Sarah Christina Dahmann – Last updated: June 2016

Sarah Christina Dahmann
Last updated: June 2016
Research Interests
Applied Microeconometrics, Education Economics, Skill Formation, Policy Evaluation
Current Position and Affiliations
01/2016 –
DIW Berlin.
Research Associate, Department Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP)
04/2016 –
College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research (CIDER).
10/2012 –
Ph.D. in Economics, Free University of Berlin and DIW Berlin Graduate Center.
Expected: end 2016, Supervisors: Prof. Dr. C. Katharina Spieß and Prof. Dr. Silke Anger
10/2011 – 09/2012
Doctoral coursework, DIW Berlin Graduate Center.
09/2010 – 08/2011
M.Sc. in Econometrics and Operations Research, Maastricht University.
Specialization Econometrics, Cum laude (highest honors)
09/2007 – 08/2010
B.Sc. in Econometrics and Operations Research, Maastricht University.
Honours Programme
08/2009 – 12/2009
Exchange semester, Singapore Management University.
Professional Experience
Work Experience
04/2014 – 05/2014
DIW Berlin.
Member of the selection committee for newly entering doctoral students
10/2012 – 11/2012
Report for Bertelsmann Stiftung.
“Personality Traits and Lifelong Learning” (in German, with Prof. Dr. Silke Anger)
Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Berlin.
Internship, Division Ib4 (Distribution of Wages and Income/Social Indicators)
Winter Terms
2012-13, 2014-15
Free University of Berlin.
Teaching Assistant to Prof. Dr. Helmut Lütkepohl, “Econometric Methods” (PhD Level)
Scholarships and Awards
04/2014 – 12/2015
10/2011 – 03/2014
Sir Alec Cairncross Prize (for the best paper presented by a young economist at the
annual conference), Scottish Economic Society
PhD scholarship, German National Academic Foundation
Research scholarship, DIW Berlin Graduate Center
First place, Econometric Game, Amsterdam
German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) · Mohrenstraße 58 · 10117 Berlin
T +49 30 89789 461 • B
Working Papers
How Does Education Improve Cognitive Skills? Instructional Time versus Timing of
Instruction. SOEPpapers 769. Berlin: DIW Berlin. (Also appeared as CINCH working
paper 2015/04, Essen: Health Economics Research Center)
The Impact of Education on Personality – Evidence from a German High School Reform
(with Silke Anger). IZA Discussion Paper No. 8139. Bonn: Institute for the Study of
Labor. (Also appeared as SOEPpapers 658. Berlin: DIW Berlin; IAB-Discussion Paper
29/2014, Nürnberg: Institute for Employment Research; CINCH working paper 2015/05,
Essen: Health Economics Research Center)
Invited Presentations
PhD Seminar in Applied Microeconometrics, University of Hamburg.
“The Protective (?) Effect of Education on Mental Health”
Research Seminar, NIW Hannover.
“The Impact of Education on Personality – Evidence from a German High School Reform”
Expert Workshop on Lifelong Learning, DIE Bonn.
“Persönlichkeitseigenschaften und Lebenslanges Lernen” [Personality Traits and Lifelong Learning]
Annual Conference of the Scottish Economic Society (SES), Perth; 19th IZA European
Summer School in Labor Economics, Buch/Ammersee; Workshop “Education, Skills, and
Labor Market Outcomes”, Trondheim; 30th Annual Conference of the European Society
for Population Economics (ESPE), Berlin (scheduled); 28th Annual Conference of the
European Association of Labour Economists (EALE), Ghent (scheduled)
11th International Young Scholar German SOEP Symposium, HWK Delmenhorst; Doctoral Forum of the German National Academic Foundation, Bonn; 20th Spring Meeting
of Young Economists (SMYE), Ghent University; Conference “Health. Skills. Education.”, University of Duisburg-Essen; 6th International Workshop of Applied Economics
of Education (IWAEE), Catanzaro; Annual Conference of the German Economic Association (VfS), University of Münster; 30th Annual Conference of the European Economic
Association (EEA), University of Mannheim
Conference “Educational systems”, AMCIS Amsterdam; 3rd Potsdam PhD Workshop in
Empirical Economics, University of Potsdam; 19th Spring Meeting of Young Economists
(SMYE), WU Wien; Annual Conference of the Scottish Economic Society (SES), Perth;
1st RWI Research Network Conference on the Economics of Education, RWI Berlin; 28th
Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (ESPE), Braga; 5th
International Workshop on Applied Economics of Education (IWAEE), Catanzaro; Graduate Center Summer Workshop, DIW Berlin; 26th Annual Conference of the European
Association of Labour Economists (EALE), Ljubljana
Seminar of the cluster “Public Finances and Living Conditions”, DIW Berlin; Workshop
“Advances in Quantitative Economics”, Maastricht University; Graduate Center Summer
Workshop, DIW Berlin; 2nd “Doktorandenforum der Sektion B der Leibniz Gemeinschaft”,
IWH Halle; Seminar on Labor Research (BeNA), Berlin
German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) · Mohrenstraße 58 · 10117 Berlin
T +49 30 89789 461 • B
Other Professional Activities
Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Health Economics
21st Spring Meeting of Young Economists 2016
07/2014 – 10/2015
02/2014 – 01/2015
Organization of the SOEP Brown Bag Seminar Series at DIW Berlin
Doctoral student representative at DIW Berlin
06/2008 – 06/2009
Board member of Study Association Vectum at Maastricht University (Secretary and
chief editor of magazine)
Workshops and Training
19th IZA European Summer School in Labor Economics, Buch/Ammersee
Doctoral Competence Workshop of the German National Academic Foundation, Berlin
Workshop by the Leibniz Education Research Network (LERN), LIfBi
Language Course Italian (Level A2, funded by the German National Academic Foundation), Rome
Doctoral Forum of the German National Academic Foundation, Bonn
3rd Potsdam PhD Workshop in Empirical Economics, University of Potsdam
Kickoff Meeting on Educational Disadvantage, Berlin (“Die Initiatoren”, Initiative of
Scholarship Recipients of the German National Academic Foundation)
German (native), English (fluent), Spanish (fluent), Italian (elementary), French (elementary), Latin (qualification)
LATEX, Stata, R, (GAUSS, Visual C++, VBA, EViews, SPSS)
German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) · Mohrenstraße 58 · 10117 Berlin
T +49 30 89789 461 • B