Electric Motor Brake Horsepower Calculations

Electric Motor Brake Horsepower
By Norm Christopherson
These motor calculations are contained here as they apply to the changing
conditions of the blower motor when pulley adjustments are made. However,
these calculations are useful wherever electric motors are used. What is learned
here can be used to solve motor installation and troubleshooting problems in a
large variety of applications. These motor formulas and related information is
also basic to understanding energy consumption, power consumption by motor
driven devices and the motor side of performing energy audits.
Fundamental to these useful calculations is some understanding of the
information contained on a motor data plate.
Motor Data Plate Information Explained
Every motor has a metal nameplate or data plate listing the manufacturer,
motor type and electrical requirements for the motor.
The voltage listed on the data plate is the design voltage the motor was made
for. The motor may be operated at any voltage within 10% of the design voltage.
Full Load Amps (FLA)
This amperage is the current the motor will draw when the motor is loaded up
to its rated horsepower. The motor will draw less than the listed FLA if the motor
is operating at less than the rated horsepower. The motor will draw more than
the rated FLA when it attempts to operate at more than the rated
horsepower. Measuring the actual motor amperage and comparing it to the FLA
is a good way to quickly tell if a motor is overloaded.
Locked Rotor Amps (LRA)
This amperage is the current the motor will draw when the motor is started
and when the motor is attempting to start and run but is unable to do so for some
reason such as mechanically stuck bearings. A rotor is said to be locked anytime
the rotor is not rotating. This is normal on a motor that is off and ready to
start. If a motor has bad bearings and cannot start, the proper terminology for
that condition is to say the motor has stuck or frozen bearings. It would not be
correct to say the motor has a locked rotor. All motors when off have locked
rotors. The LRA rating of a motor is the most amperage the motor can draw
under any condition.
The rated percent of efficiency for the motor is listed on most motors but not
all. Motors that fail to state their efficiency probably have poor efficiency
ratings. If the efficiency is not given it can still be determined using basic
math. This formula is included in this book later in this chapter. Generally higher
efficiency motors are those that use more metal in their construction and the
metal is laminated and insulated between laminations to reduce eddy currents,
which create heat. Heat in a motor is lost efficiency. The efficiency rating may be
given as a percent such as 86%, or the same percentage may be listed as a
decimal fraction like .86. When using the percent efficiency in a math formula, it
must be used as a decimal fraction.
Power Factor
The power factor is also given as a decimal fraction and may be any number
less than one. Common power factor ratings range from .70 to .98. The higher
power factor is always more desirable.
The power factor is a number, which tells to what extent the motor voltage
and current are out of phase from one another. Unlike pure resistive circuits like
electric heaters and incandescent lights, motors operate with strong magnetic
fields present. The magnetic fields add a new element of magnetic resistance to
the motor circuit, which throws the voltage and current out of phase from each
other. When the voltage and current are not in phase ohm's law will not work
unless the power factor is used to correct for this phase difference. The power
factor listed on a motor is very useful to the technician when making motor
horsepower and current calculations. These handy calculations are included in
this chapter.
Service Factor
The service factor of a motor is a number, which indicates how much more
work a given motor, can do beyond the rated horsepower. This is a safety factor
and is not to be considered as a part of the motors normal useful horsepower. A
motor may have no service factor whatsoever and thus has no safety factor in the
event the motor becomes overloaded. A common service factor on motors is a
SF of 1.15. This number multiplied times the rated horsepower gives the actual
horsepower the motor could operate at in an emergency. For example; a 10 HP
motor with a SF of 1.15 could actually provide service for a short time up to 11.5
HP. A motor with a high service factor is used on applications where the load
may vary and may occasionally be confronted with an unexpected overload in
horsepower. Air conditioning systems often use motors with the SF rating of
The service factor can also be multiplied times the FLA of the motor to give
the absolute highest operating amperage the motor should be allowed to operate
with. This use of the service factor is not recommended, as it is not completely
reliable as it assumes the voltage the motor is getting is exactly correct. This is
also a poor service practice because it encourages technicians to allow loading
motors up into the safety zone the service factor provides.
