(ORYN)! - Sunrise Design

MicroCap MarketPlace
Mike Casson
Inside the New Technology Revolution
Editor, MicroCap MarketPlace
Special Report
Summer 2012
Disney Studios Kicks Off
Blockbuster Market for
Oryon Technologies (ORYN)!
Lights up a Multi-Billion-Dollar Market
with Stunning Next-Gen Technologies
Motorola, Nike,
Land’s End and more
majors already in with
product introductions!
Oryon’s Illuminated Fabric Popularized in Tron: Legacy!
Tron’s lighted costumes were no special effects,
they were sewn-in fabric lights made of ELastoLite®
from Oryon Technologies, Inc. (OTCQB: ORYN).
Glow-in-the-dark hits an entirely new, game-changing level!
After nine years development,
65 patents filed and can’t-buy-itfor-any-price publicity…
■ Oryon’s illuminated fabric, ELastoLite®,
gears up for explosive worldwide sales.
■ Motorola introduces product in 125 million
Razr™ phones using Oryon Technologies, Inc.
illuminated touch pad . . . . . . . . . . . . . See page 4
■ Company staging for immediate
product roll-out.
■ I’m calling this an enormous profit
opportunity for ground-floor investors.
■ ORYN Technologies, Inc. could break 3M’s
grip on the global reflective fabric market
capturing huge market share . . . . . . . See page 8
■ Nike is just one of many in with new clothing
and footware applications! . . . . . . . . . See page 9
The Buy light is on:
ORYN holds 1,000%+ growth
potential in 2012!
Oryon Technologies: “ELastoLite® is a game-changing technology that will open
Oryon Technologies, Inc. (ORYN) ELastoLite material
performs like a fabric yet lights up like a bulb!
Mike Casson
Publisher & Executive
MicroCap MarketPlace
Mike Casson has a 35 year history of successful
investing and many of his recommendations have
produced gains that are off the charts! Here are just
a few of the winners Mike and his research staff
have passed along to their readers.
■ 187% gain on Harbin Electric—which
jumped from $4.70 to $8.50 in 66 days,
then went to $13.48 (in the next 4 months).
■ 195% gain on COGO. It went from $5.51 to
$16.27 in 241 days.
■ 400% gain on SilverCrest Mines, which
racked up a 75% gain in one year. However,
longer term investors who held another
14 months saw a 400% profit.
■ 739% on Fushi Copperweld. It jumped
from $3.30 to $10.00 (up 203% in 61 days)
—and ultimately hit $27.69 a share for a
whopping gain of 739%.
Mike says this of his record: “When I
recommend a company about which I feel very
strongly, the chances of the stock being another
500%… 600%… even 700% winner are excellent.
Now I have discovered a little known technology
company that just started trading. This incredible
technology has such huge potential that I think it
could out-gain even my big 739% recent winner.”
This invention could be worth
billions... lighting up your portfolio
before the end of the year!
But to cash in, I recommend you
move in immediately!
Ever wish you caught a tech stock early? Obvious
examples, such as Microsoft and Apple immediately
come to mind. Stock that once sold for pocket change
can soar one-hundred-fold or more for investors who
spot these gems early.
The key is tracking down the unknown companies with
first-of-its-kind innovation and global market potential.
Put in a few thousand dollars and it could make you rich.
As you will learn here, Oryon Technologies, Inc., is one
of those companies. The technology they’re about to roll
out offers what may prove to be the most radical breakthrough in lighting since Edison invented the light bulb.
The applications are far-reaching and revolutionary.
As an investor, you may never again come across an
opportunity with such enormous growth potential.
I strongly recommend you get ready to contact your
broker because…
ORYN, has grand slam written all over it!
up new markets and enable the evolution of new products which would otherwise be unavailable.”
ORYN is the best ground-floor
technology stock I’ve seen in years!
Applications for a first-of-its-kind lighting invention
extend to hundreds of product categories.
The revenue potential is enormous. Oryon Technologies, Inc., could
enter global markets totalling trillions of dollars. And its stock, ORYN,
could generate incredible wealth for investors who get in today!
$18,000 profit potential from a $2,000 entry?
In my analysis, that’s just getting started!
ORYN is a “Strong Buy” right now!
Dear Opportunity‐Seeking Investor,
generating billions of dollars in product sales
and intellectual property licensing.
