MOPD027 Proceedings of IPAC’10, Kyoto, Japan THE RF DESIGN OF THE LINAC4 RFQ O. Piquet, O. Delferrière, M. Desmons, A.C. France, CEA Saclay, France A. Lombardi, C. Rossi, M. Vretenar CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Abstract In the Linac 4 and the SPL, a 3 MeV RFQ is required to accelerate the H- beam from the ion source to the DTL input energy. While the 6-meter long IPHI RFQ was initially chosen for this application, a CERN study [1] suggested that a dedicated, shorter 3-meter RFQ might present several advantages. The 2D cross-section is optimized for lower power dissipation, while featuring simple geometrical shape suitable for easy machining. RF stability is evaluated using a 4-wire transmission model and 3D simulations, taking electrode modulation into account. The resulting RFQ is intrinsically stable and does not require rod stabilizers. End circuits are tuned with dedicated rods. RF power is fed via a ridged waveguide and a slot iris. Vacuum port assemblies are positioned prior to brazing to minimize RF perturbation. The 32 tuning slugs form a set of stable sampling, able to tune 9 modes. Tuner parameters are derived from beadpull accuracy specification and fabrication tolerances. Signals delivered by pickup loops inserted in 16 of these tuners will be used to reconstruct the voltage profile under operation. Thermo-mechanical simulations are used to design temperature control specifications. INTRODUCTION The Linac4 RFQ must be capable of providing the Linac4 beam as the PS Booster injector, working at 1.1 Hz with 0.400 ms beam pulses, 70 mA beam current, or to feed the Linac4 when working with the SPL either as LHC injector (2 Hz, 1.2 ms, 40 mA) or as the neutrino factory driver (50 Hz, 1.2 ms, 70 mA). The RFQ will be of brazed-copper construction and will be built and assembled at CERN (Figure 1). A loaded, lossless 4-wire transmission line model is used to relate differences between measured and desired intervane voltages (Figure 2) and to tune devices dimensions (end plates and slugs) [2]. The location of the quadrant bottom plane is adjusted for 345.53 MHz resonance frequency with tuner in zero position. Electrical parameters of 2D cross-section (without any tuner) derived from 2D COMSOL simulations are given in Table 1. The 346.020 MHz frequency anticipates tuner bore detuning. i2(z) L2 U1 L'33 i1(z) U2 L'12 L' 23 v 2(z) i3(z) L'11 Ca v 3(z+dz) i1(z+dz) L3 C3 L4 v1(z) i3(z+dz) 3 Cb 1 v 2(z+dz) C2 C1 L1 L' 13 v 3(z) i2(z+dz) 2 L'22 U3 C4 v 1(z+dz) U4 4 z z+dz Figure 2: 4-wire line model. Table 1: Transmission-line Parameters Parameter Value Unit parallel inductance 6.970031 10-9 H.m parallel capacitance 30.352946 10-12 F/m diagonal capacitance 1.954868 10-12 F/m quadrupole eigen-frequency 346.020 MHz dipole eigen-frequency 335.389 MHz Table 2 reports the main electrical parameters for the RFQ cavity, computed for the dipole and quadrupole mode cut-off frequencies. The power dissipation is calculated assuming 5 mΩ surface resistance for copper. Table 2: RFQ Electrical Parameters Figure 1: Linac4 RFQ. RF DESIGN Cavity design The 2D section of the RFQ cavity has been kept constant over the full RFQ length, in order to simplify the mechanical fabrication. Linac4 RFQ electrical parameters quadrupole dipole Units Vane voltage 78.27 78.27 kV Quality factor 10269 9936 Stored energy 0.372 0.395 J/m Dissipated power 78.738 83.848 kW/m 04 Hadron Accelerators 738 A08 Linear Accelerators Proceedings of IPAC’10, Kyoto, Japan Electric fieeld (max) 30.860 35.312 M MV/m Kilpatrick 1.675 1.917 Magnetic field fi (max) 5444 5595 A A/m Magnetic fiield (in J6) 5397 5550 A A/m MOPD027 vanees, the rod and the endd plate, for thermal andd mech hanical simulaations (Figuree 5). The study for thee tuning of thee end cells haas shown thatt dipole rods are not requiredd because th he frequencyy sepaaration betweeen the acceleraating quadrupole mode andd the adjacent a dipolle modes is abbout 5 MHz, which shouldd guarrantee sufficiennt stability duuring operation n. Vane Moduulation Effect Electrical parameters p (pparallel and diaagonal capaciitance variations vs. abscissa along a RFQ, assuming a connstant parallel induuctance) of V22TERM moduulated structurre are estimated byy COMSOL 3D simulation of each RFQ Q cell. Quadrupole and dipole frequency shhifts (respecttively -0.208Mhz and a -3.871MH Hz with respeect to their values v for un-moduulated structurre) are used to t estimate EigenE frequencies and a voltage prrofile of moduulated cells (F Figure 3). Q-mode frequency f shift and voltagee difference shhould be easily canncelled by tuneers. F Figure 4: Vacuuum port. Figure 3: Relative Q-modee voltage diffeerence vs. Abscissa. Figgure 5: End ceell with rod. VACUU UM PORTS p are arraanged in arraays of diaphrragms Vacuum ports designed to attenuate thhe RF transsmission intoo the vacuum systtem, but theese openings lead an appparent increase of resonating volume. v This increase caan be compensatedd by carefullyy adjusting thhe position off port assembly in its RFQ openning. SOPRAN NO 3D simulaations have been peerformed to esstimate