Nr. 163/ July 3, 2015 Embargo 10:00 Domain: Trade - services IN MAY 2015, THE RETAIL TURNOVER DECREASED COMPARED TO APRIL 2015 AND INCREASED COMPARED TO MAY 2014 As against the previous month, in May 2015 the retail turnover volume (excluding the trade with motor vehicles and motorcycles), decreased both as gross series by 2.0% and as adjusted series according to the number of working days and to seasonality by 0.8%. As against the corresponding month of the previous year, the retail turnover volume (excluding the trade with motor vehicles and motorcycles), increased both as gross series and as adjusted series according to the number of working days and to seasonality by 3.1% and by 4.2%, respectively. As against the period 1.I – 31.V.2014, in the period 1.I – 31.V.2015 the retail turnover volume (excluding the trade with motor vehicles and motorcycles), increased both as gross series and as adjusted series according to the number of working days and to seasonality by 4.0% and by 4.3%, respectively. Monthly evolution of the retail turnover in accordance to CANE Rev. 2 (adjusted series according to the number of working days and to seasonality) - January 2010 - May 2015 -2010=100 140 130 120 110 100 90 Jan-10 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11 Nov-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 80 RETAIL - TOTAL FOOD NON-FOOD FUEL Food = Prevalent sale of food, beverages and tobacco; Non-food = Prevalent sale of non-food products; Fuel = Retail of automotive fuel in specialised stores Chart data in xls format (V.2014-V.2015) 1/3 Indices of the retail turnover volume (excluding the trade with motor vehicles and motorcycles) MAY 2014 1.I-31.V.2015/ 1.I-31.V.2014 -%- MAY 2015 in % as against: APRIL 2015 Total retail (excluding the trade with motor vehicles and motorcycles) Prevalent sale of food, beverages and tobacco Prevalent sale of non-food products B 98.0 103.1 104.0 S 99.2 104.2 104.3 B 95.3 109.1 109.3 S 99.9 109.4 108.4 B 100.0 97.0 98.6 S 100.4 98.3 99.8 B 98.7 106.5 106.7 98.2 108.3 105.7 Retail of automotive fuel in specialised stores S Note: B= gross series; S= adjusted series according to the number of working days and to seasonality Table data in xls format May 2015 as against April 2015 As against the previous month, in May 2015 the retail turnover volume (excluding the trade with motor vehicles and motor cycles), gross series, globally decreased by 2.0% due to the drops registered by the sale of food, beverages and tobacco (-4.7%) and by the retail of automotive fuel in specialised stores (-1.3%). The sale of non-food products remained at the same level. As against the previous month, in May 2015 the retail turnover volume (excluding the trade with motor vehicles and motor cycles), adjusted series according to the number of working days and to seasonality, globally decreased by 0.8% due to the drops registered by the retail of automotive fuel in specialised stores (-1.8%) and by the sale of food, beverages and tobacco (-0.1%). The sale of non-food products increased by 0.4%. May 2015 as against May 2014 As against May 2014, in May 2015 the retail turnover volume (excluding the trade with motor vehicles and motorcycles), gross series, registered an increase of 3.1% due to the increments registered by the sale of food, beverages and tobacco (+9.1%) and by the retail of automotive fuel in specialised stores (+6.5%). The sale of nonfood products decreased by 3.0%. As against May 2014, in May 2015 the retail turnover volume (excluding the trade with motor vehicles and motorcycles), adjusted series according to the number of working days and to seasonality, registered an increase of 4.2% due to the increments registered by the sale of food, beverages and tobacco (+9.4%) and by the retail of automotive fuel in specialised stores (+8.3%). The sale of non-food products decreased by 1.7%. 2/3 Period 1.I – 31.V.2015 as against period 1.I – 31.V.2014 As against period 1.I – 31.V.2014, in the period 1.I – 31.V.2015 the retail turnover volume (excluding the trade with motor vehicles and motorcycles), gross series, registered an increase of 4.0% due to the increments registered by the sale of food, beverages and tobacco (+9.3%) and by the retail of automotive fuel in specialised stores (+6.7%). The sale of non-food products decreased by 1.4%. As against period 1.I – 31.V.2014, in the period 1.I – 31.V.2015 the retail turnover volume (excluding the trade with motor vehicles and motorcycles), adjusted series according to the number of working days and to seasonality, registered an increase of 4.3% due to the increments registered by the sale of food, beverages and tobacco (+8.4%) and by the retail of automotive fuel in specialised stores (+5.7%). The sale of non-food products decreased by 0.2%. Additional information: For the correct interpretation of the indicators, please see the Methodological Notes. Additional information on the indices presented in this press release could be accessed in the .xls file attaced to the press release on the homepage. For more information, see the Monthly Statistical Bulletin (date of issue July 20, 2015) and the INS TEMPO online database. For comparable data with the other Member States of the European Union, kindly see the Eurostat press release which will be issued today, July 3 2015 and posted at the following address: The next issue of the press release will be on Tuesday, August 4, 2015. Press release archive: The Communication Department e-mail: Tel: +4021 3181869 3/3