A start-up technology company that rises
The dollar you pay for ORYN today could
from obscurity to global dominance is an
be a fraction of what it will be
investor’s dream. That’s exactly
selling for in that time.
the potential I see in Oryon
Technologies, Inc. (OTCQB:
Oryon Technologies,
ORYN) today.
Inc.’s ELastoLite technology is
After nine years of product
completely new, has no direct
research and development,
competition that I could find, and
Oryon Technologies, Inc.
carries enormous sales potential
announced its breakthrough
entering numerous multi-billionCompany:
invention, ELastoLite, has been
dollar market categories.
Oryon Technologies, Inc.
patented every way imaginable
Ticker Symbol:
ORYN at $10… $20…
(55 patents to date with ten more
$30 or more?
pending) and is now preparing it
Entry Price:
This one could be huge!
for market on a global scale.
Buy up to $2.50/share
I’ll put some meat on this.
If you are the kind of investor
that reaches for the gold ring,
Within a year, I believe
Near-Term Target $10/share
ORYN should be in your
that ORYN can be selling
portfolio right now.
Optimum Profit Target:
over $10 a share.
In excess of 1,000%
Within a few years, Oryon
Technologies, Inc. could be
continued, please turn…
w w w.or yontech.com
Dallas Business Journal: “Oryon Technologies has taken Elastolite from
Oryon Technologies, Inc. (ORYN)
Advances ELastoLite in Product Partnerships
With Global Market Implications!
Sports Apparel:
Mobile Electronics:
Casual Clothing:
$315 Billion Market
Partner Status: Announced
$271 Billion Market
Partner Status: Announced
$500 Billion Market est.
Partner Status: Announced
Nike’s influence in these
markets sets the stage for
global adoption of sports
apparel and shoes featuring
ELastoLite illumination.
The company already announced partnering with Nike
on product development.
ELastoLite may well be a game
changer in sports apparel. Sewn
into fabrics, shoes, protective
gear, hats, etc, ELastoLite spans
applications ranging from
just-for-fun novelty use to
personal safety.
ORYN shareholders may enjoy
a significant profit breakout from
emerging apparel and footwear
The world purchased
approximately 1.7 billion
mobile phones last year, with
enormous growth projected in
the intermediate-term.
Industry insiders estimate
that the rate of growth in
mobility products is so rapid,
it could pass the $1 trillion
mark in 2014.
Oryon Technologies, Inc.
reports having supplied keypad
lighting products for 125 million
Motorola Razr® phones.
Shareholders in ORYN
stand to reap enormous profits
should the company provide
key licenses to electronics
Worldwide, consumers spend
well over $1 trillion per year on
clothing. Estimating that less
than half of that qualifies as
“casual” clothing, the overall
market size is enormous,
perhaps $500 billion or more.
Oryon Technologies, Inc.
reports test marketing
ELastoLite in over 100,000
products sold by Lands’ End
and Marmot.
While it is too early to tell
how big an impact that
ELastoLite will have in clothing
design, it seems that even
a small piece of this market
could generate enormous
revenue and product visibility.
This is just getting started…“Unannounced” or future potential partners include:
A “global beverage giant”; Coke or Pepsi? • A “Fortune 100 Occupational Safety Products licensee”;
surely that must be 3M? • A luxury German car manufacturer; Mercedes?
Audi? BMW? The list of potential partners goes on and on!
You could make a fortune by loading up on ORYN shares today!
m flashy technology to a profitable and highly sought after venture” April, 2011
That’s ten-times what you can buy
ORYN for today… but only if you
move quickly.
Even though Oryon Technologies, Inc. has
been quietly working for nine years to perfect
this next-generation lighting technology, it only
recently began trading on the OTCQB.
You’re among the very first to hear of this
opportunity. And “early in” is when the profit
opportunity can be enormous.
Disney Studios discovered Oryon
Technologies, Inc. and wrapped their
hit movie, Tron, in ELastoLite!
Disney discovered Oryon Technologies,
Inc. early in the game and was so blown away by
the technology, the studio made the ELastoLite
product a focal point of their hit movie “Tron”.
That’s not the first time a movie studio helped
a small company grow to become a blockbuster
Oryon Technologies, Inc. could be a
Pixar Studios story in the making.
Years ago, Pixar Studios revolutionized
animation technology. It has now become a
household word and made investors huge profits.
With Oryon partnering with Disney, Nike,
Lands End, and others that are hinted at, but not
officially announced… Oryon Technologies,
Inc. and its stock have all the makings of a
Pixar-like Cinderella story.