Motor Horsepower Calculations
Some motors such as air conditioning and refrigeration compressors do not
state their motor horsepower. A rule of thumb for air conditioning compressor
motors is that there is one horsepower per ton. This rule will not work for
applications other than comfort cooling air conditioning applications. The
number of horsepower required to provide each ton of cooling varies with the
suction pressure and head pressure. The higher the head pressure or the lower
the suction pressures, the more motor horsepower required to achieve a ton of
cooling. Another way of stating it is that as the pressure difference between the
suction and head pressures increase, the system tonnage decreases. This is why
it is so important to keep condensers clean, evaporator air filters replaced and
airflow on both condensers and evaporators up to normal. Anything, which
increases head pressure or decreases suction pressure will decrease system
capacity and at the same time increase operating costs.
The ability to determine actual motor operating horsepower on any motor,
compressor motor, evaporator blower motor or tower motor, is useful in
troubleshooting problems or performing energy audits. Understanding the
elements and process of basic motor horsepower calculations also increases
awareness of energy consumption, motor operation and potential problem areas.
The formula given above is used to determine the actual operating
horsepower of any single-phase motor. If a motor such as a compressor does
not state the motor horsepower, then this formula will also work to determine the
rated or actual operating horsepower.
If the motor name/data plate information such as the rated voltage, rated fla,
rated efficiency and listed power factor are placed in the formula, the resulting
answer will be the rated horsepower. Of course there is not reason to use the
formula in that way unless the motor is a compressor and does not state the
motor horsepower.
The common use for this calculation is to determine the actual operating
horsepower for a motor as it is presently being used. If a blower motor for
example, is going to get a drive pulley change this formula will give the motors
actual operating horsepower prior to the change so the technician can tell if the
motor has enough horsepower capacity available or if the motor must be
changed. If the motor must be changed this calculation also gives added
information to help determine what new size motor will be necessary when the
pulley is changed.
A single-phase blower motor has the following data plate information.
5 HP
%Eff .86
230 Volts
FLA 20.72
PF .91
SF 1.15
A technician measures the actual running amperage and voltage and finds the
motor is getting 230 volts and is drawing 16 amps. The amperage is less than full
load so the motor is not working at the 5 HP it is rated for. But, what amount of
work is it actually doing? Inserting actual measured values of voltage and
amperage in the formula gives the answer.
The calculation shows the motor to be operating about one horsepower under
the 5HP rating.
A careful look at the single-phase horsepower formula reveals some useful
information. The power law states that the voltage (E) times the amperage (I)
gives the wattage or power consumption of a circuit. Therefore the horsepower
formula includes both voltage and amperage. There are 746 watts in one
horsepower, so every time a motor develops or uses 746 watts it has done one
horsepower of work. Both wattage and horsepower are two ways of stating the
same thing. This is why the 746 watts per horsepower is divided into the watts on
the top of the formula.
But, notice that the voltage times the amperage in the top of the formula not
only gives the wattage but the wattage is then multiplied times the % efficiency
and the power factor. The wattage gotten by multiplying the motor voltage times
the motor amperage assumes that the motor is 100% efficient. Nothing is 100%
efficient and motors are no exception. The efficiency of this motor is 86 % so; the
wattage is reduced to 86 % of the calculated wattage by multiplying by .86. The
lost efficiency was lost in the form of heat and never produced the work in the
form of rotational force which motors are made to do.
Obviously the higher the efficiency the better and also the higher the initial cost
to purchase. However, the energy savings from the higher efficiency may offset
the higher initial cost. Remember, the power the power bill reflects is all the
power the motor uses, not just what the motor converted to useful rotational work
but even the power lost to heat. A higher efficiency motor wastes less power to
heat loss and may run less to get the same amount of work accomplished than a
lower efficiency motor. Generally, it pays to purchase higher efficiency motors to
begin with unless the motor is a small one. Small motors usually do not
consume enough power to pay back the cost of the higher efficiency.
After correcting the motor wattage for the efficiency of the motor, the result is
then corrected for the power factor of the motor by multiplying by the power
factor rating listed on the motor data plate. The power factor was defined earlier
in the chapter as the degree that the voltage and current are out of phase from
one another. A power factor less than one indicates that the two are not perfectly
in phase so the actual power the motor is working at is not what it could be if the
voltage and amperage were perfectly in phase. Knowing and using the power
factor and efficiency in motor calculations is vitally important if solid useful
numbers are to be gotten.
