My name is Caleb Harris, I’m sixteen years old, and I attend Ponitz Career Technology Center. I have two brothers who both attend Ponitz CTC with me, and we all love basketball. Wesley is 17 years old, which means he is the oldest out of the three of us, but he is still just as goofy as the rest of us. Wesley is the star senior player on varsity, he is the starting point guard and he’s averaging close to 16 points and 7 assists per game. My other brother, T’aundre A.K.A. Ted is just turning 17, he is most definitely the funniest out of the three of us, but it can get a little annoying. I still love him though. Ted is a junior, like me, and he plays the small forward and power forward. He is probably the strongest kid in the city when he steps on the court. Off the court he is just like his nickname implies, a teddy bear! For me I am the youngest out of the three of BALLIN BROS Te’Andre, Wes, and Caleb lead the varsity basketball team from one family us, and I always get the little broth- move that happened to my brother er treatment. Which means random Wesley and I is that we were invited punching comes at anytime! I play down to a nationally- ranked high shooting guard and point guard and school in basketball last year. We can shoot pretty well, if I do say so basically went to college a few years myself. For me basketball unites my early. We shared a house with about entire family, my mom is our coach 7 other out-of-state players who also and a huge fan of basketball and my played on the team. It was proba- father is a doctor, and more impor- bly the most eye-opening experience tantly he is our strength and athletic that I’ve ever had. We traveled all trainer. In my household there is a around the country; we even got friendly inner family rivalry running to go to Hawaii to play in a tourna- between the Miami Heat fans and ment. Without my brothers, I probably the rest of the NBA. My mom and I wouldn’t be where I’m at today, and absolutely despise the Miami Heat, we will always be ballin’ bros. while the rest of the family praise the Heat. It’s always a fun and laid-back atmosphere in our house when there is basketball around. The biggest - Caleb Harris, Junior in Digital Design Vo l u m e I Issue 2 December 19 2013 I Think I Can . . . P O N I T Z N AT I O N A L H O N O R S O C I E T Y S T U D E N T S COLLECT CANNED GOODS FOR THE FOOD BANK The National Honor Society held a can food drive for the Miami Valley Food Bank at Ponitz Career Technology Center. The National Honor Society is based on four main ideals: scholarship, leadership, service and character. The can food drive was our community service project for this school year, with the purpose of helping those that are less fortunate then ourselves. Our goal this year was to collect and fill three barrels; we surpassed that on our second day. Finishing with a grand total of 5 barrels and ten or more extra boxes full of canned goods. Several members and a couple of nonmembers really stepped up and went out of their way to help others. Those students include J’ai Cruse, Stephanie Winn, Dawn Reynolds, Donovan Knight, and Kia Davidson. On behalf of the National Honor Society and the Miami Valley Food Bank, thank you to the students of Ponitz Career Technology Center. Brianna Warfield, Nai’Bria Smith, Chantel Lewis, - Wesly Rodenberg, NHS Advisor Principal’s Corner Our staff A M E S S A G E T O PA R E N T S F R O M P R I N C I PA L , R AY C A R U T H E R S scholar through a rigorous college preparatory inquiry and Let me begin by stating how happy my adminis- ensure that our school has structure, clear expectations and trative team and I are to be in one of the nation’s best Career Technical Centers! We strive to “Build High Expectations, Best Practices and Measured Success,” our theme for the school year. Our expectation of “Excellence” involves all stakeholders jumping on board and doing what is best for each Ponitz scholar. Your expectations As a parent, you have chosen to send your son or daughter to Ponitz, with the expectation that he or she would thrive in an academic setting that is free of distractions, experience instruction that addresses and appeals to his or her unique learning style, as well as be provided a safe, structured, supportive and motivating environment in a career path of his or her choice. The entire staff is committed to meeting the needs of each project-based curriculum. To that end, we are working daily to motivating opportunities for each scholar to produce his or her best work. There is so much I can and will tell you in the coming newsletters, but first let me brag on our students. Honor Roll I am pleased to acknowledge and recognize students for their academic achievement for the first quarter. We have 4 categories of honor roll at Ponitz 1) Superintendent’s List All A’s (Recognized on page 3) 2) Principal’s List 4.0 3) High Honor 3.5-3.99 4) Honor Roll 3.0-3.499 - Raymond Caruthers, Principal SCIENCE FAIR FEB 1 GUIDELINES FOR PARTICIPANTS Items Allowed at Project with the Restrictions Indicated (District, Regional and State fairs) Posters should display: At each grade level there are things that you need to be looking at for your future. 