International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) - 2016 A NOVEL METHOD TO EXTRACT MAXIMUM POWER FROM SOLAR PANEL OF A GRID CONNECTED PHOTOTVOLTAIC SYSTEM USING PHASE ANGLE CONTROL AND HYSTERESIS CURRENT CONTROL Devika Menon M.K Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Abstract- Categorized as one of the renewable energies, photovoltaic (PV) system has great potential due to the availability of the sun in most part of the world. This project proposes a high performance, single stage single phase inverter topology for grid connected PV systems. The proposed configuration converts the solar panel’s dc power into high quality ac power for feeding into mains, while tracking maximum power from the PV array. The power transferred to the mains is controlled by using two different control strategies viz phase angle control and current control. At the same time the THD of inverter output voltage will have the values as specified by IEEE standards for grid interconnection and the frequency of generated inverter output voltage is synchronized with the grid frequency. certain applications, grid connected PV systems usually employ two stages to appropriately condition the available solar power for feeding into the grid. While the first stage is used to boost the PV array voltage and track the maximum solar power, the second stage inverts this dc power into high quality ac power. Typically, the first stage comprises of a boost or buck-boost type dc–dc converter topology. Such twostage configurations are time tested and work well, but have drawbacks such as lower efficiency, lower reliability, higher cost and larger size. This can be overcome by going for a single power electronic stage between the PV array and the grid to achieve all the functions namely the electrical MPPT and inversion leading to a compact system. Keywords—current control; phase angle control; PV system; THD. Such compact systems are also in line with the modern day need to have highly integrated systems built into modules having high reliability, high performance (e.g., intelligence, protection, low electromagnetic interference (EMI), etc.), reduced weight and low cost . Lesser is the number of (power) stages, easier is the module integration required. Single phase inverter which is used as an interface between PV module and grid in such a system has to control various parameters like frequency, voltage, current, active and reactive power etc. Sinusoidal pulse width modulation technique and hysteresis current control technique are the two different control strategies adapted in this project work to control the above mentioned parameters. I. INTRODUCTION Recently, there are many researches about the alternate energy sources with the increase of the concern about the global environment protection and the demand for the pollution-free natural energy. Especially, the solar energy is one of the positive choices. Solar Photovoltaic (PV) cells convert the light energy from the sun to electrical energy. Many PV cells are connected in series and parallel to rise the output voltage and current and thus the output power. Solar PV systems can either be stand-alone or connected to utility grid. High initial investment and limited life span of a photovoltaic (PV) array makes it necessary for the user to extract maximum power from the PV system. The nonlinear i– v characteristics of the PV array [1] and the rotation and revolution of the earth around the sun, further necessitate the application of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) [2] to any PV system that can either be stand alone or grid connected. In this context, grid connected PV systems have become very popular because they do not need battery backups whereas stand-alone systems need suitable battery backups. Though, multistage systems [1] have been reported for 978-1-4673-9939-5/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE II. NEED FOR MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRACKING FROM A PV ARRAY The maximum power extracted from PV array depends strongly on three factors namely irradiance, load impedance and cell temperature assuming fixed cell efficiency. When a PV system is directly connected to the load, the system will operate at the intersection of I-V curve and load line, which can be far from maximum power point (MPP). So PV array must be oversized to meet the load requirements and hence it makes the entire system expensive. As the cost per watt of a solar PV system ie very high, the power generated has to be harnessed so as to make the system cost effective.To overcome this problem, a switched mode power converter called maximum power point tracker (MPPT) can be used to maintain the PV array’s operating point at MPP. The MPPT does this by controlling array’s voltage and current independently of the load. MPP production is therefore based on the load-line adjustment under varying atmospheric conditions as shown in the figure 1 below. Figure 1: Operating point of PV array for different load conditions. The variation of the output I-V characteristics of commercial P-V module as a function of temperature and irradiance shows that the temperature changes mainly affect the output voltage, while the irradiation changes affect the P-V output current. Nevertheless, PV systems should be designed to operate at their maximum output power levels for any temperature and solar irradiation levels at all times. Another significant factor which determines the PV