SIMPLE RESISTIVE CIRCUIT ANALYSIS C.T. Pan 1 3.1 Series Resistive Circuits 3.2 Parallel Resistive Circuits 3.3 Voltage-divider and Current-divider Circuits 3.4 Measuring Current and Voltage 3.5 Measuring Resistance-The Wheatstone Bridge 3.6 Delta-to-Wye (Pi-to-Tee) Equivalent Circuits C.T. Pan 2 3.1 Series Resistive Circuits Linear resistors (Ohm’s law) R=ρ l A ρ: resistivity of material C.T. Pan 3 3.1 Series Resistive Circuits example of fixed resistors n wirewound type n carbon film type A resistor with zero resistance is called short circuit. A resistor with infinite resistance is called open circuit. C.T. Pan 4 3.1 Series Resistive Circuits n Color code 黑 棕 紅 橙 黃 綠 藍 紫 灰 白 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 金 10-1 銀 10-2 , error 金 ± 5% , 銀 ± 10% no color ± 20% C.T. Pan 5 3.1 Series Resistive Circuits A: B: C: D: C.T. Pan yellow violet red gold 47 X 102 Ω ± 5% 6 3.1 Series Resistive Circuits Red Yellow Green blue Violet red Yellow Green blue Violet 2 4 5 6 7 C.T. Pan 7 3.1 Series Resistive Circuits + v1 - i a R 1 vs i d C.T. Pan b 1 + v3 - s i 3 R + v2 R 2 - i 2 c 3 8 3.1 Series Resistive Circuits High school solution Req = R1 + R2 + R3 vs Req C.T. Pan 9 3.1 Series Resistive Circuits vs i1 = i2 = i3 = Req v1 = R1 i1 v2 = R2 i2 v3 = R3 i3 is = -i1 C.T. Pan 10 3.1 Series Resistive Circuits + v1 - i a 1 i C.T. Pan + v3 - s i 3 N=4 nodes + v2 R vs d b 1 R R 2 - i c 2 b=4 branches 2b method 3 Problem: Find 2b unknowns i1 , i2 , i3 , is v1 , v2 , v3, vs ( Passive sign convention ) 11 3.1 Series Resistive Circuits n Solution: Step1. KCL for N-1=3 nodes node a is = -i1 node b i1 = i2 node c i2 = i3 node d i3 = -is (1) (2) (3) (4) Only N-1 KCL equations are independent ! e.g. Eq (4) can be obtained from the previous three equations C.T. Pan 12 3.1 Series Resistive Circuits Step2. KVL equation v1 + v2 + v3 + (-vs)= 0 (5) Step3. Component models v1 = R1 i1 v2 = R2 i2 v3 = R3 i3 vs = given (6) (7) (8) (9) There are 2b (=8) equations for 2b unknowns. Normally , there exists a unique solution. Unless the modeling is not accurate enough. C.T. Pan 13 3.2 Parallel Resistive Circuits is vs n R1 v 1 R2 i1 i2 v 2 R3 i3 v3 High school solution 1 1 1 1 = + + Req R1 R2 R3 C.T. Pan 14 3.2 Parallel Resistive Circuits vs Req is is = − ik = vs = −(i1 + i2 + i3 ) Req vs , k=1,2,3 Rk Problem : Find 2b unknowns v1 , v2 , v3 , vs i1 , i2 , i3 , is C.T. Pan 15 3.2 Parallel Resistive Circuits Solution : Step1. KCL for N-1=1 node node a is+i1+i2+i3 = 0 Step2. KVL equations C.T. Pan loop A : vs+(-v1) = 0 loop B : vs+(-v2) = 0 loop C : vs+(-v3) = 0 (1) (2) (3) (4) 16 3.2 Parallel Resistive Circuits Step3. Component models v1 = R1 i1 v2 = R2 i2 v3 = R3 i3 vs = given (5) (6) (7) (8) There are 2b = 8 unknowns and there are 8 equations. One can find the unique solution. C.T. Pan 17 3.3 Voltage-divider and Current-divider Circuits n The voltage-divider R1 v R1 + R2 s R2 v2 = v R1 + R2 s v1 = C.T. Pan 18 3.3 Voltage-divider and Current-divider Circuits n The loading effect ( RL ) R2 R L R2 + R L Req vo = v R1 + Req s Req = = C.T. Pan R2 R R1 1 + 2 + R2 RL vs 19 3.3 Voltage-divider and Current-divider Circuits n Generalized case R eq = n ∑R k 1 v j = R ji = C.T. Pan Rj v R eq s 20 3.3 Voltage-divider and Current-divider Circuits n The current divider 1 1 1 = + Req R1 R2 i1 is R1 v k = i s Req , k = 1, 2 i2 R2 v1 R2 = i R1 R1 + R2 s v R1 i2 = 2 = i R2 R1 + R2 s i1 = C.T. Pan 21 3.3 Voltage-divider and Current-divider Circuits n Generalized case i2 i1 is R1 v j n ∑ 1 in Rn 1 Rk = is R eq ∴ ij = C.T. Pan Rj R2 1 = R eq ij v j R eq = i R j R j s 22 3.4 Measuring Current and Voltage An ammeter is an instrument designed to measure current and must be placed in series with current being measured. Example : An analog ammeter based on the d’Arsonval meter movement. C.T. Pan Picture from ELECTRIC CIRCUITS by Nilsson Riedel 8th EDITION , 23 A dc ammeter equivalent circuit RA The movable coil is characterized by a voltage rating and a current rating. e.g. a commercial meter movement is rated at 50mV and 1mA This means when the coil current is 1mA at full-scale position , the voltage drop across the coil is 50mV. C.T. Pan 24 A dc ammeter equivalent circuit An analog ammeter consists of a d’Arsonval movement in parallel with a resister RA Example1 : A 50mV , 1mA d’Arsonval movement is to be used in an ammeter of 1A rating. Determine RA C.T. Pan 25 A dc ammeter equivalent circuit Solution : At full scale rating (1.0 A − 1mA) RA = 50mV ∴ RA = 50 Ω 999 Loading effect due to ammeter C.T. Pan or Rm = 50mV = 0.05 Ω 1A Rm = 50 × 50 999 = 0.05 Ω 50+ 50 999 26 A dc ammeter equivalent circuit n Analog DC Ammeter To allow multiple ranges, shunt resistors are connected in parallel with the movement meter. Im = Rn I fs , current divider Rn + Rm ∴ Rn = Im Rm I fs - I m C.T. Pan 27 A dc ammeter equivalent circuit Example 2 :Design an ammeter for the following multiple ranges (A) 0 ~ 1 A (B) 0 ~ 100 mA (C) 0 ~ 10 mA Assume that Rm=50Ω and Im= 1mA for the adopted d’Arsonval movement meter. C.T. Pan 28 A dc ammeter equivalent circuit Ans : current divider Im = Rn I fs Rn + Rm ∴ Rn = I m × Rm I fs - I m 10 -3 × 50 (A) shunt resistance R1 = ; 0.05 Ω 1A - 1mA 1 × 50 50 (B) R2 = = = 0.505 Ω (100 - 1)mA 99 1 × 50 50 (C) R3 = = = 5.556Ω 10 - 1 9 C.T. Pan 29 A dc ammeter equivalent circuit An ideal ammeter has an equivalent resistance of 0 Ω and functions as a short circuit. C.T. Pan 30 A dc voltmeter equivalent circuit An analog voltmeter consists of a d’Arsonval movement in series with a series resister RV . RV The added RV determines the full-scale reading of the voltmeter. C.T. Pan 31 A dc voltmeter equivalent circuit Example 3: A 50mV , 1mA d’Arsonval movement is used in a voltmeter of 150V rating. Determine RV . C.T. Pan 32 A dc voltmeter equivalent circuit Solution: From voltage divider formula 50 × 150 V 50mV= Rv +50 ∴ Rv =149950 Ω Loading effect of the meter Rm =149950+50=150 kΩ C.T. Pan which is in parallel with the element to be measured. 