Non-Volatile Register based on hybrid Spintronics/CMOS technology Weisheng Zhao 1, 2*, Eric Belhaire 1, 2, Claude Chappert 1, 2, Virgile Javerliac 3 , Pascale Mazoyer4 1 IEF~ CNRS~ Orsay~ F-91405 2 Univ Paris-Sud~ UMR 8622, Orsay, F-91405 3 Crocus Technology, Grenoble, France 4 STMicroelectronics, 850 rue Jean Monnet 38926 Crolles, France *Email: Abstract In this paper~ we present a non-volatile register based on hybrid Spintronics/CMOS technology, which can store securely and non-vocatively all the intermediate data in the logic circuits as FPGA and ASIC. The non-volatility of this register allows to power down the circuits keeping the data thereby reduce significantly the standby power and accelerate the chip re (boot) latency. Based on STMicroelectronics 90nm design kit and a complete MT J Spice model for MRAM development, the delay propagation of this register is lower than 500ps. We propose also the solutions to overcome the high sensitivity issue for this non-volatile register. 1. Introduction The leakage currents have become one of the most critical issues since CMOS fabrication technology scaled down to 90nm or below, and they can be increased exponentially for the next MOS shrinking [1]. Thereby they cause the standby power to become more important than the active power and the major dissipation source~ especially in the latch register which memorizes the intermediate data in the logic circuits [2]. The conventional register is based on the charge data storage principle and requires power to keep the data even if it is in "idle" state [3]. If the power is removed from the circuits, the charge quickly drains off, destroying any data that the charge represents. There is an urgent requirement for the non-volatility of register; in this case, the circuits in '''idle'' state can be powered down completely and the standby power may be reduced down to nearly zero. The high speed and infinite endurance requirements 0 f register limits most of the present non-volatile storage technology as Flash, Phase Change RAM (PCRAM) and Ferroelectric RAM (FRAM) etc [4]. Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ) [5], the basic element for Magnetic RAM (MRAM) is the only candidate to bring the non-volatility into the register (see Table 1). Benefiting from the high sensing speed ofMTJ, the chip (re)boot latency can be down to sonle hundred pico second. Magnetic Non-Volatile Flip-Flop (MNVFF) [6] has been proposed to memorize securely and synchronize the intermediate data after the computing units in the logic circuits as FPGA and demonstrated the data restoring latency lower than 200ps. Ho\vever MNVFF \vorks always synchronously~ driven with clock signal; while there are many applications requiring the simple non-volatile register or latch to save the intermediate data securely, such as in the asynchronous chips. Therefore we design the non-volatile register to address these applications. Another advantage of hybrid MTJ/CMOS technology is that the storage element MTJ does not consume much die area as its vertical structure allows it to be processed above the transistor level integration in the back-end process (see Fig.1) [7]. The dimension of an MTJ is as well as very small (e.g. 75nm x 120nm). Table 1. Non-volatile Storage Technology@IMHz Technology Endurance Lifetime@I MHz Flash 10e6 Impossible (limited speed) PCRAM IOe12 11,57 days FRAM IOeI3 115,7 days MTJ Infinite Infinite Figure.I MTJ is composed of three principle layers: an oxidation barrier, such as MgO and AlxOy; a Pinned layer and a storage layer, which are ferromagnetic Materials (e.g. CoFeB). The spin direction in pinned layer is fixed, but can be changed in the storage layer, there are so that two states of MTJ: parallel and anti-parallel when the spin direction in pinned layer and free layer are in the same direction or the opposite direction. The body of this paper includes three parts, in the first section, the design of Magnetic Non-volatile Register (MNVR) will be introduced, based on STMicroelectronics 90nm design kit [8] and a complete MTJ spice model [9], and we have also simulated the transient response of this logic component. In the second section, we present the stability optimization methods at last we discuss and conclude. 978-1-4244-2186-2/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: CEA Saclay. Downloaded on August 27, 2009 at 02:48 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 2. Magnetic Non-Volatile Register (MNVR) 2.1 Design ofMNVR We design the Magnetic Non-volatile Register (MNVR), which is transparent and independent with any clock signal. Fig.2 shows the schematic of the MNVR, which is composed by four parts of circuits~ the tirst one is the write circuit (see Fig.3) the same as that used in MNVFF, based on four NMOS transistors generating the high current in dual directions; the second is two PMOS transistors (MPO, MP 1) polarized with the control signal "'Enable", which enables the sensing circuit: the third part of MNVR is the four transistors based current comparator sense amplifier (MP2~3 and MN2,3), it detects and amplifies the different currents passing through the two MT1s and the last one is a simple inverter amplifier (MN4 and MP4), which output the amplified signal in logical level. It is important to mention that the power source of the sensing and switching circuits Vdd_Logic, Vdda should be different to optimize the area performance of the MNVR, because improving the voltage supply of NMOS transistor allows to reduce its width keeping the same drain current [3]. In our design based on 90nm technology, they are set to 1.2V and 3.3V respectively, the die area of the switching circuit can be thus economized up to about 60%. This circuit is suitable for the Field Induced Magnetic Switching (FIMS) [10] and Thermally Assisted Switching (TAS) [11] MTl switching approaches, but not for Spin Transfer Torque (STT) [12] as the switching and sensing of the couple of MTl device should be able to operate at the same time in this register. In the STT switching approach, the current passing trough the MTl write and read it in