(includes general information, scope, and functions) (PDF



From 3.16 of the IEEE TAB Operations Manual


The TAB Periodicals Committee is an administrative entity of, and reports to, the IEEE

Technical Activities Board (TAB) and the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board



The TAB Periodicals Committee is a policy and operational procedure formulating body. The

Committee has oversight responsibility for all matters relating to Society/Council (S/C) and other TAB entity periodicals.


The TAB Periodicals Committee shall:

1. Facilitate TAB action on proposals for new S/C periodicals by reviewing all such proposals and making recommendations to TAB and the PSPB on all matters other than those relating to finance.

2. Monitor the quality and timeliness of S/C sponsored periodicals and recommend appropriate action to TAB to ensure that adequate standards are maintained.

3. Assist S/Cs in resolving any disagreements regarding overlapping fields of interest in S/C periodicals.

4. Report to TAB important developments in Institute publication policies as they impact

S/C periodicals.

5. Advise TAB on proposed changes in Institute guidelines, policies and procedures concerning S/C periodicals.

6. Assume other responsibilities related to publications with which it may be charged by

TAB in furtherance of its functions.


The TAB Periodicals Committee shall consist of the following members:

Voting Members

 Committee Chair

 Immediate Past Chair of the Committee

 Eight (8) sitting Division Directors or S/C Presidents (or their designees)

 Up to three (3) additional members

 Chair, TAB Proposal Development Committee

Non-Voting Members

 TAB Secretary

 Periodicals Product Manager (Staff, as designated by the Managing Director, Technical


 S/C Corresponding Members. (Each S/C President may appoint a corresponding member. They shall receive all announcements and other documentation that is distributed to other Committee members, but do not attend regular Committee meetings.)


All voting members of the Committee shall be IEEE members holding a grade of Graduate

Student Member, Member, Senior Member or Fellow grade.


1. The Committee Chair shall be appointed for a two-year term by a majority vote of TAB from a slate of present or past Division Directors or S/C Presidents as prepared by the TAB

Nominations and Appointments Committee. Nominees may be past or present Division

Directors, S/C Presidents or past or present members of the Committee.

The Committee Chair shall serve as a voting member on TAB and the TAB Finance


Following this two-year term the Committee Chair becomes the Chair of the TAB Periodicals

Review Committee for two (2) years.

2. The Chair may appoint a Vice-Chair from among the voting members of the Committee.

3. The Past Chair, who also serves a two-year term as the Chair of the TAB Periodicals

Review Committee.

4. The eight (8) sitting Division Directors or S/C Presidents (or their designees) shall serve two-year staggered terms starting 1 January, with reappointment permissible for a maximum tenure of four (4) years. These eight (8) appointees, which could include newly elected Division Directors and S/C Presidents that would take office 1 January, shall be sitting Directors or Presidents and active members of TAB during their tenure on the

Committee. Each of the three (3) largest Societies may elect to be among the eight (8) appointees; otherwise the Division Directors' Forum shall attempt to establish the broadest

S/C representation among these eight (8) appointees. An appointed Division Director or

S/C President may wish to designate a substitute representative.

5. The three (3) additional voting members are appointed by the Committee Chair. They shall serve a two-year term, with reappointment permissible. Typically, these are the chairs of the TAB Magazines, Newsletters, and Transactions Committee; that are generally chosen from past or current EIC’s of the respective periodicals.

6. The Proposal Development Committee Chair, who should be someone with considerable familiarity and experience with periodical proposal best practices. Note that it is possible that the roles of the 3 additional voting members and the TAB Proposal Development

Committee Chair, can be played by (1) out of the (8) appointed via the procedure described under Item 4 above.

Early appointment of the committee members is strongly recommended for better familiarization prior to the official start of their committee role. However, appointments may wait until the November Division Directors' Forum when the Directors select the eight

(8) sitting Division Directors, or S/C Presidents, or designee’s


If vacancies occur, they are filled using the methodology originally used to fill that position as noted in Section F. The replacement shall serve for the remainder of the original term.


1. Standing Committees

 TAB Magazines Committee

 TAB Newsletters Committee

 TAB Periodicals Review and Advisory Committee

TAB Proposal Development Committee

TAB Transactions Committee

2. Ad Hoc Committees

An Ad Hoc Committee may be appointed to address a specific issue.

The scope, membership, source of funding, and expected duration of each such Ad Hoc

Committee shall be specified at the time of appointment.

The activities of an Ad Hoc Committee are expected to be completed by the end of the calendar year of the Committee’s formation, at which time the Ad Hoc Committee shall terminate. Ad Hoc Committee term extensions in increments of one calendar year or less may be made by the appointing authority, the Vice President-Technical Activities, or Vice

President-Elect, Technical Activities, as applicable.


1. The Committee meets a minimum of three (3) times a year.

2. Electronic mail, teleconference and other non face-to-face means may be utilized for the transaction of business and for the conduct of interim meetings as called by the Chair.

3. A majority of the voting members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.

4. Voting shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. The Committee

Chair shall have no vote except if the vote is by secret ballot or unless the Chair's vote can change the outcome of the vote.

5. The business of the ad hoc committees shall normally be accomplished by electronic mail, phone, FAX, virtual community, etc.


The TAB Periodicals Committee Chair shall provide a highlight report to TAB at each of its three annual meetings and shall provide additional reports as requested by the TAB Chair.



This committee shall be funded by TAB. The Committee Chair shall have responsibility for these funds to ensure reasonable activities of the Committee while maintaining its budget.

Since the Committee meetings are normally scheduled to be in conjunction with IEEE

Organizational Unit (OU) Series meetings, those attending shall have their personal expenses covered by their respective OUs.


Administrative support for the Committee shall be provided by the Technical Activities

Department and includes agenda preparation; minute taking, including distribution and follow-up of action items; data gathering and analysis; meeting coordination (including setting up teleconferences); subject matter expert and strategic analysis.


Changes to this Charter must conform with IEEE Bylaws and shall be approved by TAB.
