cost even further. These include: I. Improve the switching schemes. II. PWM techniques using microcontroller could be implemented to produce a pure sinusoidal output instead of the H‐Bridge configuration. 45 APPENDIX A: PWM ATtiny26L Program .INCLUDE "" ; Universal register definition .DEF mp = R16 .def mp1=r17 ; Counter for timer timeouts, MSB timer driven by software .DEF z1 = R24 ; Reset-vector to address 0000 rjmp main ; The interrupt-vector commands, 1 Byte each: reti reti reti reti reti rjmp tc0i ; Timer/Counter 0 Overflow, my jump-vector! reti reti ; reti reti 46 reti reti ; Interrupttc0i: in r1,SREG inc z1 ; save the content of the flag register ; increment the software counter cpi z1,39 ;compare contents of z1 with 39 to check for overflow brne cont ;branch to subroutine cont if register z1 is not equal to 39 in mp,PORTA com mp ; complement the data at port A out PORTA,mp ldi z1,0 ; output PWM 50% signal at port A ;clear register z1 cont: out SREG,R1 reti ; restore the initial value of the flag register ; Return from interrupt ; The main program starts here main: ldi mp,LOW(RAMEND) out SP,mp ;Initiate Stack pointer ; for the use by interrupts and subroutines ; Software-Counter-Register reset to zero 47 ldi mp,0 ; z1 cannot be set to a constant value, so we set mp mov z1,mp ; to zero and copy that to R0=z1 ; and set the seconds to zero ; Prescaler of the counter/timer = 1, that is 1 MHz= 1µs ldi mp,0x01 ;Initiate Timer/Counter 0 Prescaler out TCCR0,mp ; to Timer 0 Control Register ; Port B is 50Hz PWM port ldi mp,0xFF ; all bits are output out DDRB,mp ; to data direction register B out DDRA,mp ; to data direction register A ldi mp,0b10101010 out PORTA,mp ; initialize the value at output port A pins out PORTB,mp ; initialize the value at output port B pins ; enable interrupts for timer 0 ldi mp,$02 ; set Bit 1 out TIMSK,mp ; in the Timer Interrupt Mask Register ; enable all interrupts generally Sei ; enable all interrupts by setting the flag in the status- register 48 loop: ; ============================= ; delay loop generator ; 50 cycles: ; ----------------------------; delaying 48 cycles: ldi R17, $10 ;move 16 to register R17 Wait: dec R17 brne Wait ; ; ----------------------------; delaying 2 cycles: nop nop ; ============================= in mp1,PORTB com mp1 out PORTB,mp1 rjmp loop ; complement the data at port B ; output PWM 50% signal at port B ;Repeat forever unless the interrupt flag is raised 49 APPENDIX B: Microcontroller Power Supply Circuit The ATtiny26L requires a stable input voltage, of +5V. A simple power supply circuit was constructed using AN7805 voltage regulator. The AN7805 voltage regulator connection was as shown in the figure Pinout of the 7805 regulator IC • 1. Unregulated voltage in • 2. Ground • Regulated voltage out 50 APPENDIX C: ATtiny26 Datasheet C.1 Pin Configuration 51 C.2 Pin Description 52 C.3 ATtiny26 Block Diagram 53 C.4 ATtiny26 Timer/Counters Prescaler 54 Appendix D: IRF740 Datasheet 55 56 57 58 REFERENCES [1] N. Mohan, W. Robbins and T. Undeland, Power Electronics - Converters, Applications and Design (2nd Ed), Wiley and Sons, New York, 1995. [2] Rashid, M. H., Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Application (2nd Ed), Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1993. [3] Fang Lin Luo and Hong Ye, Advanced DC/DC converters, CRC Press LLC, 2000 N.W. Corporate Blvd., Boca Raton, Florida, 2004. [4] F. H. Khan, L. M. Tolbert, “A Multilevel Modular Capacitor Clamped DC_DC Converter,” IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) Conference, Oct. 2006, pp. 966-973. [5] F. H. Khan, L. M. Tolbert, “A 5-kW Multilevel DC-DC Converter for Future Hybrid Electric and Fuel Cell Automotive Applications,” IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) Conference, 2007. 59