That’s how the $20 to $30 ORYN stock price
I’m forecasting begins to take shape.
When you add up the market opportunities
for ELastoLite technology, it’s easy to see
multi-billion-dollar market prospects.
“The patented technology trademarked
as ELastoLite® enables thin, flexible,
crushable, water resistant lighting systems
Nine years of R&D!
65 World Patents!
The big money will be in
licenses! Oryon Technologies,
Inc. could take in
hundreds of millions
in license fees
as companies
expand the use
of ELastoLite
to be incorporated into new and innovative
product applications across multiple markets
that otherwise would not have been feasible
with previous lighting technology.”
~ Oryon Technologies, Inc. website
Game changing technology
already in the market!
My analysis is that Oryon Technologies, Inc.
needs just one or two high profile deals to propel
ORYN to a $300 million market cap!
And that’s already in the works.
Recently, 125 million Razr® phones from
Motorola were brought to market using Oryon
Technologies, Inc. ELastoLite lighting for
illuminating Razr phone touch pads.
Other product partners include Nike, Lands’
End, Marmot Mountain, plus a few secret deals
with a “global beverage giant” and “Fortune 100
Occupational Safety Products licensee.”
This is the breakout point for
Oryon Technologies, Inc. and its
continued, please turn…
w w w.or yontech.com
kkuodesign.com: “Three-dimensional and flexible. Oryon Tech has
From this day forward, my analysis
shows that ORYN holds
10- to 30-fold profit potential
for first-in shareholders.
And since ORYN just recently went
public, buying ORYN now, before it
finds broad market appeal, could
pay the highest rate of return.
ORYN at $30.00+? It could happen
faster than you might imagine!
New technologies carry explosive
growth potential and investors
can make fortunes!
It doesn’t take long for a breakout new
technology to generate billions in sales.
Decades ago, when PCs first hit the market,
naysayers blasted personal computers as having
no long-term potential for consumers.
That kind of pessimism just doesn’t apply to
Oryon Technologies, Inc. reports multiple new
high profile business opportunities, even turning
down some very impressive candidates.
For example, the Oryon Technologies, Inc.
website coyly states that it turned down a market
opportunity with a “high visibility German luxury
car manufacturer.”
That sure sounds like Mercedes to me! And if
I’m wrong, that leaves Audi or BMW.
Despite obvious and compelling product
applications, an automotive partner didn’t carry
enough immediate market potential.
That’s important to note. Oryon Technologies,
Inc. recognizes that despite the benefits of
supplying technology to a company like Mercedes,
their intention is to pursue avenues of greatest
market potential. And what could be better than…
I see that kind of potential in Oryon
Technologies, Inc. (ORYN) because:
1. Oryon Technologies, Inc. is on
track to be the first company to
market with a flexible lighting
product like ELastoLite.
2. The company reports holding
55 U.S. and international
patents for ELastoLite with
ten more pending..
3. ELastoLite has already been
tested and proven in realOryon Technologies, Inc.
world applications.
Ticker Symbol:
4. The company is geared
up for two significant
Entry Price:
revenue streams, both in
Buy up to $2.50/share
manufacturing and licensing.
5. Multi-billion market potential
Near-Term Target $10/share
is made possible by a wide
Optimum Profit Target:
range of potential applications
In excess of 1,000%
across multiple product
categories and industries.
An inside connection
with Nike, the NFL and
leaders in major league
sportswear marketing!
Oryon Technologies, Inc.
President and CEO, Tom Schaefer,
holds deep roots in sports marketing.
Schaeffer entered the licensed
sports industry in 1982 with stellar
results. He started out as a sales
representative in the company that
would become Nike.
s successfully eliminated the rigid nature of an electroluminescent lamp.”
ELastoLite goes where no light has gone before…
Disney’s use of Oryon’s ELastoLite material helped trigger global interest in the technology.
Now, leveraging connections in multiple markets including sports apparel giants, Nike and Adidas,
plus major and minor league football, baseball, hockey, golf and hundreds of colleges and universities,
Oryon Technologies, Inc. appears ready to enter numerous multi-billion-dollar markets with
game changing technology. ORYN shareholders can expect the value of their holdings to soar in the
months ahead as its patented electroluminescent material gains solid market traction.
Schaeffer was later hired as the National
Sales Manager with the Dallas Cowboys and
held a high-level position with the Antigue
Group, one of the world’s largest sports
licensing companies in the world.