power is the impedance of the load. However, the load impedance is not constant. To adapt the load resistance to PV modules and to extract maximum power from them, the duty cycle is set to its optimal value which corresponds to its optimal operating point MPP. Thus the tracker can maintain the operating point under all conditions to lie on the maximum power point. III. TWO STAGE TOPOLOGY APPROACH FOR MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRACKING IN GRID CONNECTED P-V SYSTEM. The maximum power point is obtained by introducing a dc/dc converter in between the load and solar PV module. The duty cycle ‘D’ of the converter is changed till maximum power point is obtained. The output impedance Ro remains constant and by changing the duty cycle the input-impedance seen by the source changes. So the impedance Ri corresponding to the maximum power point is obtained by changing the duty cycle. Consider a step down converter, the output voltage is given by the expression given below VO=D*Vi (1) Where Vo is the output voltage and Vi is the input voltage and D is the duty ratio. Solving for the impedance transfer ratio gives (2) Ri = Ro/D2 Where R0 is the load impedance and Ri is the input impedance as seen by the source and D is the duty ratio. For a step up converter the above relation becomes Ri = Ro(1- D2) (3) and for up down converter the above relation becomes Ri= R0(1-D)2 /D2. (4) Where R0 is the load impedance and Ri is the input impedance as seen by the source and D is the duty ratio. Thus it is understood that by including a dc-dc converter between the panel and load maximum power is delivered to the load under all possible conditions of ambient/load conditions by varying the duty ratio of the converter. Now question arises how to vary the duty cycle and in which direction so that maximum power point is reached. Whether manual tracking or automatic tracking? Manual tracking is not possible. So automatic tracking is preferred to manual tracking. An automatic tracking can be performed by utilizing various control algorithms as shown in the figure 2. The commonly used MPPT control algorithms are [4] (a)Perturb and observe (P&O) (b)Incremental conductance (INC) (c)Parasitic capacitance (PC) (d)Constant voltage (CV) Figure 2: Two stage topology for maximum power point tracking in a grid connected PV system. In the two stage topology maximum power point tracking and DC/AC conversion is achieved in two separate stages. The makes the whole system expensive and the overall losses associated will be more. To overcome this a single stage topology is proposed in this paper where in dc to ac conversion and maximum power point tracking is achieved in one stage. IV. SINGLE STAGE TOPOLOGY APPROACH FOR MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRACKING IN GRID CONNECTED P.V SYSTEM. The most important design constraints of a PV system are low mass and size, high efficiency and better reliability. Selection of single stage topology for the proposed grid connected photovoltaic system (PV) as shown in the figure 3 below ensures all these factors. Figure 3: Single stage topology for maximum power point tracking in a grid connected PV system. Simulations of all the selected control strategies for MPPT as well as power control were done in MATLABSIMULINK to evaluate the performance of proposed system. The selected control strategies for this project were (i). Phase angle control (ii) Hysteresis current control . IV. CONTROL ALGORITHM The single phase inverter in the proposed grid connected photovoltaic system is expected to do the following controls like active power delivered, maintaining the power factor, the output frequency to be the same as that of the grid and finally the MPPT. In this paper two different control strategies are taken up for implementation, which are phase angle control and hysteresis current control. Phase Angle Control - Consider a system shown in the figure below Figure 4: system with inverter and grid. The equivalent circuit and its phasor diagram showing the phase shift δ is as shown below in the figure 4 and figure 5 respectively. Figure 5: Phasor diagram showing the phase shift δ. But the power flow changes are more sensitive to δ than Vinv. Thus it is decided to choose δ as the control parameter for varying the power flow. The phase angle δ controls active and reactive power between two sources. Every time the updation of δ is done, the power delivered by the inverter is also updated. The updation of δ can be done in every cycle, but in this project it updated once in every five cycles, because the typical insolation change on the PV panel will be in seconds whereas the five cycle time period is in milliseconds. As δ is selected as the control parameter it is to be estimated accurately depending on the available power from the PV panel, which necessitates accurate measurement of the available power. The measurement of power to be delivered can be done at two points viz., the output of the PV panels, output of the inverter. If the calculations are carried out on the DC side it will be tedious, because it is only the instantaneous power which is continuously varying. So, the averaging is moved to the output of the inverter. The average power at nth instant (Pn) is first measured and after introducing an updation of δ, the average power is measured at n+1thinstant (Pn+1) . The difference between Pn and Pn+1decides whether the power delivered to be increased from the present value or decreased. Accordingly