Weekly Warm-Up

Weekly Warm-Up
October 26-30, 2015
Monday: October 26, 2015
Review the information below. Answer the question that follows and provide
justification for your response.
Tuesday: October 27, 2015
Review the following questions. Indicate key words or phrases used to answer
each. Justify your response
Elemental Hero
• Obj: The students will complete assignment: Elemental
Heros. Each student will create a poster that represents
an individual element from the periodic table.
• They will include the following information on their
posters using different mediums:
Element symbol
Atomic mass
Atomic number
Electron configuaration
Element uses
Element locations
Known Isotopes
(samples of the element in product can be used)
• Due Monday November 2
Wednesday: October 28, 2015
Read and answer the questions below. Justify your responses.
Thursday: October 29, 2015
Review the diagram below, write at least 5 things you have
learned about the table.
Friday: October 30, 2015
Free Write Friday!!!
How will you spend your Halloween???
(Remember to write 5 complete
Task 2 Assignment
• Use what you have learned about atoms and
their components above to write a paragraph
that explains what happens from picture 1 to
picture 2. Be sure to include no less than 5
complete sentences that detail your thoughts.
Use the pun to help you identify the element.
Give the element’s name and symbol.
1.What you did to ripped jeans
2.Drive away in style
3.What a cloud does
4.What you do to flowers in the spring
5. What you do in a play
Use a periodic table and your knowledge of the
element families to identify each element by name.
1. I am a member of the Carbon family with 14 electrons.
2. I am a member of the Alkaline Earth family and would
have 6 energy levels.
3. I am a halide that is a liquid at room temperature.
4. I am a transition metal with 79 protons.
5. I am a member of the Alkali Metal family with 20
The answers are …
1. I am a member of the Carbon family with 14
2. I am a member of the Alkaline Earth family
and would have 6 energy levels.
3. I am a halide that is a liquid at room
4. I am a transition metal with 79 protons.
5. I am a member of the Alkali Metal family with
20 neutrons.