the opptimum positiion of a port design (Figure 4). Furthermoree, the port wiill be experimentallly adjusted before second brazing in ordder to reduce mechhanical defaults due to machining m andd first brazing. END CEL LLS TUNIN NG The tuninng of the end region, wiith respect too the quadrupole mode, m is madde by adjustinng the length of 4 rods. 3D caalculations with w SOPRAN NO software have been perform med (1) to opttimize the diam meter and position of the rod inn order to minnimize the electric field bettween rod and vane, (2) to optiimize the tuniing range of these rods and (3) to obtain thee power deposition on bothh, the TU UNING STR RATEGY Th he tuning of thhe RFQ cavityy will be assurred by a set off 32 identical 80m mm-diameter ppiston tuners plus the RF F inpu ut coupler andd the three RF F dummy porrts. (Figure 1)) Tuneer 2D inducctance slopee required by b the RFQ Q transsmission line model are deerived from COMSOL C 3D D simu ulations. Diffferent slug tuuner position ns have beenn exam mined, from -440 mm to +355 mm. The reesulting linearr frequ uency shift in i [0, +35] sshows that Slater's S smalll pertu urbation theorry may be aapplied safely y in this casee (Figu ure 6). Tu uner spacing is i directly relaated to RFQ voltage v tuningg process [3]. Beadd-pull measurrements are used u to sensee longitudinal magnnetic field Hz(x0,y0,z) vs. abscissa z att somee transverse loocation {x0,y0} in RFQ quaadrants, and a conv version factorr κ(z) = V(z)/Hz(x0,y0,z) is i applied too recov ver the value of inter-vane voltage V(z). CO OMSOL 3D simulations hhas also show wn that tunerr spacing larger than 240 mm m would yield y relativee variaations of κ(z) less than a few w 10-3. 04 Hadron Accelerators A08 Linear Accelerators 739 MOPD027 Proceedings of IPAC’10, Kyoto, Japan Table 3: Calculated Tuuner Position Range m position min p max position Tuner T (mm) (mm m) slugs s -4.0 +3 30.5 freq-freq2 2D vs tuner penetration Dborre = Dtuner + 2mm 35 3 Tuners / me eter 30 Dtuner=80m mm freq-freq2D ( MHz ) 25 Freq flush f = 345.525626 MHz Freq q 2D = 346.020509 MHz 20 RF R port 0 +9.0 + 15 RF POWER P C COUPLING G 10 5 0 -5 -10 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 penetration ( mm ) Figure 6: 3D frequenncy shift vs. tuuner position. TU UNER POS SITION RA ANGE Errors inn the mechaanical consttruction havee an important im mpact on the electromagnet e tic behavior of o the RFQ cavity. Once the connstruction of the t RFQ moduule is achieved, theese errors cann be compenssated by meaans of the slug tuuners. Tunerr position liimits requireed to compensate for given connstruction erroors may be deerived from inter-vvane capacitance errors. Tolerancess on electrodes tipps are definedd by the two nuumbers t and δ: δ - center off curvature of each electrodee tip is locatedd in a square with side s 2t, centerred at its theorretical locationn; - electrodee tip radius errror is boundedd by ±δ. Present evaluation e usses t = 30 µm m and δ= 100 µm. Tuner positiions are alsoo used to com mpensate forr CQQ errors resultting from vane modulatioons. The resuulting capacitance relative r error volume v is dispplayed in Figuure 7. It is inscribeed in a parallelepiped bounnded by ±2.2293 % along the QQ Q axis, and ±3.516 % along SQ and TQ axes. a RF F input port follows the same design n as in IPHII projeect. Coupling is tuned by addjusting the diiameter of thee coup pling hole. RF F simulationss are used to estimate RF F lossees in RFQ crooss section, eend cells, vaccuum ports….. The power dissippated by the ttuner assemblly is stronglyy depeendent of tunner position rrange required for tuning.. Beam m loading is i 210 kW aat 70 mA beeam current.. Therrefore, the tottal power proovided to the RFQ may bee estim mated betweeen 480 kW and 620 kW. W. HFSS andd COM MSOL softwaares are usedd to estimate coupling forr diffeerent hole raddii (Figure 8). A radius beetween 6 mm m and 7 mm has beeen defined annd will be ad djusted duringg the setting s of the RFQ R accordinng to tuner possition. Figuure 8: RF pow wer coupling. CONCLU USION A complete annalysis of thhe Linac4 RF FQ has beenn perfo ormed using RF simulatting codes 3D 3 (Comsol,, Soprrano and HFS SS) and a RFQ Q 4-wire tran nsmission linee mod del. These toolls are used to calculate diffferent systemss (as end e cells or tuuner) requiredd to compensaate errors duee to th he mechanical construction. Figure 7:: Capacitance relative error volume, in thhe {QQ,SQ Q,TQ} basis. Tuner possition range required for compensatioon of these capacitance errorss, and tuningg at 352.2 MHz operating freequency, is evvaluated usingg method desccribed in [3]. Resullting values (without ( any safety marginn) are shown in tabble 3. [1] A. Lombardi,, C. Rossi, M M. Vretenar, Design D of ann RFQ Accelerrator optimizzed for Linacc4 and SPL,, CERN-AB-20007-027-RF. [2] O. Piquet, M.. Desmons, A A. France Tuniing proceduree of the 6 meterrs IPHI RFQ, PAC07. [3] A. France, O. O Delferrière,, M. Desmon ns, O. Piquett Design of slug tuners for thhe SPIRAL2 RFQ, R PAC07. 04 Hadron Accelerators 740 A08 Linear Accelerators