Schedule 9 Practical Completion and Acceptance Tests

Schedule 9 – Part 1 Practical Completion
Part 1 – Practical Completion
For the purposes of this Schedule 9 only, the South Kirkby Main RCV Facility
shall be deemed to be a Non-Acceptance Test Facility and references to New
Waste Management Facilities shall exclude the Carrwood Road TLS.
Where applicable each New Waste Management Facility and the South Kirkby
Main Site shall for the purposes of Practical Completion satisfy the following
requirements in accordance with the Works Delivery Plan and all Necessary
Consents:a) has been designed and constructed on the relevant Site;
b) has had any relevant landscaped areas completed;
c) has had any other facilities shown on the appropriate drawings
d) all external fencing, gates, security equipment, vehicular and pedestrian
accesses have been completed;
e) is secure from intrusion and uncontrolled public access;
f) all buildings are weatherproof and watertight as appropriate;
g) all building services, drains, fire and any security related equipment
have been completed;
h) all surface water drainage connections have been completed in
accordance with the requirements of the land drainage authority and
any damage has been made good;
i) any foul sewer diversion has been completed;
j) all buildings, and the relevant parts of each Site are clean and tidy and
all debris and rubbish have been removed;
k) all mechanical and electrical installations, plant and equipment have
been installed, tested, certified and are safe for use;
l) all weighbridges have been calibrated and are operational;
m) is entitled to operate lawfully and accept Contract Waste;
n) all health and safety systems are operational; and
o) all roads and hard-standings required for the delivery of Contract Waste
have been constructed and completed including surface dressings,
kerbs, drainage and road markings.
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Schedule 9 – Part 2 Acceptance Tests
Part 2 – Acceptance Tests
Acceptance Tests will be carried out using Contract Waste only and no Non-Contract
Waste will be processed during the conduct of these Acceptance Tests.
The Acceptance Tests shall be carried out in accordance with the agreed Acceptance
Test Programme.
The Acceptance Tests shall be supervised by the Independent Certifier and the
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Schedule 9 – Part 2 Acceptance Tests
1. South Kirkby Main Composting Facility
The Acceptance Test
1.1.1 The Acceptance Test will demonstrate that the South Kirkby Main Composting
Facility can process the Composting Input without breaching the Environmental
Permit and produce Composted Material in accordance with test 1.1 of Table 1
1.1.2 In order to complete the test in a reasonable period of time the Acceptance Test
will be restricted to the processing of four (4) composting tunnels worth of
Composting Input over a complete composting cycle using the normal
operational Composting procedure as set out in section of the Works
Delivery Plan and the Operating Manuals.
1.1.3 Four (4) of the first stage composting tunnels will be filled to their design
operating capacities so that the required composting conditions are achieved
and maintained throughout the period of the Acceptance Test. The time taken
to fill the four (4) tunnels will depend on the delivery rate of Composting Input.
1.1.4 The criteria being monitored or measured are defined in Table 1 below.
1.1.5 The Acceptance Test of the South Kirkby Main Composting Facility shall be
deemed passed provided the pass criteria defined in Table 1 below are
1.1.6 Should the pass criteria in test 1.1 of Table 1 below not be achieved then,
following modification to the South Kirkby Main Composting Facility, test 1.1
shall be repeated with a duration that shall be agreed with the Independent
1.1.7 Should the pass criteria in tests 1.3, 1.4, or 1.5 of Table 1 below not be
achieved then, following modification to the South Kirkby Main Composting
Facility, that test shall be repeated within the remaining period of the
Acceptance Test or the period of the Acceptance Test shall be increased to
accommodate the retest as agreed with the Independent Certifier.
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Schedule 9 – Part 2 Acceptance Tests
Table 1 South Kirkby Main Composting Facility Parameters
Feature being Any specific conditions for
the facility to ensure that the
feature being tested is
subject of a valid test
Throughput of
the South
Kirkby Main
Test Process and parameters measured
Pass Criteria
Throughout the period of the
Acceptance Test the South
Facility shall be operated in
accordance with the relevant
Operating Manuals.