33 A dc voltmeter equivalent circuit V fs =I fs (Rn +Rm ) ∴ Rn = V fs I fs -Rm The design is based on the worst case which occurs when the full-scale current Ifs=Im flows through the meters. C.T. Pan 34 A dc voltmeter equivalent circuit Example 4 : Design a voltmeter for the following multiple ranges (A) 0 ~ 1 V (B) 0 ~ 5 V (C) 0 ~ 100 V Assume the d’Arsonval movement meter has Rm=2kΩ with full scale Ifs=100μA. C.T. Pan 35 A dc voltmeter equivalent circuit Ans : (A) V fs = I fs (Rm + R1 ) ∴ R1 = V fs 1 - Rm = - 2000 = 8000Ω I fs 100μ 5 - 2000 = 48KΩ 100μ 100 (C) R3 = - 2000 = 998KΩ 100μ (B) R2 = C.T. Pan 36 3.5 Measuring Resistance – The Wheatstone Bridge The Wheatstone bridge circuit is used to measure resistance of mediumvalues :1Ω ~ 1MΩ , with an accuracy of about ± 0.1 % n The Wheatstone bridge circuit n C.T. Pan 37 3.5 Measuring Resistance – The Wheatstone Bridge current detector : a galvanometer RX : the unknown resister C.T. Pan 38 3.5 Measuring Resistance – The Wheatstone Bridge n Measuring RX Adjust R3 until zero current in the galvanometer. i1 = i 3 , i2 = i x V ab = V ac , V bd = V cd ⇒ i1 R1 = i2 R2 , i1 R3 = i2 RX ⇒ R1 R2 = R3 RX ⇒ RX = C.T. Pan R2 R3 R1 39 3.5 Measuring Resistance – The Wheatstone Bridge R1 and R2 : 1 , 10 , 100 , 1000 Ω such that R2 = 0.001 ~ 1000 R1 in decimal steps R3 : adjustable in integral values of resistance from 1 to 11,000 Ω . n Lower than 1Ω and higher than 1MΩ resistances are difficult to measure due to thermal heating effect and current leakage effect , respectively . C.T. Pan 40 3.6 Delta-to-Wye (Pi-to-Tee) Equivalent Circuits n Delta (Δ) or Pi (π) circuit Rb Ra Rc n Wye (Y) or Tee (T) circuit C.T. Pan 41 3.6 Delta-to-Wye (Pi-to-Tee) Equivalent Circuits n Δ – Y transformation Rc Rb C.T. Pan R1 Ra R2 R3 42 3.6 Delta-to-Wye (Pi-to-Tee) Equivalent Circuits R ab = R c // (R a + R b ) = R 1 + R 2 R bc = R a // (R b + R c ) = R 2 + R 3 R ca = R b // (R c + R a ) = R 3 + R 1 ⇒ R1 = RbRc Ra + Rb + Rc R2 = RcRa Ra + Rb + Rc R3 = Ra Rb Ra + Rb + Rc C.T. Pan 43 3.6 Delta-to-Wye (Pi-to-Tee) Equivalent Circuits n Y to Δ transformation Similarly , given R1 , R2 , R3 ; one can find Ra , Rb , Rc C.T. Pan Ra = R1 R 2 + R 2 R3 + R3 R1 R1 Rb = R1 R 2 + R 2 R 3 + R3 R1 R2 Rc = R1 R 2 + R 2 R3 + R 3 R1 R3 44 3.6 Delta-to-Wye (Pi-to-Tee) Equivalent Circuits n Special case , if R1=R2=R3=R , then Ra=Rb=Rc=3R C.T. Pan 45 3.6 Delta-to-Wye (Pi-to-Tee) Equivalent Circuits n Example : Use Y – Δ transformation to find V in the following circuit. C.T. Pan 46 3.6 Delta-to-Wye (Pi-to-Tee) Equivalent Circuits Solution : C.T. Pan 47 3.6 Delta-to-Wye (Pi-to-Tee) Equivalent Circuits Solution : 20×10 +10×5 + 5×20 35 = Ω 20 2 350 Rb = = 35Ω 10 350 Rc = = 70Ω 5 Ra = C.T. Pan 48 3.6 Delta-to-Wye (Pi-to-Tee) Equivalent Circuits 70 / / 28 = 20 Ω ⇒ + V 35 Ω - 35 / / 105 = 15 Ω 2 ⇒ ∴ C.T. Pan V = 2A × 35Ω 2 = 35V 49 Summary n Objective 1 : Review series and parallel resistive circuit solution approach. n Objective 2 : Recognize the 2b method by standard mathematical formulation. ( KCL + KVL + Ohm’s Law ) n Objective 3 : Know how to use simple voltage-divider and current- divider concepts to solve simple circuit. C.T. Pan 50 Summary n Objective 4 : Be able to determine the reading of ammeters and voltmeters. n Objective 5 : Understand how to a Wheatstone bridge is used to measure resistance. n Objective 6 : Know when and how to use delta-to-wye equivalent circuits to solve a simple circuit. C.T. Pan 51 Assignment : Chapter Problems Problem : 3.14 3.24 3.30 3.33 3.50 3.64 n Due within one week. n C.T. Pan 52 C.T. Pan 53