1 Effingham College and Career Academy (ECCA) Quarterly Report

Effingham College and Career Academy (ECCA) Quarterly Report for TCSG
March 2016 – Q-3-FY2016
Charter Term: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2018
Mission and Goals
A. Mission: “To create a high tech career focus to better serve our students’ needs for those
entering directly into the work force from high school and those planning further
postsecondary options.
B. Goals:
Goal 1: Serve grades 9-12 and serve approximately 550 students by year five of the
charter term.
Goal 2: Offer a curriculum focused toward an integrated and applied academic approach
as it relates to basic and advanced career/technical education pathway programs.
Goal 3: Utilize the maximum flexibility allowed by law from the provisions of Title 20
of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated and from any state or local rule, regulation,
policy or procedure established by the Effingham County Board of Education, the State
Board of Education, or the Georgia Department of Education.
Goal 4: Seek system or school accreditation from an approved accrediting agency within
the first three years of the initial charter term and retain status thereafter.
Goal 5: Meet or exceed performance-based goals and measurable objectives that are
designed to result in improvement of student achievement:
a. Academic Goals:
1. Perform above the level that would place it on the Priority Schools
list, the Focus Schools list, or the Alert Schools list. All targets
(currently CCRPI and State Performance Targets) as defined by
Georgia state requirements and the state’s waiver of No Child Left
Behind, subject to any amendment, waiver, or reauthorization
thereof, will be met. Students will demonstrate proficiency and
improvement over prior years’ performance.
Measure 1: Meet or exceed all State Performance Targets and all
other statewide-accountability requirements as established by the
Department each year for all content areas of the CriterionReferenced Competency Test (CRCT), the End of Course Test
(EOCT) and the graduation rate.
Measure 2: The percentage of students who meet or exceed state
standards on each content area of the EOCT will be greater than
the State or Effingham County School District Average, whichever
is higher, by at least 1% in all subjects in all grade levels.
Measure 3: The percentage of students scoring in the exceeds
category on the EOCT in all grade levels and subject areas will
exceed the baseline average by 2%. The baseline average is the
previous academic year.
Measure 4: Exceed State or Effingham County School District
graduation averages, whichever is higher by 2%, or exceed 90%.
2. Demonstrate post high school readiness.
Measure 1
Ninety percent (90%) of graduates will score Meets or Exceeds on
the Georgia High School Writing Test.
Measure 2
One hundred percent (100%) of graduates will complete a pathway
within their program of study.
3. Demonstrate work force readiness and postsecondary education
Measure 1: Beginning from a baseline of fifteen percent (15%) and
increasing by 1% each year, students will participate in work
experiences with various businesses.
Measure 2: Beginning from a baseline of five percent (5%) and
increasing by 1% each year, students will participate in dual
enrollment classes.
b. Organizational Goals
Goal 1: Be economically sustainable.
1. Measure 1: Operate in a fiscally sound manner as measured by an
external audit that is submitted on time to the Georgia Department
of Education.
2. Measure 2: Actual and proposed budgets for each school year
demonstrate effective allocation of resources.
3. Measure 3: Yearly balance sheets demonstrate that ECCA
maintains adequate cash reserves.
4. Measure 4: Meet all Generally Accepted Accounting Practices
(GAAP) as demonstrated by external, annual audit reports.
5. Measure 5: Meet all financial reporting deadlines set by the
Georgia Department of Education.
Goal 2: Ensure all Governing Board Members receive effective training.
1. Measure 1: All Governing Board members participate in a yearly
Goal 3: Promote a positive school experience that engages students,
parents and teachers.
1. Measure 1: According to data reported by the Governor’s
Office of Student Achievement Report Card, in each year of
the charter, the percentage of students absent 15 days or more
shall not exceed 10% and shall improve by 2 percentage points
until the percentage of students absent 15 days or more is
below 5%.
2. Measure 2: Each year, 90% of parents will indicate that they
are at least “satisfied” with the overall quality of their child’s
education as measured via an annual survey conducted at the
conclusion of the school year, in which the options are very
unsatisfied, unsatisfied, somewhat satisfied, satisfied, and very
satisfied. The survey response rate will be at least 85% of
parents surveyed.
3. Measure 3: Each year, 90% of teachers will indicate that they
are at least “satisfied” with the overall quality of their job as
measured via an annual survey conducted at the conclusion of
the school year, in which the options are very unsatisfied,
unsatisfied, somewhat unsatisfied, satisfied, very satisfied. The
survey response rate will be at least 85% of teachers surveyed.