The time taken to reach maturity will depend on a number
of parameters and it is the role of the Contractor’s
composting operator to determine when the composting
process has finished. When the Contractor’s composting
operator deems that, after maturation, the material has
reached a suitable condition, the composted material for
each of the four batches shall be sampled using the
Main guidance in BS EN 12579 and the samples shall be tested
Composting Facility will be to demonstrate that the South Kirkby Main Composting
staffed with the number of Staff Facility can produce Composted Material to achieve:
as set out in the relevant
Operating Manuals. Staff will  a Composted Material compliant for agricultural or
have completed the appropriate horticultural use in accordance with the standards defined
induction and training process in Table 1 of the Materials and Energy Marketing Plan.
prior to the commencement of  and after further maturation and screening a Composted
Material that meets the product quality aspects of PAS
the Acceptance Test.
100:2005 standard and is in accordance with Quality
Protocol - Compost (the Quality protocol for the production
and use of quality compost from source-segregated
biodegradable waste” published by WRAP and the
Environment Agency, July 2010).
Contribution of Throughout the period of the Tonnage of Composting Input will be recorded and a mass
the facility to Acceptance Test the South balance will be compiled detailing the input and output
Composting streams across the South Kirkby Main Composting Facility.
Facility shall be operated in Although there is no specific figure for the South Kirkby
accordance with the relevant Main Composting Facility the mass balance will be used to
determine the contribution of the South Kirkby Main
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Schedule 9 – Part 2 Acceptance Tests
Noise levels
Operating Manuals.
Composting Facility towards:
Composting Facility will be
staffed with the number of Staff
as set out in the relevant
Operating Manuals. Staff will
have completed the appropriate
induction and training process
prior to the commencement of
the Acceptance Test.
The peak noise levels will be
recorded at the test points
identified in the South Kirkby
Acceptance Testing
Measurements Points SK-EXT9201 during normal operating
conditions whilst the following
activities are being conducted:
The level of noise generated by the South Kirkby Main
Composting Facility will be measured in accordance with
the detailed procedure set out in the Acceptance Test
Odour Levels
while Composting Input is
being delivered;
 while the waste shredder is
operating at near operating
capacity; and
 while the loading shovel is
filling a tunnel
This test will be performed
towards the end of the test
period for the South Kirkby
Main Composting Facility.
The biofilter operation will be
adjusted to take into account
the Household Waste Recycling Target; and
the BMW to Landfill Target
The level of generated noise will be measured on one
occasion at each of the test points on the boundary of the
South Kirkby Main Site. The measurements taken at these
points, as may be determined by the Environmental Permit,
are to ensure that noise levels comply with the
requirements of the Environmental Permit.
The odour shall be monitored at a number of points on the
boundary of the South Kirkby Main Site as may be
determined by the Environmental Permit and in accordance
with the detailed procedure set out in the Acceptance Test
Programme to ensure that odour levels comply with the
requirements of the Environmental Permit.
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Schedule 9 – Part 2 Acceptance Tests
the number of tunnels being
tested using suitable means,
such as temporary baffles, to
maintain the residence time at
the design levels. The
ventilation fans in the unused
tunnels shall be configured so
as to maintain the expected
efflux velocity at the discharge
point. If the efflux velocity varies
from the predicted velocity no
correction factor shall be
The odour output from the biofilters will be measured to
ensure compliance with the levels of odour set out in the
Environmental Permit.
The bioaerosol tests shall not
be undertaken before the
biofilters have been
acclimatised and optimised.
If required by the Environment Agency as part of the
Environmental Permit, bioaerosol levels will be measured
at a number of points on the boundary of the South Kirkby
Main Site in accordance with the detailed procedure set out
in the Acceptance Test Programme.
The biofilter operation will be
adjusted to take into account
the number of tunnels being
tested using suitable means,
such as temporary baffles, to
maintain the residence time at
the design levels. The
ventilation fans in the unused
tunnels shall be configured so
as to maintain the expected
efflux velocity at the discharge
Should the measured odour level from either biofilter be
more than
above the defined level in the air quality
model (in OUe/m3); the potential impact on overall site
odour release will be evaluated using the air quality model
once all odour measurements required as part of the
Acceptance Tests have been completed.