10th Graders . . . 1. An abstract, data tables, diagrams, charts, photographs and graphs that summarize results. -Check your academic progress with your 2. Research notebooks, research reports, research plans and documentation of research protocols are expected and may be in notebooks or folders on the table for use by science day officials and judges. -Develop a financial plan for college by 3. Information such as postal, web and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers is allowed only for the exhibitor. guidance counselor. Are you taking the right classes to prepare you for your future? (College , military, or work force). speaking with your parents and guidance counselor for options. -Learn how to calculate your GPA and take ownership in doing so. -Participate in ACT/SAT Prep Classes and take PSAT. -Find a mentor who understands your goals, desires, dream and aspirations. This individual has wisdom and will be 4. The only photographs or visual depictions of identifiable or recognizable people allowed are photographs of the exhibitor, photographs taken by the exhibitor (with permission of individuals received), or photographs for which credit is displayed (such as from magazines, newspapers, journals, etc.). able to help guide you in the right direc- 5. Battery-powered computers may be used only for simulation, modeling, animation or data display integral and essential to the project results and not for general PowerPoint™ presentations. -Make sure you know the requirements for tion. -Conduct meaningful career research by interviewing people with jobs that may interest you. -Start researching colleges that match your interest (location, major, tuition, etc…). -Start attending college fairs. graduation (credits, OGT test). 11th Graders -Maintain contact with your guidance counselor. -Start to inquire about the financial aid process for college. -If interested in Military start touching base with recruiters to find out options that best suit your needs. -Consider job shadowing or volunteering in career fields that interest you -Take ACT/SAT -Narrow your college choice based on your career interests, financial situation, and/or personal preference. Talk to your counselor, mentor, and family about options. - Zulaikha Wright 10th-11th grade Guidance Counselor Voice Club Principles an after school mentoring program held in room 2407 under the direction of Tim Crouse as an extension of the Health Department at Ponitz CTC 1. 2. To provide all students an open forum in which to communicate negative peer pressure and to be part of the solution rather than To provide all students opportunities to share their cultures and to part of the problem. 8. To provide an atmosphere of cooperation and collaboration in the form of student mentoring. 4. To ensure that all students truly understand the negative consequences of drugs alcohol, tobacco and sexual promiscuity. 9. To promote the importance of positive self- images and positive self -talk in reaching ones potential. 5. To take a stand against all forms of harassment, bullying, and without fear of ridicule or rejection. celebrate their differences. 3. 7. To assure that all students are setting meaningful goals for themselves and striving to achieve those goals. 10. To ensure that all students believe they can make a difference in To promote positive peer interactions by promoting a their school and their community. “Rise Above The Influence” theme . 6. To provide opportunities for meaningful community service projects. •Da’Marcus Ivory, Culinary •Ponitz Culinary Arts Arts Junior, scored the highest Competition Team was selected. score among his peers on the Congratulations!! WritePlacer. He may enroll in Sheldon Goff-Team Captain Honors English as a result. Shannon Campbell-Co-Captain •Breanna Flanigan is starting a Talijah Humphrey Jean Drive in the school to pro- Alexis Rogers vide clothing assistance to home- Miguel Andrade less teenagers in the Community. •Ponitz Advisory Board met in •During the Month of October November. We welcomed Mr. Culinary Arts Students volun- LeRoy Hyman, local restaurant teered time after school to feed owner and Jeremy Fenton, Chef students who remained each day and Culinary Arts Instructor from for OGT tutoring. Sinclair. We welcome new mem- •Alexis Rogers, a Junior in bers who have an interest in vol- Culinary Arts has volunteered unteering time and energy to the 100% of her time to every after program while mentoring young school event hosted by Culinary Culinary Arts students. Arts this school year! PREPARING PROFESSIONALS by Preparing Food Culinary Arts Students have a Recipe for Success PANTHER PAWS H I G H A C H I E V E R S in Graphic Arts and Design De’Aerah Maurice Gerald Clemons Simon Walter Designed Designed works on the t-shirt the Ponitz Mondays for the Honor Roll and Trebuchet T-shirt Wednesdays Contest. Mr. design. for the Walters, Mr. He and other Graphic Andrews, classmates Art and and the also were Design Work Engineering responsible Extended and for the print Program. Construction production of students the shirts. loved the design. Chantel Jasmine Mitchell