Recent Researches in Electric Power and Energy Systems The Load Unbalance Influence on the Power Factor Value in ThreePhase Distribution Networks DENISA RUSINARU1 LEONARDO-GEO MANESCU1 MARIUS MERFU2 1 Energy Department - University of Craiova 107 Decebal Bld., 200440-RO, Craiova, ROMANIA; 2 Company ENERGOTECH Bucharest, ROMANIA Abstract: - The paper approached issues regarding the 3-phase unbalanced loads, supplied by 3-phase 3-wires distribution networks. The model of an unbalanced load was developed by associating of two basic components: a 3-phase balanced load and a two-phase equivalent one, which is taking over the asymmetry of the load currents as a transversal unbalance. Some particularities of the model were outlined for the cases of supplying with sinusoidal and symmetrical or asymmetrical voltages. In each case, the dependence of the power factor value of the load’s unbalance level was determined. Key-Words: - unbalanced load, equivalent model, voltage asymmetry, power factor buses with unbalanced loads are separated from the rest of the network and replaced by equivalent current injection. The advantage of this model is a more simple structure of the equivalent network configuration since its structural asymmetry is substituted by a currents and voltages asymmetry [2]. Concerns to reduce computation time led to the d of integrated unbalanced load consumer – supplying substation models [3, 4]. In generally, the unbalanced load models should account their operation effect on the power flowing into the system or their parameters variation compared to those of equivalent balanced consumers. No matter the equations that describe the terminal behavior of these consumers, they must meet the minimum complexity and restrictive scope for the analysis of unbalanced operation. These models are used not only in the detailed analysis of the asymmetrical operation of power systems, but they have direct applications in disturbances’ measurement or mitigation, as the model presented below. 1 Introduction Regardless the nature of the electromagnetic disturbances in the actual power systems they affect simultaneously more types of power quality indicators. In generally the sources of power quality problems are located at two sites: one at the actual consumers load and equipments and the other at the power system components. There are already registered important works regarding the model development for each of these system components in generally, as well as for the consumer load in particularly. Regarding the consumer loads, the former experience proved the efficiency of the models P=constant or Z=constant for ideal normal operation regimes, as well as for the disturbed ones (e.g. harmonic or unbalanced). Undeniably, the consumers have characteristics that may influence unbalanced system that includes them. An interesting feature was highlighted by Professor A. Tugulea, which characterized the behavior of the unbalanced loads as similar to that of symmetrical components converters [1]. According to the theory of Professor Tugulea if these loads are supplied from a high power source that generates positive sequence emf’s, they will receive power only on the positive symmetric component. Another approach allows simplifying the equivalent negative and zero sequence schemes. The ISBN: 978-960-474-328-5 2 Equivalent model for unbalanced load Any unbalanced load is a typical case of transversal asymmetry and can be modelled as asymmetrical 314 Recent Researches in Electric Power and Energy Systems [U ] = [U three-phase admittances star or delta connected. According to the principle of disturbance representation as a deviation from an ideal situation, this model has also a counterpart [4, 5] as symmetrical three-phase admittances equal to Ye with an additional admittance Ym connected between two phases considered references for the load unbalance, as in Fig.1. sim U − ]t – the column vector U+ of the voltage symmetrical components supplying the load; [Ysim ] -the symmetrical bus admittance of the equivalent unbalanced load model; Y e [Ysim ] = 0 0 Ye IA 0 0 Ye +Ym −Y m 0 − Y m Y e + Y m (7) I' Ye IB I' 2.1 Three-phase unbalanced loads supplied with symmetrical voltages Im Ym Ye IC For this system’s supplying conditions the load currents symmetrical components can be written as in (8) outlining the connectivity between the equivalent sequence schemes as is given in Fig.2. I' Fig.1 Equivalent model for unbalanced three-phase loads in 3-phase 3-wire networks I + = (Y e + Y m )U + I − = −Y m U + The correspondence between the two models is given by the relation between the values in the buses of the studied network: [I n ] = [Yn,dez ]⋅ [U n ] = [Yn,echiv ]⋅ [U n ] I+ (1) U+ where [In], [Un] are column vectors of the currents, respectively voltages in the terminal buses of the load model; [I n ] not = [I A I B I C not [U n ] = [U A UB UC ]t ]t U- 0 YB 0 0 0 Y C 0 Ye +Y m −Y m 0 − Y m Y e + Y m (3) sim where [I ] = [I sim 0 I+ sim sim IYe The dependency between the two unbalanced load models is given in (9). ( ) Y e = 2Y A − a 2 Y B − aY C / 3 = −a 2 Y B − aY C = Y A (4) ( ) Y m = − Y A + aY B + a 2 Y C / 3 = a 2 (Y C − Y B ) a −1 (9) 2.2 Three-phase unbalanced loads supplied with asymmetrical voltages (5) For the case of an unbalanced load supplied with asymmetrical voltages in a 3-phase 3-wires network the voltage sequence components can be written as: The corresponding equation in symmetrical components of (1) is given by (6): [I ] = [Y ]⋅ [U ] Ym Fig.2 The connectivity between sequence schemes of the equivalent unbalance load model in 3-phase 3-wires networks [Yn,echiv] – the bus admittances matrix of the equivalent unbalanced load model: Y e [Yn,echiv ] = 0 0 Ye (2) [Yn,dez] – the bus admittances matrix of the initial unbalanced load model: Y A [Yn ,dez ] = 0 0 (8) U 0 ≈ 0; U − = k U U + (6) where U + = U + ⋅ e j ⋅ϕ + sequence component; I − ]t is the column vector of the load currents symmetrical components; (10) is the voltage positive U − = U − ⋅ e j ⋅ϕ − - the voltage negative sequence component ISBN: 978-960-474-328-5 315 Recent Researches in Electric Power and Energy Systems kU – the complex voltage asymmetry factor: kU = U− U+ = kU ⋅ e j ⋅(ϕ − −ϕ + ) with Ue, Ie – the equivalent voltage, respectively current in 3-phase networks: (11) Ue = The following relations between the bus values at terminal of the load model result by replacing (10) in the general equation (1): nes I A Y A I = a 2 Y nes U B + B I C aY Cnes ( not ( ; Ie = I A2 + I B2 + I C2 3 (19) Regarding the equivalent model of the unbalanced load the powers’ repartition on the two admittances components Ye and Ym, can give additional useful information for the asymmetry analysis of the power systems. The power components and the corresponding load unbalance factor are given for the two supplying cases as following. (12) with: not 2 +U 2 +U 2 UA B C 3 ) Y nes A = 1+ kU Y A ) 2 Y nes B = 1+ a kU Y B 3.1 Symmetrical supplying voltages (13) In the case of the 3-phase unbalanced load supplied by symmetrical voltages, the two power components associated to the equivalent model are: not nes = 1 + a k Y YC U C ( ) ) ( S tot = 3 U + 2 (I +2 + I −2 ) The equivalent unbalanced load model keeps its features for a frequent network operation case by taking into consideration the influence of the supplying voltages asymmetry. The components of the equivalent unbalanced load model can be written as: Y enes = Y e + ∆Y e ; Y nes m = Y m + ∆Y m S m = j 3 ⋅ a ⋅ Y *B − Y *A U + 2 (21) The load unbalanced factor results: s = j 3 (s B − a s A ) (14) (22) with with: S A = Y *A ⋅ U + 2 ; S B = Y *B ⋅ a ⋅ U + 2 ; S C = Y *C ⋅ a 2 ⋅ U + 2 ∆Y e = kU Y A ∆Y m = j (20) a 2 kU 3 (a2Y B − Y A )+ Y m def S def S def S A ;s B ;s = = C S tot B S tot C S tot (15) sA = (23) Sm/Stot consumator Y tens.sim. Sm/Stot for Y load the deviations of the equivalent unbalanced load model related to the case of symmetrical voltages supplying. 3. Power characteristics of the equivalent unbalanced load model Based on the equivalent model the load unbalance factor s can be determined as [4]: s= Sm S tot SB/Stot (16) SA/Stot where Sm is the equivalent power associated to the biphasic admittance Ym of the equivalent load model; * 2 S m = Y m (U B − U C ) (17) SC=ct. Fig.3 Ratio Sm/Stot dependency on the phase powers of the unbalanced load supplied with symmetrical voltages Stot – the total power absorbed by the load; S tot = 3 ⋅ U e I e ISBN: 978-960-474-328-5 The load unbalanced factor s meets a minimum in the medium area of the values of SA/Stot and (18) 316 Recent Researches in Electric Power and Energy Systems SB/Stot and defines the case of an almost equal repartition of load on the three–phases of the system, as it can be seen in Fig. 3. SA/Stot and SB/Stot (high and almost equal loads on the specified phases). In the case of star connection if the power ratio of the reference phase SA/SB is higher than 1 the dependency of s=f(kU) is a direct one, and inverse for a subunit ratio. 