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Schedule 9 – Part 2 Acceptance Tests
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Schedule 9 – Part 2 Acceptance Tests
2. South Kirkby Main MRF
The Acceptance Test
2.1.1 The period for the Acceptance Test for the South Kirkby Main MRF shall be two
(2) weeks.
2.1.2 The Acceptance Test will demonstrate that the South Kirkby Main MRF can
process the MRF Input without breaching the Environmental Permit and
produce Reclaimed Materials and Waste Derived Products in accordance with
test 2.2 of Table 2 below.
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Schedule 9 – Part 2 Acceptance Tests
Table 2 South Kirkby Main MRF Parameters
Feature being tested
Any specific conditions for
the facility to ensure that the
feature being tested is subject
of a valid test
Average Throughput The South Kirkby Main MRF Each week of the testing period shall comprise the
of the South Kirkby shall be operated in accordance following categories of time.
Main MRF
with the relevant Operating
 Planned Operating Time (POT) shall be
Manuals with adjustments to
45 hours/week. This is the time when the
take into account the quantity of
plant would normally be expected to be in
MRF Input delivered for the
operation including: preparation, startups,
purposes of the Acceptance
shutdowns and daily maintenance and
cleaning. The exact start and finish times
The South Kirkby Main MRF will
be staffed with the number of
Staff as set out in the relevant
Operating Manuals. Staff will
have completed the appropriate
induction and training prior to
the commencement of the
Acceptance Test.
Test Process and parameters measured
Pass Criteria
which make up POT each week shall be
set by the Sub Contractor and written into
the detailed testing procedures prior to
starting the test.
 Planned Weekend Maintenance Time
(PWMT) shall be 48 hours/week. The
exact start and finish times for PWMT each
week shall be set by the Sub Contractor
and written into the detailed testing
procedures prior to starting the test.
 Planned Idle Time (PIT) shall be the
remaining periods in the week which are
not covered by POT or PWMT.
The throughput over the testing period shall be
calculated as follows.
= Average Throughput (expressed in
tonnes/hours input waste)
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Schedule 9 – Part 2 Acceptance Tests
TTP = Total Tonnes Processed as measured
using weighbridge data, with appropriate
adjustments for inventory levels at the start
and end of the testing period.
UIT = Unplanned Idle Time is any time within
the specified POT periods when the plant
cannot operate solely due to lack of waste in
the reception area. For any time to count
towards UIT, the plant shall not be cleaned,
maintained, prepared, worked on in any
manner or awaiting repairs.
EXT = Extra Time is any time within the PIT
periods when the plant is being operated
cleaned, maintained, prepared or worked on in
any manner
Contribution of the
South Kirkby Main
The South Kirkby Main MRF
shall be operated in accordance
with the relevant Operating
Manuals with adjustments to
take into account the quantity of
MRF Input delivered for the
purposes of Acceptance Test.
The tonnage of MRF Input and both Waste
Derived Products and Reclaimed Materials
delivered to market will be recorded and a mass
balance will be compiled detailing the input and
output streams across the South Kirkby Main
MRF to determine the contribution of the South
Kirkby Main MRF towards:
The South Kirkby Main MRF will
be staffed with the number of
 the Household Waste Recycling Target; and
Staff as set out in the relevant
Operating Manuals. Staff will  the BMW to Landfill Target
have completed the appropriate
induction and training prior to Reclaimed Materials and Waste Derived
the commencement of the Products shall be produced to a standard that
can be delivered to the markets identified in
Acceptance Test.
Table 1 of the Materials and Energy Marketing
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Schedule 9 – Part 2 Acceptance Tests
Noise levels
The peak noise levels will be
recorded at the test points
identified in the South Kirkby
Acceptance Testing
Measurements Points SK-EXT9201 during the test operating
hours and under normal
operating conditions whilst the
following activities are being
Odour Levels
while MRF Input is being
 while the loading shovel is in
operation; and
 while the trommel screen is
handling MRF Input.