During the 2015-2016 school year, Effingham County School System has 17 students taking
academics through Savannah Technical College.
Next year, 2016-2017, Effingham County School System will have at least 146 students taking
Public Speaking and Art Appreciation through Savannah Technical College.
Presently, Effingham County School system has 56 students taking Welding, Aircraft Assembly,
Criminal Justice and Cosmetology through Savannah Technical College.
For the 2016-2017 school year, Effingham County would like to continue these programs and
expand to Culinary Arts and the Nursing Assistant program.
Currently we have 69 students we would like Savannah Technical College to serve for Culinary
Arts during the 2016-2017 school year. These students will be starting the Culinary Arts
We also currently have 49 students registered for the CNA course. They have completed the
first two courses of the pathway. These students could be part of the Nursing Assistant Program
at Savannah Technical College during the 2016-2017 school year.
Partnerships: ECCA partners with various industries, governmental entities, and postsecondary institutions including, but not limited to:
 Effingham Board of Education
 Effingham Industrial Development Authority
 Effingham County
 Effingham County Sheriff’s Department
 City of Guyton
 City of Rincon
City of Springfield
First Book, Inc.
Effingham Health System
Carter’s Pharmacy
Georgia Ports Authority
Georgia Power
Georgia Transformer, Inc.
Edwards Interiors Aerospace, Inc.
JCB, Inc.
CST Covers, Inc.
Gulfstream Aerospace
Numerous Automotive Dealers, Local Repair Facilities, Parts Suppliers and
Distributors including Rincon Transmission, NAPA, AutoZone, and area Dealerships
Numerous Logistics and Distribution Warehouse companies including Nordic, CSX,
Norfolk Southern, Target, Ikea, Port City Logistics, John S. James, Inc., Freightliner,
Maritime Logistics Education Taskforce, Inc. (MLET)
Vic’s on the River
Hunter Farms
Miss Jean’s Restaurant
Madrac Organic Farms
Armstrong State University
Georgia Southern University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Savannah State University
Savannah Technical College
University of Georgia
The Effingham County Board of Education depleted its GCAP grant funding in August 2010 and
has been reimbursed. The GCAP grant is closed.
ECCA’s budget is balanced, on schedule, and, reviewed by the Board during meetings.
The State of Georgia Audit Department performs annual audits of Effingham County School
District financial statements in which ECCA funds are included.
Governance and Leadership
The Board of Directors of ECCA, Inc. meets at ECCA every second Tuesday at 11:30 a.m.
September 1, 2015
October 5, 2015
November 16, 2015
December 14, 2015
February 8, 2016
March 14, 2016
April 11, 2016
May 9, 2016
ECCA Board of Directors
Last Name
First Name
Dr. Randy
Georgia Ports Authority
Savannah Technical College
EC Industrial Development Authority
State Senator, District 1
ECCA Director of High School
Programs / CTAE Director
Effingham Health System
Georgia Power
Savannah Technical College
Georgia Pacific
Edwards Aerospace Interiors, Inc.
ECBOE Superintendent
Dr. Barbara
Activities / Timelines
The following represents some highlights of activities during the quarter:
ECCA hosted the following events:
 Jan 5
STEM Information, approximately 400 parents and students attended
 Jan 7
Leadership Effingham class
 Jan 8
Red Cross Blood Drive
 Jan10
Annual 4-H Awards Banquet, approximately 150 attendees
 Jan 12
SkillsUSA Officer meeting
 Jan 14
FCCLA STAR student meeting
 Jan 20,21,22 SEHS 8th grade student tours
 Jan 20
4-H Advisor meeting
 Jan 21,25,26 EMS 8th grade student tours
 Jan 25,26,27 ECMS 8th grade student tours
 Jan 26
ECSD Spelling Bee
 Jan 28-29
PBIS training, approximately 120 attendees
Dr. Prosser participated in the following professional meetings:
 Jan 11
Maritime Logistics Education Task Force (MLET) Board
 Jan 14
MLET Employer/Intern Meet and Greet
 Jan 20
Chamber of Commerce Executive Board
 Jan 21
Effingham Industrial Development Authority Board
 Jan 25-26
Effingham Day at the Capital
 Jan 26
Judge for the ECSD Spelling Bee
 Jan 28
Chamber of Commerce Board
Mr. Kieffer participated in the following professional meetings:
 Jan 7
Superintendent’s Principals Meeting
 Jan 12-13
CTAE New Leaders Academy
 Jan 19
ECHS Parent Night
 Jan 21
SEHS Rising Junior Parent Night
 Jan 25
ECHS Rising Sophomore Parent Night
 Jan 26
SEHS Rising Sophomore Parent Night
Congressman Buddy Carter and two of his staff visited with student and staff team members at
ECCA on January 20. Congressman Carter reported in his weekly newsletter: “Next, I head to
the Effingham College & Career Academy where Dr. Barbara Prosser and her great staff lead me
in a tour of the school and I have the opportunity to meet students involved in classes to support
their pursuit of careers of their interests. Effingham County is a leader in education in our state
and this is a great program that has and will continue to benefit the community and our state.”