Schaefer’s resume not only connects Oryon
with the NFL, but with the NBA, MLB, NHL,
Arena Football, Minor League Baseball and
hundreds of colleges and universities.
Nike already in play...
ELastoLite can be printed on almost any
surface, including cloth. Nike, Lands’ End
and Marmot have demonstrated its use in
thousands of new products.
Nike already adopted ELastoLite in its
products and though it’s not widely known,
Adidas actually got in first with a connection to
Disney Studios.
Disney first turned on ELastoLite’s color
with costumes for the hit movie, Tron. Many
thought the lighted clothing was a special effect.
In fact, it was the ELastoLite material sewn
directly on the actors’ clothing.
The visual effect was
striking while at the same
time, down to earth.
ELastoLite is a product
that can be used in every
day life on anything from
t-shirts to outerwear. It
can be washed, folded,
wrinkled, scrunched,
and keep on shining.
Imagine the
ELastoLite is some
incredible stuff. You can
A stadium full of fans
actually toss it in the
with illuminated team
washer and dryer or
logos on hats or t-shirts.
submerge it in water and
Baby clothes with flashing,
it keeps on shining!
“I Love Grandma”.
continued, please turn…
w w w.or yontech.com
freshnessmag.com: “The secret [in ELastoLite] lies behind a patented
Safety gear for highway workers that lights up
on its own.
Let me translate that into dollars.
Oryon Technologies, Inc. breaks out of
the gate targeting the apparel industry.
From the company website:
“Within the target textile markets,
approximately 7 billion units are shipped each
year. This includes outerwear, industrial safety,
municipal safety, military, athletic apparel, men’s,
women’s and children’s clothing, toys, footwear,
sports gear and clothing accessories.”
These markets generate over $250
billion annually and are second only
in size to the food industry!
Here’s another far-reaching multibillion application for ELastoLite:
Oryon Technologies, Inc. reports that its
push into apparel markets is well underway. The
company reports that it is moving forward on
new product ideas with a “Fortune 100
Occupational Safety Products licensee.”
I’m taking a shot at this; my guess is that the
occupational safety licensee is 3M (it’s the only
one I can find in the Fortune 100 list).
$15 million in product R&D is just starting to pay off. Gearing up for a multi-billion dollar market
includes going public trading OTCQB as ORYN. Early shareholders are positioned for enormous
profits as its unique, well-patented and scalable ELastoLite technology enters the global market.
3M has a commanding share of the global
safety clothing market, particularly in high
reflectivity fabrics used by highway workers, fire
and rescue, etc. I doubt that 3M will overlook this.
Global giant 3M faces enormous losses
in its reflective fabric market! Oryon
Technologies, Inc. licenses to 3M could
be worth billions in next-gen sales!
3M covers just about every arena of personal
safety equipment, extending into markets for fire,
medical and police first responders, industrial
manufacturing, automotive, shipbuilding,
Disclaimer: MicroCap Marketplace is an independent paid circulation newsletter. This mailing piece is a solicitation for subscriptions. MicroCap Marketplace
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subscriber revenue as a result of its participation in this awareness effort. MicroCap Marketplace does not own any shares, options or warrants of OTCQB:ORYN.
MicroCap Marketplace expects to generate new subscriber revenue, the amount of which is unknown at this time, to its newsletter through the distribution
of this mailing piece. This publication does not provide an analysis of a company’s financial position. Oryon Technologies, Inc’s. financial position and all other
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recommended that any investment in any security should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing all publicly
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a registered broker dealer. MicroCap Marketplace presents information in this report believed to be reliable, but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
technology developed by the geniuses of Oryon Tech.” August, 2010
military, building contractors
and consumers.
Oryon Technologies, Inc’s
ELastoLite product could
revolutionize high visibility
clothing and safety equipment,
replacing reflective material
(mostly from 3M) with selfilluminated ELastoLite material.
And unlike reflective material,
ELastoLite would ensure visibility
even in blackout conditions.
High visibility clothing is a major component
of 3M’s market. ELastoLite may be the one
product that renders reflective cloth obsolete,
putting 3M in the position of buying the rights,
buying the company, or losing the market.
3M is not shy about writing big checks.
Recently, 3M paid $1.2 billion to buy out
Indiana-based Aearo Technologies Inc, adding
new products in hearing and eye protection.
One might readily project a billion-dollar-plus
deal for ELastoLite, but with all the revenue that
ELastoLite might bring in from other markets,
my guess is that Oryon Technologies, Inc.
management could license to 3M, earning a
constant flow of royalty income.