The odour test shall not be
undertaken unless the South
Kirkby Main MRF ventilation
fans are operating.
The level of noise generated by the South Kirkby
Main MRF will be measured and in accordance
with the detailed procedure set out in the
Acceptance Test Programme.
The level of generated noise will be measured on
one occasion at each of the test points on the
boundary of the South Kirkby Main Site. The
measurements taken at these points, as may be
determined by the Environmental Permit, are to
ensure that noise levels comply with the
requirements of the Environmental Permit.
The odour shall be monitored at a number of
points on the boundary of the South Kirkby Main
Site as may be determined by the Environmental
Permit and in accordance with the detailed
procedure set out in the Acceptance Test
Programme to ensure that odour levels comply
with the requirements of the Environmental
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Schedule 9 – Part 2 Acceptance Tests
Dust Levels
The dust test shall not be
undertaken unless the South
Kirkby Main MRF ventilation
fans are operating.
A test shall be conducted to monitor dust levels
emitted from the facility if required by the
Environmental Permit.
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Schedule 9 – Part 2 Acceptance Tests
3. South Kirkby Main Residual Waste Treatment Facility
The Acceptance Test
3.1.1 For the purpose of this Section 3 reference to the South Kirkby Main Residual
Waste Treatment Facility includes all stages in the process from reception hall
up to and including the pasteurisation process and shall exclude the anaerobic
digestion system which includes; the intermediate storage tanks, anaerobic
digestion tanks, digestate dewatering system, gas handling systems, effluent
treatment system and combined heat and power facilities.
3.1.2 The period for the Acceptance Test for the South Kirkby Main Residual Waste
Treatment Facility shall be four (4) weeks
3.1.3 The Acceptance Test will demonstrate that the South Kirkby Main Residual
Waste Treatment Facility can process the Residual Waste Treatment Input
without breaching the Environmental Permit and produce Reclaimed Materials
and Waste Derived Products and AD feedstock/cooked organic fraction in
accordance with test 3.1 of Table 3 below.
3.1.4 The South Kirkby Main Residual Waste Treatment Facility shall be tested to
demonstrate its compliance with the overall design capacity requirements as set
out in section 2.2 of the Works Delivery Plan by operating the facility for a
period of time required to process the tonnage of Residual Waste Treatment
Input available.
3.1.5 The average hourly throughput rate is calculated in accordance with the
following formula:
Average hourly throughput rate =
∑(daily tonnage of Residual
Waste Treatment Input)
∑(daily operating hours)
Daily operating hours
The daily operating period (hours) taken as the period
from the recorded start time until the recorded end
time as defined in test 3.1 of Table 3.
3.1.6 Unless agreed with the Independent Certifier, during the period of the
Acceptance Test planned maintenance and defect rectification can only be
carried out during:
 the daily operating hours;
 during the planned daily maintenance and cleaning period (4.5 hours);
 the weekend non operating periods.
3.1.7 Plant preparation activities such as the preparation of the boiler can be
completed outside of the daily operating hours.
3.1.8 The criteria being monitored or measured are defined in Table 3 below.
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Schedule 9 – Part 2 Acceptance Tests
3.1.9 The Acceptance Test of the South Kirkby Main Residual Waste Treatment
Facility shall be deemed passed provided the pass criteria defined in Table 3
below are achieved.
3.1.10 Should the pass criteria in test 3.1 of Table 3 below not be achieved then
following modification to the South Kirkby Main Residual Waste Treatment
Facility, test 3.1 of the Acceptance Test shall be repeated with a duration that
shall be agreed with the Independent Certifier.
3.1.11 Should the pass criteria in tests 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, or 3.6 of Table 3 below not be
achieved then following modification to the South Kirkby Main Residual Waste
Treatment Facility that test shall be repeated within the remaining period of the
Acceptance Test or the period of the Acceptance Test shall be increased to
accommodate the retest as agreed with the Independent Certifier.