The calculation shows the motor to be operating about one horsepower under
the 5HP rating.
A careful look at the single-phase horsepower formula reveals some useful
information. The power law states that the voltage (E) times the amperage (I)
gives the wattage or power consumption of a circuit. Therefore the horsepower
formula includes both voltage and amperage. There are 746 watts in one
horsepower, so every time a motor develops or uses 746 watts it has done one
horsepower of work. Both wattage and horsepower are two ways of stating the
same thing. This is why the 746 watts per horsepower is divided into the watts on
the top of the formula.
But, notice that the voltage times the amperage in the top of the formula not
only gives the wattage but the wattage is then multiplied times the % efficiency
and the power factor. The wattage gotten by multiplying the motor voltage times
the motor amperage assumes that the motor is 100% efficient. Nothing is 100%
efficient and motors are no exception. The efficiency of this motor is 86 % so; the
wattage is reduced to 86 % of the calculated wattage by multiplying by .86. The
lost efficiency was lost in the form of heat and never produced the work in the
form of rotational force which motors are made to do.
Obviously the higher the efficiency the better and also the higher the initial cost
to purchase. However, the energy savings from the higher efficiency may offset
the higher initial cost. Remember, the power the power bill reflects is all the
power the motor uses, not just what the motor converted to useful rotational work
but even the power lost to heat. A higher efficiency motor wastes less power to
heat loss and may run less to get the same amount of work accomplished than a
lower efficiency motor. Generally, it pays to purchase higher efficiency motors to
begin with unless the motor is a small one. Small motors usually do not
consume enough power to pay back the cost of the higher efficiency.
After correcting the motor wattage for the efficiency of the motor, the result is
then corrected for the power factor of the motor by multiplying by the power
factor rating listed on the motor data plate. The power factor was defined earlier
in the chapter as the degree that the voltage and current are out of phase from
one another. A power factor less than one indicates that the two are not perfectly
in phase so the actual power the motor is working at is not what it could be if the
voltage and amperage were perfectly in phase. Knowing and using the power
factor and efficiency in motor calculations is vitally important if solid useful
numbers are desired.
Three Phase HP Calculations
Three phase motors use the same calculation as was used on single-phase
motors with one addition to the formula. Three phase motors have three separate
voltages each 120 degrees out of phase from on another. This is what gives the
three phase motor its superior starting and running power and eliminates the
need for start capacitors and start relays to remove a starting winding as is often
necessary on single phase motors.
The three-phase motor is 73% more powerful than an equivalent motor using
single phase. The number 1.73 is added to the wattage side of the calculation to
reflect this increase for 3 phases.
Here is the three-phase formula for determining motor horsepower including
the addition of the 1.73 in its proper place. The 1.73 is the square root of the
number 3 for the 3 phases.
In order to determine missing values of efficiency and/or power factor the
formula is the same as for single phase except the 1.73 is included in the
Use this formula just like the single-phase version.
The technician who works with blowers and blower motors and makes
adjustments to correct airflow quantities must understand the relationships
between the various elements involved. A change in any one of the operating
conditions will have an important effect on several others. Making adjustments
without considering the effects of the adjustments may cause a blower motor
burnout or may result in an inefficient system operation. The purpose of making
adjustments in the first place is to increase efficiency and provide for increased
comfort at lowered operating costs as well as to avoid causing expensive system
Relationship of Rpm to Cfm.
To increase cfm the blower rpm must be increased. This is a directly
proportional change. The percent of cfm change is proportional to the percent of
rpm change. Since the rpm and cfm are directly proportional, the two are
interchangeable in formulas. Where one is used the other may be substituted.
Relationship of Rpm and Cfm to the Motor Pulley Size.
To increase the rpm and cfm of the blower the motor pulley size must be
increased. This relationship is easy to remember as the motor pulley is always
smaller than the blower pulley and if the motor pulley were made the same size as
the larger blower pulley they would both go the same speed, which is the speed
of the motor. Except for direct drive, no blower operates at the same speed as
the motor.
The relationship of the rpm, cfm, and motor pulley is a directly proportional
one. The rpm and cfm change by the same percentage change of the motor
pulley change.
This paper was taken from a larger work by the same author. The full text of the larger
work goes into greater depth, detail and provides additional material.