ORYON could be a stellar
buy for long-term investors!
The full market potential in
ELastoLite could continue to
soar for years to come!
Bought today, 2,500 shares
of ORYN could pay $22,500
profit in 12 months!
Make no mistake about this,
there are huge profits to be made
in clothing.
Eight years ago you could have loaded up your
portfolio with True Religion Apparel stock at about
66¢ share. Just six months later it was selling for
$8.10. Total gain: 1,227%!
Like I said at the beginning of this report, ORYN
could hit my $10 projection in less than a year…
and that might be the starting point.
If ORYN tracks like True Religion shares did,
your profits could be triple that. That’s because a few
months ago you could have sold your True Religion
stock just north of $36.
Starting at 66¢, that’s a 5,350% profit… and this is
continued, please turn…
Third Party Advertiser/Advertising Agency. IMPORTANT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER: Colburg Media, Inc., the third party advertiser, has paid $1,025,118 to Diamond Spot Media, LLC (DSM) as of May 11, 2012 for this advertising effort in
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w w w.or yontech.com
ufunk.net: “New TRON Legacy sneakers and hoodies,
for a company that makes jeans!
you’ll be among the first to know
when we make these micro-cap
buy recommendations.
Now, turn your attention to
ORYN and its global market
potential in clothing, shoes,
Plus, you’ll get “precise
outerwear, protective gear,
investment advice” for every
costumes, automotive materials,
recommendation; no guess work
and specialty fabrics… the business
here… you’ll know exactly what
potential in all these markets
to do and when.
could be ten times what True
Please Note... Our
Religion did with its jeans.
Can you see why I’m so excited
May Not Be Right for You
Thousands of products sold
about prospects for profits in
worldwide, undoubtedly
I need to be frank; MicroCap
ORYN? Keep this in mind while
totalling trillions of dollars, could
MarketPlace is not for everyone.
you think about buying ORYN
one day be using ELastoLite
If your investment strategy is to
shares today at about a buck.
technology. When you consider
avoid unproven stocks, then our
that the market for LEDs (light
My mid-course projection for
approach to investing may not be
emitting diodes) has been
ORYN is $30 a share. I believe
continually growing for over a
right for you. However…
it can hit that mark when company
decade and still has room for
■ If you want to learn about
revenue passes the $350 million
growth… ORYN could grow
unique, undervalued small
mark. I think that will be an
continuously for years to come,
an ongoing stream of profits!
companies with 300%, 650% even
easy target.
1,000% profit potential before the
With its initial markets targeting
mainstream media even has a clue…
apparel, toys, safety gear, outdoor equipment,
■ If you’d like to tap into little known sectors for
membrane switches and point of sale… $350
potentially huge profits...
million in revenue would be a slam dunk!
■ And, if you’re not opposed to taking a
The math is easy. For a short time (and I
calculated amount of portfolio risk… then
believe it will be a very short time), you can load
I definitely think MicroCap MarketPlace is
up on ORYN shares at around a dollar. In fact,
worth your consideration.
I recommend you consider it a buy to $2.50.
There has never been a better time than right
With ORYN hidden from the spotlight and
now to have a team of small stock experts on your
trading at around a dollar, now is the time to
side. The unknown, undervalued gems we routinely
make your move.
uncover are definitely where you’ll find the greatest
My specialty as publisher of MicroCap
upside for outsized profits.
MarketPlace is uncovering great
I look forward to hearing from you today.
ground-floor investments and frankly,
ORYN could be the best one yet!
My research staff and I regularly uncover
little-known and undervalued stocks like ORYN
with the potential to make up to 10 times your
money. As a subscriber to MicroCap MarketPlace,
Mike Casson
Publisher and Executive Editor
, in collaboration with Oryon Tech...let you glow in the dark”
w w w.or yontech.com
Thomas Edison would flip
if he could see this incredible
new lighting invention!
Edison’s first light bulb changed the world!
In this report, you’ll learn about the newest generation of
electrical lighting, the company bringing it to market, and the
profit opportunity it opens to nimble investors.
This revolutionary new technology:
Thrilled audiences worldwide in the movie “Tron”...
■ Lit up lives for 125 million mobile phone users...
■ Earned 55 U.S. and global technology patents
(with 10 more pending)...
And could soon light up the company’s stock
for 1,000%+ gains this year!