Electrical Properties of Materials Electrical conduction Thermal properties: Thermal expansion Heat capacity Thermal conductivity Functional Materials Saarland University 1 1 Electrical Conduction Ohm‘s Law Ohm‘s law relates the current – or time rate of charge passage – to an applied voltage: V = IR R: resistance of the material through which the current is passing The resistivity ρ is independent of the specimen geometry but related to R through the expression:: l: distance between the 2 points at which the voltage is measured A: cross-sectional area perpendicular to the direction of the current Functional Materials Saarland University 2 2 Electrical Conduction Ohm‘s Law Schematic representation of the apparatus used to measure electrical resistivity. Functional Materials Saarland University 3 3 Electrical Conduction Ohm‘s Law Ag/SnO2 contact materials with different oxide fraction. Functional Materials Saarland University 4 4 Electrical Conduction Ohm‘s Law Sometimes, electrical conductivity σ is used to specify the electrical character of a material. It is simply the reciprocal of the resistivity, or Ohm’s law may be expressed as: J: current density: current per unit area I/A E: electric field intensity, or the voltage difference between two points divided by the distance separating them: Functional Materials Saarland University 5 5 Room temperature conductivity of various materials Functional Materials Saarland University 6 6 Electronic and ionic conduction Valence e- in Metals Semiconductors and Insulators Ionically bonded materials Functional Materials Saarland University 7 7 Energy Band Structures in Solids Schematic plot of electron energy versus interatomic separation for an aggregate of 12 atoms (N 12). Upon close approach, each of the 1s and 2s atomic states splits to form an electron energy band consisting of 12 states. Functional Materials Saarland University 8 8 Energy Band Structures in Solids Functional Materials Saarland University 9 9 Energy Band Structures in Solids Cu Mg Leiter Functional Materials Isolator Halbleiter Saarland University 10 10 Conduction in terms of band and atomic bonding models Metals: For a metal, occupancy of electron states (a) before and (b) after an electron excitation Functional Materials Saarland University 11 11 Conduction in terms of band and atomic bonding models Insulators and semiconductors: For an insulator or semiconductor, occupancy of electron states (a) before and (b) after an electron excitation from the valence band into the conduction band, in which both a free electron and a hole are generated. Functional Materials Saarland University 12 12 Electron Mobility Perfect crystal Crystal heated to high temperature Crystal containing lattice defects Functional Materials Saarland University 13 13 Electron Mobility Schematic diagram showing the path of an electron that is deflected by scattering events. Collisions of electrons with: - other electrons - Metallic atoms - Phonons Functional Materials Saarland University 14 14 Electron Mobility: Ohm´s law F = e E = a · m* In an electrical field: become an electron an acceleration a = e E / m* Energy lost by collisions with Phonons, Foreign Atoms, Crystal defects Middle drift velocity: v = le / τ = τ a= τ e E / m* le = middle free path length τ = relaxation time between collisions Current density: j = n e v = n τ e2 E / m* Specific electrical conductivity: σ = j / E = n τ e2 / m* Ohm´s law: j = σ E = (1/ρ) E n = concentration of conduction electrons ρ = specific electrical resistance The electrical conductivity (or Resistance) of metals is independent of the field intensity Functional Materials Saarland University 15 15 Electrical Resistivity of Metals Room-Temperature Electrical Conductivities for Nine Common Metals and Alloys Functional Materials Saarland University 16 16 Electrical Resistivity of Metals Mathiessen‘s Rule: ρt: thermal resistivity contribution ρi: impurity resistivity contribution ρd: deformations resistivity contribution Functional Materials Saarland University 17 17 Electrical Resistivity of Metals Influence of the Temperature Lineal relationship for high temperatures Scattering of the conduction e- with the lattice vibration (Phonons) Functional Materials High Temperatures (T>Θ): R ~ T Low Temperatures (T<<Θ): R ~ T5 Scattering on lattice defects! Saarland University 18 18 Electrical Resistivity of Metals Influence of