Tribble along with Won the Jasmine 2013 DPS Tribble and Science De’aerah Fair Logo Clemons, Contest. She printed over was award260 Ponitz ed $100.00 Honor Roll gift card. certificates. Ponitz Store The following students help Mrs. Robinson run and operate the Ponitz Store on Tuesday and Thursday. • De’areah Clemons, Brianna Browning, Larinda Cannon, Alexus White and Troy Cantrell These students are learning, developing, and displaying great customer service skills, money management, and inventory operations. Running the store is a rewarding learning experience for us all. Graphic Art and Design Work Extended Program I have four students working in the Graphics extended work program. De’aerah Clemons, Devantae Geter, Maurice Simon, and Gerald Walters work on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm. They create and produce all types of work for the DPS school district and outside local businesses. Examples: logos, business cards, t-shirt designs and printing, bookmarks, notepads, posters, flyers, tickets, etc. The students are learning/developing real life work experience. -Mrs. Robinson, Graphics Instructor HELPING THE NEEDY WITH G I F T S O F T I M E A N D TA L E N T Charlise Davenport and Langston Mallary are students who have been working hard (much of it outside of school hours) to make items to sell for a fundraiser in the building. They are part of a group of students across the state who are involved in the Ohio Occupational Outcomes Therapy Transition (OTTO) study through the Department of Education. This is a research study to see how Occupational Therapy services help students get ready for life after high school gradua- tion, going to work or college, living on their own, and becoming inde- pendent in life skills. Under guidance Kathy from Gooch, Occupational T h e r a p y A s s i s t a n t a s s i g n e d to Ponitz, goals for this activity include: job performance skills, money management, and socialization (both students are new to the building). Proceeds from the fund raiser will be put aside to help those students in our building who might need help with uniform or bus pass expenses. The students created their own “club”, which is called “Panther Paws” (think of helping hands) in order to do this. J u d y F e h r, Kathy Gooch, and Amy Richardson will oversee this fund. We are also proud to have another Ponitz staff member involved. M r. E d w a r d S i m m o n s i s w o r k i n g d i l i g e n t l y crocheting scarfs and other items for us. Please feel free to contact Kathy Gooch, C O TA / L ( m k g o o c h @ d p s . k 1 2 . o h . u s ) For more information. Superintendent’s List s t r a i g h t A’ s IN THE LAB with BIOTECH biotechnology students turn up the bunsen burner on their careers 9th Grade Halee Collins Tyurkan Gaydarova Anouar Billel Hamadi Evan Haynes: Synthesizing and analyzing Heather Lewis the purity of Acetylsalicylic Brandy Lynch Acid (Aspirin) Philip Negron Alejandro Perez Christian Trent Rickia White Aleaha Branham: Crystals produced and captured at 30x Microscopy. Aleaha was able to synthesize aspirin samples of higher purity compared to Bayer aspirin. 10th Grade Alana Demmons Heaven Gray-Jones Darryl Jones Alexis Knight Amarah Lawrence Destiny Peyton Maraja James Kudos to Biotech, Digital Adam Robinson Design, and Radio/TV for put- Kendall Smith ting together the Fall Blood Drive. A total of 89 students 11th Grade donated Johnathan Anderson blood this year. Awesome Job! Miguel Andrade Justin Barbour Andrew Rhinevault and Anna Crosthwaite Ashley Teaque: Angel Gibson This team studies the effects Nihad-Raafat Hamadi of Chemtrail fallout in rain Enchantment Harley-Macon samples and the ability of dif- Fatima Holloman ferent plants to absorb and Francis Long degrade Barium levels. 12th Grade Students within the Biotech pathway have been working with inquiry, project, and service-based learning skills this year. Biotech students learn laboratory and field skills within Bioscience sectors such as Forensics, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Chemistry, Water Quality, Pharmacy, Veterinarian Parasitology, Food Industry, Ecology, and Bioscience Research. The Biotech students continue to showcase their ability to achieve both academically and in the research lab. Students have achieved high scores at the state research competition every year working on college level research projects. Biotech students continue to average within the top 10% of their graduating class, and have received a total of $595,000 worth of scholarships since the start of the program. It’s been a fun and exciting year so far seeing the Biotech students progress into their passionate field. Above is just a snap shot of a few things that have occurred this year. - Mr. Roark, Biotech Instructor F e e d b a c k o r e n t r i e s ? C o n t a c t P. R . F r a n k , e d i t o r 741 Washington St. or 937.542.7194 Dayton, Ohio 45402 937.542.7180 ph 937.542.7181 fax Damon Bradley Aleaha Branham Letisha Caldwell J’Ai Cruse Chantel Ely Taylor Finch Shemari Hale Evan Haynes Lamarr Henry Maraja James Jordan Jones Ti’esha Perrin Andrew Rhinevault Breanna Warfield Stephanie Winn