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Schedule 9 – Part 2 Acceptance Tests
Table 3 South Kirkby Main Residual Waste Treatment Facility Parameters
Test Feature being Any specific conditions for
the facility to ensure that the
feature being tested is
subject of a valid test
Throughput of
AD feedstock
Test process and parameters measured
The South Kirkby Main
Residual Waste Treatment
Facility shall be operated in
accordance with the relevant
Operating Manuals.
The tonnage of Residual Waste Treatment Input to the
South Kirkby Main Residual Waste Treatment Facility
will be taken from weighbridge records with appropriate
adjustments for waste inventory levels at the start and
end of the test period.
The South Kirkby Main
Residual Waste Treatment
Facility will be staffed with the
number of Staff as set out in
Manuals. Staff will have
completed the appropriate
induction and training process
prior to the commencement of
the Acceptance Test.
The start time for processing of waste on each day shall
be recorded as the time the first load of waste is
collected by the front end loading shovel for depositing in
the waste loading hopper.
The entire South Kirkby Main
Residual Waste Treatment
Facility including the autoclave
shall be operational
At some stage during the Acceptance Test the AD
feedstock produced by the autoclave process will be
tested in accordance with the detailed procedure set out
in the Acceptance Test Programme to ensure that it is a
suitable feedstock for Anaerobic Digestion. The following
criteria will be measured:
Pass Criteria
The end time for processing of waste on each day shall
be recorded as the time the last load of waste is
collected by the front end loading shovel for depositing in
the waste loading hopper.
The level of pathogens as defined by the Animal ByProducts Regulations.
Plastics content is within the specification for
Digestate defined in Table 1 of the Materials and Energy
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Schedule 9 – Part 2 Acceptance Tests
Marketing Plan
Glass content is within the specification for Digestate
defined in Table 1 of the Materials and Energy Marketing
AD feedstock
bypass line
The entire South Kirkby Main
Residual Waste Treatment
Facility shall be operational
excluding the autoclave which
shall be bypassed and the
autoclave bypass line shall be
At some stage during the Acceptance Test the autoclave
bypass line shall be operated and the suitability of the
AD feedstock for Anaerobic Digestion established in
accordance with the detailed procedure set out in the
Acceptance Test Programme. The following criteria will
be measured:
The level of pathogens as defined by the Animal ByProducts Regulations.
Plastics content is within the specification for
Digestate defined in Table 1 of the Materials and Energy
Marketing Plan
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Glass content is within the specification for
Digestate defined in Table 1 of the Materials and
Energy Marketing Plan
RDF quality
The South Kirkby Main The RDF output shall be sampled and tested in
Residual Waste Treatment accordance with Schedule 2 of the Ferrybridge Off-Take
Facility shall be operated in Contract.
accordance with the relevant
Operating Manuals.
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Schedule 9 – Part 2 Acceptance Tests
Contribution of
The South Kirkby Main
Residual Waste Treatment
Facility shall be operated in
accordance with the relevant
Operating Manuals.
The South Kirkby Main
Residual Waste Treatment
Facility will be staffed with
the number of Staff as set
out in the relevant Operating
Manuals. Staff will have
completed the appropriate
Acceptance Test.
The tonnage of Residual Waste Treatment Input and
both Waste Derived Products and Reclaimed Materials
delivered to market will be recorded and a mass
balance will be compiled detailing the input and output
streams across the South Kirkby Main Residual Waste
Treatment Facility to determine the contribution of the
South Kirkby Main Residual Waste Treatment Facility
the Household Waste Recycling Target; and
the BMW to Landfill Target
Reclaimed Materials and Waste Derived Products shall
be produced to a standard that can be delivered to the
markets identified in Table 1 of the Materials and
Energy Marketing Plan.
The quantity of AD feedstock sent to Anaerobic
Digestion shall be estimated.
There is no requirement to measure the water vapour
and exhaust gases given off as a by-product of the
autoclave process
Noise levels
The peak noise levels will be
recorded at the test points
identified in the South Kirkby
Measurements Points SKEXT-9201
operating conditions whilst the
following activities are being
The level of noise generated by the South Kirkby Main
Residual Waste Treatment Facility will be measured
and in accordance with the detailed procedure set out
in the Acceptance Test Programme.