the temperature and impurities at very low temperatures Functional Materials Saarland University 19 19 Electrical Resistivity of Metals Influence of lattice Orientation Conductivity Dependent on crystallographic orientation For hexagonal Lattice: ρα = ρ + (ρ - ρ ) · cos2α Functional Materials Saarland University 20 20 Electrical Resistivity of Metals Influence of impurities (alloying) the impurity resistivity ρi is related to the impurity concentration ci in terms of the atom fraction (at%/ 100) as follows: where A is a compositionindependent constant that is a function of both the impurity and host metals Functional Materials Saarland University 21 21 Electrical Resistivity of Metals Isomorphous system (solid solution) Room temperature electrical resistivity versus composition for copper–nickel alloys. Functional Materials Saarland University 22 22 Electrical Resistivity of Metals Isomorphous system (solid solution) Functional Materials Saarland University 23 23 Electrical Resistivity of Metals Influence of order disordered 3Cu.1Au 1Cu.1Au Cu3Au CuAu ordered Functional Materials Saarland University 24 24 Electrical Resistivity of Metals Resistivity in inhomogeneous alloys AgNi40 (contact material) Eutectic system: Ag-Ni Functional Materials Saarland University 25 25 Electrical Resistivity of Metals Resistivity in inhomogeneous alloys a) Adition of resistances RA RB RA RB RA RB R = R1 + R2 + …+ Rn b) Adition of conductivities 1 1 1 1 = + + …+ R R1 R2 Rn Functional Materials RA RB RA RB Saarland University 26 26 Electrical Resistivity of Metals Resistivity in inhomogeneous alloys c) Real system Best fit Adition of conductivities RA RB RA RB Addition Conductivity Addition Resistance Functional Materials Saarland University 27 27 Electrical Resistivity of Metals Functional Materials Saarland University 28 28 Electrical Properties of Materials Electrical conduction Thermal properties: Thermal expansion Heat capacity Thermal conductivity Functional Materials Saarland University 29 29 Thermal properties: thermal expansion Most solid materials expand upon heating and contract when cooled. The change in length with temperature for a solid material may be expressed as follows: where l0 and lf represent, respectively, initial and final lengths with the temperature change from T0 to Tf . The parameter αl is called the linear coefficient of thermal expansion. Volume changes with temperature may be computed from where ∆V and V0 are the volume change and the original volume, respectively, and αv symbolizes the volume coefficient of thermal expansion. Functional Materials Saarland University 30 30 Thermal properties: thermal expansion potential energy versus interatomic spacing curve Morse-Potential (exponential approximation) ( Φ = D ⋅ e [−2α (r − r0 )] − 2e 2e [−α (r − r0 )] Lennard-Jones-Potential (potential law approximation) Φ= Functional Materials A r 12 − B r6 Saarland University 31 31 ) Thermal properties: thermal expansion T E at 0 K no thermal expansion (a) Plot of potential energy versus interatomic distance, demonstrating the increase in interatomic separation with rising temperature. With heating, the interatomic separation increases from r0 to r1 to r2 , and so on. (b) For a symmetric potential energy-versus-interatomic distance curve, there is no increase in interatomic separation with rising temperature (i.e., r1, r2, r3 ). Functional Materials Saarland University 32 32 Thermal properties: thermal expansion Für T > Θ /2 ist α Konstant Θ: Debye temperature Functional Materials Saarland University 33 33 Thermal properties: heat capacity Heat capacity is a property that is indicative of a material’s ability to absorb heat from the external surroundings; it represents the amount of energy required to produce a unit temperature rise. In mathematical terms, the heat capacity C is expressed as follows: where dQ is the energy required to produce a dT temperature change. Ordinarily, heat capacity is specified per mole of material (e.g., J/mol-K, or cal/mol-K). Specific heat (often denoted by a lowercase c) is sometimes used; this represents the heat capacity per unit mass and has various units (J/kg-K, cal/g-K, Btu/lbm-F). Functional Materials Saarland University 34 34 Thermal properties: heat capacity VIBRATIONAL HEAT CAPACITY In most solids the principal mode of thermal energy assimilation is by the increase in vibrational energy of the