different direction [13], thereby the two operations should be fully separated. Vdd_IoP Figure 2. The sensing circuit of MNVR, which are composed of three parts of circuits Figure 3. The switching circuit ofMNVR, each time two NMOS are active and the others are inactive. Figure.4.1 The propagation delay is lower than 500ps (350ps for MTl switching and 150ps for data sensing) Authorized licensed use limited to: CEA Saclay. Downloaded on August 27, 2009 at 02:48 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 2.2 Transient simulation of MNVR In MNVR, the output can be induced directly by the input without other control signal; thereby the delay includes only the switching, sensing time of MTJ device and the circuit logic delay. Based on STMicroelectronics 90nm design kit and a complete MTJ spice simulation model, the whole propagation delay of this register is found less than 500ps (see Fig.4.1). As all the data sensing amplification circuit, One of the most critical issue for this MNVR is that it is very sensitive to nlismatch variation due to the comparator sense amplifier circuit where all the four transistors operate in saturation mode and the low bias voltage between the two MTJs, about 30% errors are found in the output with the Monte Carlo analog statistical simulation as the TMR of MTJ is set to 100% and the resistance of MTJ is 30KOhm (see Fig.4.2), therefore MNVR should be optimized before its wide applications. barrier. Before the using of MgO crystalline barrier since 2004, the best TMR ratio with conventional AlxO amorphous barrier is 70% at most. The recent experiments demonstrated that the TMR may be up to 500% at room temperature [16]. Figures 5.1 and 5.2 demonstrate the error percentage of the MNVR can be greatly reduced by the increasing of resistance and TMR ratio of MTJ respectively, however it is not sufficient for practical applications because there are still about 5% errors in the output even the TMR ratio is set up to 600%, therefore we should continue the second step to reduce further the errors. R(O) lox = 223.76x qJ R(V") = Statistical Analysis for the til NVR -]/2 xexp(1.025xloxXqJ) -1/2 2 R(~) .fox Xe Xm 1+( -2 _ 4xh x({J TMR 1.0 x surface )X (1) V2 (2) = TMR(O) real V'2 1+2 Vh .75 52 .5 ~ .25 50 ~ 48 ~ 46 Q. Q) £; 44 10.1 10.2 10.3 time (ns) 10.4 10.5 10.6 Figure.4.2 Transient response of statistical analysis for the MNVR, 3 outputs in error are found for 10 run due to the mismatch variation. .~ ~ 42 co ~ 40 £ 38 --. oC 36 W 2.3 Stability optimization In order to improve the stability of MNVR to mismatch variation, we propose two steps. The first step is to increase the resistance of MTJ device and TMR ratio thereby larger the bias voltage difference between MTJI and MTJO. There are two methods, obtained from the model of Brinkman (1) [14] able to higher the resistance, either scale down the dimension of MTJ (surface) or raise the thickness of oxide barrier (tox). As the shrinking of MTJ will lead to the fabrication difficulty, the most efficient way is to manipulate the thickness of oxide barrier; furthermore no extra cost will be required. However, there is a limit for the improving of resistance, because the higher resistance will increase the bias voltage 0 f MTJs and reduce the real TMR ratio (2) [15]. Vh is the bias voltage when the real TMR ratio is 50% of that with zero bias voltage. The raising of TMR ratio is not easy as the resistance, because it depends mainly on the material composition of oxide 34 10K 20K 40K 50K 80K 100K 120K Resistance of MTJ(Ohm) Figure. 5.] The stability of MNVR improves with the increasing of resistance (TMR ratio=50%, all the transistors are at minimum size) The second step is to define the fit transistor size for the comparator and inverter amplifier, in this case, the die area will be enlarged but the circuit can be more stable to mismatch variation. For example, in the inverter amplifier (MP4 and MN4), if the two transistors are at the minimum size the voltage of operating point will be close to the Vdd_logic and this may lower the sensing margin. In order to improve the stability of this amplifier, we should change the size of MOS to set the operating point to be equal to 0.5*Vdd_Iogic and realize the maximum margin. Figure 6 demonstrates that the errors can be lower than t % as the size of transistors is Authorized licensed use limited to: CEA Saclay. Downloaded on August 27, 2009 at 02:48 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. the sixth Framework, Contract Number 510993: MAGLOG. The views expressed are solely those of the authors. and the other Contractors and/or the European Community cannot be held liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein. enlarged and the TMR ratio increases up to 350%. 40 ~ "5Q. "5 30 References o Q) £ .!; 20 Q) 0> n:I C Q) ~ 10 Q) a. D ~ 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 TMR ratio(%) Figure. 5.2 The stability of MNVR improves with the increasing of TMR ratio (Rmtj=50KOhm. all the transistors are in minimum size) 40 t"5 Q. "5 • \ \ 30 o Q) £ .!; 20 Q) 0> C ~Q) -\• \ n:I 10 a. D -~ '. --------~ ~ 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 TMR ratio (%) Figure. 6 The stability of MNVR improves with the increasing of TMR ratio (Rmtj=50KOhm. all the PMOS and NMOS in the comparator and amplifier are 1,05um and 0,35um respectively. MPO and MPI are 0.5um) 3. Conclusion The MVNR detTIonstrates high speed, low propagation delay and data non-volatility. therefore it promises to bring the non-volatility or security for the intermediate data in the logic circuits. As its switching and sensing operations are independent to the chip clock, it may be advantageously used in the asynchronous logic chip. The solutions addressing to the stability optimization have been evaluated and simulated, which will be very useful for the hybrid Spintronics/CMOS logic circuit designers. Acknowledgments The work and results reported were obtained with research funding from the European Community under [1] Nam Sung Kim, IEEE Computer Society, pp.68-74. 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