the direction and the magnitude of δ decided. This algorithm continues until the power delivered is equal to the maximum power available i.e. Pn is equal to Pn+1. A PLL which senses the grid voltage generates a unit sine wave signal in phase with the grid voltage having the same frequency as that of grid. Phase angle δ which is obtained as mentioned above is added to the unit sine wave, thus generating the reference signal for the PWM generator. This reference signal will have a frequency equal to the grid frequency and is phase shifted by a value of δ decided by the amount of power available from the PV module. A LC filter is used after single stage inverter to remove the harmonics at switching frequencies or multiples of switching frequencies. The algorithm for implementing MPPT using phase angle control in a single stage grid connected PV system is as shown below in figure 6. The block diagram for implementing maximum power point tracking using phase angle control is shown below in the figure 7. Hysteresis current control - In this system current injected from the inverter is made in phase with the grid voltage using hysteresis current controller. Here Iref is selected as the control parameter to control active and reactive power between two sources. Every time the updation of Iref is done, the power delivered by the inverter is also updated. The updation of Iref can be done in every cycle, but in this project it updated once in every five cycles, because the typical insolation change on the PV panel will be in seconds whereas the five cycle time period is in milliseconds. As Iref is chosen as the control parameter it is to be estimated accurately depending on the available power from the PV panel, which necessitates accurate measurement of the available power. The measurement of power to be delivered can be done at two points viz., the output of the PV panels, output of the inverter. If the calculations are carried out on the DC side it will be tedious, because it is only the instantaneous power which is continuously varying. So, the averaging is moved to the output of the inverter. The average power at nth instant (Pn) is first measured and after introducing an updation of δ, the average power is measured at n+1thinstant (Pn+1) . The difference between Pn and Pn+1decides whether the power delivered is to be increased from the present value or decreased. Accordingly the direction and the magnitude of Iref decided. This algorithm continues until the power delivered is equal to the maximum power available i.e. Pn is equal to Pn+1. A PLL which senses the grid voltage generates a unit sine wave signal in phase with the grid voltage having the same frequency as that of grid. Reference current Iref which is obtained as mentioned above is multiplied to the unit sine wave, thus generating the reference signal for the Hysteresis current controller which is having a predefined hysteresis band. Hysteresis controller compares reference current and actual current with in hysteresis band and gives switching pulses for the inverter which always injects a current in phase with grid voltage. The algorithm for implementing maximum power point tracking using hysteresis current control is as shown in the flow chart of figure 7 given below. Figure7:Algorithm for implementing hysteresis current control. Figure 6: Algorithm to implement MPPT using phase angle control Figure 7: Block diagram representation for implementing MPPT using phase angle control The block diagram for implementing MPPT using hysteresis current control is as shown in the figure 8 given below. Figure 8: Block diagram representation for implementing MPPT using hysteresis current control. IV. SIMULATION RESULTS. Phase Angle Control – (i) Unit sine wave having the grid frequency of 50Hz generated by PLL is as shown in the figure 9 below. Figure 9: Unit sine wave generated by PLL at grid frequency of 50Hz. (ii) Variation of phase angle to track maximum power from PV array is as shown in the figure 10 below. Figure 11: Current THD at PCC. Hysteresis current control- (i) Waveforms of actual and reference current is as shown in the figure 12 below. Figure 12: Waveforms of actual and reference current. Figure 10: Variation of phase angle to track maximum power from PV array. (iii) Inverter and grid voltage is as shown in the figure 11 given below. (ii) Variation of reference current to track maximum power from PV panel is as shown in the figure 12 below. Figure 11: Inverter and grid voltage. (iv) Current THD at PCC (6.5%) is as shown in the figure 12 given below. Figure 13:Variation of reference current to track maximum power from PV array. (iii) Current THD at PCC- The current THD at PCC is 0.5% as shown in figure 14 below. other at PCC in phase angle control strategy discussed in the paper. For achieving upf current controller is implemented with same power rating. For hysteresis band of ±0.5A the switching frequency observed was 22 KHz. The current and voltage were found in phase with each other and hence reactive power delivered was observed to be zero. The novel method discussed in this paper to extract maximum power from a grid connected photovoltaic system has law losses and hence more efficient since conversion of dc supply from solar panel to ac as well as maximum power point tracking is achieved in single stage. VI. 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Her research areas are power electronics, control systems, renewable energy and power quality.