Mercury Quantity in Lamps for General Lighting Applications 12/4/14 OSRAM SYLVANIA is continuously striving to reduce the levels of mercury in our lamps. The levels in these tables are best projected estimates, subject to machine capabilities. Lamp Type T5, pre-heat ® T5, PENTRON & PENTRON/SS (Standard Output) ® PENTRON Circline ® T5, PENTRON HO & HO/SS (High Output) ® T5, PENTRON HO & HO/SS (High Output) ® T5, PENTRON HO XL ® T5, PENTRON C HO (Constant) ® T5, PENTRON HO (High Output) Seamless ® T5, PENTRON HE Seamless T12, pre-heat T8, pre-heat ® T8, OCTRON , linear 800, 800XP, and XL ® T8, OCTRON linear 800XP/SS, 800XPPLUS, 800XPS ® T8, OCTRON , linear 800XP/XL/SS ® T8, OCTRON , linear 700XP ® T8, OCTRON , linear 700 ® T8, OCTRON linear ® T8, OCTRON linear 800 XV ® T8, OCTRON linear 800 XV/SS ® T8, OCTRON linear halo phosphor ® T8, OCTRON , HO, linear (High Output) ® ® T8, OCTRON , CURVALUME 6” leg spacing ® ® T8, OCTRON , CURVALUME 1 5/8” leg spacing T9 Circline T9 Circline T12, linear, Rapid Start—deluxe-phosphor lamps T12, linear, Rapid Start – Designer lamps T12, linear, Instant Start ® T12, CURVALUME T12, HO (High Output) T12, VHO (Very High Output) ® ICETRON ® ICETRON ® DULUX EL , one piece(amalgam and covered, ex. triple tube) ® DULUX EL one piece (bare burner) ® DULUX EL one piece (bare burner) ® DULUX EL , one piece (triple tube) ® DULUX EL , Circline ® ® DULUX EL Micro Mini and Living Spaces ® DURA-ONE ® DULUX pin base (excl. some T, and F and L) ® DULUX pin base T, T/E ® DULUX pin base, T/E/IN ® DULUX F, pin base ® DULUX L, pin base Range 4W to 13W (incl BLB) All All 48” 24”, 36”, 60” All 48” All All All All Up to 60” All All Up to 72" Up to 72" 72” and longer 48” 96” Up to 96” All All All 20W 22W, 28W, 40W (excl. HO & VHO) (excl. HO & VHO) All (>24” L) All All All 40W 70W to 200W 4W to 40W 4W to 25W 25W to 40W 15W to 23W 20W to 30W 13W to 23W 23W 5W to 57W 13W to 32W 18W to 70W 18W to 36 W 18W to 55W Hg Content (mg) 15 1.8 3.5 2.5 1.8 2.5 2.5 3.0 2.5 12 to15 6 3.5 3.2 4.2 3.5 3.5 8.5 3.5 8.5 8 9.5 3.75 6 5 15 8.8 4.4 8.8 8 15 30 8.4 13 3 3 to 4 5 4 4 1.5 1.8 1.3 2.5 2.5 3 3 Mercury Quantity in Lamps for General Lighting Applications 12/4/14 OSRAM SYLVANIA is continuously striving to reduce the levels of mercury in our lamps. The levels in these tables are best projected estimates, subject to machine capabilities. When using these numbers to determine compliance with the US Green Building Council’s LEED® low mercury credits, please note: • This calculation requires input of ALL mercury-containing lamps. Each individual lamp does NOT need to meet the individual picogram per lumen hour level, but rather the total level of all lamp types and quantities must achieve that measurement. • It is important to remember that individual products cannot be LEED-certified. Lamp Type ® Metal Halide, METALARC screw base ceramic PAR & TC ® Metal Halide, METALARC screw base ceramic PAR & TC ® Metal Halide, METALARC screw base ceramic PAR, T,&TC ® Metal Halide, METALARC screw base ceramic PAR, T,&TC ® Metal Halide, METALARC screw base ceramic PAR ® Metal Halide, METALARC screw base ® Metal Halide, METALARC screw base ® Metal Halide, METALARC screw base ® Metal Halide, METALARC screw base ® Metal Halide, METALARC ceramic screw base ® Metal Halide, METALARC ceramic screw base ® Metal Halide, METALARC ceramic screw base ® Metal Halide, METALARC ceramic screw base ® Metal Halide, METALARC ceramic screw base ® Metal Halide, METALARC ceramic screw base ® Metal Halide, METALARC screw base ® Metal Halide, METALARC screw base ® ® Metal Halide, METALARC PRO-TECH POWERBALL Metal Halide, pin base Metal Halide, double-ended (excl. HQI DE 150 WDX) Metal Halide, double-ended - HQI DE 150 WDX only Metal Halide, double-ended Mercury Vapor Mercury Vapor Mercury Vapor Mercury Vapor Mercury Vapor H36 High Pressure Sodium, standard High Pressure Sodium, standard, SUPER ® High Pressure Sodium, LUMALUX Standby ® High Pressure Sodium, LUMALUX Standby High Pressure Sodium, ECO High Pressure Sodium, PLUS, ECO High Pressure Sodium PLUS High Pressure Sodium, HgF mercury free ® Range 20W 24W 39W 70W 100W to150W 50W to 100W 150W 175W to 250W 320W to 360W 50W 70W 100W 150W 250W 320W 400W to 750W 1000W to 1500W 20W, 39W 39 to 150W 70 to 250W 150W 1000 to 3000W 50W to 100W 175W 250W 400W to 1000W 1000W 35W to 400W >400W to 1000W 70W to 400W 1000W 50W to 400W 50W to 400W 1000W 70W to 150W Hg Content (mg) 2.5 3.8 5 7 15 10 to13 16.3 28 to 37.5 56 8 7 6.6 to 7.5 16 18 31 57 to 80.5 145 2.5 6 to13 15 23 281 11 to 20 24 48 58 to 79 165 10.8 to15 18 to 25 29 43 15 1 to 6 15 0.0001