Mr. Travis Nesmith led a dual enrollment Move On When Ready FY 2017 planning meeting
with Dr. Terri Sellers and three other Savannah Tech representatives at ECCA on January 21.
Discussions included the opportunity for Savannah Tech to teach transferrable credit classes to
all qualifying students at ECCA, including the expected 250 new STEM students. Mr. Kieffer
and Dr. Prosser attended the meeting.
5 students from ECHS are participating in the Maritime Logistics Education Task Force paid
internships from January through April. The companies include Nordic, Port City Logistics, John
S. James, and Lineage. Ms. Sherry Duff and the students attended an Orientation at Georgia
Tech on January 5. The interns, Ms. Duff and Dr. Prosser attended an intern and employer Meet
& Greet reception at Georgia Tech on January 14.
Logistics Operations student team members toured Gulfstream Aerospace on January 20 and
learned about Lean methods and ways they may become involved at Gulfstream.
Logistics student team members picked and shipped approximately 1,600 cartons (32 pallets) of
books to First Book customer destinations. ECCA inventory was re-organized to allow storage
of books by age groups to allow improved cycle time for inventory turnover.
An auditor from First Book conducted an audit of the Logistics Warehouse Lab inventory on
January 29. No discrepancies were found and the auditor complimented Mr. Wilson on the
organization of the inventory and the volume of books shipped to date.
8th grade students from SEMS toured and participated in presentations at ECCA on January 20,
21 and 22. EMS students toured on January 21, 25 and 26. ECMS students toured on January
25, 26, and 27. ECCA student team members served as Student Ambassadors and led all tours.
Ms. Beth Epling, Director, New Ebenezer Retreat, taught dining etiquette skills to team members
on January 27.
Culinary Arts Director, Ms. Shuman, attended the GATFACS meeting January 28-30 in
Savannah where she participated in an international cuisine workshop and caricature
demonstration at Savannah Tech.
Planning has begun for dates and luncheon menus for an ECCA Culinary Arts Café. The Café
will be open to the public on the February 25, March 24 and April 28 and showcase student team
members’ final portfolio restaurant projects.
An ECCA dual enrollment MOWR senior Culinary Arts student team member exempted two
Savannah Tech Culinary classes with successful completion of two exemption exams. She is
enrolled in the Savannah Tech Culinary Arts program and has successfully completed a
semester. The ECBOE paid for her Savannah Tech chef uniform and knife kit as relevant
MOWR student expenses.
Advanced Graphic Design student team members are compiling their personal portfolios as a
capstone project. Each developed a project management Gantt chart with projected completion
Ms. Larson and Mr. Lydic travelled with student team members competing in a SkillsUSA
Region 6 Competition at Oconee Fall Line Technical College in Dublin on January 22. Student
team members earned the following awards and qualify to compete in the SkillsUSA State
Leadership & Skills Conference in Atlanta on March 17 -19:
- First Place, Information Technology Services
- First Place, Advertising Design
- Second Place, SkillsUSA Pin Design
Other student team members competed in Job Skill Demonstrations and Job Interviews.
Student team members in both of the third year Maintenance & Light Repair classes competed in
a duo-serve drum brake race. They had to change the rear shoes and hardware. The best time was
3 minutes and 8 seconds. The winner received a multimeter and a magnetic inspection set
donated by Auto Zone.
19 Patient Care Fundamentals student team members are completing their requirements to earn
eligibility to sit for the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) exam. The requirements include
working three 8 hour shifts in a nursing care facility. They began working at Effingham Care
Center on Saturdays, January 9 and Saturday, January 30.