The level of generated noise will be measured on one
occasion at each of the test points on the boundary of
the South Kirkby Main Site. The measurements taken
at these points, as may be determined by the
Environmental Permit, are to ensure that noise levels
 while
Waste comply with the requirements of the Environmental
Treatment Input is being
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Schedule 9 – Part 2 Acceptance Tests
 while the pre-sort MRF and
autoclave are in operation,
 while the loading shovel is
in operation.
Odour Levels - In order to ensure that the bioResidual
scrubbers have achieved
stable operation this test shall
not be commenced until after
the first week of the
throughput test has been
The ventilation fans shall be
operating normally during the
conduct of the odour test.
whilst Residual Waste
Treatment input is being
stored on the floor of the
reception hall
 the bag opener shall be
operating normally.
Odour Levels - The ventilation fans shall be
operating normally during the
conduct of the odour test.
In order to ensure that the bioscrubbers have achieved
stable operation this test shall
not be commenced until after
the first week of the
The level of odour shall be assessed whilst the autoclave
is venting into the condenser with the remainder of the
South Kirkby Main Residual Waste Treatment Facility
processing Residual Waste Treatment Input.
The odour shall be monitored at a number of points on
the boundary of the South Kirkby Main Site as may be
determined by the Environmental Permit and in
accordance with the detailed procedure set out in the
Acceptance Test Programme to ensure that odour levels
comply with the requirements of the Environmental
Should the monitoring at all points not be completed on a
single autoclave vent cycle then the test shall cover
additional autoclave cycles as necessary.
The level of odour release shall be measured at two
stages of the autoclave cycle:
1. Whilst the autoclave is venting into the condenser
with the remainder of the South Kirkby Main
Residual Waste Treatment Facility processing
Residual Waste Treatment Input.
2. During the autoclave cook phase with the
remainder of the South Kirkby Main Residual
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Schedule 9 – Part 2 Acceptance Tests
throughput test has been
Waste Treatment Facility processing waste
The odour output from the AD and autoclave
bioscrubbers and the pre-sort MRF carbon filter will be
measured individually to ensure compliance with the
levels of odour set out in the Environmental Permit.
Should the measured odour level from any of the
bioscrubbers/carbon filters be more than
above the
defined level in the air quality model (in OUe/m3); the
potential impact on overall site odour release will be
evaluated using the air quality model once all odour
measurements required as part of the Acceptance Tests
have been completed.
Odour Levels The ventilation fans shall be
Reception operating normally during the
conduct of the odour test. The
measurements will be taken
whilst at least 50% of the
Residual Waste Treatment
Input expected during that day
is on the floor in the Reception
The odour output from the carbon filter will be measured
to ensure compliance with the levels of odour set out in
the Environmental Permit.
Should the measured odour level from any of the carbon
filters be more than
above the defined level in the
air quality model (in OUe/m3); the potential impact on
overall site odour release will be evaluated using the air
quality model once all odour measurements required as
part of the Acceptance Tests have been completed.
the bag opener shall be
operating normally.
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Schedule 9 – Part 3 Post Anaerobic Test
Part 3 - Post Anaerobic Digestion Test
1.1 The Anaerobic Digestion system will take several months to commission and establish
steady state operations. The Parties agree and acknowledge that this test does not
form part of the Acceptance Tests required for the South Kirkby Main Residual Waste
Treatment Facility to receive a Completion Certificate (and this test does not need to
be undertaken for the Contractor to achieve the Full Service Commencement Date and
the step up to the Unitary Charge). The Contractor shall undertake this test at an
appropriate time during the Full Service Period and the results passed to the Council.
1.2 This test will be conducted to demonstrate that the Anaerobic Digestion system is
performing as expected by generating Digestate that meets the market requirement
defined in the Materials and Energy Marketing Plan.
1.3 Once the Anaerobic Digestion system has achieved a steady state, the Digestate
produced over a 24 hour period will be sampled and tested. The test results will be
compared with the market requirements defined in the Materials and Energy Marketing
Plan. The sampling methodology and the detailed tests to be carried out will be
defined in the Acceptance Test Programme.
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