atoms. Again, atoms in solid materials are constantly vibrating at very high frequencies and with relatively small amplitudes. Rather than being independent of one another, the vibrations of adjacent atoms are coupled by virtue of the atomic bonding. Functional Materials Saarland University 35 35 Thermal properties: heat capacity Temperature dependence of the heat capacity High T U = 3·k·T Low T U∝T (klassischen Gesetzt von Dulong-Petit) 1. Einstein Model: Atome ~ Oszillatoren (Quantenmechanik) Phonen = Quanten der Gitterschwingungen Functional Materials Saarland University 36 36 Thermal properties: heat capacity Temperature dependence of the heat capacity Assumption: Atoms oscillate independent from each other and with the same frequency ( Energy values of the Oscillators: (ν = oscillation frequency; n = quantum number) E n = hν n + 1 Frequency distribution of quantum states n (Bose-Einstein-Distribution): < n >= Functional Materials ) 1 e hν kT −1 1 U = 3 ⋅ N ⋅ < n > + h ⋅ν 2 For N atoms and oscillations in all 3 space direction: the specific heat results 2 cV = dU dT hν exp kT hν = 3 Nk ⋅ 2 kT hν exp − 1 kT 2 V Saarland University 37 37 Thermal properties: heat capacity Temperature dependence of the heat capacity 2. Debye model: Atoms oscillate like coupled oscillators with different frequencies Total Energy through integration of frequencies: νD 1 U = ∫ D(ν ) ⋅ n(ν ) + hν ⋅ dν 2 0 υD: the maximal possible frequency (Debye-Frequency) Dυ: number of oscillation states in an interval between υ and dυ in a cube with sides length L 2ν 2 ⋅ L3 D (ν ) = VS3 VS: sound velocity Debye-Temperature: Functional Materials ΘD = hν D k Saarland University 38 38 Thermal properties: heat capacity Temperature dependence of the heat capacity For T << ΘD: T cV ≅ 234 Nk ΘD 3 For T >> ΘD: cV ≅ 3 Nk Functional Materials Saarland University 39 39 Thermal properties: thermal conductivity Thermal conduction is the phenomenon by which heat is transported from high to low-temperature regions of a substance. The property that characterizes the ability of a material to transfer heat is the thermal conductivity. It is best defined in terms of the expression: where q denotes the heat flux, or heat flow, per unit time per unit area A (area being taken as that perpendicular to the flow direction), k is the thermal conductivity, and dT/dx is the temperature gradient through the conducting medium. The unit of k is W/m.K Functional Materials Saarland University 40 40 Thermal properties: thermal conductivity λ or k: thermal conduction coefficient Functional Materials Saarland University 41 41 Thermal properties: thermal conductivity Heat conduction mechanisms Electron thermal conductivity (λe) Lattice vibration conductivity (λG) crystal lattice free electrons electrons become energy from much excited atoms and deliver it to less excited atoms collisions between phonons • Metals: λe>> λG • Ceramics: λe<< λG Functional Materials Saarland University 42 42 thermal conductivity: crystal lattice vibration From the kinetic theory of gases: 1 λ = C ⋅v ⋅l 3 C: specific heat per volume unit v: mean particle velocity l: mean free path For phonons: Cph: specific heat of the lattice v: sound velocity l: mean free path T C: const. l decreases like 1/T T l increases up to the sample size then λ~C, which decreases like T3 Functional Materials Saarland University 43 43 thermal conductivity: crystal lattice vibration Functional Materials Saarland University 44 44 thermal conductivity: free electrons 1 λ = C ⋅v ⋅l 3 I: „contaminated“ Na II: pure Na For electrons: Ce: specific heat of the ev: velocity of electrons l: mean free path between collisions • Ce ~ T • v: Fermi-Energie: ε F = T-independent •T 1 m ⋅ v2 2 ⇒l Functional Materials Saarland University 45 45 thermal conductivity: free electrons Functional Materials Saarland University 46 46 Thermal conductivity in metals Since free electrons are responsible for both electrical and thermal conduction in pure metals, theoretical treatments suggest that the two conductivities should be related according to the Wiedemann–Franz law: λ = L ⋅T σ Lorenz-Zahl: L = 2.443·10-8 WΩ/K2 The theoretical value of L, 2.443.10-8 WΩ/K2, should be independent of temperature and the same for all metals if the heat energy is transported entirely by free electrons. Experiments for most metals confirm this number quite well Functional Materials Saarland University 47 47