ECCA hosted the following events:
 Feb 2
Chamber/IDA Work Force Development Committee
 Feb 3
Work Based Learning Presentations Assembly
 Feb 8
ECCA Board of Directors meeting
 Feb 9
SkillsUSA meeting
 Feb 10
Coastal District Public Health MAPP meeting
Feb 12
Feb 18
Feb 20
Feb 25
HS and MS teacher professional development training
STAR Student and Teacher Awards Luncheon
Effingham County Firefighter/Rescue Awards Banquet
ECCA Culinary Arts Café
Dr. Prosser participated in the following professional meetings:
 Feb 2
Chamber/IDA Work Force Development Committee
 Feb 5-7
Leadership Southeast Georgia class in Brunswick
 Feb 8
ECCA Board of Directors via Skype
 Feb 8-9
GA CCA CEO meeting in Atlanta
 Feb 11
Propeller Club meeting in Savannah
 Feb 11
Chamber of Commerce Finance Committee meeting
 Feb 16
Chamber of Commerce Executive Committee meeting
 Feb 18
Industrial Development Authority meeting
 Feb 18
STAR Student and Teacher Awards Luncheon
 Feb 26
Georgia Southern University Engineering College Tour
Mr. Kieffer participated in the following professional meetings:
 Feb 3-5
CTAE Winter Conference in Marietta
Mr. Wilson and Ms. Larson presented during Career Day at Blandford Elementary School on
February 5, and, Ebenezer Middle School on February 11.
ECCA hosted the STAR student and teacher awards luncheon on February 18. ECCA Culinary
Arts students prepared and served the lunch.
ECCA hosted the Annual Effingham County Firefighter/Rescue Awards Banquet on February
20. Congressman Buddy Carter delivered the keynote address.
Mrs. Shuman and five Culinary II team members toured The Art Institute of Atlanta and the
Buford Highway Farmers Market on February 4. The team members discussed admission steps
to attend the Art Institute. They viewed ingredients from various countries.
The same group of Culinary team members participated in the Hospitality Career Expo at the
Georgia International Convention Center on February 5. They spoke with more than eight post
secondary institutions, learned information from employers, and watched cooking
Culinary Arts team members fulfilled Valentine orders which included preparation of 135
decorated cupcakes, 75 orders of chocolate dipped strawberries (450 strawberries) and 36 orders
of decorated cookies (432 cookies) during the week of February 8-12.
Culinary Arts team members prepared and served the luncheon for the STAR Student and
Teacher event on February 18 at ECCA for more than 50 attendees.
A guest speaker from the Art Institute of Atlanta conducted crepe preparation demonstrations
and informed students about the school’s programs.
The first ECCA Culinary Arts Café event was held on February 25 and team members served
lunch to more than 40 attendees.
FCCLA Region STAR Events competition was held February 27 at Long County High School.
Culinary Arts team members received the following awards:
- Food Innovations
One Gold Medal
- Chapter in Review Display
One Silver Medal
- Nutrition and Wellness
One Silver Medal
A representative from Savannah’s Hall of Cakes presented a cake demonstration as a hands-on
experience and taught Culinary Arts team members to make cakes, filling, frostings, and to
decorate the cakes on February 29.
ECCA hosted Work Based Learning presentations by Mrs. Duff and Mrs. Truluck on February 3
throughout the day. Four students provided an overview of their jobs and what the program has
meant to them.
Effingham Hospital Emergency Room
Gulfstream Aerospace
ECBOE Maintenance
A SkillsUSA team member meeting was held at ECCA on February 9.
ECCA Allied Health toured Effingham Health System on February 9. They began their clinical
work experiences with Effingham Health System, Effingham County Health Department, Local
Family Practice Offices, Gordon’s Pharmacy, Carter’s Pharmacy, and other employers on
February 16.
Six Nursing Essentials students worked eight clinical hours of at the Effingham Care Center
during February.
Twenty Engineering team members, Mr. Kicklighter, Mr. Clyde Newton, and, Dr. Prosser toured
the Georgia Southern University Mechanical Engineering labs and the Eagle Motorsports
assembly lab on February 26. Team members talked to numerous GSU Engineering students
and professors.