3.2 Asymmetrical supplying voltages For the case of supplying with symmetrical voltages, the two power components associated to the equivalent unbalance load model are: ) (U +2 + U −2 )(I +2 + I −2 ) ( * nes* 2 S m = j 3 ⋅ a ⋅ Y nes B −Y A U+ (24) S tot = 3 (25) 4 The influence of power components of the equivalent unbalanced load model on the power factor Additionally the dependency of the power factor value on the power component Sm of the unbalanced load model can be outlined. Since the power factor is simultaneously influenced by the load unbalanced and voltages asymmetry, this information can be useful for optimizing the measures and equipments for power factor correction in distribution networks with asymmetrical voltages. The power factor characteristics are studied also for the two cases of supplying voltages. The load unbalanced factor becomes: * (s − s )] |= s =| j ⋅ 3 ⋅ [(s B − a s A ) + a k U B A = S m + ∆S m (26) where ∆Sm is the deviation of the power on the load component Y m equivalent related to the case of supplying with symmetrical voltages: * ⋅ (s − s ) ∆ S m = j ⋅ 3 ⋅ a ⋅ kU B A (27) The load unbalanced factor s as a function of the voltage asymmetry factor (Fig.4) has a minimum depending on SB/Stot. 1 4.1 Symmetrical supplying voltages The power factor is given as: λP = Sm/Stot pt.consumator Y cu tens.nesim 1 s1( a) t1 ( a) 0.8 s(nes) 0.6 t3 ( a) λp = sB=0.3 u3( a) U +2 (I +2 + I −2 ) sB=0.1 0.2 0.4 0 kU=0.12 cos ϕ UI+ 1 + k I2 (29) ) + - the natural power factor of the supplying cos ϕUI 0 0 = + = ϕ + − ϕ + is the phase shift between where ϕUI U I positive sequence components of the voltage and current; t5 ( a) 0 U + I + cos ϕ UI+ ( 0.4 s5( a) u5( a) 0.2 (28) By expressing the two powers as functions on the symmetrical components of the currents and voltages, the power factor results as: sB=0.5 u1( a) s3( a) P S tot 0.6 a SA/Stot kU=0.22 0.8 network; 1 1 kI = kU=1.22 Further by writing the power components of the equivalent unbalanced load model as a function of the current sequence components, the power factor can be written as in (30) and plotted in Fig. 5. Fig.4 Ratio s=Sm/Stot dependency on the phase powers of the unbalanced load supplied with asymmetrical voltages + 1 − s( s , s ) 2 λP = cosϕUI A B In the area of the low values of SA/Stot and SB/Stot (low and almost equal loads on the specified phases) s is inverse dependent on kU . On the other hand, s increases with kU in the area the high values of ISBN: 978-960-474-328-5 I− - the factor of negative current asymmetry. I+ with: 317 (30) Recent Researches in Electric Power and Energy Systems [ not ] the area with values greater than the critical ratio and increases for the field of inferior values. 2 − 2 s s cos(ϕ − ϕ + 2π / 3) 3 s 2A + sB A B A B s ( s A , sB ) = (31) where ϕ A ,ϕ B are phases of the power vectors SA , respectively SB. de putere voltages tens.nesim. asymmetrical λP forFactor Factor de putere Power factor in case of λP tens.sim symmetrical voltages kU cosϕ+, cosϕ- = ct. s cosϕ+ λ g1p, g1 Fig.6 The power factor dependency on the ratio Sm/Stot in case of asymmetrical supplying voltages λp kp Fig.5 The power factor dependency on the ratio Sm/Stot in case of symmetrical supplying voltages 5 Conclusion It can be observed that the power factor decreases while the load unbalance factor increases and is as lower as the natural power factor of the network (cosϕUI+) is lower. This paper deals with the modeling aspects of the power network components to determine the propagation of voltage asymmetry in electrical distribution networks. The presented model of the unbalanced threephase load is based on representation in terms of phase admittance and is further developed by using an equivalent single-phase admittance load superimposed on three symmetrical admittances that perfectly describe the real load asymmetry. The model is developed both in phase coordinates and symmetrical components, by considering the supply voltages as sinusoidal. One of the applications of this unbalanced load model is the sizing of the equipments for load currents symmetrization [4, 7, 8]. By using these compensators the control of the power components is achieved in the connection bus of the load. The unbalanced load model can adjusted so that it can be applied for analysis of asymmetrical fault operations or to study the behavior of transformers with special connections (connection open-delta or directly between two phases) used for supplying of unbalanced large industrial consumers such as electric railway traction. 4.2 Asymmetrical supplying voltages In this case the dependency of the power factor on the voltage asymmetry (32) is additionally influenced by the load distribution on the phases as its can be seen in (33). U + I + cos ϕ UI+ + U − I − cos ϕ UI− λp = (U 2 + + U −2 )(I +2 + I −2 ) = cos ϕ UI+ + k U k I cos ϕ UI− (1 + k )(1 + k ) 2 U 2 I (32) The resulting equivalent equation in per units (33) was graphically drawn as is Fig. 5. + 1 − s 2 (s , s , k ) + λ P = cos ϕUI A B U − ⋅ k ⋅ s (s , s , k ) + cos ϕUI U A B U (33) with: not ∆s m = ∆S m = ∆s m e jϕ ∆sm S tot (34) References: [1] A. 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