ECCA hosted the following events:
 March 1
Chamber/IDA Work Force Development Committee
 March 1
CTAE Advisory Councils for all ECSD CTAE pathways
 March 10
HMH/Metametrics seminar
 March 14
ECCA Board of Directors meeting
March 14-18 Annual ECSD Art Show
March 22-23 Culinary Arts Re-certification Team Visit
March 24
Dual Enrollment with Savannah Tech Parent/Student meeting
Dr. Prosser participated in the following professional meetings:
 March 3
Taste of Effingham
 March 4
Ground Breaking Ceremony for new EC Recreation Complex
 March 10
St. Joseph/Candler Intermediate Care Ribbon Cutting in Rincon
 March 11-12 Leadership Southeast Georgia class in Statesboro
 March 14
ECCA Board of Directors
 March 24
Chamber of Commerce Board
 March 26
FAA IA Seminar in Pooler
Mr. Kieffer participated in the following professional meetings:
 March 3
Taste of Effingham
 March 7-8
CTAE Conference at St. Simons Island
 March 14
ECCA Board of Directors
 March 21
FCCLA in Athens, as a judge
 March 24
GaPSC seminar in Brooklet
During the week of March 14 – 18, ECCA hosted the Annual Effingham Schools Art Show.
During the reception on March 15, more than 1000 students and family members visited the
show. Georgia Southern University’s Engineering students and professors brought and
showcased the engineering computer science animatronic dragon, and, the mechanical
engineering Baha race car built by the students for competitive racing.
Mr. Rob Andrews of the Department of Juvenile Justice visited the ECCA Automotive program
on March 23 to learn about and adopt some best practices for a new program at the Youth
Detention Center.
The ECCA Culinary Arts team members and Ms. Shuman participated in the March 3 Taste of
Effingham and served small dessert items created and prepared by the team members.
The Culinary Arts program was reviewed for re-certification by members of the American
Culinary Federation on March 22 and 23. Professionals from businesses, the Board of
Education, the Industrial Development Authority, the ECCA Board of Directors, the Culinary
Arts Advisory Council, and, alumni participated in a reception hosted by team members and Ms.
Shuman. They discussed the economic benefits of the program to our community and region.
The visiting review team was highly impressed with Ms. Shuman’s dedication and the
enthusiasm and success of the students. There were no material recommendations.
Savannah’s Hall of Cakes performed a demonstrations and gave team members experience with
cake making and decorating, and, Crescent Cacao demonstrated chocolates during March.
Three Culinary Arts team members received medals during the FCCLA State Competition in
Athens on March 20-22.
- Food Innovations
One Gold Medal
- Chapter in Review Display
One Gold Medal
- Nutrition and Wellness
One Bronze Medal
- Both Gold medalists will compete in the National competition in San Diego, CA on
July 3-7.
23 of 39 Logistics team members passed the CLA certification exam. Other team members will
test during April. They distributed more than 1,600 books to South Effingham Middle, South
Effingham Elementary, Blandford Elementary, and Marlow Elementary, and, more than 100
books were distributed to the Effingham Special Olympics.
The Engineering TSA team members competed in Athens on March 16-18. One placed 11th for
Career Preparation. One placed 11th for Dragster Design. Two placed 6th for Problem Solving.
More than 100 competitors attended.
On March 17-19, fourteen Web Design and Graphic Design team members competed in the 2016
SkillsUSA competitions in Atlanta. Two placed 2nd in Web Design. Three placed 3rd in Career
Pathway Showcase for Information Technology.
Sixteen Health Care Sciences team members earned the National Consortium of Healthcare
Science Education Certification.
On Saturday, March 26, Dr. Prosser, Mr. Rossiter and three Aircraft Assembly Technician dual
enrollment team members attended the FAA IA Seminar sponsored by the Coastal Empire
Chapter of the Professional Aviation Maintenance Association (PAMA). The President of the
Chapter presented ECCA with a donation of $450 as a thank you for providing the program.
ECCA was closed for Spring Break on March 25 – April 1.
Career & College Focus
ECCA continuously promotes and hosts student and parent information nights for Savannah
Technical College to increase student dual enrollment in college classes and increase knowledge
of MOWR opportunities.
Meetings are ongoing with Savannah Tech staff to discuss the enrollment potential for the
additional 250 students planned to attend classes at ECCA in August 2016. We continue to
encourage Savannah Tech staff to provide recruiting presentations in both high schools and to
setup tables for discussion with students in the mornings and during lunch hours. In addition, we
encourage Deans and instructors to give presentations in academic and technical classrooms.
Meetings with Georgia Southern University’s STEM Institute staff are ongoing.
Grade Levels / Enrollments and Student Focus
Healthcare 1
Graphics & Web Design
Healthcare 2
Culinary Arts
Aircraft Assembly
Law Enforcement
Total Enrollment
Student Support
Work Based Learning Coordinators, Counselors and Teachers provide guidance and instruction
to students. These professionals attend various training and professional development events
during the year and continually strengthen industry partnerships.
Student team members participate in numerous CTSOs including SkillsUSA, FCCLA, HOSA,
and, TSA.
Career Advisory Councils provide mentoring and guidance regarding industry knowledge and
experience to enhance learning. Council members and others from industry participate in the
annual ECCA student team member Awards Day ceremony. Industry professionals visit classes
and share skills needed to succeed in work environments.
Students participate in industry and college and university tours throughout the year. ECCA
provides a special medallion and ribbon to graduating seniors to wear during the graduation
ceremonies at their high schools.
The Effingham County Board of Education is the charter authorizer for ECCA. Effingham
County Schools operate on a 7 period day, Monday through Friday, weekly. Both high schools
schedule classes to allow students to attend ECCA.
The Effingham County Board of Education provides bus transportation from and to each high
school, and, qualified students are allowed to drive themselves to ECCA.
ECCA classes are 65 minutes in length. The class bell schedule is 8:50 AM – 9:55 AM,
10:50 AM – 11:55 AM, 12:15 PM – 1:20 PM, and, 1:23 PM – 2:27 PM. Students eat lunch and
participate in sports and other extracurricular activities at their high schools.
Standards & Curriculum
Graphic Design Pathway
Courses at Base School
Intro to Graphics & Design
Web & Digital Design Pathway
Courses at ECCA
Graphic Design & Production
Adv. Graphic Design
Intro to Digital Technology
Digital Design
Web Design
Therapeutic Services – Patient
Care Pathway
Introduction to Healthcare
Essentials of Healthcare
Patient Care Fundamentals
Therapeutic Services – Allied
Health Pathway
Introduction to Healthcare
Essentials of Healthcare
Allied Health and Medicine
Therapeutic Services – exercise
Physiology & Sports Medicine
Introduction to Healthcare
Essentials of Healthcare
Fundamentals of Exercise
Sports Medicine
Culinary Arts Pathway
Introduction to Culinary Arts
Culinary Arts I
Culinary Arts II
Distribution & Logistics Pathway
Logistics Fundamentals
Logistics Operations
Materials Management
Maritime Internship
Automotive Maintenance and
Light Repair Pathway
Basic Maintenance & Light
Maintenance & Light Repair 2
Maintenance & Light Repair 3
Automotive Service Tech 4
Engineering Drafting & Design
Introduction to Engineering
Drawing & Design
Survey of Engineering Graphics
3D Model & Analysis
Engineering & Technology
Foundations of Engineering &
Engineering Concepts
Engineering Applications
Aircraft Assembly
Fundamentals of Aerospace
Aviation Maintenance
Law Enforcement
Introduction to Law
Criminal Justice Essentials
Welding I, II, III and IV
Intro Personal Care Services
Cosmetology Serve II, III and IV
Faculty & Staff
Last Name
First Name
Administrative Secretary
Transition Specialist
Director of HS Programs
Graphics & Web Design
Culinary Arts
Special Education Teacher
ECCA is accredited by AdvancED and by the Georgia Accrediting Commission, Inc. In 2015,
AdvanceED awarded 5 year accreditation to the Effingham County School District. ECCA is
recognized as a Powerful Practice by AdvancED.
Student team member grades are composed as follows:
20% Work Ethics
40% Projects/Labs
20% Tests/Quizzes
20% Class work/Home work
“Bring Your A Game” and “Habitudes” Work Ethic Programs are included in each class except
dual enrollment classes.
Cycle of Improvement
Additional ECCA STEM classes, computer labs, aircraft assembly lab, and, a cafeteria are
scheduled to be open in August 2016. Enrollment projections for FY2017 include a cohort of
125 ninth grade students and a cohort of 125 tenth grade students.
A Computer Sciences pathway will be offered in August 2016 and includes an AP course. In
August 2017, a second AP course will be offered in the pathway.
Hardware and software upgrades to computer and engineering labs are ongoing.
Culinary Arts luncheons open to the public are scheduled to begin in February 2016.